Primo Capitulo: Glacies Tabescet
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The sun bore down upon Gryphon Academy. The very cobbles beneath one's feet threatened to melt shoes and burn skin, and the air was hot and heavy, so much so that breathing itself became a test of strength. Students and teachers walked with the grace of zombies, panting and lumbering from one place to the next. Gryphon's populace comes from all over Magnagea, and the cold-acclimated folks from Frostmouth, and gods forbid Ísfjall, suffered the greatest from the sweltering heat. Fionn Oddmund failed to suffer along with the other Ísfjallamenn, as he added another ice cube to his glass.

It was only right, Fionn thought, that he was an adept of cryomancy. Always the sentimental type, he felt that his magic is a way of keeping the spirit of Ísfjall with him. Plus, it definitely had its perks.

"Fionn... please..." Aza begged, meekly tapping her empty cup on the table.

Fionn obliged, willing small icecubes into existence from nothing but hot air.

"So, do you have plans for the day, or are you just going to beg me for ice?"

"But that was my plan..." She whimpered, chewing on ice.

"Well unless you feel sticking around with me for a hike, you can find your cold elsewhere."

"How in the world are you going for a hike in this weather?"

Fionn motioned to the cups on the table, both full of ice and water.


"It's about midday now," Fionn stretched, and rose to his feet, "About time I get started."

"Don't let me hold you up. Don't overdo it, yeah? If you of all people got heatstroke, I don't know if I'd laugh or cry."

"Cry then laugh, knowing you. See you later, Aza."

Aza raised her glass to wave goodbye, and Fionn set out to leave the academy grounds.

It's not too common for students to leave the grounds, save for emergencies or holidays. It's not forbidden, it's just that most people have little reason to leave. Students live on the grounds, those who work typically work within the grounds, and there are plenty of places to spend one's time and/or money. That being said, leaving the grounds can provide a great space to clear one's mind, or to just take in the scenery. For Fionn, spending time in the wilderness is the perfect way to keep himself in good spirits and in good health; at least once a month, never more than once a week, he ventures into the wilderness beyond Gryphon's walls.