Capitulo Tertio: Glacies Dentes
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Fionn had been following his mark for a number of hours now. The sun had set, and the choking air had cooled down to a comfortable chill. Not the type of cold Fionn would prefer, but beggars can't be choosers. As he had assumed, the two weren't lying about their destination, and had stopped outside of Gryphon Academy's main gate, perhaps assuming the gate was locked. It was not locked. Though the distance between the gate and the treeline put him out of earshot, Fionn had a relatively good idea as to what the hooded people were talking about. The woman spoke with her movements just as much as her voice, and while the man was less animated, Fionn could tell the two were arguing. As he was considering the best course of action from the safety of a bush, his focus was snapped back to the world outside of his head.

"You're welcome to join me, if you grow a brain."

The woman, Auðr, was walking back into the forests, right towards Fionn's hiding spot. It was no use hiding now, either he makes a move and gets spotted, or he waits until Auðr trips over him and, of course, sees him. Fionn elected to get up; if he couldn't hide, he wasn't going to make a fool of himself trying. In the gloom of the night, Auðr's expression was just visible to Fionn: Panic.

"Hello again, Au-"

"OLVE WE'VE GOT COMPANY!" Auðr shouted, before scrambling past Fionn and into the woods. He may have been a good hunter, but there was no way he would catch up to her, not in this light with a head start.

Olve turned away from the gate, and faced Fionn.

"So. What are you doing, exactly?" Fionn asked, more curious than anything.

"You know, I can never decide if I dislike this part or not." Olve said, slowly walking towards Fionn.

The two men made their way towards each other, Fionn from the underbrush, and Olve from the gate, until there were about twelve feet between them.

"I suppose a little introduction couldn't hurt, considering what happens next." He said, shrugging.

Fionn stayed quiet.


Olve removed his hood, doing rather little to unobscure his face in the darkness. He was a taller, pale man, though finer detail remained elusive.

"My name is Olve Jesper. I am, by trade, a thief. By right, however, I am whatever I choose."

Fionn cocked an eyebrow.

"And I'm the king of Midmead, give me your taxes."

"Well if there's anything I won't do, it's that." Olve chuckled in reply.

"I do believe we're getting off track, though. Allow me to explain what is going to happen." He went on.

"I am going to walk into that school, I am going to find something expensive, or *somethings*, and then I am going to leave. You, nor anyone else, will stop me."

Fionn stopped for a moment, racking his brain for the things he had seen that day.

"I was watching you for a while back there, but I don't think I saw you hit your head?"

Olve laughed quietly.

"You doubt me."

"Can you blame me?"

"Well, I suppose not," Olve admitted. "But, you'll soon find out that doubting me is truly, truly a bad idea."

Fionn cracked his knuckles, and a cold mist began to form around his hands.

"Here I was, worried my night may be boring." Fionn raised his fists, ready to fight.

"I'll be sporting, you may have the first shot." Olve offered.

Fionn was never one to pass up a good opportunity, and took full advantage of his opponent's generosity. He focused and brought his magic into his hand, enwreathing it in a thick coating of ice. With a step forward and a swift punch, Fionn willed the ice to accelerate off of his hand, shooting straight for Olve.

Something happened.

The ice had just missed its mark, brushing just past Olve's head and smashing into the stone wall behind him.

"Ooo, so close. Care to try again?" Olve suggested to the stunned Fionn.

Fionn reeled back again, commanding another icicle into existence before flinging it towards Olve with the precision of a master archer.

Something happened.

The ice once more missed its target. Fionn stared at his hands, utterly perplexed. He had missed shots before, but a non-moving target, just a few yards away?

"I suppose you weren't there for this particular lesson, but let me explain to you what I told Auðr."

Olve walked towards Fionn again, halving the distance between them.

"Fortune is on my side. It always will be."

Olve shut his eyes, and spread his arms wide.

"Try. Hit me with your best shot, I'll be waiting."

Fionn could have broken his teeth from clenching his jaw. He widened his stance, and used his rage to fuel his magic. Ice crawled up his fingers to his wrists, growing in size and power, the air swirled around them, growing ever closer to the biting winds of Fionn's home.