4 | Gangplank and Greatsword
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The choreography is something I've been experimenting with. Hopefully, it shouldn't be too dull!

Wood splinters flew from the railings as the ship was rocked by the impact, causing the sailors manning the swivel guns to be thrown back.

Meanwhile, the sky-skiffs and their eager, bloodthirsty occupants were unharmed. The light of the inertia dampening runes placed on the rams faded, their energies spent.


The bellow came from a particularly large raider in full gothic plate, with the exception of a helmet, leaving his toothy grin and raggedly black hair on display.

The raiders heeded his cry, jumping over the railings of the Skylark and filling onto the deck- 

Except that Eochaidh was waiting near one of the sky-skiffs, brandishing his Greatsword with a wide grin.


A raider holding a mace and shield roared in response, barreling towards Eochaidh in a charge.


The raider's lower right leg tumbled to the ground, and so did the bandit with a pained cry before Eochaidh knocked them out with a kick to the head.

"Surround him!"

Three raiders approached, attempting to flank Eochaidh. The one holding a spear went straight for him, the one holding a falchion and shield went for his left, while the one holding a longsword went right.

Eochaidh scoffed, stepping backwards to create distance.

Full Iron Gate 

Posta Tutta Porta di Ferro

Left foot forward, knees bent, weight dropped onto balls of the feet, back straight, core engaged. Turn your lower body into a griffon! A sinuous, swift being whereupon to deliver techniques!

Spear-raider's arms were raised above their head, spear pointing down at Eochaidh's face.

Relax shoulders and arms, letting them hang in front of hips. Hold the sword lightly, with only the last two fingers of each hand. Explosive power can only come from turning relaxation into tension, and needless tension drains the body. Snap like a serpent's jaws!

Falchion-raider's shield was raised, and so was their falchion, which would come for a downward chop.

Keep your blade pointing downward, to the left. For a greatsword, the blade will be more horizontal as opposed to vertical, due to its size. Regardless, this leaves you seeming open, but...

Spear-raider suddenly lowered their arms to their hips and stepped forward, spear thrust at Eochaidh's chest...


...Which was beaten to the side with a rising diagonal sweep from Eochaidh! 

It gives you room to sweep your sword across! with the blade so close to your centre of gravity, little movement is needed, and thus it strikes swifter than a thunderbolt! And now!

The greatsword stopped, pointed directly at the spear-raider's chest. The greatsword being barely any shorter than a spear, was thus scarcely inches away from the raider's chest, whose eyes widened as they realised what was coming.


With no means of defence, spear-raider's chest and back blossomed with red, chainmail providing little protection from the greatsword's thrust. Stepping back, Eochaidh pulled his greatsword back, letting the body collapse.

All of this happened in only a few seconds. Falchion-raider and longsword-raider flanked him, panic in their eyes as they realised they were dealing with a professional. 

To the left!

Stepping and bending his body to the left, making distance from the longsword-raider while edging closer to the falchion-raider, swung low at the falchion-raider's legs- the same move he had used to dispatch the first shield-bearer.

While it was foolish to use the same trick twice, and indeed the falchion-raider hurriedly pulled their frontal foot back to avoid the sweep...


...which went flying regardless as they cried in anguish, falling to the floor. Just because you knew what was coming didn't mean you could avoid it.


The longsword-raider had closed in, launching a thrust at Eochaidh's side. In this range, using his greatsword would be inconvenient, but...


Using half-swording by moving his left hand to the blade of the greatsword while his right hand slipped up its grip, the greatsword's effective length was shortened, allowing him to use it effectively even at a longsword's effective range. Thus, Eochaidh easily beat the thrust to the side and stepped forward to deliver a riposte.

However, longsword-raider was quicker on their feet than the rest of their comrades, predicting that the riposte would come and thus managing to step away from the thrust in time.

No matter.

Letting the hand on the blade of his greatsword slip away, he thrust the greatsword forward with only his right hand and stepped forward.

This extended the range of his thrust greatly, allowing it to catch the longsword-raider's shoulder as they backtracked, staining it in red.


As the longsword-raider was thrown off balance, Eochaidh brought their greatsword back, swung and stepped forward.


Longsword-raider was now long guts-raider.