Chapter 14
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Ryo awoke as the next day sunlight gently touched his face. 

Ryo woke up really refreshed, he thought he had never slept so well. However, as he was going to continue to think about his well-rested night. There was some weight on his left breast, so he looked at the part of the body that was causing the sensation. And the sight he saw really caused him a rush of joy.

For some reason, the duvet was pushed to the floor. So the unnecessary material did not cover anything. Ryo noticed that he himself was wearing only boxer shorts and for some reason had a bandage on his stomach. But it does not matter. Most of all, Ryo was happy to see Ghis nestled in his body. Best of all, she was wearing only typical samurai, ninja or something similar underwear. Consisting of a loose loincloth covering the gash from the front, and a rolled material between the buttocks. And her breasts were only covered by bandages or a bodice of a long rectangular fabric.

(Ryo)-,,Fuck it! I don't get up .... I don't care. I have everything I want. Only improving the position would be even better."

Ryo then slipped his left hand under Rhis's bra and carefully examined Ghis's left breast. And the second one with difficulty, because the distance between Ryo's hand and Ghis's butt is considerable. And he grabbed her ass and cuddled up to her. as a result of which his erection touched Ghis' abdomen. However, in this position, Ryo stayed and relished until reality caught up with him.

On the one hand, the groans of Ghis, still sleeping. However, Ryo realizes that they don't have to get up for a long time and go on one mission. But much better payable. And go to the dungeon and try some fights on the first few floors, preferably to the first boss. And go back to the inn before nightfall. And to force myself to get up, or at least wake up the Ghis. Ryo promised himself that tonight he would do what he wanted to Ghis from the very beginning. And no matter how long it takes, tomorrow is Sunday after all. So the Guild is closed anyway, and if they go to the Dungeon a little later, nothing will happen.

However, before he made his decision, he decided to enjoy the moment a little longer. So after a few moments, he put Ghis on his back. He positioned her in the "M" position and, sitting on his lap, leaned over and began to kiss her while touching her tits. Until she woke up and revived with the seal of the slave or on her own. She kissed her back, and after a moment Ryo said.

(Ryo)-Good Ghis. How did you sleep?

(Ghis)-heh...Good...What are we doing? .... khh .... master.

Well, nothing will come out of the mission earlier on the mission ... It was too much. No guy could stand it in such a situation. The girl was almost naked in the "M" position, the guy with only boxer shorts in the right position for the action. And she called him "master" .... So Ryo got the tide and said.

(Ryo)-I wanted to go on missions now. However, you struck a critical blow with that last word. So for now .... (he puts his mouth close to hers) Missions can wait.

Then the action starts to get dull. Ryo kisses the ghis while his free hand rips off her bra and frees her perfect breasts from this material prison. And he starts playing with them.

After some time, Ghis cannot fight his instincts, which as a Beasthuman are much stronger. Which results in Ghis putting his legs energetically and forcefully on Ryo's back. And holding the weight in my hands. She tosses Ryo on his back and jumps on his own and keeps her buttocks on Ryo's crotch as he vigorously pulls them.

Then she brings her face back to Ryo and kissing her with her free hand takes off her "panties" and literally rips Ryo's open pants, releasing Ryo's already hard cock, which in effect hits her buttocks.

An interesting fact is that female Beasthumans are the dominant mates in bed. And they often fuck their partner until they are not satisfied themselves or her partner.

Ghis then tears his mouth away from Ryo, and as Ryo tries to speak, he will cover his mouth. And her ferocious fierce smile says it all. And with the fact that Ryo likes him, he doesn't question it.

Ghis breaks into position 69 and they both start a small race. Which lasts for a good dozen or so minutes.

Nobody says anything but the groans and sounds of two heated bodies. Pure passion, without any vulgar texts or forcing you to say some dirty content.

Then they both do it for a lot of purposes, for a missionary, a handyman, a dog, and more.

And after a good few hours and another half an hour to clean up, Ryo and Ghis, already dressed, went to Gidlia to pick up their missions.

There were also some problems with registering Ghis as a slave. However, due to the fact that the Guild prohibits Slaves from registering and carrying out missions. As an exception, given by Sif with the permission of the Guildmaster. Ghis has been registered as a normal adventurer. And they are registered as a duo, and the duo name will be given after the guild or the people themselves name you. Or after completing 10 missions, you can set the name of the duo ... team.

As for missions, they chose something separate from Ryo's previous missions.

Ryo chose the mission that paid the best and did not consider fire to be the creature's greatest weakness. Like light magic to weak demons.

The mission that Ryo chose was the extermination of the "High Desert Ogres". Said species is completely unlike its lower evolutionary cousins that Ryo met before. Desert ogres, even before evolution, lived in the desert, which influenced their evolution. their appearance, they generally look like oversized, packed humanoid ponies with really long "horns". Growing up next to their mouth. Which are Ryo's target as the price of one corner is as high as 60 silver coins. For the simple fact that they are twice as strong as the common ogre and can be found in groups of two to 10 individuals.

The mission should theoretically be for a C or B rank adventurer. But Ghis used to be an adventurer and had a B rank. However, due to petrification, she fired C. However, another reason is that when Ryo asked what the horns of a High Ogre Desert were for. Sif gave him a book .... he had to pay for. And he found out that the powdered horn is an ingredient in many potions and medicines. But more importantly, it is an ingredient in a potion that slows down petrification. So Ryo plans to collect ingredients that will inhibit petrification, health regeneration, healing, and the like. To experiment later and try to create a cure for petrification.

So thanks to Ghis, Ryo can take this mission. Which will give him not only a profit, but also resources for alchemy, and a lot of XP. And from the fact that she has Ghis, who on her way to the territory of the Desert Ogres told him that she had fought them in the past. The fact is that they are slow and you have to aim for their stitch, which can be cut if you attack the same point multiple times. They can be killed. However, it is time-consuming. However, Ryo already has many ways to use fire magic that will make it easier to deal with them.

And as they entered the territory of the High Desert Ogres, Ryo remembered and, looking around, asked.

(Ryo)-Ghis...Why did I have a bandage on my stomach this morning ... I forgot to ask.

(Ghis)-mmm...Master. When he fell on me due to mana depletion. I was in the process of holstering the sword and the master tapped on the sharp edge.

(Ryo)-Ahh...Okey...Wait!!!...Behind this dune.