Gryph the Gryphon 7 – the imaginary avian
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do u know what Gryph the Gryphon would like


an avian who would talk to Gryph


* avian nuzzles Gryph *


* Gryph is excited *


imaginary avian :

i see u wanted me

have u been lonely


* Gryph was lonely *



i knew it

u haven’t had anyone special for perhaps

over a thousand years


that’s quite many years Gryph

how can anyone survive like this



Gryph doesn't think about this now . bc now Gryph imagined an avian . this means Gryph now thinks about nice things to do with this avian . so Gryph needn't to think about previous things which may not have been very nice

still this avian is imaginary . still for Gryph when Gryph imagines avians . Gryph treats those creatures like real creatures . this way Gryph can treat avian spirits well


avian :

“ very nice “

“ do u want to come with me “


not often someone asks Gryph to come . bc not everyone likes Gryph . so why would others ask Gryph if others don’t see why the others should be with Gryph

* leap *

before Gryph thinks . sometimes Gryph acts and then Gryph thinks . bc the Gryph’s instincts can be like this

esp when another avian asks Gryph to do things . Gryph feels very nice and Gryph follows the avian sometimes before the avian says anything


avian : “ u are so quick Gryph “

“ do u always leap to places “


“ i see “

“ u must be very lonely “


now Gryph and avian go to another edge of this forest . now the avians go to an edge . Gryph didn’t visit this edge many times before . and for the things visible from this edge . Gryph didn’t visit those places

if the avian leads Gryph to this new place . then Gryph goes somewhere new . and this can be exciting and scary too


avian : “ Gryph do u see this place “


“ we don’t go there yet “

“ bc now i want to “


“ show u something “


this is exciting for Gryph . bc if an avian shows something . Gryph believes this will not be scary


* hug *


avian : “ bc u like hugs i decided to give u one “


u can only imagine how such a hug feels when u have not got a hug from anyone for hundreds of years

even if this avian is imaginary


avian : “ and u like strokes too “

* stroke *


Gryph lies down and is . bc when Gryph visualizes these kind of events . Gryph needs to focus well so Gryph can feel when an imaginary avian decides to stroke

bc the imaginary avians don’t always stroke everything . Gryph’s mind is like this . sometimes this mind doesn’t want to stroke even Gryph . perhaps bc Gryph is very lazy


avian : “ now i want to be on u “


now Gryph has an avian on top of Gryph . not everyone wants to get on top Gryph either . others don’t even want to ride on Gryph to places . bc Gryph is the wild Gryphon and others likely are very scared of Gryph . even if inside Gryph Gryph is hopeless and kind


more later