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Date: Sunday 23rd September 1967

location: moon, HQ


chief made his way down an elevator and hurried into a control room filled with flurrying scientists and soldiers taking orders and sending messages through comms, chief sat down and pressed a button on his chair and all movement in the room stopped.

"are preparations for the bio-weapon operation complete?" asked chief sternly

"yes sir." said one man as he sent a holographic image towards chief

"then prepare for the subjugation of the watcher," he said as he took a helmet from his chair and fit it on his head, the helmet then created a thin layer of mesh that formed a mask around his face, it rippled every time he spoke.

"prepare delta forces for first contact, i want to know what this thing is capable of before we juice it." chief said as he's voice changed into something deeper and more robotic.


"all units ready on my command ," said the commander of the delta as he got into his mecha, he slipped in his arms and legs and strapped in the hatch for the upper torso.

"move out" he shouted as the barrier opened slightly and the army of mecha's stormed out towards the location beeping on their map

"engage ion thrusters," shouted the commander as a sea of metal took to the sky and became blue dots in a matter of seconds


far away on a unoccupied mountain that faced the earth, a dwarf sized man with an abnormally sized head sat quietly on a piece of bedrock, it's name was Uatu and it was as usual doing what it was born to do. to continue to observe the happenings of the  location he was currently assigned to by his brethren and record the detailed actions of this certain race (although he did not know why) to pass on to the next generation after the end of this universe.

it was going about its normal routine when it suddenly felt a certain amount of energy heading towards its direction, it immediately stood up and went to go see just what was happening because in all its days on this rock it had yet to see the current civilisation it was assessing form any technology that could harm it except for the sightings of cosmic entities visiting this land or cosmic creations such as the infinity stones,

although it was of a Aged race it still felt quite confused at the idea of continuously anomalies taking place in this little rock yet not once was it destroyed, an intriguing little world crawling with potential yet just as dangerous. It knew it would need to be careful how it greeted the natives.


"commander we have eyes on the target" said one of the squad leaders as he began to initialise his weapon.

"ATTACK," shouted the commander as he charged while he fired up his neutron blaster, he took aim and fired a blob of convulsing blue and pinkish energy which went hurtling towards the mountain.

as soon as it made contact half the upper end of the mountain vanished in milliseconds, the rest of the mecha soldiers took this as a signal and also fired weapons although not as powerful but together had practically decimated the area.

as the dust cleared all that was left was a floating little being with glowing eyes, it began to send telekinetic messages to explain that it did not wish to engage in mindless violence and was simply tasked to watch over the race.

"ignore it and remember your training, engage helmets and continue firing,"said the commander as beep went of signalling the newly installed mental energy blocking helmets, that were functioned on the mechas, beginning to activate.

lights filled up the atmosphere of the moon and the continued assault of the delta squad did not seem to phase the watcher much except probably a hint of annoyance as it weaved through the shots and made its way towards the commander

"chief we are almost out of ammunition should we move in for the kill?" asked the commander through his comm that was on his wrist.


" i guess they aren't the some of the oldest most advanced beings in the cosmos for nothing" said chief as he lit a cigar and made his way out in his battle suit, it was chrome coloured with streaks of red coming of it and it was sleek and showed his muscular figure it also had cloak on his right shoulder made of small hexagonal membranes and glowed a dark blue colour this cloak acted as a shield and he had a compartment on top of his right wrist that was glowing with a purple light and finally on his hip he had a gun that had specially designed for him alone and with his mask that vibrated with moving liquid metal when ever he spoke chief truly looked like some futuristic overlord.

"lets go," said chief as he flew out with a gigantic vessel that had a huge canon placed on top manned by almost a hundred soldiers and made his way to the battlefield.


it began to grow tired of dodging but it had no choice it could not break the eternal vow of its race even if these weaklings annoyed it slightly, suddenly it noticed an incoming ship and could feel something that could threaten its life, this made the entity immediately stop playing with the mechs and move at shocking speed towards the ship


"sir incoming we still need more time to fire this thing it hasn't even been tested yet," shouted a man from the control room while checking the functions of the cannon.

"how much time do you need," said chief calmly

"around 5 minutes tops," he said as he continued to type quickly

chief breathed in slowly then he pressed a button on his wrist and the compartment on his wrist glowed purple and out came a 10 inch long blade with sharp edges glowing deep purple and had arcs of energy spitting of the blade.

"hehehehehe," he chuckled savagely as he swung furiously towards the watcher who came hurtling at surprising speed, chief then whipped out a gun and shot some some mini missiles that went hurtling towards the watcher.

it side stepped and proceeded but was shocked to discover chief having suddenly reaching it's location before it could react it took a huge lariat to it's guts and was sent flying into a pile of boulders.

"quick little bastard," scoffed chief while his orange glowing arm began to cool down as gas was released from two small openings on his elbow,  he then moved towards the watcher but suddenly it realised a psyonic attack that was sensed by the AI in his suit and chief side stepped and left blur in his position.

"nice i guess your now officially a criminal in the eyes of your people then hahahaha," laughed chief as he swiped his plasma sword and zoomed towards the watcher to begin the real battle

the watcher seeing the possible threat to it's life and the current situation being beyond it's control had cut it's losses and went all out to get rid of this threat that could not be allowed to continue to grow from right under it's nose.

the watcher quickly created another psyonic attack and this time using it's energy it quickly began to control the environment of the battle field.


"hey how much longer do you need, he's getting serious now," said chief as he could feel the danger slowly build up, this was after all a being that was virtually immortal.

"sir we are ready just give the signal," said the man while chewing some gum

"fire," said chief as he began to shoot wildly as mountains began to move towards him he blurred past some but still managed to get hit and was sent hurtling back into a canyon

just then a blinding blue ray of light flashed as its target, not yet realising it had been played, disappeared in a flash of blue light.

the watcher saw the attack and before it could dodge space around it bean to freeze, it struggled yet could not move and before it realised the light had hit him and everything went black.

"alright troops fall in and return to base," said chief through a com on his wrist and smiled through the vibrating mask



6 hours later

as the watcher began to open it's eyes it first noticed darkness then when it tried to switch to using it's mental awareness it noticed that was also blocked as well, the watcher then began to feel something it had yet to feel in it's awfully long life....fear

"alright there mate," said a familiar voice that he had heard recently it was that native creature that attacked him and made him break his oath.

"mmmmmhhmmm" it shouted through the gag in its mouth

"stop struggling your abilities have already been sealed and you were arrogant enough not to call for back up which makes it a whole lot easier for me so thanks a bunch!" said chief as he sat in front the alien and began to pay attention to the details of it's features.

"all right let's get cracking....hehe get it," snickered chief as he had several staff wheel in the comatose watcher on to a bed

"nice and comfy?" asked chief as he gave it a quick punch and got more pained groans in reply

"okay so you might have already guessed we are aware of you and your peoples existence," said chief as he continued to give a summary of his understanding of the watchers race, although it was drowsy it's mind felt like bombs going of as it heard this ant speak about it's noble race and their deeds and even it's own name.

"how do they say your name in your language or do you old geezers even speak at all?" asked chief as he poked the watchers head

"i guess with all your powers are powerless when it comes to the infinity stones," chuckled chief

"you might be wondering why i'm talking to you so much well its simple, even though i'm cruel it would be boring leaving here quietly while you wait for death and i don't really know how much tricks you got up ya sleeve so until then ya got me hahahahaha," he laughed as the groans and struggles of the watcher filled the room


experimentation room

next day

"sir should we commence," asked the LS as he pressed some buttons and was about to flip the switch.

"yes," answered chief as he fiddled with an army knife that had temperatures could go up to a 100 degrees from the touch of a button.

as soon as chief gave the order in the other room lights shone on the unconscious watcher it did not realise just how painfully it's life was going to end, it was currently faced down and it could hear whirring sounds and a blue coloured lazer was shot through a machine that was on top of the watcher the lazer made a beeline towards and stopped on its head then the true horror began as it slowly dissected the flesh of watchers cranium

"mmmmmghhhhhh mmmmmgh," groaned in extreme agony that it had yet to feel in its long life, it could feel as the lazer slowly cut through the layer of his skin and after that two scientist came over wearing gloves and began to pull the skin of it's flesh it got messy as blueish Gray fluid sprayed everywhere and the watcher continued to rage and struggle.

"mmmmmmgghhh mmmgh" it felt like it's head was about to explode from pain, as they peeled all the skin on the cranium they then washed of the fluid and began the next step deaf to the watchers pleas.

the lazer was fired again and this time even stronger and was used to create an incision on it's skull and as the incision grew deeper a fountain of fluid came gushing out and sprayed across the room


"whoa he really has a lot inside that big head apart from knowledge" said chief with a smile as he drank some coffee on the table while watching the Creature shake hard as it's skull had a hole put in it

chief continued to watch as the two scientists that were covered fluids put a small needle like pipe and pump some spongy goo into its brain.

"sir it should take a minute for the formula make a protective dome around the cerebrum and settle but what we need is deeper inside," said the LS as he moved but accidentally bumped into chiefs coffee

"Watch it," snarled chief as LS went a little pale

"well what are you waiting for,  go and get the hammers and get that big headed prick to shut the fuck up he can't even scream any way," said chief very annoyed as he got a cloth and started to wipe the stuff of himself


"hey 48 give me that one cos mine is not letting of plasma," said one scientist as they both got ready to open up the watcher

"hey is he drugged yet?" asked the other one as he walked towards the watcher and pressed a button on the bottom of the hatchet like weapon and got ready to swing but before he did he heard groaning

"uh...about that....boss changed his mind he goes he wants us to make him sing so put these on," said one of the scientist as he threw some headphones to the other guy and also got his hatchet ready

he then took the gag out and replaced it with one that let out more sound.

"ready" smiled 48 as he got ready to swing







2 hours later

"sir we have the item in containment and we've taken hundreds of samples of it's DNA," said the LS(lead scientist) on a speaker.

"bring it up," said chief while sitting on a desk

2 minutes later a container with see through fluid was wheeled into the room and the chief stood up to give it a closer look.

a giant eye was floating in the liquid inside the container.

"sir there is good news and bad news, the good news is that we were able to extract the cerebral cortex and its contents but the bad news is that it sent it's remaining conscious to destroy some pieces of it's mind so before we send it's memories into a file we need to reconfigure some of our data in order not to corrupt our servers," said the LS

"hmm," replied chief as he continued to study

"so what do you think?" asked chief as he turned around, as soon as he said that an orange circular portal opened up and stepped a man dressed in dark robes and long hair with greying sides

"marvellous," he smiled as he walked up to the eye and grabbed the container still smiling

"simply marvellous."