Young Lady’s Birthday
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Stretching my body, I gaze upon Miyu holding it tightly. Wasn’t it hot for her sleeping like this?


The door open, Akano comes in with a steaming mug in her hands.
Akano - Morning, Drago. Is she awake?
- No...not yet. Want to wake her?

The Mother sets the hot mug on the Desk, slowly shaking her Daughter awake.


Akano - Miyu~... Wake up~. | The young Lady spins around, sleeping further.

- Shall I wake her?
Akano - Try it.


Slithering my body down, out of the thin blanket, I stand beside Akano.


- Miyu, wake up please. | She spins around again, searching for me. Her eyes open and spot me, a smile forms on her face.

Miyu - Good morning… Mama… Drago…
Akano - Morning sleepyhead! Happy birthday, Miyu! | The young Lady sits up and looks at the calendar.


- I’m eighteen?! I am eighteen!
Akano - Yup! Here’s your full mug of Coffee. | Akano hands Miyu the mug she brought.

- Thanks, Mama!
I’m assuming that Miyu got less than a full mug of coffee until now.

Miyu - It’s warm… is this the new one?
Akano - Yep!
Miyu - Do we also have Dragon coffee? | Huh…?
Akano begins to laugh. Miyu joins her swiftly.


Her gift!

- Akano, may I have a word with you.
Akano - Sure. We’ll be right back, Miyu.
- ‘Kay! 

We exit her room and head into Akano’s.


The Mother swiftly hands me the Necklace. 

Akano - I’ll be making breakfast. You two join me soon, okay?
- We will. | Akano pats my head, walking into the kitchen.


Back into Miyu room. I approach her with trembling limbs.


Miyu - Drago, are you feeling fine?
- Y-Yes… Miyu. I… I want to… g-give you this. | I show her the Necklace.

Her jaw drops, her hand puts her mug onto the Desk. She trembles to reach for the gift.


Miyu - Drago… did… you make this…?
- Yes, Miyu. I did.
Her eyes lock onto me, gradually shedding tears.


- Don’t you like it? Shall I re-make it? | I spin around her, analizying what could be satisfying to her.
Miyu - N-No… It’s… The first time… I got… a gift from someone… except my parents….
- What about your friends?

Miyu - I have none… Thank you, Drago. | Her embrace is tighter than ever before. 

- It’s okay, Miyu. Let’s lay down a bit. | My body casually forms a pillow for her.


Her eyes become more irritated with each dripping tear. Even though I suspect these are tears of joy rather than sadness, it still hurts me deeply.



Miyu - Drago…? | She woke up. Splendid.
- Yes, Miss?
Miyu - Can you help me put it on?
- Ehm… I’ll try my best. | Miyu holds it around her neck. My hands gently unlock the Necklace and pull it around her neck, finally closing it. I thought this would be harder to accomplish...


- How does it feel?
Miyu - I feel… lighter, as if… a burden was taken of me. | That’s the stone working its magic. Excellent.
Miyu - Drago, is this a special stone?
- It is, Miyu. It has special talents that enhance its wearer’s living and the bond with the Spirit.
Miyu - That’s cool! Thanks again, Drago! | Miyu cuddle into me.
- You’re welcome, Miyu. Shall we go eat now? | Without another word, Miyu races off.


Hastily, I join the Ladies in the kitchen.
Akano - Here’s your pancakes, Miyu. Drago, will get a few as well. | Hmm… Did I eat “pancakes” before?
I take my spot on the kitchen floor and await my meal.

Akano - Miyu dear, you can eat. No need to wait for us.
Miyu - But I want to.
Akano - Alright~. 


Akano - Also, I’ve packed two lunches. | What for, I wonder.
Miyu - Drago, I want us to fly all over the area!
Akano - That’s a lot. Think you can fly that much, Drago?
- Obviously. I’m the proud Dragon of this Family. It will be little of a challenge to me.

Akano - That’s a fancy way to put it. Though…! You two have a curfew.
Miyu - It’s at seven, right?

Akano - Correct. Drago, got it?
- Yes, Ma’am.
Akano - Good boy. | With a smile, she puts my “pancakes” into my bowl.
- Thank you, Ma’am.

Akano - Drop the honorifics, Drago. You’re part of the family. | Oh… That makes me really happy.
Miyu - Drago~, eat before they cold~!  | So these… “pancakes” are best enjoyed warm… I see.

Let’s see… 


Hmm! So good.... Sweet, soft in taste… I love Akano’s cooking…

Akano - He sure seems happy.
Miyu - If he wags his tail faster, he’ll take off. | The Ladies begin to laugh, not that I mind.


Following my wonderful breakfast experience, I follow Miyu into her room. 


Miyu - Drago~... Can you wait outside?
- On the way. | I turn and leave the room. Laying down on the floor. 


A cold breeze of air rushes in from the living room. Thankfully it’s not too hot outside, by the feels of it.


Miyu exits her room, dressed in a similar style as on our last walk outside.

- Do you have everything you need, Miss?
Miyu - Phone, purse, money and some tissues. Let’s go grab the lunch from Mama and then leave.
- Right behind you, Miyu.


Into the kitchen, Akano already set the lunchboxes on the table.
Miyu - Thanks, Mama. We’re off then.

Akano - Take care, don’t forget the curfew!

- We won’t, Akano.


I replicate Miyu’s hasty steps, we rush down the stairs and exit the apartment building.


Miyu ~ Let’s go to the store.
- Please spend your money wisely, Miyu.
Miyu ~ Yeah… I know. I won’t buy much anyway, but I’ll be mindful of the prices.


Rushing across the street, Miyu and I enter the shop. To our surprise, completely empty.
My nose can’t even sense Apparitions.
Miyu ~ Feels off…
- Indeed it does. | At least the Staff is here.


Miyu goes on with her shopping. Picking two green teas.
- Why two, Miss?
Miyu ~ One for you and one for me!
- That’s generous of you, Miyu.
Miyu ~ That’s all I wanted. Let’s go. | Miyu heads for a self-pay machine and checks out. We exit the store and head for.... Where to?

- Miyu, where are we going?
Miyu ~ To the hill I showed you recently, Drago. I want us to sit around there for a while.


The sun is right above us, meaning it is mid-day. We have seven hours before we need to be home. 

As we climb the slope up the hill, the heat picks up drastically.


The young Lady sits on the stone, I comfortably form a circle around her.
Miyu ~ Let’s stay here for a short while.
- Alright. What’s next?
Miyu ~ There’s a hilltop on the other side of town. It has great shade, even greater view of the town.

- I’ll fly us there. We could enjoy lunch there, Miyu.
Miyu ~ I was about to say that.

The heat is reaching a critical point.
- Miyu, let’s move. | She doesn’t hesitate to jump on her feet.
- Jump onto my back.
Miyu ~ Go, Drago. | I boost off and start flying across town.


- Where is that hilltop, Miyu?
Miyu ~ Straight ahead. | Oh, that looks really nice. Plenty of Tree shade and there’s no way I can see for other Humans to get up there. Perfect.


I increase my speed, we don’t have much liquid to drink. 


Casually landing, Miyu hops off and looks for a nice spot to rest. A tall Tree is her choice.
Miyu ~ Drago, come sit. | I join the young Miss, once again becoming her pillow.


One stomach growls viciously.
- That’s me… I’m sorry.
Miyu ~ Don’t be. Here, that’s why Mama made them for us. | She unpacks the lunchboxes, setting mine before me.

- Do you chopsticks?
Miyu ~ Yeah. Look.
- I see. Enjoy your meal, Miyu.
Miyu ~ You too.


It feels as if we just ate no too long ago. Yet, we’re hungry again.


The lunchboxes are identical in their contents and most importantly, taste!
Thank you so much, Akano. This is really great.


Miyu ~ Drago… What did you do during your away-time? | Unexpected, but understandable.
- I searched for someone. My Sister, to be exact.
Miyu ~ Did you two get separated?
- In a way. She and her Human live far away from here. Yet, I don’t know exactly where.


Miyu ~ Want me to help?
- Eh… B-But… you can’t. You can’t be away from home that long. Especially not in a completely new world!
Miyu ~ Mama will allow it. I know she will. Plus, I’m eighteen now.
- My point still stands, Miyu… I want you to think about it thoroughly.
Miyu ~ Alright. My mind won’t change though.
- We’ll speak about it again in the future.


We returnt to our lunchboxes, mine is quickly licked-clean. Miyu has already finished, quite the appetite she must’ve had.

Miyu ~ Drago, here. I’ll pour your green tea into your lunchbox. | Understandable. As mine is larger than hers.
- Thank you, Miyu, | I grab the lunchbox with my hands and take a sip. 


Sweet, intense in flavour and especially thirst-extinguishing. Now I understand why Miyu likes these so much.
Miyu ~ How do you find it?
- I have taken a liking to them.
Miyu ~ Glad to hear it. | Miyu stretches far, falling onto her side. Ultimately using me as her pillow. My tail forms a wall around her feet, shielding her from unwanted cold breezes.


I feel, sleepy as well… Akano has very delicate hand in cooking. In this case, maybe even too good. 


Miyu’s help… Perhaps I’ll should graciously accept it… But, the dangers that could lie ahead of us. It’s a grand decision she made, yet without hesitation to her own wellbeing. Miyu… why do you offer your own safety like that for a foolish Dragon that can’t even find his Sister?


Maybe… after a nap, the answer will arise…

Cold breeze? What is this… ice-like feeling?

Panicked, I open my eyes to see… It’s late dusk?!
- Miyu! Miyu!
Miyu - What…? Eek! Drago!

- I know! Let’s go home!


Miyu panics, grabbing her stuff as fast as possible.
- Please make sure you don’t loose anything.
She gradually checks everything she brought.
Miyu - Got everything! Please fly off, Drago.

- Hold on thight.

Identical to an arrow, I shoot off towards into town. Miyu hugs my body tightly, her purse squeezed between me and her. 


In the shortest time, we arrive on the balcony. I spot Haru and Akano sitting at the kitchen table.
Miyu jumps off me and enters hurried.
Miyu - We’re home!


The Parents stare confused.
- It’s past seven, right?
Akano - It is… But just by a couple minutes. You didn’t have to panic this much.
Miyu - You made it clear that we have to be back until seven!

Akano - My… I’m sorry for that. Please take a seat.


Haru walks up to Miyu, hugging her tightly.
Haru - Happy birthday, Miyu!
Miyu - Thanks, Papa.
Haru - Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?
MIyu - Eh? What for?

Haru - Don’t you want something cool?
Miyu - My phone still works, I need no new shoes or clothes. Everything fine.

Haru - In that case you save money.
Akano - Can you two sit down, the food gets cold!
Haru - Yes, Honey…
Miyu - Yes, Mama… | I take my spot on the floor and wait. Still feeling a bit tired. Akano’s lunchboxes are dangerously sleep-inducing.


Onto a soothing evening.