Dragon Tactician
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Summer, the Time of the Year with Sunshine, steaming-hot Temperatures and a extreme demand of Refreshments.


Until… One realizes that Today, once more, it Rains.


I haven’t overslept, good… Asuka and Miyu are cuddled in the Bed. While I am laying around them, keeping them from falling of the Bed.


My little Sister has, smaller more dense Scales than me. This makes her look elegant and overall very cute.
Mine… large, bulky and somewhat-spaced out Scales. I don’t mind my looks, as long as they accept me as I am.


Miyu’s door slowly opens, a curious Akano peaks in.
- Morning, Ma’am.
Akano - Ah. You’re awake, Drago.
- I am.
Akano - I came here to wake them, my Husband and I have something important to tell you.

Without my approval… My Tail gently taps Asuka and Miyu, hoping I wake them.


Miyu - Wha… Mama…?
Asuka - Onii-sama~!
- Morning you two. | Asuka cuddles her Head into me.

Akano - My Husband and I… Bought the House!

Miyu - Re...ally?

Akano - Yes! We bought it at half price as well!


Miyu - Amazing! How much do we have left!?

Akano - To put it bluntly, we have enough for a small Apartment. Now, shall we pack up?

Asuka & Miyu - Yes! | Before my Eyes, I see them vanish… leaving the Room for only a glimpse.


They must be excited.

I’ll inspect the Kitchen, perhaps… Akano will give me some Chicken. Ah… Mouth watering…


Into the Wife’s Domain, I take my usual spot. Asuka is sitting beside Miyu, looking as if waiting for something.
Akano - Miyu, Asuka, here you go. Chicken for a hungry Dragon and some Eggs for her Human.

Asuka - Woah! Thank you~!
Miyu - Thanks, Mama! You’re the best!
Akano - My~... Eat it up before it gets cold.


The Wife walks past me, out from the fridge she takes a large packet.
Akano - I haven’t forgotten about you Drago, these two were just amazingly eager to eat.
- Hah! I bet. Judging by Asuka’s Tail… She is overly happy.


Akano kneels, setting two Chicken legs in front of me. Headpats?! Oho… Head... ~... Pats~...
Akano - Good boy, Drago. You’ll help them pack today, yes?

- Pack what?
Akano - Ah! Sorry, I forgot to tell you. We’re moving this Weekend. My Husband has already bought the Cardboard Boxes.
- I see. I’ll help them to the best of my Ability.


Crunching into the Chicken legs, I start to imagine how the new Home will look like. I might make a Night fly there, to scout out possible flaws and fix them.


After Breakfast, the Ladies dragged me into the Living Room where Miyu starts folding the Boxes.
Miyu - Here, Asuka.
Asuka - What shall I put in it?

Miyu - We’ll make a few for my Parents, then we move to our Room and pack up. ‘Kay?

Box afte Box they assemble and stack them, until… There are no more Boxes to fold.

Miyu - Let’s move to my Room!
Asuka - ‘Kay~! | Is this just me… or… am I being ignored in this House?


Gah! What am I thinking, I’m a Dragon. Not an attention-seeker. I’m a Guardian not a fragile being that requires masses of attention to function at minimal capacity.


In Miyu’s Room. There’s a Crow on the Balcony.
Miyu - Drago~, what are you staring at?
- There’s… this…
Asuka - Does it want something?
- It’s staring back at me… Could it be… Miyu, may I?
Miyu - Go on. I’m curious as well.


With my Snout I open the Balcony Door and the Bird flaps its Wings.
Crow - Greetings, Dragon.
- Greetings, Crow. Why the visit?

Crow - Pardon my intrusion in your Time. I am the sad, depressed and devasted bearer of Bad News.
- Speak up.

Crow - As you wish. The Wolves, Eagles and Bears are forming Troops not far from our Borders.
- What!? How dare they?!

Crow - The Serpents decided to scout ahead, they ambushed enemy Scouts. Sadly they couldn’t get any information from them.

Why now?! Why?!


- Why did you fly here? How did you know I was here?
Crow - You must forgive me here, I asked Lady Skaly.
- That’s fine… I guess… | One way or another, it’s wrong that she even told him. 

Crow - We beg for your presence in the Spirit World. | The Crow bows deeply, his Wings spread little to signal his Words’ Truth.


- Bring a message back.
Crow - Certainly, what will it be? | My Status in the Dragon Society means nothing here, yet my Military one… That can ignite Wars, if I said so.


- Tell every Leader, including Skaly. To mass their own Troops. Yet not march against the enemy.
Crow - As you command. Anything else I should relay?
- Not for now. Thank you.
Crow - I shall fly hastily then.
- May the wind give you safe flight. | The Crow bows shortly before bursting off.


- Damn it! Those corwads… All wandering Corpses!

Asuka - Nii-sama~... | Asuka… My dear Sister… What a nice touch, such a… motherly-fashion.


Miyu - Drago, does that mean… you have to go to War…?

- The messenger mentioned Troops. Yet, I’m assuming the enemy is taunting us.
Miyu - That Crow seemed like he’s your subordinate.


- My social Status is… non-existant. Yet, my Military one…

Asuka - My Onii-sama… can ignite Wars with one simple word.

Miyu - That’s… a lot… Good job, Drago! | Yay! Headpats! 


Asuka - Nii-sama, what will we do?

- What will I do. Please pack your Belongings in without me for a while. I shall have a word with your Mother.
Miyu - She’s in her Room. Probably lazing around.
- Sounds… nice… in a way… Thank you. | I race to the destination.


Akano - Drago?! What’s the rush for?!

- Akano I have a massive problem.

Akano - I’m listening.


I tell her everything the Crow told me.


Akano - So… You’re a Military General?
- We don’t have names for our Statuses.

Akano - What will you do, Drago…?

- I shall visit my World tonight. I will return hours ahead of Dawn.

Akano - Don’t make them worry too much. They love you Drago. So do I, but… They do more.
- I appreciate the words and especially the sentiment. | I bow deeply in front of her.
Akano - Could you not bow once in front of me?
- Eh…?
Akano - It’s a Joke. Don’t worry about it now, go tell the Girls.
- Thank you, Akano.
Akano - Off ya go.


Sprinting back to my Lady’s Room. 


Asuka - I wonder how long he’ll be away for. Ah! Nii-sama!

Miyu - Hey, Drago. How did it go?

- Splendid. Just… one problem…


I hate to say this so soon. 


- I will be away tonight. But, I’ll be back ahead of Dawn.

Asuka - That’s short. I approve of it.
Miyu - Yep. So do I.  | What… Did I miss anything…?


Asuka - Nii-sama, one more thing.
- Yes, Sister?
Asuka - Promise me you’ll be back before we wake up.
- Way before that, Asuka. Promised.

Asuka - Okay~!

Miyu - Alright, let’s finish the packing here. Then eat Lunch.
Asuka - Yay! Food!
- Can’t wait to see what your Mother cooked. | Miyu smiles at me.


Thought what Akano said with moving in, I might not be able to help. As my short Journey to the Spirit World will cut my Time spent with them considerably.


Lazing on Miyu’s Bed after we packed everything in, feels quite… Empty. 

Miyu - Drago, can’t you go now? Then be back before evening?

- That’s… an excellent Idea. | Why didn’t I think of it?!

Asuka - That way, we can bathe before we go to sleep~!
- You sure love baths, ay?
Asuka - Especially with Miyu and Nii-sama!


Well then, time to follow the Ladie’s suggestion. 

- I’ll go tell your Mother about it. Then I’ll leave.
Asuak & Miyu - ‘Kay! Take care!

- Stay inside and drink plenty, you two. It’s steaming outside.


Racing to Akano’s Room, I let her know of my new Plan.

Akano - Excellent, Drago. Return safely.
-  I will. Please watch over them until then and forever.
Akano - Haha… Obviously.


Dashing for the her open Window, I fly off to the Moutains. Others then the ones Akano mentioned.


Opening the Portal hastily, I hop through it.


This… hasn’t changed much. Except the running Dragons, hasty Serpents and observing Crows and Ravens.

Crow - Ah! Dragon. I see you came.
- Greetings, Messenger. How are things?

Crow - A bit hectic, I’m afraid. Shall I guide you to the Tacticians?
- Please do.
Crow - Follow me, please.


It’s hard to believe that this place was a peaceful Town hours ago. Now it’s a well-oiled War Machine. Troops marching into position, the clings and clangs of Steel and the Talks of Allies. 


The Crow leads me to a Group of Allies. Except Dragon, every Nation has a Tactician.


Serpent - Ah! Finally, the Dragon has arrived. We can now begin truely.
Crow Tactician - Messenger, leave us be, please. | My guide bows and flies off quickly.

Raven - We’ve discussed it with Lady Skaly earlier. We will exterminate these Corwads.


- Hold on. Let me in on what we know.

Serpent - You see… My Scouts have spotted multiple Patrols around these Parts here. | She points at the Map on the Table.
- What else?

Raven - My Observers have uncovered multiple large Groups here… and here. Estimating their numbers was impossible due to the Eagles.
- Understandable, anyone got injured?
Raven - Please don’t worry. We are like-minded Spirits here. None of us are foolish enough to do something like “sacrificing” Troops for intel.


- Very well. Crows?
Crow - Yes, Dragon?
- Anything on your end?
Crow - A major flaw we found was… The Eagles are not their Scouts.
- But?
Crow - They don’t have any.  | No way…
- Are you sure?
Crow - I wouldn’t dare speak of it like this, if it wasn’t true.
- Alright. Does this mean a new War?


Serpent - Unlikely. I haven’t seen or heard of any enemy Leader in the Area.
- I see.


I must hurry, I want to go home and enjoy my Time with the ones I love.


Serpent - Dragon, I advice us to attack.
Crows & Raven - Agreed. The faster we kill them, the faster this is over.

- No… That’s their Plan. To make us look like the aggressor. 


Serpent - Dragon…?

- We have to stay calm and intimidate them by sheer strength.

Raven - I see now. Crow, shall we work together, creating a… Mystical Cloud of Darkness?

Crow - Indeed we shall. Good call.
Raven & Crow - Messengers! | As per their Call, two of their kind fly in. Whispering between them, the Messengers are sent off.


- I’m curious to see what you plan.
Raven - Only the terrifying Things, a specialty of our Alliance.
- Well spoken. Serpent, are you not craving Battle?

Serpent - No… I seek peace right now. My Babies require my attention, not this.
- You heard her, Gentlemen. Let’s make this sweet and deadly.
Crow & Raven - Understood!


Flying off themselves, a loud sound of flapping fills the Sky. A Cloud of pure Darkness emerges from the Ground.


Impressive, they use their Numbers to a massive advantage. Eagles are few in Numbers, yet not to be fooled by. 


A one on one fight, be it Crow or Raven against an Eagle. The Former would win, as proven by countless Reports and sightings of it.


One of my own Soldiers runs up to me.
Dragons Soldier - Sir! They’re falling back!
- That easily?

Dragon Soldier - Yes! Please come see for yourself! | I rise high up above the Trees. Fascinating, how Crows and Ravens are putting even Bears to shame. 


Back on Ground, the Serpent looks happy.
- Miss, any news from your Troops?
Serpent - I always have information on my Troops. That’s why the Humans we protect are always a step ahead of their enemy.
- Clever. Now, I will return to my Human. Please do so yourselves.

Serpent - Of course, Dragon. Thank you very much for your attendance. If not for your words, a new War would’ve sparked.


- Please it was just a combined effort. Take care now. | She nods at me as I fly off into the distance, towards my Portal.


Through it, I race against time to be beside my Sister and Miyu. 


On Miyu’s Balcony, I see her and Asuka play… Cards?

- Ladies, I’m back.

Miyu - Welcome back!

Asuka - Welcome Home, Onii-sama~! | I approach them and watch closely.
- Who’s winning?


Miyu & Asuka - Neither! We’re not playing to win! 

- Then?

Asuka - We’re trying to match cards.
- Ah… I’ll observe for now. A bit tired, unfortunately.
Miyu - Lay down, Mama is still cooking. No need to rush it for Dinner.


My Body, resting on Clouds. My Mind, at complete ease. All thanks to the them~...

Excuse the sudden jump in Length. I hope you liked this and the previous Chapters. If so, leave some Feedback and/or Suggestions!
Perhaps you even have Questions. Leave them here or contact me directly. Until next Time!

Favourite Tactician of the Spirits?
  • Dragon Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Crow Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raven Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Serpent Votes: 0 0.0%
Total voters: 0