Chapter 2 – Manifestation
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After she entered the crystal, an unknown amount of time passed. For her, it didn't matter. She had subconsciously missed the feeling of being bound to a crystal for so many years. Even without a physical manifestation, she could still observe her surroundings. Even if the room was the same, it was still a novel feeling for her. She couldn't wait to once again set out into the world and explore the lush, green forests. She couldn't help but think back on that pretty, vibrant flower from her past.

This time, she would treasure every moment.

The nature of their race was their incorporeal form. Their natural form would always be immaterial and timeless. Even now, she could still feel her race's lifeblood surrounding her. It would never vanish. The traces they left would still exist even after an endless succession of worlds. She didn't feel lonely, even after knowing what had become of the rest. Everyone made their choice, and she made hers. She wanted to continue, and therefore, she was granted another chance. That's what she believed.

Inside the crystal, she finally had time to collect her thoughts. The brief moment she manifested in the physical world further strengthened her desire to live. Her thoughts paused as she once again calmed her emotions. She knew that living like before wasn't an option. This time she wanted to really live her life. Experiencing whatever the world had to offer.

As she sat in silence, she felt another tremor rush through the table where she rested. The impure energy was even more obvious this time. She knew for a fact that nothing she had could have caused a wave like that. The signature was far too different from anything she had felt before.

In the past, she built her home deep within a mountain. Back then, it was the obvious place since they didn't vanish for millions of years. When someone chose to build their home outside, they would sooner or later succumb to the elements. Wind and rain would slowly rip even rock apart, given enough time. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise that her home was intact. After she vanished, no one would remain to terraform the mountains into something else after all.


Before long, she felt a change inside. Almost instantly, a burst of pure energy leaked out from within the crystal as she once again regained her physical manifestation. The cold, polished stone table beneath her bare skin was a sign that she finally managed to leave the crystal. This time, her body felt much better. She effortlessly raised her hand towards the ceiling and once again laid her eyes on her pale skin. With the other hand, she pushed against the table as she sat upright.

Her muscles worked, and she didn't feel any discomfort. When she finally realized that she was okay, she jumped down from the table and effortlessly managed to keep her balance.

[I'm okay now?] she said as she stretched both of her arms up into the air.

She couldn't hide the smile slowly forming across her soft lips.

[Where did I put it?] she continued to talk to herself, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction towards her own voice. Now that she could speak, she almost couldn't comprehend how much she missed her own voice.

She picked up the necklace and secured it around her neck as she enjoyed herself. For now, she needed to take one step at a time. She couldn't afford to be reckless in a situation like this. She couldn't use her energy yet, so if she damaged herself, she might not be able to leave for some time again. If she fell and broke her leg, she would have to postpone her plans further.

Her eyes wandered around the room until she once again spotted her old pen. It was made of the same material as her necklace and was another one of her dearest possessions. Whatever happened, she had to bring it along when she left.

She reached out and picked up one of the empty tablets on the table. She grabbed the pen as she had done countless times and gently pressed its tip down towards the tablet's surface. However, without access to her own energy, her current manifestation couldn't use it. She knew as much. However, the simple, familiar act of once again holding it between her fingers was enough for now.

When her manifestation matured in the future, she would make sure to inscribe new formulas until her hand went numb.

Once again, she felt a ripple of energy. However, this time a very distinctive sound followed. She placed her pen down next to the tablet and looked over towards the entrance. Somehow, the air felt slightly different. She looked down at her skin as she shivered slightly.

[Am I freezing?] she muttered. The entrance was sealed shut, and the outside environment had stayed at a pretty stable temperature throughout the years. Even if her body was weak right now, she shouldn't feel cold under these circumstances.

However, soon she felt a cold breeze brush against her bare skin.

She once again looked over towards the entrance.

[How? Did the entrance crumble during the previous days since I've rested inside the crystal?] she couldn't help asking herself that question. She couldn't tell how much time had passed since then, so all she said was guesswork.

Shortly after the first breeze of cold air, the tremors stopped.

She waited for a while, but nothing happened. The waves of energy stopped as if they had never been there. Now, she only felt increasingly cold for each passing moment.