I’m a fox?
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Kira felt the wave of energy coming from the building she woke up in, it was hard to explain but it somehow felt warm, she was semi reminded by the feeling she had felt shortly before falling asleep. The lady in front of her however had completely frozen up and was that a whimper?

Kira couldn't help to think to herself how adorable that noise was while simultaneously feeling a bit guilty as the lady was clearly acting like she was not prepared for what was coming.

In the distance, someone was approaching them with what seemed like an incredible speed, and before Kira even had time to ask the Fox lady in front of her about what was going on, came another but far more beautiful Fox lady into view, everyone else completely paled compared with her presence but at the same time she felt oddly familiar even though Kira could have sworn she had never seen her before.

"How dare you have my daughter assume a servitude position and beg for accommodation in MY SHRINE" could be heard booming out of the approaching Fox lady, wait... daughter? Kira thought and that voice, wait that was the same voice heard in the void.

with Inaris statement, Kira had just been delivered quite a few puzzle pieces she hadn't considered yet and at that moment she realized what she had likely been completely oblivious to before now, if my mom is that Fox lady doesn't that mean .... Kira finally started inspecting herself, she was dressed in a lovely Eastern style shrine dress in the same style as those around her if not just a bit more exquisite, her otherwise she didn't really notice anything off beside her extremely short stature, that was until she looked at both the fox ladies ears and slowly reached up at the top of her own head and felt the same type of ears, after freezing for a short moment she immediately turned around to try to catch her own tail, which she managed to catch upon spinning around herself a few times, to both Inari and Shino did Kiras actions seem like the definition of adorableness and Inari's anger was completely forgotten for a moment while watching her daughters antics.

"Wait am I a fox?" Kira exclaimed looking at Inari, Shino got very confused by that statement, of course, she is what else would she be? Shinos thoughts got interrupted by Inaris reply.

"Of course you are my dear, after all, you are my kin"

Shino completely froze upon hearing the last bit, kin? The girl is Inaris daughter, and she had been letting Inaris daughter take a servitude position in front of her without doing more to stop it.

"Please forgive me for not stopping your daughter from replicating my actions, I guarantee it is a misunderstanding and she just repeated what she saw me doing," Shino said with a shivering voice

Inari was slowly putting 2 and 2 together and asked Kira. "Is that true my dear, why did you assume the position i saw you in when you asked for the possibility of shelter in what should be considered your own home"

Inaris's frustration was quite visible as she spoke the last sentence.

"Well I honestly didn't know what to do, a little girl had told me not to stay where I woke up and dragged me out and pointed me in the direction of the shrine here, upon seeing all the foxes I figured I had misunderstood the directions and turning around I accidentally bumped into the Fox lady, she immediately bowed to me, and not knowing her culture I repeated the action seeing it seemed as the most polite thing to do," Kira replied.

Scrunching up her nose for a moment, Inari burst out laughing "Oh my dear aren't you the most precious thing in existence?

Shino coughed for a bit and said

"Excuse me, but I believe the human apprentice did her best to help out, I am Shino and the head of this shrine along with being the primary instructor for the foxes here I am also the Kitsune of the highest position to have yet to amend to your mother's side"

Shino was feeling beyond worried, Inaris daughter what why would she say she didn't have anywhere else to go, why would she seek to stay here when she could be with, and that was the moment it dawned on her just how low the cubs' spiritual power was not to mention she had to touch her to even notice the divine power, she couldn't stay in Inaris realm she wasn't strong enough.

"Hello Ms. Shino, I am Kira, I wanted to say thanks for your introduction, and I think I now understand what is going, once again I apologies but I am not familiar with your customs and until a few minutes ago I wasn't even aware I was a fox like you"

hearing this Shino immediately coughed: "No my dear not like me, I've only been allowed a fraction of your mothers' power and hence becoming a Kitsune, you and I cannot be compared when It comes to class Lady Kira" finishing her explanation Shino stepped a few steps back out of the way and resumed her bowing position leaving Inari and Kira much closer to each other.

Inari then tried to explain: "Kira my dear, you are currently here because your newborn soul is weak, and you're still merging with my divine seed which will take a bit of time, you will likely notice changes slowly but they will definitely be there, this also makes you different from both my kitsune and the spirit beast foxes you will see around, your fur color already sets you apart from all other spirit foxes even those who cannot sense you, and even my kitsune has a duller white compared to my own, you are however your own and it can be seen in the beautiful deep silver color of your fur, please take pride in who you are and know I will do anything for you, I'm short on time and I will need to return to my realm now, but this doesn't mean you won't hear from me soon."

Turning around to Shino, Inari continued

"Shino, Kira is my daughter and I will be leaving her here in your care for a while, there are certain circumstances that cause me to not want anyone to know about her just yet, I am going to be putting up a barrier over the shrine so nobody beside me can see inside of it, along with preventing Kira from moving out of it, I feel bad for locking my daughter up like this but I promise there is a reason, I expect you to take good care of her and don't let anyone else know her relation to me"

walking over to a Bush in the side of the building Inari elegantly picked up a very embarrassed Yin who had been hiding while watching everything.

"Your awareness of the situation can't really be helped young one as you seem to have sensed our connection of your own, I expect you to also keep it to yourself, it's not bad if the other foxes find out but we want the information to preferably not spread too widely as I want it hidden from the common visitor, seeing you're the senior of the kids will I now put you in charge of making sure the other fox cubs who learn to sense her also will be informed along with Shin, also be a dear and try to help Kira with getting accustomed to being here, everything is new to her."

with that Inari put Yin down beside Shino and walked back towards the main shrine.

Yin didn't know what to do, she had been touched by Inari, hell inari had even picked her up and she had spoken to her and given her a direct request, Yin was doing her very best to process what had just happened, THE Inari had just been here, and she couldn't even brag to the others around her, and in front of her stood Inaris daughter who looked to be around her own age she was barely able to contain her excitement about the situation.