Intermission 4 – I Am Planner
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Jessica had given up on her macabre childhood dream of witnessing the end of human civilization after graduating high school. It was impossible. Humanity was too strong, too resilient, and too adaptable to just die out at random. And the idea of a race of inheritors who would reclaim the earth and replace it was equally ridiculous. Pure fantasy, right? But it had been such a source of comfort and inspiration for Jessica as a kid that it was hard for her to let go of the idea completely. The thought of being special, chosen, tasked with the awesome responsibility of rebuilding the world after humanity destroyed itself brought Jessica a warm feeling of security and belonging.

Though she no longer had any interest in creating little stories or drawings about the eventual rise of an army of monsters to destroy mankind, Jessica stubbornly clung on to the immature belief that her morbid fantasies were some kind of some kind of prophetic vision, a unique insight from someone who saw further and deeper than everyone else. She kept her old stories and drawings alive in her heart as a private reminder of the hope and optimism that she'd once possessed, that she desperately hoped to find again. She still dreamed of a world without war and conflict, inhabited by a race of intelligent non-human creatures who lived peacefully with one another. Deep down, she knew how beautiful and perfect her vision was.

If there were enough people like her out there, people gifted with incredible psychic power, people who wanted to see the end of everything, Jessica could create a calamity. She could start a war. She could cause the downfall of the human race and the rise of the monsters she foresaw in her coloring books. The world would see the birth of many more psychics like Jessica who could manipulate their bodies or environments at will, artificially created lifeforms who could survive in any environment, spiritual beings, strange creatures from different dimensions, shadow people, living nightmares, aliens... anything was possible.

Jessica wanted to be there to witness the destruction, to watch as her glorious plan came to fruition, to take her place in history as the woman who changed everything. Her very existence was imbued with sacred purpose and meaning. She was going to remake the world in her own image, she decided. And then she'd rule over a world where everyone worshiped her, and the few remaining humans were doomed forever to obey her every command...

That was exactly the sort of thing she'd always dreamed of when she was writing stories for her grandma to read. "You're so smart, Jessica," she'd say. "What an amazing future you'll have."

The great mind of Grandebelle, ruler of the world, the almighty Jessica!

She would use her powers to control and lead an amazing group of psychic warriors. They would wipe out any opposition before anyone even realized what was happening. Then she would let her new set of superior species repopulate the world while she sat back, relaxed, and maintained the status quo as the mystical dictator of a planet-wide psychocracy.

Hehehe. What a perfect plan! The only problem was finding a group of people who were capable of delivering on her visions of terror and bloodshed... so, she embarked on a mission to find them.

There was no shortage of madmen and psychopathic killers out there that Jessica could easily manipulate, but she needed something more than simple violence or sadism. She sought out warriors of the highest caliber, an army worthy of her genius and talents, an invincible organization of psychics to act on her orders and unquestioningly carry them through to completion. Her search led her to the most powerful people in Grandebelle, the white organizations who created and distributed Nuke.

Jessica had long disregarded the competing criminal factions who fought for control of Grandebelle's drug trade as nothing more than a convenient source of Nuke to smoke. The fact of the matter is, she didn't know much about them, other than that they existed, killed each other, and dealt drugs. It was far too easy to overlook a bunch of crazy-looking gangsters with strange names like the Knife Slaves, Ghouls, and Devils of Evil. She wasn't interested in their pointless feuding or rivalries one bit, and they all seemed far too weak and pathetic for her purposes anyway.

In actuality, Grandebelle's white organizations were a lot stronger, more rational, and less violent than Jessica had initially imagined. Each of the groups was actually quite sophisticated, employing strict rules of engagement that kept fighting confined to small-scale skirmishes in designated territories. When one faction tried to expand its territory into another's area, the conflict could be mediated and settled peacefully without any unnecessary collateral damage. The criminals lived by a code of mutual benefit and mutual respect, banding together to share intelligence and resources in times of need, working tirelessly to ensure total war never broke out between them, and guaranteeing there was a continual and orderly flow of Nuke to every corner of the city. This strangely stable arrangement arose organically from the daily, inevitable challenges of supply and demand within the Pit.

It was simply unthinkable to evaluate the white organizations in terms of warring street gangs. The sheer breadth of their activities and interrelationships could not be adequately understood with the crude means available to outsiders like herself. The Pit was ruled by a complex network of mutually dependent secret societies vying for dominance, and cooperation and collaboration between them was the norm rather than the exception. The street gangs, operating on a more basic level of territorial control, were just a tool for facilitating the expansion and control of the white organizations. These organized crime cartels traded information, coordinated their actions, monitored one another's activity, shared funding and personnel... and occasionally when push came to shove, they fought. But there was always a mediator, someone who could calm things down, negotiate, and ensure peace prevailed.

It just so happened that the entire situation made Jessica laugh with derision... and then decide she wanted to be part of it.

She was an outsider, a nobody in the middle of a sea of gangsters and murderers, but she had a plan and she was going to implement it. All she needed was a way to rise above the competition and take control.

Her existence up until this point had been utterly unremarkable. No one ever really liked her except her grandmother. She was socially inept, awkward, strange, and totally indifferent to the opinions of others. Although her new psychic abilities gave her a little taste of control over her environment, she was still essentially unfulfilled and directionless. But that part of her life was over, now. Her time had finally come. She'd begun her ascent to greatness. Jessica was about to become somebody important. And she was determined to enjoy every moment of the process.

In the tradition of the Pit's greatest psychics, the tiny tyrant took on a new name, a simple name that perfectly reflected her new ambition. Planner. It would serve as her title and an eternal reminder of what she did best.

Planner. She was no longer an average person who merely followed instructions; she had become the master of her own destiny.
Planner. She was a dominator, a schemer, a secret manipulator of events. A psychic girl whose mind was as cold and calculating and clever as a computer...

"Plans within plans... the key to success is preparation! I've been planning for every possibility! While you're all busy killing each other like stupid insects, I'll be taking over the city! I am Planner! I will rule the world!"