Session 15: Maxxie Mit Melancholy
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Due to the fact that a period only lasts forty-two minutes, and we were preoccupied with gabbing off and eating food, I was unable to voice my own concerns and worries to my friends. I technically could have. But after Terra(S) yanked the tragedy lever so goldarn hard, my concerns were barely worth noting, or at least that’s what I told myself as I prepared for the final half of a mostly pointless school day.

With that in mind, I still tried to pay attention in Consumer Education, or at least as much as I felt I could with Zoe(J) sitting right next to me. For some reason, I was intrigued by how he behaved while in my body. He possessed a level of composure and dignity with even his default sitting stance, the way he focused on the screen. As the second half of a video from yesterday played, he diligently took notes that imitated mine in their penmanship, but were far more detailed and looked better than my usual scribbles. 

It was almost like looking at an idealized version of myself while being inside of the body of somebody far more talented than I was…

With my confidence diminishing and spirits subterranean, I made my way to the IRC for my seventh period and first study hall of the day. A time where I would hopefully be able to disassociate myself from reality and deal with some of the issues that were roaming through my head. Instead, I ran into a positively groan-worthy individual.

Standing a few inches shorter than myself at 1.6 meters tall, with 90 kilograms under his belt by age 19, it was the one super senior I knew of at this school, Yuccot Kikansky. His dirty blonde hair was only a centimeter and a half tall. Acne scars covered his face. And while his uniform looked standard, I could see the sweat stains along his armpits… and smell the funk wafting from his person.

Yuccot scowled as he waddled up to me, causing me to let out an irritated sigh. For I knew I would need to humor this man with the best Maxxie impression I could muster in my disgruntled state of mind.

“What is it I can trouble you for, Y-K?” I asked, assuming a dry but energetic tone.

“So, I was walking past the art room and saw that poster you made.” Yuccot said, ignoring my greeting.

“Oh, you mean my K.O. Beast art?”

“I can’t believe they let you put up your weeb-ass furry fan art you prolly came all over.” Yuccot replied with subtlety of a Hippo taking a dump. 

“Um, wowzers, a couple of problems with what you just said. Deflection numbero eins, no kidding, it’s based on a freaking Japanese cartoon series. Of course it’s weeb-ish.. Plus, while it is only a little bit, I am part Japanese, okies? Deflection zwei, seeing as how I have the rights to it, that means it is not fan art, and while official art may not be the right term, it is pretty dang legit. Deflection drei, …it’s dumb to ejaculate over your own arts, it would get stained and smell after a while. Why would you think I would do that?”

“Puh-lease, I know you’re into weird-ass sex shit—”

“It’s called pansexuality, it means I am equal opportunity when it comes to the type of person I find to be sexy. Men, women, T-Girls, T-Boys, femboys, butch girls, Intersexers, Futas, whatever, IDGAF and so such humbugers.”

“Oh, so you fuck kids?”

“…No, that is deeply wrong. If you’re into Shotacon and Lolicon, I’m cool with that. But child pornography is über destructive, and I want no part in it.” 

As I explained that to Yuccot, I realized I made a mistake by using second-person pronouns.

Yuccot, instead of maintaining a conversation, responded to my unintended insinuation that he was into Shotacon and Lolicon by flinging up the table, very limply might I add, and then shouted at me. The vile words he used struck a chord with me and left me more than a little… shocked by how he said them. While I viewed the words as having little power, he spoke them with hatred and conviction.

Thankfully, before I could respond, a librarian grabbed Yuccot by the ear and began pulling him out of the library. Though I did not see what happened to Yuccot, I knew he would be suspended for at least a few days.

Frazzled from that event, I simply sat there, immersed in my own thoughts, before I felt someone tap my shoulder. I quickly turned around in my chair and was face to face with somebody who, much like Vivi Gaimz and Anita Neukar, I knew, but would not say they were my friend. His name is Gem Stone, an odd name for sure, but he was sort of an odd guy. Very relaxed and easygoing, always nice to people, in some cases a bit uncomfortably so, but something about him always seemed… off. 

Anyhow, in regards to proportions, being 1.88 meters tall and weighing 76 kilograms, I’d say he resembled Zoe in regards to his basic body type. Except while Zoe was handsome and fit, Gem was cute and… cuddly. He was a cute, tall, Mexican boy with a head of short curly hair, dressed in an indigo shirt and some dark pants. 

“You doing alright, Maxxisaurus?” 

As Gem asked me, he sat in the seat next to mine, placing his hand on my shoulder as he played with my hair. It was… a quirk of his, but I knew he was ultimately harmless.

“Um, yes, I just wasn’t expecting him to explode like that,” I said.

“I think he’s just misunderstood. He needs to be honest with himself and try to face his problems instead of giving way to bad habits.”

“Has, um, has he ever lost it and yelled at you?” 

“Yes. I hit him in Freshman year and was sent to the principal’s office. It was the third day of school and I was really scared.”

“Oh, did you get in trouble for that?”

“Nope! I was sent to see the school social worker. I don’t know if you met her. She’s a really nice lady. She understands that I don’t work the same way as most other people and helps me participate in society!”

As Gem said this, I was reminded of his slight lisp and the fact that he was one of those kids with an Independent Education Plan. Meaning he probably had some sort of developmental disability.

“I met her once, but the school decided I didn’t need to see a social worker or any of that shaz,” I answered, vaguely remembering something Maxxie told me three years ago. “Erm, anyway, thanks for coming to see me after Yuccot… did his thing, I appreciate it.”

“Aw, no problemo, Maxxisaurus! That’s what friends are for.” Gem said as he leaned in to hug me.

As he clenched me in a hug that was a teensy bit too tight… my heart went doki-doki. His big strong arms pressed against my body. His hair tickled my nose, filling my nostrils with the scent of coconuts. And as I felt him press against my breasts, I began to imagine him in my mind’s eyes, naked. It was an… unwelcome thought that made push Gem away, breaking myself out of this impromptu hug.

Agh— I, sorry about that Gem, it’s just that, I— I really was not expecting that.”

As I said that, I forgot about who I was supposed to be impersonating and how she would react to a hug from a man like Gem.

“Oh, right, my bad. I’m most sorry Maxxisaurus. I was told I should not give people hugs without asking, but I thought you could use one.” Gem said with his lower lip quivering.

“Um, no, no, I just— it was unexpected, as I said. If you asked me for a hug instead of being so, erm, spontaneous, then that’s a different story, you delightful little… dear.” 

Rather than continue my botched attempt at Maxxie-isms, I excused myself and headed into the little girl’s room. Partially because I needed to escape to some place, and partially because I forgot to pee during lunch.

Upon doing my business I remained in the stall, where I spent the majority of the period asking myself questions about the sexuality of the body and of the mind. I tried to rationalize that it was natural for me to feel these things, and I was not wrong for having such reactions to people like Gem. This wasn’t anything new, as I have pondered my aversion towards sex and nudity frequently over the past few years. I thought nudity and sex were gross. I reached that conclusion long ago. But now… now part of me thought otherwise. Part of me could look at people and find them sexy which was… worrying.

Eventually, the bell rang, I was called to leave the bathroom— restroom— Guh! I hate how often I get those two things flipped around! Why do they even let you call it the bathroom once you start attending school? There are no bathrooms at school, but they always are called the bathrooms in casual conversation, even though they aren’t

…Um, anyhow, upon hearing the eighth-period bell I left for my final class of the day, that of Adventure Education. A spin-off of your standard P.E. class that focuses on teamwork and group activities over sports or exercise. Activities vary day by day, but today was rock climbing, where a group holds onto a person as they climb to the top, while members rotate their roles. But, I did not know anybody there. Okay, Gem was in this class, but he was on another team, and I had to convince myself not to look at his cute butt… That man possesses a fine heiny, okay? …I am just arguing with myself at this point. 

Anyway, I chose not to climb today, and instead simply watched people scale the rocks, using my body and body weight to prevent them from tumbling to a premature death. My teammates and teacher urged me to climb, but they soon realized that ‘Maxxie wasn’t feeling like herself today.’ As I stewed over one final failed performance, I hit the locker rooms again, changed back into my uniform, and ventured to my ninth and final period of the day. Another study hall. 

I made my way to the IRC before heading out to Maxxie’s locker, grabbed her stuff, put her books away, and moseyed my way back to room 1337. Where I walked in on Terra(S) and Zoe(J), who were already having a conversation of their own.

“—You were placed in a foreign environment that provided far more stimulation than you are accustomed to. It is natural that you would find it unnerving, especially when considering that you are in a foreign body at the moment,” Zoe(J) calmly explained.

“Wait, erm, foreign?” Terra(S) asked.

“Not foreign with regard to country. Foreign regarding something being unfamiliar. My apologies. Sometimes I forget that your vernacular is still developing.”

“Well, I’m sorry for my… hissy fit earlier today. I was just—”

“Terra, it is perfectly understandable. Quite frankly, I am surprised that Maxxie, Jad, and I have all been adapting to this so well.”

“I really do feel that this was helpful, and while this, um, being Shiaka thing is a bit weird, I know… I know that I can become who I truly want to be. I’m starting early enough for all of my dreams to become realities and my fantasies to become non-fiction. I will tell my parents when they are back this Thursday, and I will start my transition before the year’s end!” Terra(S) said with the utmost confidence to Zoe(J).

Hearing Terra(S) speak with such enthusiasm was heartwarming… but I just had to use it as ammo against myself. She was an emotional mess a few hours ago. But now, she was brimming with hope. Meanwhile, I just spent the entire day moping around, feeling like a complete piece of waste, wallowing in my own pit of despair. I didn’t even want to talk to them, as I felt there was nothing I could add to their heart-to-heart conversation. Despite this, they approached me.

“Jad, are you feeling alright?” Zoe(J) asked.

“I… I feel as if this whole experience was pretty eye-opening for me. I learned a lot about myself, I feel, and… I’ll be sure to have a nice, long report written for you to come tomorrow, don’t worry about that. In fact, I’d like to get started on that right now.”

I then went over to a nearby computer in this room to begin writing that report on my time as my best friend. As I did so, I overheard Zoe(J) help Terra(S) search for a therapist who specializes in transgender adolescents. From what I heard, their search was fruitful.

Before too much time had passed, the door to room 1337 slammed open, and I heard a familiar tone spoken in a familiar voice.

“Alrighty everybody, I’d say it’s time to get going!” Maxxie(Z) said, already wearing her coat.

“…I trust you were let out early?” Zoe(J) asked.

“Yeah dude, I don’t play hooky or anything like that. I may be a bit of a punk, but I ain’t reppin’ that thuggery. So, if none of you lot have any objections, let’s get geared up and blow this soda stand!”

With that, we all gathered what we needed for the five days off, put on our coats, and promptly walked right out of the front entrance, wishing the security guards an enjoyable break. As I said earlier, they really didn’t care. We weren’t ne’er-do-wells or anything like that, we were honor roll students who wanted to skip study hall.