The Mans Mystery VI
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   The amnesiac man had been lying on this hospital bed for the past hour in a half. Keeping himself occupied with nothing but the slow spinning fan blowing a barely noticeable breeze on him, his thoughts, and the occasional visit from a nurse to check on him. His mind drifted back to earlier today when he stopped in the alleyway. The only memory he had of that time was having an incredible headache. Everything afterword went completely blank. When he came to, he was in the back of an ambulance being rushed to the hospital. When he inquired about what happened he was a bit shocked to find that he was found unconscious near another, now declared deceased, patient, and was brought in due to a possible gunshot wound. Luckily for him, they found nothing at all 

   ‘Luck, yeah right,’ the man mused mentally as he sat there in his all-white hospital bed. His mind drifted towards Beatrice and Jay for a moment, wondering if the pair had come to see him but he mentally slapped himself for thinking that.

   ‘Why would they come to see me? I’ve been more of an inconvenience on them if anything and I doubt they have stopped suspecting that I have something to do with that fire or explosion or whatever,’ he mentally said to himself. He stared at the window a bit. Viewing the city in its twilight hours. A girl seemingly standing on thin air appeared in his vision from the other side of the window. The man's eyes widened a bit as he backed up into his bead. The girl fazed through the glass as if it wasn’t there and slowly approached the man with an outreached arm and soulless black eyes. The man began to panic as the girl reached for him. Getting closer and closer each slow, anxiety increasing second. He felt like he was on fire, like every fiber of his being was being slowly scorched.

    “Stay away,” he uttered as her hand neared his face.

   “Stay away!” Suddenly the doctor was standing in front of him shaking his shoulders.

    “Hey, look at me,” he said shaking the man who looked like he was in the middle of a panic attack. His gaze fixed on a singular point in front of himself as his body shook. He was sweating profusely, and muttering, "Get away," repeatedly.

   “Hey, listen to me,” the doctor said turning the man's head to face him. “You’re alright. Everything is going to be alright man. Just breathe and focus. Focus,” he said to the panicking amnesiac as soothing as he possibly could despite his somewhat grumbly voice. Within a few minutes, the man blinked slowly and looked around as if he was coming back to reality. He stared at the doctor with tear-filled eyes before he looked down at his lap.

   “Sorry” he uttered barely above a whisper.

   The doctor looked down at the man in pity. “Don’t worry about it, sir. From what I heard you must’ve witnessed something traumatic out there,” the doctor responded.

   “But. I can’t remember anything,” the amnesiac said to the doctor staring out the window towards his left, viewing the city outside as twilight began to fall.

   “Welp that’s not completely unusual,” Doctor Joseph responded as he pulled a nearby stool up towards the man's bed and sat down in it. “People who often go through extremely traumatic experiences that the mind is unable to cope with tend to subconsciously lock memories associated with the experience away,” he explained to the man.

   “The odd thing in your case is that so much of your memories have been locked away so to speak,” the doctor began. “I’ve never known anyone to forget everything about themselves. You sure there is nothing you can’t remember sir,” he asked the amnesiac with a raised eyebrow.

   The man sat in his hospital bed with his brows farrowed trying hard to remember something. He had flashbacks to earlier that day in which he went for a walk and encountered that strange yet familiar house and those kids. An uncomfortable feeling reverberated through his body as he thought about the point in his day, and he quickly buried the memory. He looked up at the doctor and shook his head no.

   “Nothing, I’m sorry,” he apologized.

   The doctor sighed. “Well, it can’t be helped I guess,” the doctor pulled out a holopad.

    “Apart from the amnesia and panic attack, have you noticed or experienced anything odd with your health both mentally and/or physically sir,” the doctor asked in a somewhat monotone voice.

   “Strange,” the man questioned.

   “You know like shortness of breath, chills, and or fever,” the doctor glanced up at him with an odd look as he continued. “Fast healing or hard to pierce skin.”

    The amnesiac stared at the doctor for a minute in silence weirded out by the last two questions. ‘Fast healing? Indestructible skin? Sounds like something out of a fictional novel,’ he thought to himself before he responded.

   “U-Uh no, I don’t believe I have any of those,” he said with a nervous laugh while rubbing his head. The doctor seemed to be typing something into the holopad before continuing.

   “Have you taken any drugs from over-the-counter, prescribed, or illegally obtained,” Joseph asked. The man shook his head no.

  “Have you experienced any severe trauma and/or injuries to your person,” he continued. The man shook his head no again.

   “Alright lastly,” Joseph began as he looked up at the amnesiac with a questioning glare. “Have you ever heard of a Technocyte?”

    A look of confusion plastered across the amnesiac's face at that question. ‘What the hell is a Technocyte,’ he thought to himself. He shook his head no.

   “How about SANCTUARY? Name ring a bell,” Joshua questioned.

   “U-Uh no. This part of the evaluation,” the amnesiac questioned the doctor.

   “Just a precaution,” he responded. A nurse came in and sat down a clear case filled with needles and syringes. The sight sent an uncomfortable shiver up his spine. The doctor took notice of this as a slight smirk formed on his face that only served to make the amnesiac feel even more uncomfortable.

   “Don’t worry,” the doctor began. “We aren’t planning to steal a kidney. Just need to draw a little blood from you then we’ll send you on your way,” the doctor told the man who simply nodded giving the needles the nurse was setting up the evil eye. The doctor grabbed one of the needled syringes from the nurse before she left the room then moved back towards the man.

   “May I see you’re left arm please,” the doctor asked the man. The amnesiac hesitantly moved his left arm towards the doctor. The doctor did his best to give him a reassuring smile.

   “If you feel lightheaded let men know okay,” the doctor told the man as he moved to insert the needle as the man closed his eyes and made a somewhat pained expression. But upon contact with the skin of the man's forearm, the needle simply bent and snapped.

   “What the,” the doctor uttered in surprise. He sat there starring at the syringe then glanced up at the man with a questioning look.

   “I-Is everything alright doctor,” the man asked. His eyes were still shut.

   “U-Uh, yeah,” Joshua stammered out. “Just need to try again with the other arm. Wasn’t able to draw any blood.”

   The man gulped as beads of sweat began to form on his face. “O-Ok,” he said nervously.

   The doctor grabbed the second syringe and tried again on his right forearm with the same results occurring. He looked up at the man with a suspicious gaze. The man opened his right eye and glanced over at the broken syringe. He stared at it a bit before opening his mouth.

   “Uh, doc,” he began.

   “The doctor snapped out of his thoughts upon hearing the man’s voice.

   “Oh this,” he moved to toss the syringes in a disposable droid that hovered by. “Don’t worry about it. Just some faulty needles. I’ll chew out the proper people later.”

   The amnesiac looked relieved as he let out a breath of air. “So, no needles then,” he asked.

   “No needles,” the doctor responded in amusement. “I’ll go and add what I do have to your file then you’ll be all set.”

   The man nodded in response.

   “Also, one last thing,” Joshua began. “I’ll need a name to add to the file. I know you don’t remember your name so just come up with something for me to use as a place holder.”

   ‘A name huh,’ he thought to himself. He brought his hand to his chin as he stared down at the white blankets. There was only one name that came to him. He looked up at the doctor as he responded.

  Later that day Beatrice and Jay returned to the hospital to pick up the man. Jay glanced over at his partner as she stared down at her. Earbuds were in her ears as what sounded like rock music emanated faintly from them.

   “You know you should really talk to Joshua about,” he started but Beatrice stopped him, not glancing up from her phone.

   “There is nothing for us to talk about,” she said dryly.

   “It seems to me there is a lot that needs to be said,” he responded starring at the road ahead. “You can’t keep blaming him for what happened back then.”

   “I’m not blaming him,” she responded with a bit of aggression as she continued to stare down at her phone though she has since stopped paying attention to whatever she was viewing.

   “Really? I can’t tell. With the way you’re giving him the cold shoulder,” Jay started but his response was cut off by the now angry woman.

   “Not another word about it Jones,” she hissed at her senior through gritted teeth.

    Her hand was clenching her phone as if she was trying to crush it. Jay decided to drop it as he sighed. The rest of the drive was filled with awkward silence. Within minutes they were in the emergency medical centers parking lot. Jay put the car in park and exited the vehicle. Beatrice watched him move inside of the hospital and let out a sigh once he walked into the building. She slouched back into her seat placing her hand on her face trying her best to hold back tears and old painful memories from surfacing.

   Jay walked up to the same AutoDroid clerk from earlier and was promptly greeted by it in an overly polite manner.

   “I am here to pick up that patient me and my compatriot came to visit earlier,” the man told the android plainly.

   “Oh yes, right away sir,” the android responded with a smile before it froze same as before to transmit a message before continuing.

   “Dr. Lynch and Mr. Lawson should be here shortly,” the android responded.

   ‘Lawson,’ Jay questioned mentally as he did a double-take. A look of surprise on his face. ‘I only know of one person with that name. But he’s…,’ Jay continued on with his thoughts.

   Joshua and the amnesiac man walked into the lobby and spotted Jay standing at the front desk with an odd expression adorning his face.

   “Oh, they have arrived,” the android said to Jay as his head darted over towards the two men coming his way. The amnesiac now had a different, plain white shirt on but still wore the same sweatpants from earlier. Jays left eyebrow raised as he approached them. Joshua was the first to speak.

   “He’s all yours Jay,” Joshua said to the man.

   “Does he need to sign anything? How much do I owe you,” the one-eyed detective asked his friend, but the doctor simply put his hand up and shook his head.

   “No need for any of that old friend,” he simply said.

   Jay nodded and turned to the man standing a bit behind his friend. “Go wait in the car,” he said plainly. The man perked up a bit and nodded. He turned to the doctor thanking him and nervously shaking his hand before leaving the building. Jay turned to his friend after watching the man go with a raised eyebrow.

   “Lawson? What’s that all about,” he immediately questioned the doctor.

   “Oh, that,” Joshua began with a slight smirk. “I needed to put a name down on his file and since he has no memory of his real name, I had him think one up. Imagine the look on my face when he said Sherlock of all names,” he laughed.

   He continued. “Said he got the name from a character in a book he really likes. He couldn’t come up with a last name, so I gave him ole’ Gunnies last name. He reminds me a lot of the man physically.” A sad smile appeared on Joshua’s face as Jay stared down at his feet in thought.

   “Yeah,” Jay responded plainly. “In any case thanks for you’re help brother. I really owe you one.”

   “More than one,” the doctor looked at his friend with a grin as they shook hands and parted. Before they got too far Joshua remembered something and quickly turned and called out to Jay.

   “Oh, and Jay! Be careful around him,” he yelled to the man. Jay turned giving him a confused look as his friend stared back at him with a very serious one.

   “What do you know,” he said walking back to Joshua.

   “I am not sure of anything at the moment, but there’s something… off about that guy,” Joshua told him as he brought his hand to his chin in thought. He abruptly turned to leave as he said one more thing.

   “Also, that guy could use some therapy.”

   And with that, the doctor disappeared down the double doors to the far right and back down the hallway he came from. Jay stared off with a frown on his face.

   ‘What did he mean by that,’ he thought before he turned and left the hospital. He walked towards his vehicle and was barely a couple of feet away when he heard Beatrice yelling at the man from inside. He shook his head as a slight smirk unconsciously appeared on his face before he entered the vehicle.

    Beatrice sat there giving the man in the back of the vehicle a dirty look as he laughed nervously apologizing to her.

   “Sorry, didn’t mean to make you worry,” he responded.

   Beatrice let out a snort. “Me worried about you? Keep imagining,” she said bluntly as she turned away from him and back to her cellular device. Jay stared at the two with an amused expression as he started up the car and pulled out of the lot.

   “So, mister Sherlock Lawson. How about we get you a bite to eat, huh,” Jay said in an amused tone to the man in the back of the vehicle. Beatrice turned to him with a confused look.

   “Sherlock… Lawson,” she questioned her partner who motioned his head towards the man in the back.

   “Yep, that’s apparently his name now. Has a nice ring to it don’t you think,” he mused as they came to a stop behind some other vehicles. She looked back at the man who shrugged his shoulders with an awkward smile on his face. What happened next took both men by surprise. Beatrice Moreau, the stone-cold detective who has seemed to only have it out for the now named Sherlock Lawson let out a giggle for the first time in response to this news. Jay stared at her with a shocked expression, his mouth left ajar.

   “Sherlock? Really,” she laughed at the man in the backseat. She turned to the front shaking her head as she continued to listen to her music. It may not have been much and very short-lived. But that moment had a profound impact on Jay.

   ‘I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen her laugh,’ he thought as he continued driving. ‘You’re in rarified air, Mr. Lawson.’