Chapter 2: Arriving in Arizona, Opening up the house, First guest, Dreams.
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It had been the required five business days and finally Alex was heading out. He got a call from his little sister as he was loading his stuff up in the moving van. He answered with a simple “Sup Lana.” Lana Roberts, Alex's little sister was twenty five. Her boyfriend, who was two years older than her, had joined the same service as Alex when he was eighteen, and Alex was twenty. Alex had kept his little sister's boyfriend safe and the two had been good friends after leaving the service. He asked Lana “How's Roger?”

She said “Hey big bro. Roger's good, the kids are keeping him busy. So I heard your moving to the desert from mom, that means you'll be able to visit from time to time, right?” He chuckled knowing she just wanted him to watch her twins Liza and Andy. She sighed and said “Please visit when you get in town?”

He chuckled and said “Of course Lana. I can't wait to see how Andy and Liza are doing. Is Andy still a mamma's boy, and Liza a daddy's girl?” Lana chuckled and replied that yes that was still the same. He grinned and said “I got into the program.”

She grinned, he could hear it in her tone, and said “Awesome. Maybe you can reconnect with your old squad mates. Roger said that the other officers in your squad all complained when you retired, but you retired to avoid being roped into becoming the general of the entire army, right?”

He replied “Yeah. I know Lady Astrea and lord Nicodemus really wanted me to be part of the army to help settle both Lumia and Atraxia, but I couldn't do that. Not after nearly losing my squad. I still have nightmares about the team almost dying because of my mistakes. I wasn't really a good captain.”

Lana snorted and said “Bullshit big bro. You were a great captain. You made the occasional mistake but Roger says you got your squad, and the entire army, out of more situations than anyone except lord's Nicodemus and Arento. I know Commander Marcus relied on you a lot from what your squad said to Roger.”

He winced at that and said “Commander's Marcus, Nicodemus, and Leonidas had to pull my ass out of more than a few tight spots. If anything the only reason my squad was so good it was because of Lyra and Carlita being such expert spies and counter espionage.” She giggled at that and he said 'I'm serious. If not for their information we'd still be fighting today and I'd have never retired. Sadly with the end of the war I couldn't stand being in charge thus I ended up retiring and returning to earth, despite wanting to live on Lumia since only military personnel from earth were allowed to stay on Lumia for the last four years. Now that those restrictions are gone I expect the girls to be sending me a lot of mail and even possibly coming over. Of course they have nothing on the guys who came back bitching about counter terrorist operations. I'm glad I got out when I did. Of course now I have to worry about Nicodemus and lady Astrea sending me letters and sending my awards through. I was happy remaining unknown.”

Lana laughed and said “Only unknown on earth. How many towns did your team personally evacuate and how many times were you the last one to leave the battlefield?” Alex winced and muttered something that sounded like not that many when she said “Every single time. Your group was the first one in, and the last one out. You were the first person on sight and the last person to leave. What the fuck do you mean not that many big bro?” He sighed and thought “Here we go again.” She said “If it wasn't for you your entire squad would have died more than a hundred times. That's why they wanted you to become a general and instead you left in obscurity. Anyway I just called to say you have to visit when you arrive in Tucson as you know where the house is and your new place should be a mile north of the city.”

Yes he was living outside of Tucson rather than directly within. He knew how it was for soldiers on leave and didn't want to drag that onto the poor city, plus the government had built the boarding house a mile outside the city on it's own private patch of land because the old man who'd run the house before was a monster tamer. His pets had all been sent to Lumia and were released into the wilds, but Alex figured he could bring his own pets through that were being watched by the army. He'd only had limited contact but he knew his sky dragon, his wolf Luna, and his fire fox Ami were all in protective custody waiting for the chance to be reunited with their tamer. Of course he also heard the rumors about how beasts could become mamono and liminals if they're master bonded with them and passed some of his or her energy but he didn't believe it as he'd shared senses with Luna plenty of times and she just seemed to be an above average intelligence dire wolf.

He yawned and said “Alright Sis, I'll talk to you later.” He hung up and turned off his phone as he was driven to the airport, then popped a piece of gum into his mouth and blew a bubble. He knew it was kind of disrespectful but with the info dump he'd had to provide to his sister the last time she called he felt he deserved this, especially since it was never easy talking to his little sister, and even harder thinking about the past. Yes he'd gotten lost in the office of the IWEP, but that was because he was signing up specifically to meet up with old friends. He blew another bubble as he boarded the plane then settled in for a four hour flight to Tucson's airport, from which he would then be taken by car to his new home. He yawned and spat his gum into the wrapper then threw it away in the bathroom and walked back t this seat.

As he sat down he felt exhausted and slowly drifted into a dream. In the dream he was back in Atraxia. He was standing before a temple of the fallen god of darkness. He heard a voice say “They are awakening.” He looked around for the source of the voice but all he saw was statues of the god's apostles. He sighed and thought to himself that they couldn't have been the ones that said that as ti was odd that they would start speaking of awakening. The voice said again “They are awakening, young one. Soon it will be time for you to go from an ordinary life to a life of bloodshed yet again. Will you be ready?” He looked around again and saw the eyes of the statues glowing. He slowly walked into the temple finding this a little unnerving. The voice continued “Only a god can defeat a god, but to become one is to sacrifice everything. What will you give up to stop them?”

He said “Stop who?” The voice just turned into that of a little girl giggling. He said “Who are you?” The voice giggled again and he heard his own voice, repeated back to him distorted though. It said “Who are you? WhO ArE YoU? Who aRe yOu? WHO arE You?You Are wHo?” He shivered and said “I'm Alex Roberts, now who are you?”

The voice laughed mocking him with a simple “I am me, and you are you. Who are we?” He glanced around for the source of the voice but couldn't see anyone or anything except the statues. Suddenly the older more mature voice said “Time is running out. The barriers are weakening. The old gods are waking. What will you do son of many and son of none?” He winced thinking that was true. He was the son of every soldier he'd learned from but he was the son of none because his parents had passed away when he was fourteen. He'd been raising Lana since she was ten, then their aunt had taken over when he joined the joint military operation at age eighteen. The more mature voice asked “Will you abandon your blood? Your friends? Your heart? Or maybe you'll abandon the very thing that makes you a son of man.”

He growled out “Why do I have to give anything up?”

The voice sighed and said softly “You have done so many times before. You gave up your mortality to be a god, and gave up godhood to be reborn as a man. Which were you first? No one knows. Only the ancients remember back then and they are all asleep just yet. They are waking, but can you halt their awakening? Will you want to? Can you see beyond the mirrors and hear beyond the distortions?”

He mumbled “Distortions?” The voice chuckled sadly and faded away only to be replaced by the little girl.

The little girl said “Can you tell me a story?”

A more mature masculine voice asks “What kind of story?”

The girl says “The story about the war?”

The mature voice says “Why do you want to hear about the war, it'll just give you nightmares.”

The little girl replies “Because I know you're going off to fight.”

The mature voice asked “Who told you that?”

The girl said “Aunty.”

The mature voice replies “I wish she'd keep that to herself. I don't need everyone trying to talk me out of it, I also don't need you thinking I'm going to die like the hero in the story if I tell yo it.”

The girl asked “So you'll tell me it though?”

The male sighs and says “Yes. There once were gods wandering the worlds. They started battles amongst themselves for any reason at all. Whether it be to prevent another god from gaining power, to gain power themselves, or to make more armies. However eventually one god grew tired of all the fighting. This was the god of chaos.”

The girl asked “Chaos? But wouldn't chaos be the one who wanted the fighting to continue the most?” this seemed like a rehearsed question from the girl's tone but the man just laughed.

He said “You'd think that but this god was tired. He'd been there during the ether, when everything was called the blind eternities, he'd been there when the first gods were born, and he'd been there when they made the first mortal races that they asked for his help with. For you see the nature of chaos is change. Chaos wanted change from the constant war. They wanted peace. They wanted to watch the newer races grow and prosper. They wanted innovation for farming, planting, growing, making things, all sorts of things war would prevent.”

The girl asks “Why did war prevent all that?”

The man replies “Because war was all about death, which empowered order but even order was tired of the fighting. Yes there was change form battlefield to battlefield but it was all a static war. That is to say a never ending war. Even order wanted change so that things could be peaceful though. So chaos and order combined their armies and declared 'THIS WILL BE THE LAST WAR AMONG WORLDS SO LONG AS WE BOTH SHALL LIVE!!!” It was. The two gods crushed the lesser gods and sealed the worlds off from each other. They banished each set of gods to their own world telling them they would strip them of their divinity should they see a god starting a war with another. There was peace for a time. However during that peace the other gods started gaining followers and strength.”

The girl asks, as the man pauses, “Isn't that a good thing?”

The man chuckled and said “Yes. That's a very good thing for the gods. They slowly started to care more about their creations. Realizing that the more strength they gained the higher an order of godhood they could reach. However still they couldn't reach order and chaos as they were fundamental forces of the universe. Every time a soul would pass on into the ether order would grow stronger and every time a new soul was born Chaos would grow stronger. Of course the two gods eventually gained followers of their own on their own worlds. Chaos took the form a man. Order the form of a woman. Order said that though women brought life into the world, it would be peaceful for others to see a female guiding them to the blind eternities.”

The girl said “Is that why women are the champions of order and men the champions of chaos?”

The man nodded and said “Yes. Chaos said men were more chaotic than women and were more likely to do things that would bring about dark changes, while women brought about changes of life and good things. Chaos chose to play the role of the villain even to its own followers. It pretended to be a monstrous god who would smite anyone though it truly only targeted the wicked. Order however brought peace and prosperity. In this way they were opposites yet the same. One day however Order hard the other gods plotting to start one last war with Chaos. Order tried to warn her friend but he merely smiled and said 'Then I will challenge them to one war. A war of champions. That will save so many lives and allow them to 'vanquish' me once and for all.' Order tried to convince her friend that this was a horrible idea.”

The girl said “Of course it was big brother, Order knew that if Chaos was seen as evil then the gods would fight over his domains when he fell.”

The man laughed and said “You're right. However; that's why he had a plan. He planned to pass his domains onto his champion who would be a version of him reborn as a man. He passed his power to his champion and challenged the gods to a battle. They killed Chaos, however; Chaos lived on in his champion. The champion went on to protect many worlds. Yet eventually he knew the gods needed chaos once again so he gave up his humanity by fighting in a war. This war was between the forces of light and dark. The two gods had challenged each other to a war between gods as Chaos was dead and the oath Chaos and Order had said was...”

The girl finished “As long as we both shall live. Oh I get it, the oath was broken the moment chaos died.”

The man chuckled and said “Right. Chaos realized the gods would always fight after living as a man and decided that the gods must be sealed away for the mortals to grow. With me so far?”

The girl said “I thinks so, the reason the gods had to be sealed, at least the ancient gods was because they were hampering the growth of the mortal races. However the mortal races devolved into war after the ancient gods disappeared. Wait though, didn't the worlds get shut off from each other?”

The male laughs and says “I'm not there yet little sis. After the war between the gods of light and dark chaos rose back up as a god by being slain by the two gods in a fit of pique. When he regained his form he sealed the gods away saying 'Until you can learn to live as your followers do, and accept mortals as equals you shall sleep.' Of course that wasn't the only way they could wake up but that was how they were supposed to wake up. After sealing away the ancient gods Chaos made minor gods who each took over their own world. He then separated the worlds with the veil formed of the blind eternities. Now we're at your favorite part, right?”

She giggled and said “Right big bro, when Chaos decided to strip its powers and enter the cycle of rebirth while Order watched over the worlds.”

The man chuckled and said “Right. Order took over watching the worlds while Chaos went to sleep physically but was mentally reincarnated over and over. Now you want the story of the war, right?”

The girl said “Yeah that was the story of the gods not he war.”

The man said “Alright but then you go to sleep.”

She whined but said “Fine.”

The man sighed and said “The war was begun long ago between two world that pierced the veil. They were worlds owned by the demon and angel gods. The angels challenged the demons and the demons demanded the angels give them their resources. A hero rose up from the angels. This hero was Gabriel. She was a warrior who was peerless.”

The girl smiled and said “I like how the hero was a girl this time.”

The man said “In this war the hero was always a girl.”

The girl hummed and said “True.”

The man continued “Gabriel worked her way across battlefield after battlefield. Watching her friends and enemies alike fall. Some fell to her blade, others to her opponents. Eventually she grew sick of the bloodshed and challenged the leader of the demons to a battle. The two met in the field and charged at each other. Gabriel wielded her glaive and the demon leader wielded a battle ax. The two challenged each other and clashed for days on end. However; eventually Gabriel came out victorious. She had won but she'd been mortally wounded so she shouted to the gods “I give my life to prevent this tragedy please repair the rift,” and so they did. The gods agreed that their charges were not ready for peace. So they left the rift repaired and changed things to where only when the worlds were ready would the veil start to fall. Of course if the veil falls the gods will awaken.”

The girl said “The gods will awaken if the veil falls?”

The man said “Yes. The veil is part of the seal keeping them asleep.”

The girl said “Oh... ok. Big brother, why are you going off to war?”

He said “To protect you and all our friends.”

After that the voices faded and vanished. The mature woman's voice came back saying “The veil has started to fall. Thus the gods have started to awaken. So, what will you do child of chaos?”

Alex said “I don't know. I know we could repair the veil but then the worlds would be separated and then no one would see their friends anymore. I guess, I guess, we'll just have to wait and see.”

The woman's voice laughed and said “Good answer. Now it's time for you to wake up sir.”

Alex opened his eyes as a stewardess said “It's time to wake up sir the flight is over.” He smiled and thanked her then grabbed his bag wondering about his dream. He walked out of the airport after getting the rest of the luggage he brought with him then saw his ride. It was an old friend of his who'd transferred the to the IWEP as a worker rather than stay in the military.

He waved at the man and said “AVERY!!!! It's so good to see you again.”

Avery smiled and said “Hey Captain. Have a nice flight?” At Alex's nod he said “Great. Um who's supposed to pick you up?” He pulled out his ID for the IWEP and Avery said “SWEET!!!! I Didn't realize you were my client. You're taking over old man Dominick's place on the outskirts of town?” Alex nodded and he said “Awesome your companions will love it there. Speaking of have you heard anything about Luna, Ami, or your sky dragon Kiara?”

Alex said “I don't know. I know that Lyra was looking after them but I haven't heard from her since mail between the worlds was cut off for any non government/military personnel. Of course that means that I probably have a backlog of mail.” Avery chuckled and nodded thinking about how the entire squad had wanted to hear about the captain so they constantly bugged Roger who only told them he was planning on eventually traveling to Arizona. Alex sighed and said “I wonder how those girls are doing and I don't mean my animal companions.”

Avery said “The girls all retired last year. They've been working as consultants for the military on and off but only Lyra keeps in contact with lady Astrea. Of course Lady Astrea was trying to get your information but commander Marcus said that as a civilian you didn't need contact. I think she wanted to make you an ambassador since you did save her life and all.” Alex blushed and muttered he just did what anyone would do. Avery said “Bull, Cap. You were the only one to rush in to save her while your crew stood outside and guarded the building. If it wasn't for you a fourteen year old Astrea would have died alongside Ambassador Andrea. She's had a crush on you ever since.”

Alex said “I call bull. Astrea had lots of guys she liked in our unit. Hell she had a thing for Roger till he told her he was dating Lana.”

Avery snorted and said “She told him later that she was just trying to make you jealous. Also she couldn't help but stair at you when you received your captain's patch. She was so excited she nearly broke protocol to hug you when you gained your rank. I know for a fact she hugged you at the party.”

Alex said “She was just proud of me. I mean her hero finally got what she thought he deserved and had the ability to lead troops. Plus she was always hanging out with her brother Axel.” He smiled thinking about the prince of the sword. A tittle coined by an old author and given to him by Alex when he said he was merely the crown prince and supposed to protect his sister. Alex had said that then he was the prince of the sword and his first duty was to his sister before anyone else so they're group would teach him all he'd need to know to protect her until she had an heir. Lumia wasn't matriarchal, but firstborn's bloodline always took the throne and Astrea was older than Axel by a full hour even though they were twins.

Avery snorted and said “Ah yes the prince of the sword, you know the empress gave him that title after he retired two years ago?” Alex blinked and stared as if saying 'really?” Avery nodded and said “Yeah it was my last year of service before transferring to IWEP and she said 'In honor of sir Roberts I believe we'll keep prince and princess of the sword as an honorary title for the second in command of the kingdom.' It was hilarious to see his face when he realized he had an actual courtly title rather than just crown prince. Of course that is only for the royal family in charge of all Lumia. Axel is also a count with his own territory to preside over when not in court. Emperor Nicodemus asked the commander and lord Leonidas what happened to you and they said you retired because you didn't want to deal with the terrorists after all the fighting. Was that really the case?”

Alex smiled slightly sadly and said “It was more I was tired of the fighting and didn't feel I deserved to be the general of the combined forces. Anyway how much longer till we get to the house?”

Avery sighed realizing that his former captain was dodging the question at least partly and said “We're almost there.” Alex smiled and looked out the window seeing trees growing along the path they were traveling and a mountain off in the distance. He wondered what the hell a forest was doing in Arizona and Avery said “You're probably wondering about the forest?” Alex nodded and Avery said “Well, the forest is plants native to Lumia. They're all from that desert forest we invaded that was under controlled by the enemy army before we cleared them out. Speaking of, a lot of the enemy army that were forced to fight thanked the commanders for sparing them and thanked you in particular for leading the group that destroyed the control collars. Of course those that were in the army voluntarily joined the terrorists in berating Lord Nicodemus. Anyway why'd you join the IWEP?”

Alex laughed and said “I know the girls are going to join and if they see me as a possible host they and any of my other friends coming to earth will want to live with me. Of course I'm going to have to renovate the house, and oh we're here.” Avery nodded and pulled into the parking garage then he and Alex got out.

Avery said “Do you need me to grab your bags Cap?” Alex shook his head and grabbed his bag throwing it over his shoulder then carried his larger bag in his other hand and stretched. Avery sighed and said “I'm supposed to help Cap.” Alex chuckled and shrugged then stretched and motioned for Avery to lead on. Avery walked into the house after unlocking the door connected to the garage and led Alex upstairs. Alex looked around as they walked. For one thing, the house had a Victorian theme going on. Tall ceilings, glass chandeliers, Gothic architecture, etc. They walked upstairs and Avery opened up the master bedroom. Alex threw his bag on the bed, a king size that the company had provided, which was a lot better than the futon he left in his old apartment. He stretched and put his other bag at the foot of the bed then turned to Avery who said “The files on the prospective guests are in the study.”

Alex nodded and said “Any idea who the first guest will be?” Avery shook his head and Alex asked “Any rules I need to know about being a host?”

Avery said “One, you have to prevent the guests from feeling to anxious and getting into fights. Two, you have to see to the needs of the guests and will be provided funds to buy whatever they need and they will have a few magical booklets to allow them to order things from Lumia and Atraxia. Three you can have relations with the guests, BUT if you are found to be forcing them into anything they don't want to do you will be kicked out of the program and they will be given to a counselor then allowed to choose if they would rather leave our world completely or would just like to see you punished in their world. Of course I know you cap, you're not the type to take advantage of a woman or of a man for that matter. Though I don't even know what your preferred partner's gender is.”

Alex whistled innocently not feeling like saying he swung both ways even if he'd never had a sexual partner and was even interested in the occasional hermaphrodite he'd met. He stretched and said “No I'm no sexual predator. Plus most of my guests will probably be people who can kick my ass.”

Avery raised an eyebrow and asked “Have you stopped training?” Alex shook his head his muscles showing as he flexed his arms and Avery said “Then no most of them can't kick your ass even if you don't like to admit you have superhuman abilities Cap.” Alex stared at him confused and he said “Remember the arm wrestling match with commander Drasliona?”

Alex asked “What about it?”

Avery grinned and said “Well Cap, you beat her fair and square and there aren't many people stronger than dragons other than the occasional archangel or demon lord. I mean you even wrestled your sky dragon into submission before you bonded her.” Alex blinked realizing that yes he did indeed wrestle a dragon, that while young, was close to adolescence. He whistled softly and wondered what the hell he was doing that gave him such strength. Avery saw the look on his face and said “You seriously thought you were normal Cap?” Alex nodded bashfully and Avery burst out laughing.

Avery said “That's ok don't feel bad Cap your entire family's insanely strong. Roger got his ass knocked flat by a ball thrown by little Andy. Liza's a handful too. Also you are going to go drinking with me and the other nine in town, right?” Alex blinked and mouthed 'Other nine?' Seeing his look of confusion Avery said “Roger, Delilah, Nora, Willis, Seth, Marissa, Scott, Liam, and Anthony.”

Alex blinked and said “Roger I knew about, Delilah as in Delilah Rose?” At a nod he said “Nora King?” Another nod and he asked “Willis Andrews?” Yet another nod and another question, “Seth Rogers?” Another nod. “Marissa and Scott Lancer?” Another nod. He asked “Let me guess Liam and Anthony are Anthony Matthews, and Liam Drake?” Yet another nod and he said “How are ten of my infantry members stationed in Tucson?”

Avery said “We all joined the IWEP and asked to be stationed around Roger's place. Roger already has a girl staying with him who's and other worlder. Her name is Lianna Kesler. She's a werewolf.”

Alex asked “As in therianthrope werewolf or mamono werewolf?”

Avery said “Therianthrope. She got attached to Roger on his last tour and when Roger joined the unit she requested to board with him. She also wants to meet you Cap, since you are the one who trained Roger. She is also trying to convince your sister to let her join the family as Roger's second wife.” Alex blinked and burst out laughing.

Avery said “I know it's funny Cap but it's started working as she said that Lana will always be the alpha and she just wants a pack to belong to.” Alex snickered imagining his little sister have a conniption over a therianthrope flirting with her man then starting to slowly accept them because their kind were so damn persistent. Avery saw his smile and said “You can imagine it can't you?”

Alex nodded and said “I was wondering why Lana had more time to call me when she should be watching the kids while Roger's at work. Anyway I think I got the gist of things and my stuff will be here day after tomorrow so for today I'm going to crash on my bed. I won't be taking any tenants for two weeks. Tell the program I'll be here tomorrow while I wait for the remodel team.” Avery nodded and bid his former captain goodbye saying he'd see him on the weekend when all nine of the others would join him to drag Alex to the bar. Alex agreed to go out over the weekend then walked to his room and collapsed after accepting the keys. Avery left and Alex passed out.

As Alex slept he had another dream, thought this one was more of a memory. Alex stood in a burning field. His team was around him looking down at the gun in his hands. He turned toward them and said “Let's move out.” They nodded and they started sneaking along the edge of the road. Alex motioned for them to be silent and stop then whistled. Out of the woods at the edge of the field Luna appeared and jogged over to him. He shared their senses and memories. She showed him the trail she followed and the enemy encampment. He turned to his squad and said “We're going to approach from the south. The enemy is facing the north. They'll be expecting us from the east as they're too the west of us. We'll have to go around and let Luna guide us.”

Atrea and Drasliona looked at him and said “The usual plan?”

He shook his head and said “They have AA guns. So the fliers would be sitting ducks. We'll all approach as a group then split up and attack from the south and west. They think we'll come from the east or north because the army is to the north and we ourselves just made a ton of noise here to the east of them. Lyra, Carlita, and Liona, you'll hit them from the south. I'll hit them from the west with Atrea and Dianna. Luna will sneak in while their distracted and guard the hostages.”

Drasliona said “Hostages?” He nodded and she asked “From where?”

He said “A few miles south of here is a village. They took the children hostage to force the parents ot supply them. This is now a rescue operation.” The gang agreed and they moved out.

The image changed to a different scene this time it was the day he was shipping out. Lana was clinging to his waist and his aunt Amelia was smiling at him sadly. Amelia said softly “You are so much like your father.” Alex grinned and she flicked his forehead saying “However like my brother you rarely realize when you're in over your head. You can be a bullheaded idiot, or a dog with a bone and unwilling to let go even though you know people want to take it from you, but you are one of the sweetest young men I know. I know you're going to train to be a killer, but don't forget your roots. Now Lana let go of him he ships out in ten minutes.”

Lana looked up at him with tears in her eyes and said “You have to promise to write to me every chance you get. You also have to promise to come back.”

Alex laughed and said “Of course I'm coming back Lana.” Lana shook her head and held out her pinky of her right hand. He took it and said “It's a promise. I'll be back for your first prom, I'll send letters, and I'll stay safe.” She nodded and smiled up at him then he said “I love you Lana.”

Lana said “You're real cool big bro. I love you too, now go show all three worlds just what us Roberts can do.” Alex smiled and nodded then boarded the rift gate.

He woke up at dawn with a smile on his face and walked to the office to get started on the paperwork for his home stay. He saw it was Drasliona who would most likely be his first tenant. He grinned and muttered “Good old Liona.” He started reading her file seeing she'd gained a few new titles since he'd left the service, had grown a foot, and her wings had grown larger. Now they could wrap around her like a cloak. He laughed imagining what she would do with that and how she'd probably make fun of vampires.

He got up from his desk and took a shower then heard the doorbell ring. He walked downstairs and started talking to the renovation team. They decided to give the house a more modern feel. He helped out as they started taking out the Gothic architecture. They added some lighter colors to the walls, changed the shapes of windows, added more rooms and made an indoor pool for aquatic house guests. After that the renovation team left and Alex plopped down on the couch. He realized the team had done a lot of work in a little bit of time and wondered if they used magic. After that he started working on the game he was designing and contacted his company telling them he'd come into company headquarters to work starting the next day. After that he decided to relax for the day and worry about the rest of the week as it happened.

******************************At the end of the week**********************************

At the end of the week Alex went out with the gang of former soldiers he'd worked with and they all started drinking, partying, and just talking about their week. The entire crew wanted to hear what Alex had been up to since retiring from the service, while Alex was curious about their lives as members of the IWEP. He was also curious about his brother in law's house guest. The drinks flowed freely, the conversation flowed freer, and Alex got to know his old subordinates in a whole new way. After the night started to draw to a close he went home with Roger to see his niece, nephew, little sister, and their house guest the therianthrope Lianna Kesler.

When they arrived at Roger's place the door burst open and two four year old's ran out then glomped their old man. Alex laughed and asked “What no hugs for Uncle Alex?”

The kids released they're father and hugged him shouting “Uncle Alex.” He chuckled and they said “Uncle Alex is it true you are moving into town?” He nodded and they cheered then dragged him into the house where there mother was sitting up reading a book. It was summer but the kids should have been in bed but they must have waited up for their old man.

He said “Hey Lana.” Lana looked up then grinned and threw herself into his arms where he spun her laughing and saying “I'm here little sis, I'm here.” Suddenly someone walked into the room and he said “Who's this?” The girl who walked in had long silver hair that went down to her waist, gold eyes, a scar over her left cheek in the shape of a claw mark, and was wearing a t shirt and shorts.

Lana looked where he was and said “Oh that's Lianna. She's our home stay. Lianna this is my big brother Alex Roberts.” Lianna and Alex met eyes and she cowered under his stare. He'd given her his wolf stare which kept his monster companions in line. Lana saw his look and slapped his shoulder saying “Be nice big bro.” He chuckled and nodded loosening up and allowing Lianna to relax.

She said “Hello Alpha of Alphas. I am Lianna Kesler. I seek your permission to court your sister and her husband Roger.” Roger had taken the Roberts name and Alex was fine with that. He didn't think he'd ever have kids so it was nice for the family line to continue through his niece and nephew.

He shrugged and said “It's not up to me whether or not you can court them, it's up to them. I have no problem with you lady Kesler. I can tell you honor my sister, but I'm not the alpha of alphas.” She snorted at that and he said “Seriously I'm not.”

She said “Then how did you keep a suicidal hellhound in line?” He blinked and looked away muttering it was pure luck. She snorted knowing that was a load of horse shit. Alex had kept Atrea from throwing her life away and gave her a reason to live after her pack was killed by the Atraxian forces. She had been a fourteen year old pup, underfed, malnourished, and walking to her death. He'd forced her to decide to fight back. Then he'd told her 'Find a purpose, any purpose. Don't let your family's deaths be in vain.' She agreed and had dedicated her life to protecting him throughout the war. He asked her why and she said 'I have a life only because you believed in me. Thus I am not going to allow you to die before I prove you are important to me.” He'd brushed it off but now he wondered.

Lianna walked up to him and sniffed him then said “They were right you do smell of beasts and blood.”

Alex said “Who was right?”

Lianna said “Alex and Lana. They said you smelled like flesh and blood even to a human nose.” He chuckled at that and she smiled then he sat down at the kitchen counter while she sat next to Lana on the couch.

Lana asked “Where's my no good husband?” Alex laughed and pointed outside where Roger was sitting on the porch pouting. Lianna giggled and Lana said “The kids instantly gave him up for you?” He nodded and she said “I better go assuage his wounds. Lianna you come too.” Lianna nodded and the two women left the house to comfort the man they both had fallen for. Alex chuckled and stretched then saw the kids who were looking at him expectantly.

He laughed and handed them each a pack of candy he had in his coat making them squeal and hug him saying, “You're the best uncle Alex.” Alex chuckled and sent them off to enjoy their prizes then yawned and popped a piece of gum in his mouth. If you're noticing a trend good, Alex chews gum like many people smoke, constantly. The three other adults walked in and saw the kids with bags of candy then glared at Alex.

Alex chuckled and said “Sorry but it's part of being the fun uncle.” They grumbled about it being impossible to get the kids to bed and he said “Let me put them to bed and tell them a story.” The adults agreed and he walked over scooping up the twins then carried them to their room. They currently shared a room with bunk beds, Andy lived on the top and Liza lived on the bottom. He set them in bed and said “Time for a story then you two go to sleep.”

They nodded and he inhaled then said “There was once a land of rivers and lakes. In this land lived the people of the water. They had the ability to live in water or on land. One day they were visited by a benevolent dragon.” The kids oohed and ahhed at that. He smiled and said “The dragon offered the people of the water a jewel from its hoard in exchange for a simple pearl. The pearl was a pink pearl with white lines. The gem was a purple gem with star like specks within it. The people agreed and then the dragon told them 'I would like to become your patron.' The people of the water said 'What's a patron?' So the dragon told them all about patrons and how they protect the people under them. They agreed and eventually expanded with the dragon watching them grow. However; the dragon started to grow lonely.

The dragon grew lonely because it saw all the families of the people of the water and wanted one of its own. It slowly started to mold a family out of jewel and used the pearls for eyes. Then it asked the people to pray for the magical dragons to come to life. They did. The gods heard their requests and as the people of the water had always been faithful granted them this boon. When the dragon's family was born, the dragon cheered and cried in joy. It and its family then guarded the people of the lake from that day onward. Do you know the moral of the story?” The kids shook their heads.

Alex said “The moral is that if you are kind you will always find someone willing to give you back that kindness. That and the gods are always willing to reward the faithful, at least in stories.” The kids giggled and thanked their uncle for the story then slowly drifted off. He smiled and muttered “I wonder if they would want to meet the water people if they knew they existed in Lumia and the drags in question are real creatures who guard over them.”

He walked out of the room and saw the parents and Lianna sitting on the couch watching TV. He stretched and said “I'm going to head home. I'll talk to you guys later.” They bid him farewell and he called a cab then went home. When he got home he turned on his computer and started playing an MMO he'd joined to kill time. His partners in the MMO were nicknamed “Lady A, Starlight's dragon, Hell's hound, and Tiger Assassin.” He played for a while never having a headset on because he didn't want to hear people bitch at each other over a game, then logged off and collapsed in bed.

***************************The Day the Home stay Arrives******************************

Alex was sitting on the front porch playing a game on his handheld console as he heard a car pull up into the drive. He grinned as the driver got out and said “Hey Avery.” Avery waved and opened the back door to let out his passenger. It was a lady in a black cloak, a blue dress, and had sunglasses over her eyes. He smirked and said “I see my first guest has arrived.” Avery nodded and he said “Welcome to casa de la Roberts. I'm Mr. Roberts your host. Please come inside.” He held open the front door allowing the girl to walk past him then Avery walked up and he whispered “That Drasliona?”

Avery nodded and said “Yeah she doesn't realize that your her home stay host. She only knows that it's a mister Roberts. I think Lady Astrea had a hand in that because we normally tell them the first name of everyone who is in the program. Anyway let's see how she handles this since she probably won't recognize you.”

Alex blinked and said “Do I really look that different?”

Avery said “Cap you had long hair when you were younger, and you also were always in fatigues rather than normal clothes.” Alex sighed and Avery said “The only reason I recognized you was because you called out to me and I recognized your voice after a few minutes.” Alex nodded and walked in while Avery got Drasliona's bags from the trunk.

Alex yawned and sat across from her on a recliner and said “So Miss, Drake, do you know who I am?” Drasliona said “A human who's in charge of my stay. Wait they said your name is Roberts you wouldn't happen to be related to Alex Roberts?”

Alex chuckled and said “You could say that.” She studied him and he said “I know him rather well. Of course then again I also know Roger and Lana Roberts pretty well as well.”

She grinned and said “How is little Roger?”

Alex smiled and said “Roger's fine. He even has a therianthrope staying with him.” Drasliona grinned at that knowing exactly who he was talking about as the girl in question had asked her advice before joining the program. She'd wanted Roger to notice her and Drasliona had said 'You need to show him you're worth being his mate.'

Alex chuckled and Drasliona said “Why do you smell familiar?” He raised an eyebrow and she said “You smell like animal musk and blood. I only know one person who smells like that but its impossible last Roger said he was staying in Arkansas.”

Alex said “Oh, what if he joined the program?”

She grumbled “IF he'd joined the program I'd have stayed back home to wait for him. However Roger said he would want me to come to earth to relax. I doubt he even knows I'm in the program though.”

Alex said “Oh I think Alex knows.” She blinked and he said “After all he's right in front of you Dras.” She growled and lunged at him about to attack him for lying when he pulled a picture out of his wallet and she stared at it. He said “I love this picture of us, it was the day I got my captain's badge.” She stopped and studied him then stared in his eyes and started to realize it really was Alex.

She squealed in joy and hugged him saying “ALEX!!!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND US ANY LETTERS WHEN YOU JOINED THE PROGRAM YOU GOOF!!!????”

Alex chuckled and said “I don't have access to interdimensional mail yet. I get that now that you are here as my first tenant but the company wanted me to wait. So Liona what happened to you?” The gold dragoness spread her golden wings and let go of him. She took off her cloak and he said “Still as beautiful as ever Liona.”

She spread her wings and let them catch the light then stared in his eyes and said “What did you do to yourself?”

He chuckled and said “My job requires a certain hairstyle and other than that I grew out of my fatigues.”

She nodded and said “I can see that. You're a few inches taller than when you left the service. Why did you try to play me form the moment we saw each other again though?”

Alex chuckled and said “I wanted to see if you'd recognize me without Avery's help. I guess I have changed a bit though. Anyway want to go get a beer and talk about how things changed?”

She nodded and Avery set her trunk in the living room then said “You two need me for anything?”

Alex said “Mind giving us a ride to the bar.” It was five in the afternoon so the three of them decided since Avery was off after dropping off Drasliona. They got up and got in the car then drove to the bar. When they arrived Liona ordered a cocktail and Alex ordered a jack and coke while Avery just had a water as he was their Designated Driver. Alex turned to Drasliona and said “So how's everything been since I left?”