Chapter 1
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“Wake up!”


I heard the voice of my little sister downstairs while she was disturbing my sleep yet again. As I was ignoring her as I always do, I heard her sprinting up the stairs. Moments later, my door was forcefully thrown open. Like she does it every day without expectation, to force me to wake up. What have I done to receive that punishment, who have I upset to receive such punishment? As I was turning to the other side and covered my face with the blanket, I heard the voice of the little devil.


“You haven’t upset anyone. You’re just lazy.”


‘What, can she read my mind? She's a witch.’ I thought that, while she came to my bed and tried to pull off my blanket. Not that I gave her chances to succeed.


“I’m not a witch! Now stand up, you’re ignoring your alarm again. You’re going to miss your breakfast and school. That’s why I have to wake you up every morning because you’re ignoring it.”


After a while, she finally gave up with a sigh and let go of my blanket. With the fight won, I was drifting back into my slumber. Then I heard her voice just above my ears, like she was whispering a secret to me.


“Ohh, I forgot to mention that I have made your favourite breakfast.”


“Toast with egg and bacon” 


She said that very slowly with a seductive voice to tempt me, to finally wake me up.  Luckily for her, it worked. As I was getting slowly up and my brain began to start working. With that, I remembered something and looked straight at her.


“You can’t cook.”.  I said with my sleepy voice and as I was laying my head back into my pillow I added. 


”And it's your favourite meal.”




I heard that, and don’t try to take advantage of me in the morning. Now let me sleep. 


While I was getting back to my favourite activity, I heard my sister mumbling to herself while she was leaving my room.


“My boyfriend should be here soon.”


As soon as I heard that, I jumped out of my bed. I immediately started to run to my sister, who was now standing by the door. I think I never moved so fast in my life. Furthermore, I swore to myself, whoever that was first had to meet me before he was even allowed to talk to her. 


I just stopped after I saw a stupid grin on her face who was now walking to the stairs and said one last thing before heading down.


“Just kidding.”


I just stood in the middle of my room to recover from the shock that she had just caused. When I recovered from that, I decided to get ready for school. I first went to the bathroom, splashed some water into my face and brushed my teeth. I looked back at the mirror, combed my black hair briefly with my fingers, and looked into my still sleep-deprived blue eyes. After that, I went back to my room to pack my bag with the things I need for today's classes and finally put on my grey-blue school uniform.


Then I went downstairs, I saw my two little sisters, Sarah and Sophie who are also twins, sitting by the table near the kitchen and were waiting for me to come down and start to make breakfast for them. 


I headed directly towards the kitchen and started. I listened to their conversation about some school-related things and some gossip about their friends. When I finished cooking, I served breakfast. After I put my plate on the table, I sat down and began to eat. While I was eating, I saw Sarah smiling as she was devouring her portion. After all, it was her favourite breakfast that she mentioned earlier. I was watching them eat and listening briefly to their chat. When they were almost finished with their portion, I interrupted them.


“After school, you two have to heat up your meal from yesterday. I’ll be late home, Sophie, don't let your sister do it.”




“What, why?!”


While Sophie gave me her fullest support, I explained it to the staggered girl nonchalantly.


“Because last time I told you to do that, an idiot almost burned the whole kitchen and ruined the meal. And when I came home, you two were lying on the floor, completely starved.”


After we finished with our breakfast, I took the dishes to the kitchen and washed them. When I finished cleaning the plates and headed back, I heard my sisters from the front door leaving for school and saying goodbye. I waved at them. Moments later I too was heading for the door and I took my bag, which I had laid against the wall near the kitchen with me, and slipped into my shoes and opened the door.  I stepped out of the door, then closed and locked it, and was then heading for my school with my bag hanging from one of my shoulders.


My school is not far from my house, it’s a 10-minute walk. That was the only reason why I chose this school. After a short time, I was already drifting into my thoughts, but not long after I was pulled out of it. Since it was getting more crowded from all the students that were coming together on this road. But as this is the only path available that goes to the school, everyone is using it. Not that it astonishes me, since I’m already used to it.


Not long after we all came to our destination, ‘The International High School. We indeed have an international school in this town. At first, I was wondering why it chose this town to build an international school, but after some time I didn’t care about it too much. But that means many students are coming to this town, from all around the world, to study at this school. That means most of them have wealthy parents who can afford to send their children abroad to let them study here. The other students who are not from that category are just the ones who live in this town, but it’s quite practical for me as it’s close to my home, so I’m not complaining. 


When I entered the building, the sheer mass of students slowly dissolved by going to their classrooms. A big disadvantage of being in the last year of high school is that our classroom was on the third floor, so I have many stairs to climb before I’m finally able to reach it.


After I climbed the endless stairs and reached the floor where my classroom is located. I walked to the door that led into it. When I opened it, I saw that all my classmates were already there, sitting and standing across the room, chatting with each other. It seems I’m the last one to arrive, but I saw my teacher nowhere, thus I’m not late. 


Moments later, I entered the room and closed the door behind me. Just after, I started to go to my table. I then noticed a group of students, who sat near the door, and stood up and went in my direction. Moments later, they were standing in front of me and blocking my way. Lastly, they pushed me lightly in the corner. The culprit was Keith and his friends, who were your typical rich, handsome, gifted bullies. With his dark blond hair, brown eyes and with being 1.80 metres tall, he is quite popular. His friends are not so different, except in other variations and maybe not as wealthy as him. But they all had one thing in common, their arrogance. 


Not that surprised by his actions, as he was my classmate for the past few years. From time to time, he tries to target me, just because I'm a bit of a loner. Not that I give him the chance to do so. 


I decided to walk between the gap that was between them and ignore them, but they were quickly blocking that too. I was just sighing when he then started to talk.


“Ryan, my friend, I have to ask a small ‘favour’. You know, my friends and I want to go to the arcade after school but as it seems we all forgot to take some money with us and I was wondering if you could lend me some. I know you have some, right.”


The last sentence was a bit more sinister than the rest. Victor’s gang circled around me and tried to restrict my movement in the corner. 


“So every one of you forgot your money, weird huh.”


I answered them back in a languid fashion. Not that I care about it.


“Come on. Give it to me.”


Now more threatening than before. He then put his hand forcefully on my shoulder and pushed me even further into the corner. I hit the wall with my back and groaned a bit. Shortly after, I looked at him back with a trace of boredom. I pushed his hand slowly off my shoulder with my hand and pushed him out of the way. I went through the opening I created and went to my seat. 


I just heard him click his tongue and then went probably to their regular target.


My suspicion was moments later confirmed. 


“Hey, fatty.” 


Who directly froze and began to sweat. He then turned slowly and terrified around to his greeter. 


When I got to my chair and took off my back and leaned it against the foot of my table. I saw my neighbour who just finished chatting with her friends and waved at me. My childhood friend Cecilia. She grew up a few houses next to me, so we often played together when we were little. She is calm, nice to everyone and quite clever, therefore has many fans and friends. Not only that, she is of course quite beautiful with a cute face, a good figure with breasts that are a bit bigger than the average woman and additionally a light tan. With white-blond hair that goes to her shoulder plates and quite intense green eyes that were always trying to look directly into your soul. With her 1.72 cm, she is still more than 10 cm smaller than me.


But because I’m a childhood friend of hers, many try to bully me or to get close to me to befriend her. Around anybody else she is nice, but when we are alone she tries to tease me. Not the bad way, but she always wants me to spoil her. She just lets her pressure off when she is around me and is being herself, which can sometimes get quite on my nerves.


I acknowledged her that I received her greeting and felt the stares from my classmates trying to curse me, but I ignored them as always.


As everyone was getting ready for the class and were waiting for the teacher, we heard someone try to open the door. After a few tries, the person behind the door gave up and began to knock on it. After a few other knocks and many students wondering what’s happening.


“Open the goddamn door.”


We heard the voice of our maths teacher, who sounded already pretty annoyed. Followed with more swearing, some of my classmates stood up and went to the door to help him open it. After that unsuccessful attempt, they began to interrogate the ones who usually do something like that. Of course, they denied it immediately and then many words flew around the classroom. Then for whatever reason, someone came up with the idea to try to open a window. Surprised that it didn’t work and told his friends immediately, they rushed to others and tried it unsuccessfully. 


Next, a small black circle appeared on the floor and began to spread out in every direction at an insane speed. It splits into many lines, symbols and runes I have never seen in my life. It split numerous times until it decorated the whale floor with weird marks.


After it reached the edge, it began to climb the walls and decorated them with more symbols. The others started to notice it too. Confusion broke out among the class.


“What is happening?!”


“What is that thing?!”


When it reached the ceiling and consumed it, the markings that were across the whole room appeared to change colours and started to glow. While it got steadily brighter, it changed from a black colour to a dark blue, then to a powerful red and it finally settled when it reached a bright green colour with a hint of turquoise.


“Someone tries to smash open a window!”


“Try to break the door!”


The runes started to glow even brighter and when no one managed to open the door or a window, the situation escalated. With everyone already in a panic, the situation got worse.  First, it was a small dull noise but then turned into a high-pitched one. Then the vibrations began. It felt like a light earthquake, but that was only happening in the classroom. I felt awful. The high frequency felt like it crept slowly into your ears with your brain as its destination, and the vibration went through your whole body as it’s searching or scanning for something. As it was not bad enough, I got a massive headache. Then I slowly lost my hearing, the ability to see clearly or even recognize colours. Furthermore, I got the feeling of something crawling around my organs. 


Cecilia, who was in pain like everyone else, came close to me. It took a lot of her strength and started to hug me tightly. I put my arm around her and pressed her against my chest. She buried her head in it.


“I’m scared. Don’t let me go!”


While I held Cecilia tightly, I heard screams and moans of pain out of every direction. Surprisingly I heard someone talking and even laughed but couldn’t figure out who that was. It was already too hard to even breathe since my lungs felt like they were burning and as I was breathing pure poison, my brain was about to explode and my stomach was upside down. 


“My time for revenge has finally come. This is finally the last time you called me fatty. All the time I spent with all my novels, manga and anime finally paid off. The dream of the ‘Isekai’

comes true. Hehehehe! Now summon me! Hahahaha!”




After I heard that, everything stopped. The pain, the confusion, the urge to vomit and my breathing finally returned. We all stood perplexed in the classroom in silence. Wondering what just happened. Some were happy that it stopped, others were crying and some just stood there completely frozen.


A few seconds later when somebody tried to say something, the runes, symbols, drawings and lines pulled themselves together. In the blink of an eye, a compressed tiny sphere was floating in the middle of the classroom.


Then, without warning, it burst into a big green flame ball and expanded at such a rapid speed, that it only took a second before the flames consumed the whole classroom. The last thing I did was to turn my back to it and hold Cecilia under me.