Chapter 004: Departure
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[Sunday, July 18]

I’ve been up all night planning upgrades for the fleet and/or a complete redesigning of them if I thought they needed it with Freya’s help. I also designed two new ships and two more spaceplanes.

Oh, I’m very sure that our current ships and weapons are on par with theirs, if not slightly superior. After all, Odyssey did take out three of the five ships that attacked her, and she was not a ship of war. Regardless, I want the fleet to be able to dominate any battlefield. The one area that I’m certain that they have superiority is manpower. So, we’ll have to use technology to even the field.

With that done, I make my way into the bathroom to shower and get ready. 2 hours later, I’m in Erica’s office along with Katsuo, sipping some coffee as they look at the hologram of the designs and specs I had Athena retrieve from Freya, my palace AI.

Most of the ships have simply been up-gunned and up-shielded. I did do away with the plasma cannons though and replaced them with antimatter Gatling guns. Much more bang and none of the attenuation.

The new spaceplane I designed is a gunship to support the ground troops. I came up with it after reading an old article about the US’s war in Afghanistan. I also improved upon the original design that General Chambers showed me for a Planetary Assault ship. Remember Goliath? She is going to be converted to a planetary assault ship.

While I was at it, I redesigned the armored spacesuits and designed two new ones specifically for ground forces. I also changed the design for the rifles and personal weapons the Navy is using in addition to designing new weapons specifically for ground forces.

A lot of my ideas for this came from the tour I took the other day of the DTI Research Center with Erica and Katsuo. All the improvements they’ve made will help a lot and make our ships much stronger and far sturdier. Same with the armored suits the Navy has been using.

“Sora, I’m sure you realize that we’re going to have to massively expand our manufacturing capabilities,” Katsuo says without looking away from the designs.

“Of course. We were going to have to do that anyway with the buildup we’re about to start.”

Erica finally looks away from the designs. “These armored suits for the Army and Marines are impressive, and the weapons for them are unbelievable. You obviously put a lot of thought into their design. I can’t seriously believe what you are doing with Goliath, though. A Planetary assault ship? Do you believe it will take us invading their planets to win?”

I shrug. “It would for us, so why not with them as well? While we could bomb their planets back to the stone age, I’d much rather not do that. I’m hoping that if we remove their leadership and neutralize their military, we can end it without having to commit genocide.”

She nods. “Then, you want to do as the US did with Germany in World War II. Rebuild them after the war and turn them into friends?”

“Exactly like that,” I reply with a smile, happy that she gets it. “Decimating a nation, or world in this case, and leaving them to rot is a simple way to guarantee that they’ll want revenge. It’s been proven many times in our history, and I seriously doubt that they are that much different than us.”

Katsuo joins the conversation when he asks, “So, what now?”

Shrugging slightly, I reply, “Now, we begin. We start by calling a meeting of the ship, weapons, and armored suit designers and engineers. I also want Ohta to design much higher-capacity fusion plants. The ships are going to need them to power all the weapons and shields I’ve added.

“We’re also going to need more antimatter capture facilities around the sun and the existing ones will need to be refitted with much more shielding and thicker armor. I’m quite sure that we’ll be needing all the antimatter we can get.

“I see this war as a marathon and not a sprint.”

By the close of business that day, the flurry of orders to begin construction of the additional factories on Earth, Mars, and in orbit of both planets have been issued.

[Monday, July 19]

While I’m getting ready for the day, Akari comes up to my room and tells me, “The CIA (Crown Intelligence Service) is asking to see you this morning. Director Jeffers said that it’s very important. So is Barker of CHHS (Crown Health and Human Services) and,” she sighs dramatically, holds up her notepad and shakes it, “well, most departments are asking for appointments.”

I throw a smile over my shoulder. “No problem. I’d planned to call for a meeting with them anyway. Call and inform them that there’s a meeting at 10:00 in the palace conference room. Oh, ask Anne and Jenny to be there as well.”

The gist of the meeting is that crime is on the rise, people aren’t going to work, hoarding, looting, etc… You get the idea.

In the end, I deliver another systemwide speech asking people to calm down and return to work. I reassure them that they are perfectly safe and tell them that I’d rather not institute martial law, but I would if the lawlessness didn’t stop now.

After the speech, I freeze all prices at the level they were before all this started and order Anne to raise the consumption tax rate to 35%. Wars cost massive amounts of money, you know?

Thankfully, I had the foresight to set up Crown Academies across the world to provide an education for everyone. I based it on what Japan did with their schools, and it’s done wonders for literacy around the world. So, we have an educated, technically savvy population, unlike when I first ascended to my throne.

[Tuesday, July 20]

This evening, Admiral Jessup is jumping out for Tau Ceti, so we load up on the Peregrine to fly up to the HMS Archangel and have a talk with his task force. I believe they deserve to know what’s going on.

When we enter the landing bay, it’s a literal beehive of activity. We land and find a Marine Colonel waiting for us when we exit the Peregrine.

He snaps to attention and delivers a crisp salute. “Welcome aboard, Your Majesty,” he says in a fairly heavy French accent.

I smile politely, glance at his name tag, and reply. “Thank you, Colonel Allard.”

Dropping his salute, he gestures for us to follow. “If you’ll follow me, Your Majesty. Admiral Jessup is waiting to receive you in his ready room.”

He leads us down the three-meter wide central corridor that stretches from stem to stern, delivering a running commentary about this or that compartment as we pass them. I’m not going to say anything, but I more than likely know more about the ships of our fleet than he does since I helped design them.

We finally arrive, and Colonel Allard knocks on the door. Cal calls out, “Enter.”

We walk in, and Jason closes the door behind us.

“Good evening, Cal,” I tell him.

He stands up and salutes, “Good evening, Your Majesty. I didn’t expect you to personally see us off,” he says with a smile. He waves me to the loveseat, and I sit down while he takes the seat across from me. “Would you care for something to drink?” I shake my head. “Then, what can I do for you?”

“Cal, I’d like you to attempt to get a data core from one of their ships, or preferably a base. Though, I don’t want you to endanger your people more than you have to in the attempt. The intel would be great, but…” I smile and shrug, “It isn’t worth a bunch of lives to get it right now.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

“Here is the Declaration of War for you to transmit to them when you arrive,” I hand him the data chip, “and while I’m here, I’m going to address the fleet.”

He smiles at me when he takes the chip. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate that. Let me get my Comm officer here, and he can set everything up.”

He taps a code on his wrist comm, and a moment later, he answers. Cal tells him what he needs and then taps his comm again.

A few minutes later, a Commander enters with an enlisted man, and they quickly set up a camera.

Cal gestures to his desk and says, “Whenever you’re ready, Your Majesty.”

Standing up, I hand the Commander a data chip. “That is something I want to show the crew. I’ll nod at you when I want you to start it.” I walk to the front of the desk, turn around and lean against it. “When you’re ready, Commander.”

He nods, holds up 5 fingers, and slowly closes them 1 by one, then gestures to me to indicate that we’re live. I smile at the camera, then begin, “Good evening, everyone. If I may interrupt your preparations for a few minutes, I’d like to have your attention.”

I wait a few seconds, and then continue. “I’m sure you all know of my penchant for transparency. So, in that vein, I’m going to show you select portions of HMS Odyssey’s video logs of her encounter with these aliens.”

I nod at him, and he taps a button on the camera to begin the video. After it finishes, he taps it again, and the view cuts back to me. “I have no doubt that each and every one of you will excel in the performance of your duties, for you are the best and the bravest amongst us. You have volunteered to defend humanity from whatever dangers may lie in wait for us in the darkest reaches of the universe. Unfortunately, as you’ve seen, we’ve found one such dark corner.

“Therefore, I must send you into harm’s way. Quite frankly, I sincerely wish that it weren’t necessary to send you there, but as you saw, this species has proven itself to be highly aggressive. I need you to kick in their door to let light and fresh air into their fetid room.

“Your fleet will soon be jumping to Tau Ceti to retrieve the HMS Odyssey and her crew. I wish I could go with you. It isn’t possible, but I will be with you in spirit.

“I do not seek justice from these aliens, for I do not believe there is any to be found. What I want is merely vengeance for the brave men and women they attacked without provocation. I plan to take the war to them and show them the error they made when they attacked a peaceful exploration ship and her crew. We will triumph, as we must because I want our sons and daughters to be able to grow up free from the fear of an attack by these aliens.

“Many of you will meet them face-to-face in the midst of battle, and I want you to make them desperately wish that their attack on humanity was nothing but a fevered nightmare.

“Humanity stands as one for the first time in history. I fully believe that this is a matter of life or death for us. I’m utterly certain of that simple fact and we shall not lose this war that has been thrust upon us. There’s no room for doubt or pity in our hearts for those who have declared themselves to be the enemy of mankind. Listen to your commanders, do your duty, and bring back my ship and men.

“Godspeed, and above all else, please, return to me safely.”

Cal walks us back to the Peregrine, and we take off to return to Earth. Turning on the monitor, I aim the external camera at the fleet. Watching it recede, I close my eyes and ask God to protect them.

When I open them again, I watch as the fleet disappears into dimensional space.

As always: A huge thank you to all my Patreons!