An update on the future of Lethal Combo
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Hi everyone! It has been a while since the last update for Lethal Combo. I know it seems like the story is dead, but it's actually the opposite. Behind the scenes, in between working on my other stories, I've been preparing a campaign for the first book of Lethal Combo. Lots of editing. Lots of writing. Lots of planning.

But now I'm excited to finally reveal that the campaign for Lethal Combo: Trouble on the Menu will be launching in March! You can follow the campaign in the link down in the author's section.

There's going to be new art, all kinds of merchandise and even additional short stories for backers!

I apologize for leaving everyone hanging. Building an audience can get frustrating, so I jumped from project to project in a vain attempt to get a following. But now I'm focusing back on Lethal Combo because it's the story that I have the most fun writing.

If you've read this update, thank you so much for sticking with the story despite the hiatus. I've been working hard to make sure this story will be as good as possible once it finally releases.

If you have any questions, I'll answer them here.

Here's the campaign link if you want to back the first book in the Lethal Combo series!