02.mildred high
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"Mildred high" named after a good rich lady, Mildred johnsonn who donated all her wealth   to build the school..There was the main  building with a clock in the middle which I assumed as office..It was surrounded by 5 red brick buildings...Me and derek walked to the main building in silence while helen chatter about how majestic Mildred high looked..Surely Derek is not gonna talk to me untill I apologize..

I'll tell you the thruth..I never liked schools..I found them boring and teachers annoying..Everyday we have to study or play..which I wasn't neither good at or interested..

My brother was a brainy and a hardworker..
So everyone expected me to be a genius too..SUPRISE!!..but I wasn't..I hardly passed exams.I really tried hard at the beginning.but I was never good enough...so far away to be a topper. so I became always cause of the trouble..

Infront of the main building stood a woman in her early 50's wearing black dress giving us the biggest smile in the universe...It looked like a friendly smile but I really didn't feel this woman friendly at all..It was sort of creepy..After all this is a school for freaks..

"Mr. and Mrs. jackson..welcome to Mildred high..This is the best disciplinary school in our country..I am happy to have Mr.jacksons sister here..I am a huge fan of yours..This must be selena...My name is Ms.Nicolson,your new principal..so nice to meet you selena.."

I didn't notice she was talking to me unless helen told me to say hello..Because I was busy watching a girl,maybe 14 or 15 who was sitting at a bench and staring at a tree like It was the only thing in the world that is mattered.(another creep)

"Semi darling..say hello to Ms.Nicolson "

I didn't wanted to but I didn't want to cause trouble in front of derek..so I said with no smile..
"hello Ms.Nicolson..nice to meet you too"
"Hmm" Nicolson woman is watching me with a little smile on her face..

"Your brother told me alot about you Ms.Jackson.Things you have done in previous school..and your old school report which is not very good...I hope you won't cause troubles like before which you will have to regret.."
Said Ms.Nicolson with a laugh but I saw no humor in those old grey eyes..

I gave a evil look toward Derek who didnt seem to notice my anger...what the hell..how can he say so much about me with this woman..and why would I regret what I do..Then I determined..Ms.Nicolson is gonna have a very hard days in future..l'm gonna see to It myself..(trust me..I have done this before)

"Ok..enough talk..let's go inside the office and be done with paper work..and Ms.jackson need to be given her new uniform ,textbooks and dorm.so come on.."

And with that she headed toward the office while we followed her behind..
After finishing paperwork Ms.Nicolson called another woman in her 30's wearing also black named Jennifer to give us a tour around school.

"Jenni..I want you to show jackson family here our school..and Ms.Jackson needs to be given her new uniforms and textbooks..And make sure you show her,her  classroom..Then take them to her new dorm so she can unpack.."

"Yes ma'm..this way please.."
said jennifer with her timid voice..My brother and helen thanked Ms.nicolson and followed jenny outside..
And when I turn to follow them, Ms.nicolson glanced at me with her sharp eyes..There was no smile on those lips apart evil sneer...Then she spoke to me in her hoarse voice...

"Ms.Jackson..we teach every girl here to be a good and disciplined lady..And we take a great deal keeping discipline here..so don't dissapoint me..remember what i said..have a nice day.."

And then she opened a file without even giving me a second glance..so I took it as a cue and slip out of the door quickly..

"Whoa...she was creepy.."I said to myself
."Isn't she..old hag..told me the same thing.." said another girl similar to my age dressed in mildred uniform..she was looking at me with those browny mischievous eyes while a creepy smile tugged on her lips like me and her was sharing a secret joke..

"Ohh..sorry..hey..My name is Evelyn..Evelyn Patterson..you can call me Eve..btw..you a freshie?"

"Yeah..I' m selena..call me semi...actually that's what my old friends used to call me.."

"Helloooo..semii..I am new too..got here yesterday.."   And then came helen's voice..    "Semi..dear..come on..yourclass room is this way"
    "huh..ok."I looked back at evelyn..
    "oh..soo..see you at lunch then"
and then I noticed.she was nervous because she was also new and didn't know anyone else like me..

"yeah sure..save me a seat..will you?" which gave a big smile on her face " definitely.." and then I ran toward helen and Derek who was waiting impatiently for me..when Jenny saw me she said

"Ms.jackson..this is your classroom..and next to it,is your class laboratory..There is a library on upstairs..that building in the corner is where your dorms are.Dining hall and common bathrooms are below the dorm rooms...your dorm room is 11A25..this is the key..I will get your uniforms and textbooks there.."

And with that she headed to opposite side building which I assume where storeroom is..

"Oh..i am so exited..let's go and see your new dorm"said "overenthusiastic" helen..then she walked to the building 4 hurriedly..of course we followed silently..

My dorm was a small plain looking room with a plain bed,a study table which is also old and plain,a cupboard which is super plain..Helen looked kind of dissapointed with all white and plainess..but she said with a forced cheerfulness..

"It's okay semi..you can hang some band posters you have in here and It'll get more colourful.."

I was annoyed by getting such a plain room..but Derek looked around and said

"Oh come on helen..this is not that luxury school which she got expelled..she will have to manage with what she has.."
and that's it...my little patience was lost...my head filled with rage..why is he being such a jerk to me..?

"What do you mean I have to manage..I won't stay in this stupid school even a month..I will make sure I get expelled even before that..you will have to take me home back.."

(Actually this was my plan..all I wanted is to go back home...)
I didn't realize I was screaming..Girls were gathered around my door..Derek's face turned red with anger..

"Oh really young lady..they don't expell kids in this school..Didn't you read that in the brochure..I don't care what you think about me..you have done enough damage to my reputation and yourself..Now you will behave..you will learn it in good way or hard way..I don't care..Helen let's go..she can take care of herself.."

with that he dropped my bags and left the room dragging poor Helen with him..

"You think I will stay If they didn't expel me..I will run away..DID YOU HEAR ME...I.WILL. RUN.AWAY..."
I was both shouting and crying at the same moment..All the girls were looking at me.

"What the fuck are you looking at..show's over..get lost.."I shouted at remaining audience who came to see us fight..and then I closed my door in their face..THUD..