Realization amongst the confusion.
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"P-please don't!! " Despa pleaded for his life.


"Shut up and die pest! " The man roared once more as he corners Despa near the cave's mouth. 

A sudden rumble resonated within the cave, causing everone to halt their actions and stared behind Despa. 

A fierce groan of beasts echoed inside the cave which is then followed by multiple steps as their groans come closer and closer to the opening of the cave.

"R-ravenous!!! R-run!" a prisoner shouted as the line of inmates started to crumble. 

"Damn it!! " The guards who we're watching the event unfold cursed. 

"You fool! Why did let him get near the cave! " The princess screamed at the man who's about to chop of despa's head. 

"Kuh! " the man frowned and then swung his sword downwards only to slice nothing but air,  Despa was dragged by the panicking inmates thanks to his chains.  Thus he acquired multiple bruises instead of losing his head. 

The man cursed only to find the horrific figure of a black hairy beast with a head resembling a spider, it's eight eyes we're focused on the man's sword which was smothered with Despa's blood.

Despa watched the man get surrounded by the 4 legged beast, they tore apart limb from limb, crazy from the blood of the man they have just killed.  

"Run! Leave this place! " the Princess commanding voice woke up the stunned guards. 

"What about the prisoners?! " a guard beside her inquired.

The princess eyed the panicking prisoners who are currently entering the forest.  

"Leave them be,  since they're on foot the ravenous will catch up with them in a chase also lend me a bow and arrow. " 

The princess methodically pulled back the string and let one arrow fly,  hitting a prisoner on the chest. 

Blood started to gush out from his abdomen as he fall on the ground,  bound by the chains, he was dragged around by the inmates who are attempting to escape.

The ravenous attracted by the sudden smell of fresh blood, chased the group of prisoners and ignored the princess and her soldiers.  

"Let us go,  we are done here. " the princess got up on the saddle and then watched the ravenous chase the prisoners down like a rabid dog, slowly her group walked away as if nothing happened.

Screams can be heared inside the lush green forest, blood splattered on the rough barks of the trees as the ravenous decimates the inmates one by one.  It was truly a massacre, they can't even run even if they want, thanks to the chains. With such disarray and panic amongst them only death awaited them inside the forest. 

Despa is currently watching this cruel show in front of him as the beast slowly but surely work their way up to him. 

He already emptied his stomache after vomiting multiple times,  his eyes slowly lost its life from the scene and screams. 

Cruel,  he thought. Stuck inside this forest with people turned inside out by these horrible creatures,  nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

"Looks like we in a pickle aren't we? " said a familiar voice beside him.  Despa lazily turned his head, he saw the man frowning, his smile is now long gone. 

Despa couldn't even react to his words,  he already lost hope after all. The brutish man sighed beside him and picks up a rock from the ground. Gripping a rugged stone, he swung it downwards on his chains. 

"Kkrrrssskkk!! " as sound of banging metal was produced accompanied by screams and ripping flesh. 

Despa was intrigued by the action,  he stared absently at the struggling man as he tries to break the chains. 

The man then looked up to Despa with his face covered in sweat, Aren't you gonna help? The man roared at him. 

Waking up from the shock, Despa grabbed a stone and started to hit the chain. His brain started to function as his primal instinct kicked in, live or die.  

"Hey,  old man.. " with shaking voice,  Despa grabbed the attention of the man. 

Stopping his actions,  the man eyed him. Let's hit the same spot, Despa suggested as he points at the rusty part of the chain link. 

The man smiled and nodded, hitting rhytmically as the sound of screams and death gets closer and closer towards the two desperate men.

Their effort bore a fruit as the chain broke from the main group,  this gave them an ample amount of freedom but they we're still bound together by fate. 

"Run! " the man screamed.

Light on their feet,  the two gained a distance away from the massacre but one beast noticed the blood on Despa's face and tracked him. 

Chased by the horrible creature the two bound men struggled to increase their foothold.

"It's getting closer!!! " Despa screamed, pushing the shrubberies and plants aside,  he ran as his breathe slowly turned ragged. 

"Just keep yo head up front boi!" the man instructed,  from a distance a body of flowing water can be heard, in Despa's head a plan is made. 

Ignorning the impending doom that the beast presents,  Despa instructed the man to run in a certain direction.

At first the man was surprised to see Despa with a plan but nevertheless agreed,  its much better than running around like a headless chicken.

The sound of running water became louder and louder until the source was revealed.

Standing at the edge of a cliff, a beautiful a sight of land entered Despa's vision,  a row of forest spreads from the cliff where he stood and in the middle of it was a river running straight towards a village from a mile. He can make out some semblance of structures such as windmills and barns. A few meters away from his position was a waterfall supplying the river's body,  absorbed by this breath taking sight,  Despa didn't notice the ravenous jump towards his face.

"Skreeeeee!!! " The ravenous groaned as it attempts to claw out Despa's face.

"Ack! " a sudden motion pulled Despa towards the side, dragges by his chains,  his body hits the dirt and with monster unable to stop its momentum, the ravenous jumped straight off the cliff, its horrible roar slowly disapates and covered by the tranquil sound of flowing water. 

'We're safe.... ' he thought as he lays down on the ground, besides him is the brutish man sitting with his back behind a tree and a portion of Despa's chain in his hands. 

"What a scene,  I could spend hours lookin at such sight! " the man remarked and then released a hearty laughed. 

Despa sighed as he looked towards the sky,  its almost night, signalled by the orange hue above.

"Great thinkin kid,  leading that damned monster to this cliff" the man complimented Despa's slumped figure. 

"I just happened to hear the sound of running water, who would've thought its a damn cliff with a waterfall besides it." For all we know it could've been a damn pond, Despa thought. 

"Still,  at first I thought you we're mental saying all those strange words at the carriage but I take it all back ahaha! "

The gentle giant continued to shower Despa. "Still,  I couldn't believe what happened,  those creatures called 'ravenous' what are they? " Despa sat up and looked at the man.

"No idea,  but they are attracted by blood so it's better to stay away from them. " the man replied as he closes his eyes. 

"I see,  by the way thanks for helping me. " 

The man opened one of his eyes,  "don't be,  I was thinking of using you as a bait in order to escape but looks like that plan failed. "

"Hey now! " Despa exclaimed unable to believe what the man said, in response the man shrugged and asked him to keep quiet as he closed his eyes once more. 

"sleeping?  Oy how can you be irresponsible, those monsters from before might come here,  they're still in the forest you know?!"

"Then I'll just toss you into them,  now shut up and let me sleep" The giant replied, Despa frowned and sighed once more. 

Lying down the ground he watched the sky slowly turn dark as sleep catches up to him.  

What Am I gonna do? 

Also who the hell Am I?  

This was not his body after all. 

Slowly his conciousness left him and the last noise that he heard was the sound of the waterfall and the damned giants's snore. 

"The village of paliades,  located on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Gritannia, blessed by fertile ground and bodies of water, its popularity for sight seeing is accomanied by the magnificent river in the center of the town. 

They contribute livestocks and grains mostly, thanks to their fertile lands And they are also the closest village to the dark mines. 

The village is often used as a camp by the soldiers of the Kingdom whenever an excavation in the mines is in process, ruled by Duke Florentine Es Paso,  the village has a lot of intricate gardens displayed on the streets and houses in order to honor their Duke's Daughter: Banquet Es Paso"

-Maximus,  the grapher