Chapter Ten: Will I Finish?
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Chapter Ten: Will I Finish?

~ Marie ~

She was ten pages into her book when she thought she heard something. Marie looked up from her book and waited a moment. When she didn’t hear anything she returned to reading the Compendium of Magical Creatures and their Habits. She’d already finished the book on the Belasko. Once this book was done, she could start on the last book which covered the Mær. 

Pronounced the same as the word mare, Mær were similar to demons in that they preyed on humans but they were actually fae that could manipulate a human’s psyche. Mær were rarely seen due to the fact that other fae disliked them and humans regularly confused them with demons and tried to kill them. They were only briefly mentioned in two of the books she owned so finding a book on only the Mær was interesting.

The sound came again and now she was sure someone was knocking on the door. Adrian told her not to leave but he didn’t say she couldn’t answer the door. 

But should she?

If it was a vampire, she wouldn’t know what was allowed and what wasn’t.

“It’s me, Amelia.” What was she doing here? She stood up and hesitated for a moment before she opened the door. Amelia stood in the hallway dressed in a white floor length dress with her hair in loose curls. Marie opened the door wider as she stepped aside. “I figured you might be bored having to stay inside while the guys party.” Marie had forgotten that Jackson had been invited to the Garden Party as well. 

Amelia went to one of the sofas and sat down gracefully. Marie took the sofa across from her. She placed a receipt she found earlier inside the book and put it to one side. 

“I was told that you found a body earlier.” Marie nodded. She must have heard it from Jackson. Adrian must’ve told the other vampire what they found. Did that mean they knew more about the situation than she did? 

“Aren’t you scared?” She looked back at the other woman. 

“Scared of what?”

“Of being attacked? Or killed?” The woman looked away as her hands gripped the sofa. “This isn’t even the first time this kind of thing has happened. The last time something like this happened, a lot of people disappeared. Never to be seen again.” 

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. Jackson found out after the fact but it’s not like there was much information, to begin with. No one knows what happened to them or where they went. ” The woman shrugged. Amelia shook her head with a sigh. “I should be heading back before Jackson returns. I just wanted to ask you one thing before I leave.” Amelia stared straight into her eyes as she spoke. “Why did you get close to Adrian?” Marie tilted her head.

“I don’t think we’re close.” He used a favor to get her here but he still hadn’t told her what she was supposed to be doing here. The woman stared at her for several more moments before she looked away. 

“Well, I can’t say too much but he’s a dear friend and I don’t want things to repeat. Whether you’re close or not, I ask that you don’t hurt him.” 

“I won’t.” As long as he didn’t attack her, he’d be safe. 


After Amelia had left, she had laid down on the sofa in order to read more comfortably. She shifted a little and turned the page. If only she could figure out what magic the murderer was using. If she could figure out how the spell worked, she’d be closer to solving this case or, at least closer to figuring out who the next victim might be. Marie sighed as she focused back on the book. 

She was halfway through her book when a large hand covered the page she was reading. Marie looked up into Adrian’s unhappy face as he gazed down at her. 

“I believe I gave you an order.” Order? Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember. “I told you to eat.” Oh, right. That. Marie hadn’t been hungry so she’d completely forgotten. “Let me order you something light so that you can at least eat something.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“That’s because you’re distracted. You still need to eat.” Adrian went over to the phone and ordered. It didn’t take long for the food to be delivered. Marie ate her salad while he talked. She had seen salads before but this one had so much more than she normally saw. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of veggies, tomatoes, and multi-colored lettuce. Adrian crossed his arms before he’d told her that she needed to eat the entire bowl before she could go back to reading. He’d also lectured her about her keeping her word and following his rules for several minutes before she interrupted.

“I didn’t disobey an order.”

“Really?” Adrian’s eyes narrowed as he waited for her explanation. 

“You said I could eat whenever I want and I’m eating now. You didn’t say I had to eat before you came back.” His mouth twitched but his expression remained serious.

“True, but were you even planning on eating?”

“I’m eating now.” Marie looked down at her salad and took another bite. Adrian sighed and shook his head.

“How was your talk with Amelia?” Marie shrugged. She didn’t think it went good or bad. She still wasn’t sure why the woman had wanted to speak to her. 

Adrian looked like he wanted to ask her more but he let it drop. The silence stretched on for the rest of her meal. About ten minutes later, he told her good night and went to bed. Marie looked down at her salad. It was mostly done. There was just a little bit left. She glanced at his door before she decided to finish the rest. There were only four more days left before they’d leave. She could listen to him for a little bit longer.