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The year is "2098" civilization has advanced technologically. 

In a briefing room in The United States of America. "we've done it, folks, we have built the first-ever time machine!" the announcer exclaimed.

I listened to the speech in the back of a brightly lit room. The people who attended this meeting were upper-class citizens in fancy clothing. I was dressed in plain clothes and let my black hair hang right above my eyes. Unlike the rest of the people here, I wasn't an upper-class citizen. I was a nobody with no identity or family. This scientist offered me the deal of a lifetime. If they use me for an experiment they would pay me $100,000.

Like any man would I accepted the proposal.



They finished the briefing. A lady scientist with a nice slim figure and white lab coat walked up to me " Ready to go, Jason?" she asked. I looked up at her and nodded my head. She escorted me out of the briefing room and walked me down a long bright hallway with a single elevator at the end of it. "How long will the experiment take?". Secretly I was hoping it would take less than a day. "It will be over before you know it" She stated cheerfully. I looked up at her with a worrisome expression knowing she was lying. We headed down the elevator to what I presume was the basement. When the elevator doors opened I saw dozens of scientists working on futuristic items. Like flying cars, holographic phones, and the biggest project the Time Machine. The scientist rushed me in and put safety gear on me. They strapped me into a shuttle-like box and told me "we will be sending you 24 hours into the future." I tried not to panic as I was the first test subject. They put a watch on my hand that tells me the correct time no matter what date I'm in. The lady who I now know is Savannah told me to try to hold my breath. I did as she said and they turned on the machine. A bright light was beaming inside and then the shuttle began to shake vigorously. All I heard was a noise that sounded like...


When the shuttle stopped shaking the doors automatically opened. I was in the lab. I assume I was 24 hours in the future like they said. I looked around to see a destroyed lab with fires everywhere. It was dark. I saw the flying car they were building torn to shreds. And a message was written on the wall in blood. 

"You aren't the only one they sent, but I will make sure you're the last.