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Hey all!

I'm still alive. My life got really crazy and my mental health took a nose dive into The Great Below, (sorry, Nine Inch Nails reference.)

I haven't forgotten about Cyberplex and believe me from the bottom of my heart, I'm really sorry for the disappearing act.

I'm usually not that bad and running off like that, but I was in a really bad place. Still am, all things considered, but I miss writing here and I miss Elody and I miss all of you.

Here's the rough bit though and please don't kill me.

When I was working on Cyberplex, I didn't keep notes on what I had in mind. Usually I have a detailed idea of what it is that I plan on saying when I write, but for whatever reason, I didn't really keep notes for this world and as a result, even after rereading, I'm still not sure where I was planning on taking it.

So I need to sit down, do some serious thinking about things, revisit Vales most wonderful stories, and re-familiarize myself with Troubleverse; Maybe recapture the excitement that kept me going last year.

Fortunately for you all, I read really quickly, so it shouldn't take me too long. I do plan on seeing this through though. I only hope I can make it as entertaining now as you all thought it was last year.

Another failure of mine was over committing to a strict schedule that broke me. Between that and stat staring, all those hits brought out my anxiety, and even when I knew it wasn't a good idea to check them, I found myself doing so anyways. I just couldn't believe how many people were liking my work. That joy turned to anxiety though, then when I reached that brick wall, that anxiety turned into feeling like I let everyone down, which only made me retreat even harder. This time around, I plan on not falling into that trap and only committing to a schedule that I know I can maintain.

So from the bottom of my furry little lavender heart, I'm very sorry. I hope that you can forgive a girl for having to deal with life and all therein.
After I have an idea what I'm doing, expect either a post on my profile page or another note, or revision to this one. I still love this story and our little fox girl, and fully intend to see this through, even if it takes me forever.

To those of you who sent me messages while I was away and comments looking after my personal well-being, thank you. When I logged in this evening and saw your kind words, it reminded me who I was doing this for; The readers, and I want to make sure I do right by you, even if my attempts to save things is seven months past due.

Still though, let's see if we can't get this story going again. As always, thanks to Vale for creating such a wonderful world that I'm drawn to, and thank you dear readers for being patient with me. 

Love you all!