Chapter 1: Just another boring day
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Tinkling sounds of bicycles bustling through the streets, the sound of moo echoing every few minutes and some occasional honking greet me as I sit in the park. While people are busy burning the earth with A/c's, here we are savouring the oxygen under this eco-friendly being called a Tree. Though I miss the fast city life, I am happy to have a friend like Akash who aids you in appreciating this mundane life.

Akash is the tallest guy in our class, his broad jawline, sharp cheekbones, and mysterious small eyes turn most girls' heads. But like every other good-looking guy his arrogance acts like fencing devoiding him of friends. It's been a year since I relocated to this town because of my Dad's job. Like every cliché story being a transfer student, it was hard to make friends. Since Akash was a loner and my bench mate, I was able to befriend him easily.

"Hey, guys!!! Whatcha doing?"

That's Riya Chopra, a pretty tall girl with cute messy short hair, waving at us with such vibrant energy, but it changes into an expression as if she regrets meeting us.

"Nothing much! I am reading a novel and Akash is playing Pubg as usual" subverting my eyes.

Damn her bright round eyes are like a black hole, suck you in before you know it.

"Aww! Such a bore, are you really 18? Your actions seem like old men with no care in the world"

"Haha what else is there to do, this has become our routine for a long time" I reply with an awkward smile scratching the back of my head.

"Well I kinda understand, look at this park, the gate is covered with thorns, the swing over there looks like it's gonna fall any moment and you are using a fallen tree like a bench, this park is a mess, the houses are despicably built and the whole town is wretched and mortifying, ugh I hate this so much!"

"Yeah, it's boring, let's not talk about this town, it only makes us depressed, let's all play Pubg"

"Idiots, you guys don't even know which gun to carry but you want to play with me? Go play ludo with kids" Akash replies as he shoos us off with his hand.

"Come on dude, stop acting high and mighty, the other day you died quickly but I and Riya somehow won"

"Guys! I have to leave a little early today, so I will just play for about an hour and go"

"What does miss tomboy get to do at home so early?" asks Akash.

"Ugh! You idiotic Narcissist, you don't know anything about fashion, Billie Eilish wears baggy clothes like me, in fact, I set this trend before her"

"What? Did you just compare yourself with Billie? Now I feel like puking, she doesn't wear odd combinations like you, I can understand the sweatshirt, but what's with the tracks and long skirts" retorts Akash pissing her even more.

"there there, come on bro, let's try to be friendly, we have only a few games left before she leaves. Riya, you know he doesn't mean any of that, he just likes picking on everyone, he even made me a fool in the game of deduction earlier"

"Alright! I am letting him off only because you asked me to Rahul, anyways it's time our Uncle Sam has arrived with samosas" she closes the phone and stares at the sky.

"Yeah, it's kinda creepy how he hangs out with us, but he does feed us and doesn't bother us with old people's lectures," says Akash, waiting for us to react.

"Don't say that bro, you know how much hurt Uncle Sam would be if he heard us, besides, he is just bored at home and all the residents here avoid him for some reason" I asserted.

"Yeah, he is just a lonely man, it's sad how his wife and daughter died in the accident, maybe he thinks of us as his kids... Oh, speak of the devil!"

"Hey, kids! How was your day? I hope I am not intruding on you" Uncle Sam calls out with his nervous eyes wandering all over the park.

The man was in his late forties, he has gauntly cheeks and skin wrapped with wrinkles. He could have remarried when he had the chance, well it's too late now, he looks as if his soul was sucked out of him.

"Well you kinda are, old man!" whispered Akash while I nudge him to shut up.

"Haha no, to be honest, we were waiting for your tasty samosas Uncle Sam" I reply loudly so that he cannot hear Akash's grumbling.

He sits down big on a boulder which is near us and opens up the newspaper which has samosas inside it.

"Here you go kids, be careful they are super-hot, I directly brought them here soon after cooking them in oil"

We ate to our stomach's fill and thanked him, he is a great cook, if only his family was alive to taste it every day. He always has that sad look on his face, maybe he is hanging on the thread because of us kids.

So, to cheer him up I say "To thank Uncle Sam for his Samosas I will do a deduction sho-"

"Stop! Don't you dare" both Riya and Akash shout in unison.

"Ah man, why do you guys hate it so much, this time I am sure I can deduce perfectly"

"Rahul, I am leaving if you start that nonsense, I already saw so much of your gibberish earlier this evening and I can't bear to hear another rambling" Akash begs me with praying hands.

"Hahaha you kids are always lively; I am so glad to spend time with you" he smiles.

Well, that cheered him up, I don't want to see him suffering all the time. We chat for a few more minutes, that's when Riya realises that she was half an hour late and we all get up and go on our ways separately.

Well, that's another day of boring life gone past in this lethargic town. "Ah, man! Mom told me to buy some stuff from the store, she is gonna be mad now"