Chapter 22 – The hidden leaf
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2 weeks later 

Time passed in a blur. Shisui proved himself a tough teacher and Tsukiko an equally tough chess partner. The rest of their group also grew together slowly. While at the beginning the others were doubtful of Shisui being a Shinobi, an Uchiha. Appearantly the Uchiha were an important family even if Shisui refused to speak about it so she did not ask. The desire for additional protection outweighed every ounce of skepticism. 

After a few days Gene learned how to walk, well stumble walk without Chakra support. She learned quickly and at speed that left Shisui astonished. 

When it came to basic Ninjutsu, she needed less than a week for her control to improve enough to walk on trees or over water. Her learning speed, the thirst for knowledge was like a bottomless well. Gene truly enjoyed learning what it meant to be a Shinobi, even if landing on a tree branch was still a cause for concern. 

Aokis bow a constant companion for her. 

The jumping, the running, the exploring, simply everything that came with this sweet, sweet freedom. She loved being healthy and able to breath fresh hair. Even If the booklet was weighting on her.

When Konoha first came into view Gene couldn't help but stare at the stone faces carved into the mountainside

They seriously have stone Faces of their leaders carved up there, in XXL ? 

Like Ginormous? 

Hero worship in giant proportions. 

Shisui landed next to her, a lot more stable than she did, and stared at the faces as well, taking a deep breath. "Home sweet home.", He muttered and smiled. 

"You sound like an old man." Gene noted her small still somewhat thin figure standing next to him. 

"I couldn't care less about that.", He answered, and they both observed how the others slowly approached the gate. Two Shinobi and a third Kunoichi slightly hidden away guarded the gate. 

The sight of them had Shisui smile and Gene grin. 

So this is Konoha, the village of the hidden leaf. Not very hidden, not exactly a village. I thought it would be smaller. Now I just have...

She touched the booklet almost habitually looking if it was still there. Every morning, evening and midday she checked and looked that no one had exchanged it. It weighted heavier every day. 

"Say Shisui, how does someone get a conversation with the Hokage?" She asked him and jumped down towards the carriage and jumped. Aiming for the rooftop, she landed. Keeping the chakra in balance she wanted to stay there, but a small miscalculation threw her off. 


Gene lost balance and slipped. Greeting the floor and rolling off, she dusted out her clothes. Shisui landed behind her perfectly and grinned. Inside Tsukiko started to laugh, and the other joined in. 

Rubbing her behind, Gene stood up and glared. "Meanies!" She cursed at them. Standing back up she returned into the carriage climbing into it with Shisui being at the helm together with Shinji. 

While they drove the last hundred metres to the entrance, everyone fell silent. There was a certain air of insecurity. No one here knew how things were to proceed, and neither did Gene. Go to the Hokage, deliver the booklet, hope that Riki, Yui and Hiro were still alive, after that... 

Se frowned and looked at her body. It was in a better state than ever. Many bruises had healed, and her hair started to re-grow in beautiful silver. She still was a bit too thin and for anything that required more than a kilometer of way or if she had to carry something she needed Chakra as support. By now she was truly happy this body had an abundance of Chakra. 

"Mhh, say Genevieve?", Tsukiko asked her, and she looked at her who wore her patent back Kimono with a somewhat awkward embroidery from her mother on it. 

"What?", Gene blinked looking at her. 

"Can you ask Shisui where the gambling dens are in Konoha?" 

"Gambling dens?" Gene looked at Tsukiko like she had seen a ghost. "Why gambling dens?" 

"I need to earn Money. As much as I love her, my Mother's character..." She left the rest unsaid, and Gene couldn't find it in herself to speak against it. Indeed, Tsukiko's mother was a truly nice and sadly also guilable person. 

"A gambling den?" That was not exactly how she expected Tsukiko to earn money. 

"I am four, even if I pass as five or maybe six and that is a stretch, I am good at gambling. I won too much, they threw me out of most dens." 


"Guys, we are finally entering Konoha." Shinji said, and Gene climbed up to him right next to Shisui and looked amazed at the city. Behind the high walls, another world opened. High buildings, the streets were filled with one store next to another. Families and other people were walking peacefully and over the rooftops sometimes sailed a lone Shinobi. 

"This is my home, amazing not?" Shisui asked her and she nodded looking around. 

"It is amazing." 

"Sure." Shisui grinned. "Come along, you said you wanted to speak with the Hokage." He jumped ahead and Gene climbed up jumping with a small burst of Chakra after him. 

"What, now?! But we don't even have an appointment or anything. We can't just break in there."  She floated after him. 

"I am an Uchiha."