Chapter 1 – The Emerald Palace
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The inn was rowdy with laughter and cheer as groups of thieves and citizens alike clanked their tankards together. Jack the leader of those who arranged the previous heist managed to pull a hefty some of gold from Avalons Bank House. More importantly though, that heist had been a team effort no more in part of him than any of us. Yet for whatever reason he, got all of the credit, maybe it was his tall athletic appearance, or his manipulative charm and intimidation that got him the “hero” status. Either way I knew him to be a lier and a cheat, these citizens who thought this man robbed from the rich and gave to the poor really pocketed most of the wealth. I stumbled upon this truth on accident only to be threatened with a sword against my throat if I told the truth. Disappointingly I didn’t have the courage to fight him. 

Instead as I usual do I just sat by myself at a table in the far corner, away from everyone. Expect this time I had a poisonous glare aimed at Jack hoping to burn a hole right through him.  Much to my dismay minutes after he seemed to catch onto my look, only to smirk obnoxiously in reply. A pang of regret hit me as both him and his Lackeys, Franklin and Henry followed soon after. 

“Hey there fairy boy, why so glum!” 

Jack had a tendency to urk me at the worst of times, but those, insults, were simply inhumane. 

“As I’ve told you many times. I. Am. Not. A. Boy.” 

“Righttt righttt so just what are you then freak?” 

“Yeah! Yeah freak,” Henry chided Jack on. 

“It’s none of your damn business! Hey, instead how about instead I tell everyone how much of a “hero” you really ar-“

My temporary high ground was crushed as Jack pummelled towards me, holding me by the collar. He was so close I could smell the foul odour of ale in his breath, shaking me to my core.  

“Listen here, boy. You ain’t got shit on me, who do you think everyone will believe huh? Me the great saviour of Avalon, or some broken down piece of meat.” He said in a deadly whisper. 

My very soul left me in that moment as I slouched against the wall, falling to my bottom as he let me go. I winced in pain at the sudden change in ground as he did leading to everyone but Franklin to laugh. 

“Speaking of which, I actually have quite the job for us settled down freak. Ever heard of the Emerald palace?” Jack said in the utmost condescending tone. 

“Y-you can’t be thinking?” 

“That’s right, it’s about high time that bitch Countess gets what’s coming to her. All we need to do is nab some documents, sounds simple enough right?” 

“But why do you want m-me to help?” 

“You’re mediocre with that little Halbert of yours, all I need from you is a little cover, got it?” 

Franklin began to shift uncomfortably at the mere mention of the Emerald Palace. Seemingly coming to a breaking point he bursted his thoughts out half hazardously.  

“H-hey um um Jack, I really d-don’t think this is a good idea. The Buranda knights will be t-there a-and and-“  he barely managed to stumble out. 

“Did I ask you, idiot?” 

“N-no, I’m sorry,” Franklin drooped, looking like the life has been sucked out of him.  

“Anywayyy we’ll be doing this thing one week from now on sunset, be at the back of the Palace then. Oh, right, if you flake on me you’ll regret it. Bye fairy boy.”

On that final note Jack turned back around, being welcomed with another round of cheers by the group he was with originally. All I managed to do with all my energy was meander back to my room within the inn. Flopping onto bed I took my medicine that I do to correct my appearance, dreaming of living my life out as a girl.