Chapter 1. The Night when the World Flipped
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Rules. We’re told society is built on them, that they’re fair or just and separate us from the animals. How would the world fair if the rules put in place to create the ruling class turned on themselves, those in power or those who still had faith in humanity were left as prey to be hunted by the psychopaths or those who had died inside long ago. That’s exactly what happened to another earth in a corner of the multiverse 

October 31st 2025

That’s the day a message was heard all across the globe as time seemed to grind to a halt. Every person was left motionless as an eyeball appeared in place of the sun and moon, staring at the helpless citizens below lazily as a booming voice echoed through their heads 

[Ye who’ve lived lives of pitiful complacency, despair for the disregard and abuse you’ve shown towards those less fortunate than yourself will leave you powerless in the hell to come. 

Ye who’ve lived wretched lives and been broken by the hands date has dealt, rejoice for ye shall inherit power beyond your meager human form to bring forth a new age. 

And Ye blessed souls filled with righteous indignation or hatred towards the worst hands fate dealt you and revolted while standing strong… ye shall become gods among this new world, inheriting power beyond your wildest comprehension

Welcome to Balanced Hell]

The frozen world watched in terror and fear as in the void of space a large tear in the universe opened up, from this tear came one simple thing… a dragon, no that’s just what it came to be known as, in reality is closer resembled a three headed serpent with draconic features, many who saw this serpent had 3 names of different mythological creatures in their head

Many saw the head that gazed hungrily at the earth and thought of jormungandr from Norse mythology 

Many saw the head thats eyes radiated a burning heat and horrifying darkness and thought of Apophis from the Egyptians

But the few that looked at the most unique and largest fish like draconic head seemed to think this controlling and guiding head was in charge while the others were merely along for the ride. Those who knew of the myth could only think one word…Bahamut

The one thing everyone agreed on though was that this creature was too massive to comprehend, it’s tail astronomers later noted went beyond the reach of our solar system. But what was more notable than its size was what it did next. The fish head roared from the depths of space Causing the other two to open their mouths. From the mouth of Jormungandr came countless worlds while from the gaping abyssal maw of apophis came a purple and blue star that began to orbit around the sun. 

Meanwhile on earth once the planets took their place the eyeball moon and sun were replaced with their normal incarnations. As soon as the eyeballs left a blue screen appeared in front of every man woman and child 

[Mission Critical: Prepare for planetary linking. 

Action: Open status

Time: 45 minutes

At this point humanity was released, most crumpled in despair, some listened to the advice, yet one family of 3 in a run down apartment did something far more strange… they ate dinner. 

A frail yet cute little girl with long red hair at the age of 12 tried to calmly and politely cut up her chicken but struggled to do it efficiently 

An old but surprisingly fit woman wearing what was obviously a wig calmly ate her rice with a calm look on her face 

The most notable individual however was a young athletic but exhausted young man with tired hazel eyes. His muscle and body didn’t appear to be the work of actual exercise but instead physical labor. He looked pleadingly at the old woman 

“Grandma, are we not going to do something?! Didn’t you hear that voice or the roar, shouldn’t we at least look outside or do what the blue screen is saying?!”

The old lady snorted 

“Hmph, That blue screen says we have 43 minutes to do that, I promised your parents that I would raise you children right and that’s what I plan to do, eating at consistent times builds good digestion habits and gives the mental fortitude to continue positive habits”

 The young man looked to the little girl pleadingly as if to beg her to reason with grandma yet the little fire haired girl just smiled with a full mouth causing the young man to snort in amusement. The little girl looked bewildered

“Wah ist it bubza”

The grandma slammed her hand down on the table

“Clara what have I told you about talking while chewing?”

Clara hurriedly chewed her food before replying 

“Grandma said-“

Clara started coughing heavily from all the food she had failed to properly chew yet still continued to speak

“Grandma said COUGH COUGH it’s COUGH not very polite COUGH COUGH”

The young man couldn’t help but smile as he teased Clara 

“Neither is coughing without covering your mouth” 

Clara looked to the young man as if he had insulted her before whining 

“Bubbaaaaaa, don’t make fun of me”

The grandma nodded

“Your sister’s right Geran, you shouldn’t make snide remarks, you two need to stick together after I’m gone after all” 

The mood after their grandma talked about her own demise so calmly sobered the playful mood which is what she was always known for, apparently speaking bluntly is something she picked up from her time in the war 40 years earlier. After they ate dinner their grandma stood up 

“I’m going to do what this darned thing says first to make sure it’s not some trick, if I die Geran take Clara out the emergency path.” 

Geran smiled nervously, he would’ve liked to volunteer first but he knew his grandma would’ve loved nothing so much as losing her likely 20 remaining years to dying for her family, at least that way she would be reunited with his dad and grandpa. 

the siblings sat and watched their grandma waiting for anything to happen, after a look of shock appeared on their grandmas face Geran spoke loudly and nervously 

“Grandma! What is it?!”

Their grandma looked to them before smiling innocently 

“Geran dear you know how I am with technology… how do I open this?” 

Geran sighed in relief before remembering back to the novels and comics he used to read between his many shifts. 

“I think they say something like [Status Open]?”

The blue screen in front of his eyes shined a brilliant light before widening and saying 

[Step Completed: Open Status

Reward: Assimilation of abilities]

The screen disappeared and was replaced with a new one

[Name: Geran Kaiser


Titles: Sole Survivor, Dutiful brother, Strongest will, He who the new gods favor, Tragic Past

Passive Skills:5 Month Body, Survivors Will, Unsung Legacy, Unshakable Drive, Dragons Will

Active: Conditional Magic, Eyes that see tragedy with calmness 

HP: 125/125 

MP:100/100 (+?!93$)




WIL:50 (+?!64:)



Geran immediately felt his body begin to change which hurt like hell, but he remembered a time he went through worse 

AN: that’s the end of the first chapter, let me know if you like my spin on the genre, I’m going to update it regularly 

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