Chapter 5: Aunt Suzy Arrives
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There were a good number of people gathered outside the eastern gate of Ryhor. Army troops and city guards had lined up in their respective formations by the roadside. This road connected Ryhor to the other border city of Gelodesh: Purvoth.  Marshal Suzanne Tygrine, who was about to arrive at Ryhor, spent most of her time in Purvoth.

For the longest time, there were only two cities in Gelodesh, The royal capital of Ostorth and the border city of Purvoth. Gelodesh shared its border with only two other kingdoms, Beltran to the east and Gervaland to the south. Though the three kingdoms had formed an alliance now, Ostorth in the south and Purvoth on the east were strategically located, well equipped to deal with any potential threats.

“Uhm…” Raymond cleared his throat as he clumsily stood beside Miranda. Just behind the cousins were the members of the Ryhor City Council, and further behind them were the major figures of the city, like the nobility and surrounding tribes’ heads. Off to the other side of the road, army soldiers and city guards waited patiently. The four council members, excluding Miranda, were engaged in a discussion in hushed voices.

All the patriarchs and matriarchs of noble families in Ryhor were in attendance. Raymond looked around impatiently to take note of who was present. He smiled at the familiar faces of the council members. There were the Erickson sisters, Ronald Smith and, finally, Thomas Wilson. Representatives from all the trade associations were present, including Theodore Henry, who was the head of Henry Trade Association’s Ryhor Branch.

Lena Erickson and Brenna Erickson were matriarchs of the Erickson Family, one of the more prominent noble families, evident by the fact that both of the council seats reserved for local families were occupied by them for the current term. The two sisters were initially commoners and led normal lives, until Lena, the elder of the two, awakened the wind element. She quickly rose through the ranks at the Ryhor army base.

This was not an unusual sight in Gelodesh. Many of the nobles of Ryhor did not have a storied past, historical presence, like the “real” nobles from the continent. But the whole city was shocked around three years later; Brenna awakened the much sought after fire element. Their fortunes quickly changed after that. Now retired from the army, together they had established the Erickson family as one of leading noble families in the whole of Gelodesh.

Ronald Smith and Thomas Wilson were appointed by the queen as the council members and did not originally come from Ryhor. Ronald Smith was from humble origins, but Thomas belonged to the famous Wilson family of Ostorth. The Wilsons had been loyal retainers of the royal family for many generations and held many of the important administrative positions.

“Miranda…” Raymond thought this was a good opportunity to gauge Miranda’s present mood. He was sure, even if she wanted to ignore him or punish him, she would have to be civil while she stood in front of the city. Being the Council President, she had to welcome Lady Suzanne Tygrine, Marshal of Gelodesh, with every bit of respect one would otherwise reserve only for the queen herself. But all his hopes were dashed when Miranda only gave him a cursory glance before ignoring him altogether.

Dejected, he surveyed the audience around him and couldn’t help but doubt the real intentions of the many gathered here to welcome his aunt.

Sure, she is coming here after a long time… but this is too much, he thought about the beautiful figure of his aunt. Putting on all this façade just to catch a glimpse of her, huh? With revulsion, he cursed at them in his heart.

A luxurious carriage drawn by horses, flanked by riders to the front and back, slowly came into view. The audience quieted down at its sight. All discussions ceased, and all focus turned to the approaching riders. A lot of the men hurriedly brushed their hair and tidied their clothes. Raymond, chief among them, asked Miranda in a low voice, “There’s nothing wrong with how I look, right?” Unnerved by her glare, he could only brood in silence.

The gleaming metal carriage and its escorts came to a stop. The riders dismounted their horses and lined up at attention to the side. All eyes focused on the wooden door of the carriage. A fair arm extended out of the door and pushed it open.

A tall woman climbed down from the carriage. Her silver mantle fluttered in the gentle breeze. She lazily fixed her thin, golden headband to rein in her blowing, long, light purple hair. The enchanted, silver, flexible armor-vest was a snug fit over her body. Her breasts threatened to spill out from under her full-sleeved silk blouse. The black skirt barely reached down to her knees, giving a glimpse of her blemish-free skin. Her long legs were covered in knee-high stockings, complete with leg greaves and leather boots.

Mesmerized by the sheer beauty and aura radiating from his aunt, he firmly believed that she was the sexiest creature in the world. There was a certain aura around her, her every action and gesture oozed of sexuality. But behind the casual and teasing attitude lay immeasurable power waiting to be unleashed. Arguably, the strongest person in the kingdom, she was a well-respected and feared individual, even in the surrounding kingdoms.

Suzanne slowly raised her hand, adorned by the silver arm guards, and motioned for the army and city guards to disperse. She commanded the scene with ease, her almost casual manner was unlike any other army marshal. Raymond was rooted to the spot when she turned towards him and smiled her teasing smile, as only she could. Raymond was lost in her deep blue eyes, unaware she had arrived right in front of him.

“Pretty?” Suzanne asked, leaning forward and gazing into Raymond’s eyes.

“Very.” Raymond could only absentmindedly nod and mumble in response.

Suzanne squealed. “Oh. You, Sweetie! You sweet, sweet boy. Come here!” She pulled him tight into her embrace. Raymond was jolted awake by the frivolous behavior of his aunt. He blushed in embarrassment, ashamed at his goofiness. Feeling the beginning of arousal, he squirmed in horror, and struggled to get out of the hug, sighing in relief when she finally let go.

Miranda, who stood beside them, clenched her fists. No one noticed her as she mumbled something to herself, all the while glaring at her mother and her bumbling cousin.

“Miranda! Oh! My beautiful daughter, you are looking wonderful.” Suzanne lightly hugged Miranda and quickly let go, as she regained her former demeanor of a war veteran.

“Welcome to Ryhor, Mother.” Miranda greeted her mother without an overt passion in her voice.

The Erickson sisters, at their first meeting with the marshal in their capacities as council members, nervously welcomed Suzanne, along with the rest of the council. Suzanne lightly nodded in acknowledgment and moved towards the anxious noblemen. Once all of them had completed their round of light greetings and welcomes, Suzanne said a few words of encouragement and congratulated them for the progress shown in Ryhor.

Suzanne glanced at the crowd of merchants. She started when she saw Theodore Henry was also among the crowd of merchants.

“What a surprise! I’m honored by the presence of Henry Trade Association, coming to welcome a mere marshal of a small kingdom such as ourselves.” Suzanne’s tone was dry and unenthusiastic.

Theodore smiled jovially. “Indeed, it is. The Henry Trade Association is honored by this opportunity. We don’t dare doubt the strength of the Tygrine Family.” He continued in the same even tone, “We are humbled to be allowed to be present to welcome the mighty marshal.”

Suzanne stared at him intensely for a brief moment before she looked away. She waved her hand and called for a horse to be brought to her. She glanced at Raymond before she rode off on the horse towards the city gate. “Let’s go, Sweetie!”

Raymond was confused at the weird exchange between his aunt and Theodore Henry. He was also impressed by the fact that Theodore maintained a jovial smile throughout the conversation. It was seldom people didn’t get flustered while talking to Suzanne. Most people, overwhelmed by her powerful aura and her beauty, would either stare too long or look anywhere but at her. He raised his eyebrows at Miranda to ask if she had any idea but was again rebuffed.


Raymond could only shout out in his heart in frustration. He was on the verge of tears because of the extraordinary levels of guilt he felt, as well as, for being ignored to such an extent.

Miranda sighed, “Come. We’ll talk later,” and then signaled for him to follow behind her.

Theodore, who watched the exchange between the two cousins, smiled mysteriously. “Interesting. Maybe there’s some truth to the rumors after all,” he mused to himself as he departed for the city as well.


Suzanne was silently contemplating the strange actions of Theodore Henry, in no mood to appreciate the new décor of her daughters’ house. When she saw Raymond and Miranda walking in, she leapt in joy and embraced Raymond in a tight hug.

“Sweetie, did you miss me?”

“Of course I missed you. How can I not miss my aunt? My only aunt. I will be a madman if I don’t miss my most beautiful and radiant Aunt Suzy,” Raymond replied in an exaggerated fashion.

Suzanne did a quick twirl, showing off her voluptuous body. She had already taken off her armor and greaves. Dressed in a simple silk blouse and skirt, with her legs covered in high stockings, her curves were on full display. Raymond was entranced by the sight.

“Say, Sweetie, how do I look?”

“Like a goddess descended to the mortal realm.” Raymond seemed prepared this time. He didn’t make a fool of himself like he had done previously. “Like a swan flying across the moonlit sky,” he added exaggeratedly.

“Oh, Sweetie. You flirt.” Suzanne squealed in joy. “You know, it’s not right for a nephew to flirt with his aunt like this,” she teased.

“It’s also not right for an aunt this beautiful to tease her nephew,” Raymond smirked.

“You are just incorrigible.” Suzanne lightly swatted his shoulder, enjoying their exchange.

Miranda, pushed to the background, left the room after she declared in an angry voice, “I’ll be back with some snacks.”

Suzanne glanced at Miranda’s back, then back to Raymond and asked, “Sweetie, is something wrong with Miranda?” Raymond did a poor job of hiding his discomfort. A look of realization came upon Suzanne’s face after she watched him noncommittally shrug his shoulders. “Oh. Maybe…” she continued, her voice growing confident, “No. It must be that.”

Raymond had an unbelievable look on his face like he was panicked about a secret being revealed. He, almost inaudibly, asked, “What is it?”

Suzanne seated herself beside him and stared into his eyes, “I came here as soon as I heard…” Her voice turned grave as she resumed. “A war has started.” She paused for effect. Satisfied with the almost soulless look on Raymond’s face, she continued, “Kyrgstan has declared war on Zekovia. We have to make our own preparation. This could either be a huge opportunity or a huge disaster,” she added in an equally somber tone.

Miranda, back with a tray of snacks, sat down on the opposite sofa to the both of them. She was skeptical of this news. “Mother, are you sure it isn’t the other way around?” she asked in apprehension.

“I’m sure. That is, in fact, the most intriguing part.” Suzanne glanced at her daughter with a meaningful look. Then both of them were lost in thought.

Raymond heaved a huge sigh of relief. Whew, that was scary. I knew Miranda wouldn’t tell anybody. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I will make it right tonight! I will beg for forgiveness, then we shall see if she doesn’t allow me back in. Raymond, lost in his own fantasies, missed the conversation about the war. When he saw the serious, frowning faces of Miranda and Suzanne, he was taken aback. What happened? What did I miss? No longer able to bear the heavy atmosphere, he lightly joked, “It doesn’t matter to us. They are far apart from our kingdom.”

Suzanne questioned, shock apparent in her voice, “Sweetie, do you seriously believe that?”

“What? Don’t tell me we are affected?” Raymond was sure his aunt was being playful, as usual. But he was confused by the shocked look on her face. He turned to Miranda for an explanation who just smiled drably at him, clearly in no mood to explain anything to him. Losing conviction in his own words, he cleared his throat. “Will someone please tell me if I’m missing something here?” Raymond nearly yelled out.

Suzanne apologized with her gaze. “Miranda will explain it to you later.” She then proceeded to check his progress in evolution of his mana pool by placing her palms on the front and back of his chest.

“I don’t understand, how you are still stuck at half-awakened state… Why are you still unable to awaken?” Suzanne seemed baffled by what she found. “There’s no damage or problems with your mana pool, so why?” She paused before adding, “In fact, you should’ve already been able to awaken your attribute…”

She stared into his slightly fearful eyes and informed him of her decision. “Well, since it has come to this, we can’t wait any longer… we will use that method…”

While Raymond’s face turned aghast, his aunt continued, “In truth, that’s the main reason I came here, even before going to Ostorth.”

“Can’t we wait? I think I’m really close,” he pleaded.

“With the situation in the continent changing suddenly, we can’t wait for one more year till you are 22. When will Rose and Lily get here?” Suzanne concluded in somewhat of a sorry tone and asked Miranda when Raymond gave her the pitiful eyes.

“What? Rose will do it?!” Raymond shouted out loud and jumped from his seat. He was beyond scared by the fact that Rose would be the one he would have to fight to accomplish that method. Not Rose! She will kill me! This will be her chance. I HAVE to get out of this, somehow. He pleaded with his aunt, “Miranda can do it.” Suzanne only shook her head in denial.

Well, maybe it’s better if Miranda doesn’t do it. With her current mood, she may actually kill me.

Raymond whined, “But it doesn’t even work in most cases. Everybody would be using it if it worked”. He made one last attempt to change his aunt’s mind.

“Though it doesn’t work for most people, it will work for you. You can control your mana better than many of the awakened warriors, and you have yet to even awaken your attribute… I’m sure it will work.” Suzanne continued, “Where is Rose-”

“MOM, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” An annoyed voice interrupted Suzanne.

Rose barged in the room, Lily in tow, and headed straight for her mother. She stood in front of her mother, her hands on her hips.

Suzanne laughed and hugged her in response. “Oh, you big baby. I would’ve told you if I had the time.” The joyful mother also pulled in the silent Lily to make it a group hug. “Say, how was your hunt?”

“It was good. The number of prime beasts has grown since last time, but they were no match for Lily and me,” Rose replied in an excited tone. “Listen, there was this one-”

“Wait,” Suzanne interrupted before Rose could launch into her story, “I have important news.” She gestured for all of them to take their seats, “Kyrgstan declared war on Zekovia.”

“What?” There was a combined gasp from Lily and Rose. “Are you sure?” Lily spoke her first words since entering the room.

Suzanne slowly nodded her head to that question, and as a result, a look of distress and agitation flashed through Lily’s face.

Raymond, observing their reactions, was alarmed. WHAT? Them too!? Am I the only one who doesn’t get it? Suddenly, his eyes bugged out. OH MY GOD. Am I the stupid one in the family?  He intensely stared at Rose. Surely I can’t be the stupid one, right?

“What’s the big deal? Will somebody explain it to me?” All eyes turned to Raymond. But what hurt him the most was the disdainful gaze of his redheaded cousin.

Rose started laughing. “Does Little Ray-Ray not understand?”

Raymond was infuriated by the nickname. He wanted to retort, but he held himself back. You can’t provoke her now. She doesn’t know she will be the one fighting you. She will take out all her frustration in the fight if you provoke her now. He ground his teeth in silent fury and waited for the explanation patiently.

Rose was surprised by his reaction or lack thereof on hearing his nickname; she decided to ignore it, thinking that he was just eager to know the reason.

She took on the look of a wizened veteran. “Listen, plebe. This involves a total grasp of all the political intricacies and maneuvers going on behind the scenes.” She paused to counter any comment that might come out of Raymond’s mouth.

However, she suddenly lost interest, when she saw his expectant gaze. “Miranda, you explain it,” she said, leaning towards Suzanne and hooking her arms on her mother’s shoulders.

“We don’t have the time for it now. I’ll tell it to you after your fight with Rose.”

Rose, who was rubbing her cheeks intimately on her mother’s shoulder, jumped out to stand in front of Miranda, she asked in an animated voice, “What? Are we doing that?”.


Rose started laughing at the top of her lungs. Miranda’s reply had confirmed her suspicion. “So, that’s why you were silent.” She circled around him once, as if examining her prey. “Don’t be scared Little Ray Ray. I’ll make sure your bones are left intact,” and she started laughing again.

Raymond harrumphed and turned his head away from her.