20. Plaza Two
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Just like the Ovildian Plaza set in a hollow in the middle of the hills, the marble-like courtyard was nestled on the floor of a valley. The biggest difference there were the true mountains surrounding it, rather than the relatively punier hills. And the river they had followed to the zone’s Plaza dropped from a mountainside slice in a truly impressive waterfall before running along the valley into the deeper gorge they had been following. The important part was that the river could be forded there, allowing access to the rest of the zone.

But first, there was the Plaza. As they came up to the columns surrounding the flat expanse of the “monument”, Jonas noted that there was a flat, torn spot next to it. It looked like something had happened there some time ago, and left its mark on the ground. They all gathered around the depression in the ground and churned earth. The sparse grass that grew all over the mountains hadn’t even started to claim the hole, prompting Jonas to deduce it was clearly relatively recent compared to the rest of the area.

“Sounds like something was there and got torn up,” he said.

“What do you think it was?” Ira asked.

“No idea.”

“Better question,” Laura asked. “Who did that?”

“What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t look like it’s a lair. Or anything. The creatures – both the grey wolves and the snowy cats – don’t look like they’d tear stuff up. So…”

“You think someone did that? People?” Jonathan asked.

“Possibly,” she said.

“What for?” Guss asked.

She shrugged.

“I have no idea. Jonas is the bright ideas man. But this probably means that people came here at least once. So… we’re not lost definitively. Just lost a little.”

“Someone will find those signs, you mean,” Jonathan said.

“That’s what I think,” she confirmed.

Jonas turned toward the marble structure.

“Anyway, let’s check this Plaza.”


It was very little different from the previous one. An expanse of flat, white stone streaked with darker lines, like some marble, but un-weathered by the elements. Tall columns marking the edge of the circular place, a portico that symbolized some kind of formal entrance. Save for the more majestic surroundings, Jonas could have sworn they were back at their starting point.


As they came to the centre of the Plaza, Jonas noticed a descriptor coming up. He realized he had never paid attention to the centre of the Plaza back in Ovildian.

Did it prompt for something too? Did we even check?

He couldn’t remember. But here, the descriptor included the zone’s name, but more importantly, names that seemed slightly familiar.


Tier 2: Othary


25 INT


20 WIS, 20 STR


25 WIS


20 CON, 20 WIS


25 DEX


20 DEX, 20 INT


25 FOC


25 STA


25 STR


The way it was structured… it looked like Professions. Focusing on each one brought an additional descriptor which confirmed that, yes, the Plaza listed nine brand new Professions. Which were much more powerful than their current ones. Unfortunately, they also seemed impossible to get.

However, Ira’s Plaza descriptor was different. Unlike Jonas’ version, he had two options without a stroke across them.

 “There’s two that are showing available for you?” he asked.

Guss added, “I have one as well. Crusader.”

“It’s one. And Layman as the other,” Ira confirmed.



(tier 2)

Required: 20 WIS, 20 STR


+3 health/+9 endurance/+2 mind/+6 aether per level

+1 Milestone/14 levels

Crusader Milestone: +5 WIS, +3 STR, +2 CON, +1 DEX, +1 INT, 5% blunt damage

Skillset: Equipment / Offense



(tier 2)

Required: 20 CON, 20 WIS


+9 health/+3 endurance/+6 mind/+2 aether per level

+1 Milestone/14 levels

Layman Milestone: +5 CON, +3 DEX, +2 FOC, +2 AGI, 5% armour

Skillset: Physical / Defence


“Does this mean we can change our Profession?” Ira asked.

Guss confirmed, “At least that’s what cousin Luther seemed to imply when he was talking about his ‘next’ Profession. I guess there’s a set of new ones at each Plaza.”

“Yes, but save for you two, it doesn’t seem any of us qualifies for one,” said Jonas. He looked at the team, acknowledging the nods of confirmation by the rest.

“I mean, I can see Aetherseer, but somehow, I can’t get it despite having 25 in Intellect.”

Laura confirmed, “Same here. 26 in Strength, but the Smasher option is locked for me. Hate the name, by the way. It’s even worse than Breaker.”

Jonathan snapped his fingers suddenly, the face under his eyeless mask suddenly serious.

“Got it. You all have 25-26… from your equipment. You don’t have it ‘naturally’.”

Jonas groaned.

“So… we need our next Milestone each. That should bring us all to 25 at least.”

“But I and Guss can already switch to something?” Ira asked. “Those new Professions look more powerful.”

“Maybe. But for Guss… I’d rather not.”

“Why not?” the Mender asked.

“The Crusader profession seems to be something to do damage rather than healing. If you change to it… can you still heal us? Doesn’t sound likely?”

Guss closed his eyes, realizing that he might have done the wrong thing by accident.

“You’re right. The Hospitaler is still listed as an Aether/Support skillset and requires also WIS only, so I assume it’s the next in line for me if I pursue the same role in the team. Crusader sounds more like some frontline holy warrior…”

“But Layman seems to be some kind of defensive Profession. I mean, it’s giving the right stats and lists defence. Although why it’s named Layman… I wonder what’s the difference between Personal and Physical for Defence skills. So… do I?” Ira asked.

Jonas hesitated. But then, he noticed, looking across the list again, there was no other choice offered there based on the Constitution score. Ira’s next Milestone wouldn’t open up any other defence-oriented Profession. No, the only other option with a Defensive skillset was the Shieldbringer, and Ira’s Stamina wasn’t growing from his Milestones. If gear did not matter, then they didn’t have much choice.

“Ok. Go ahead. I hope it works,” he reluctantly said.


Ira screamed as he fell to the ground.


“Oh bollocks!”

“What’s wrong?”

Jonas dropped next to his friend, who was convulsing on the floor, trying to figure out what was going on. Grabbing him, he noted that his status was flickering as if something was wrong with it. Then, as Ira kept on moaning on the floor, it settled abruptly to new values.


Ira Irwin Heard

Health: 416/455 (426)

Mind: 251/288

Endurance: 277/310 (291)

Aether: 214/246

Effective level: 25

Level 1 Layman

Level 24 Defender

Experience: 0/1739

Strength: 24 (23)

Dexterity: 20

Agility: 23

Constitution: 26

Stamina: 24 (21)

Wisdom: 23

Focus: 20

Presence: 22

Fortitude: 21

Intellect: 22

Defence Rating: 32

15% faster levelling

5% health/CON


Milestones: Adjustment III, Defender I

Skills: Dodge (1), Repel (0), Hold (0), Flat Blade (0)

Equipment: Flimsy Light Chainmail Cap, Light Chainmail Tunic, Sturdy Chainmail Gloves, Sturdy Chainmail Wrap, Light Chainmail Leggings, Supple Chainmail Sollerets, Iron Defender



“What?” Laura echoed as she held Ira’s other arm.

“His stats have… jumped. They’re…”

Then Jonas realized what else had changed. Besides being level 1 Layman – and gaining one total level – the Milestone line had changed. He couldn’t peek at Ira’s Milestone description, but his own looked like… that.


Adjustment II

+3 all Potentials, 10% faster levelling.


“Oh shit. He’s Adjusting. Again,” he realized.

“What do you mean, adjusting…” Jonathan asked.

“He got a new Milestone in Adjustment when he picked his new Profession,” Jonas announced.

Guss realized what that meant, “and… it’s as horrible as when we landed in the Labyrinth…”

Ira’s breath came in short gasps. He was no longer convulsing on the ground. Jonas tried to look him in the eyes.

“Ira? Ira, you ok?”

The new Layman swallowed twice, before replying with a weak voice.

“Yea. It’s… better now. It’s going away.”

He looked at Jonas, blinking repeatedly.

“What happened? Did I do something wrong? Should have waited for another Milestone?”

“No. But check your status… you got Adjusted. Again. Like the first time.”

Ira’s eyes unfocused briefly as he looked at his status. Then they grew wide.

“The Adjustment… gives me 6 in each potential now? That’s how I got so many at once?”

“And I saw you also get faster levelling. You sure have a lot lower XP for your next level, anyway.”

“Oh. Right. Bollocks. That’s still… awful.”

Then, as one, the rest of the team looked at each other, realizing what that meant.


“Dratted. It hurt. It did hurt so much. I don’t want any of that.”

“Do we need to go through that? It’s horrible, how can any Professional endure that every time…” Laura blanched.

Jonas shook his head in denegation.

“The other Professionals don’t have the Adjustment thing we got. I don’t think they adjust, ever.”

He threw a look at Guss who threw his hands in the sky in ignorance.

“Cousin Luther sure did never spoke about that kind of harm. I mean… he said he was happy when he got his tier three Profession because it had taken him time to achieve all the requirement Milestones. He didn’t look like he had to undergo… that.”

“So. Okay. I hate the Labyrinth now,” she said.

“The thing is, we will have to endure that,” Jonas replied.

Seeing the dark looks from his team, he justified that sentence.

“You’ve seen the levels the critters around have. We do ok. Barely, but ok. But we need three lairs this time for Markandon. The lairs will be much more difficult than the ones in Ovildian. There’s no going around it.”

“So what? We can level our Profession.”

“Up to where? Each level adds more and more to our XP needed for the next one. It slows us down. If we get one of those new Professions, though, we get faster levels and more vitals per level. More Potentials per Milestone. More everything.”

He avoided looking too pointedly toward Jonathan, but that was who he had in mind when he spoke next.

“If we want to get out of here in a reasonable time, we have to get a tier-two Profession as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will take months to be able to get out of this small corner of the Labyrinth.”

Laura finally acquiesced.

“I think you’re right. I’d like to see London again in my lifetime. Not that you guys aren’t gentlemen, but…”

“I agree,” Jonathan added, unsurprisingly. Alton didn’t speak – Jonas knew he did not really care about it, one way or another.

“The big question is, do we stay here and get XP, or do we go back to Ovildian and try to get gear first in the lairs there. We should have an easier time now. We can probably even try those worm tun…”

“No,” Jonathan said. “We don’t leave Othary. In case we get rescued. If people do come here, as you said, that’s where we get their attention.”

Nobody dared to speak against the suggestion.

“Then it’s settled. First, we get the next 7 levels to level 30 and Milestone number two, and we all get our tier-two Professions. Then we set out to check what lairs are around.”

“And the sooner, the better,” Jonathan added.



As they were walking out of the mountain Plaza, Ira came to Jonas and spoke quietly.

“The bit about that Adjustment is that I could now get that third Profession. Scout.”

“Well, we do need our defender. Or Layman now. This may take some time to get used to.”

“Okay, okay. You will all have a new Profession name soon enough,” replied Ira.

He then added, “The thing is, I think if Guss took that Crusader thing, then the Adjustment would let him go straight to the Hospitaler afterwards…”

“And get that Adjustment twice in a row? Have you already forgotten how it hurt you?”

“Oh,” Ira said sheepishly.

“You’re sometimes full of bricks in the head. I don’t know what 23 in Wisdom does to you, but it’s clearly not enough,” Jonas chided his friend.

 The pinched lips told him that Ira was contrite for suggesting that.

“He’s a nice guy. And your health depends on him. Try not to piss him off by suggesting he needs a double dose on the racks.”

“Okay. I won’t mention it.”

“Good. It’s going to take nearly a week, I think, but we will have to get that XP fast. Can’t leave you as the only tier two among us.”

“Yes, but I’ll level faster than you. I’ll be your best defence ever.”

“Be careful. It was already impossible to resurrect you in case you died. Now, it’s even more impossible. So… don’t die.”

Ira sobered, “I don’t intend to.”







Jonas Sims

Aetherist (24)



Jonathan Gilbert

Watcher (24)



Ira Heard

Layman (25)



Guss Fullmore

Mender (24)



Laura Harvey

Breaker (24)



Alton Raby

Pointer (24)

