Chapter 1 | Hatching Accident
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‘Darkness. Warmth. Safe.’


It was a place without time and without danger. But it could not last forever.


‘Constricting. Uncomfy.’


As its body grew it began to push against the egg containing it. Finally unable to take the pressure any longer, it struggled free in a fit of half-awake anger.




The shell of the white egg burst open as a small snake slithered out. Its white scales formed a contrast to the black dungeon floor. Its golden eyes looked around in confusion. It felt like something was instinctually missing from its birth. Runic blue letters appeared in front of it, as if to point out the problem.


[Achievement: Happy Birthday! Gain XP for the first time!]




[Level: 0]

[Race: Elemental Snake(Incomplete).)

[Skills: Error]





[Titles: null]


It could instinctively understand the letters and know what they were. Every monster was born with a sense of knowing what the system is. Now it knows what was missing, it was incomplete and unfinished. It didn't know why this happened but its instincts were telling it how to fix it.


The snake slithered down the hallway. Just being born it did not know the dangers of its birth place. The snake was currently in a dungeon, a place of chaos and reward. Dungeons were places that naturally spawned monsters with concentrated mana. Adventures would come looking for monsters to hunt. To either gain levels from killing them or selling their materials for gold. Dungeons were more dangerous the higher level monsters they contained. However our snake seemed to luck out in that this dungeon had a low level cap.


Slithering down the different intersections and turns, it eventually found a wolf lying on the floor.




The wolf was dead, a puddle of blood was forming below it.


The snake felt that that red liquid or something inside the wolf would fix it, would make it whole. Naturally it took the path with less effort and started to lick the blood.


At first it tasted like nothing, just warm liquid but eventually a change occurred.




[Achievement: To be Whole. You have successfully corrected the accident that occurred with your Birth.]


[The (Incomplete status) in your race status has changed to (Blood).]


[Title Gained: One Who Chooses. By being incomplete you have been given the chance to choose your Race element.You have discovered the blood element. Fate Has Been Altered!]


[Achievement: You have become the very first Elemental Snake with the Blood element. Bonus XP Rewarded!]

A new feeling filled the snake, a feeling of completeness. As it relished in this feeling similar to sleeping in the egg a new instinct filled it. An obsession to drink more blood. 


The snake happily obliged. Lapping up the now tasty liquid. 


During this time its scales shifted color, starting from its head to its tail they turned a dark blood red.


[You have consumed potent blood, XP gained!]


[Prior XP has been Allocated!]


[Level Up!]



[Skills are being revealed!]

[By choosing your element, your birth skills have been modified.]


[You have learned Blood Sense.]

[You have learned Blood Conversion]

[You have learned Blood Manipulation]


[Blood Sense: Your race gives you the ability to detect mana of your elemental alignment.]

[Blood Conversion: Your race gives you the ability to convert from blood to blood mana freely.]

[Blood Manipulation: Your race gives you the ability to manipulate blood and blood mana.]


Suddenly the snake flinched as a new sense took its place. The snake could now feel the blood mana remaining in the wolf and the blood mana in itself. There were other signals of blood mana, some much stronger than the snake and some weaker. The snake was frozen for a while trying to get used to its new sense, after making sure nothing was heading towards it the snake returned to the primary issue. How to get to the blood left in the wolf. 


Remembering its new skills, the snake tried to will the blood to move out of the wolf and towards it. 


...This failed. The blood was just flowing faster or gathering up in places, it wasn't able to penetrate the wolf's skin and the snake couldn't sense where the blood had flown out from. 


Instead the snake bit its fangs into the wolf's skin making holes for the blood to flow. Then it pulled the blood into its mouth with blood manipulation.

Normally a snake's stomach would fill up by drinking so much liquid, but luckily Blood Conversion changed all the blood in the snake's stomach into blood mana.


After sucking the wolf dry the snake was slightly tired and sleepy but it knew about the things stronger than it. They might try to attack the snake while it sleeps, to take its blood mana. It needed to find a place to hide from the other creatures. 


So the snake headed down a path that leads towards others in equal strength as it . Hopefully they will have a good nest it can take, if not it will drain them of blood mana and keep searching until it finds a nest or it was stronger than all the others.


[Level: 1]

[Race: Elemental Snake(Blood)]

[Skills: [Blood Sense LV 1],[Blood Manipulation LV 1],[Blood Conversion LV 1] ]





[Titles: [One Who Chooses] ]