Chapter 11: Bug Bite
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Sorry for the late chapter, I've been quite busy, also this was 90% done and I had to do the last 10% on my phone. Might re-edit it later since I’m not sure I like it.

As usual I was studying spells, though for a change of pace Col convinced me to do it outside on the Terrance near the Quodpot field. I've been experimenting with the sticking charm, 'Abhaero'. The intention was for more advanced broomstick riding as the charm could be used to stick them to the broom allowing use of both hands. I liked to use it on my feet and then ride my broom like a skateboard but it had other uses that I thought would be fun. Turns out you CAN stick to walls with it, but not WALK on walls. Well, you can walk but its more of sticking one foot to the wall, stepping, sticking the other foot, releasing, repeatedly, it's extremely slow, and gravity continues to pull me down. So now I'm trying to use multiple spells to get the hang of it. 

"OW!" I look up to see it was Col's shout, Something bit him on the arm, but multiple times, since I could see it continue to bite him and he tries to swat it but its holding on. Using the notebook I was writing in I whack it as hard as I could, and see a little creature fall to the ground. Raph having also been on the field look over at me as I pick up the unconscious creature. Raph identifies it immediately.  

"Col, That's a Doxy. We need to get you to the Hospital Wing now. They're highly poisonous." And with that, me still holding the creature buy its wings, hurries to the nurse. Col is pale but mostly from the urging of Raph. Though if he was getting pale from the poison I couldn't tell and we hurried all the more. 

"Madam Smallflower Col got bit by a Dozy!" Raph yells as we finally arrive, Col paling by the second in fear. 

"Don't worry just take a dose of this." and hands over a small vial of light green liquid. In the instant it was handed to him Col chugs it, finally looking a bit less scared. 

"How do you feel?" Madam Smallflower looks a little agitated that we yelled the moment we came in since there were other people in the wing, but asks anyway. Now that he's calm I can see, it wasn't panic, Col is still really pale.

"Yeah, you know I do feel a bit-BLURRrUgGhhHh!" and then he vomited, and face planted the floor. 

"COL!" Raph shouts and I watch as Madam Smallflower hovers Colbolt into a bed. She turns to me with a stern face. 

"You said it was a Doxy that bit him?" She asks, but Raph replies for me, 

"Yeah, but the coloring was a little different. Look," and I hold out the doxy creature thing for them to see. 

To me it looked like a frog crossed with a fairy or something. It had a humanoid shape but with the face of a frog and a long pointed tail. It was black in color with a few splotches of gray all over it's body. 

"It must be a new breed or something, Normally they're brown with purple colorings" Raph explains to me. Madam Smallflower looks grave. 

"I need to let the head master know immediately. Don't go outside for the time being, do you understand?" The two of us nod as she rushes over to a cabinet and hands us two spray bottles of a watery black liquid. 

"This is Doxycide, should you two see another spray it immediately and dispose of it. Now off you go." We were pushed back out of the hospital wing but things were beginning to make sense. 


"So, it's a new magical outbreak that we have no cure for?" Raph asks no one in particular. 

"Given that ashwinder eggs did nothing to help and the cure for uncommon poisons also didn't do much, I'd say you're correct. How are we to figure out a cure?" I ask in reply. 

"I don't think we can, we're only students but it is depressing to think about." Raph sighed before looking out one of the windows. 

"Hey look. Isn't that the health inspector? Mr. Ipsid?" and Raph pointed. Looking out my window I see the inspector hurry his way out of the castle and into the forest. Madam smallflower had called all of the teachers to let them know and we saw that Mr. Ipsid must've heard, so it was a little weird to see him go outside anyway. 

"Maybe he's good at disposing of Doxy? Most of the force spells are supposed to work well on them." 

"Yeah, but if that was the case he would have had backup or something like from the other teachers. Him going by himself is suspicious to me." I reply watching as his figure disappear beyond the trees. 

"Say," Raph broke the silence. "I suppose I can talk to Professor Moonshine about it, since I'm the best in his class he may tell me something more to help." Raph had asked to be put in potioneering instead of basic healing class, so he might have a chance to get more information. 

"I'll stay here and keep looking through medical journals then." I reply. 

"Remember to search even the smallest books since we may have missed something." Raph finished and then sped off to find his professor.


I pull out the book I took from Mr. Ipsid and flip to the pages he had bookmarked. I know I was supposed to look through more medical journals but the itching feeling that something wasn't right continued and I just felt like I needed to read this to find out more. 

Flipping to the first bookmarked page I begin reading.


since I’m on mobile now all italics for thoughts and reading will be switched to single quotes ‘ ‘


‘Amongst the legends of Ilvernmorny castle, the expansive underground tunnels have been proven to exist but the entrances are hidden and not well documented. As Isolt’s ancestry and story is a well known story a lot of people believe her daughters had hid the Morrigans Treasure somewhere in the hidden tunnels. While this is heavily debated as false as the Morrigans treasure is more likely to have been hidden in Ireland or even more likely, it was used by branch families and no longer exists.’ 

Flipping to the next bookmarked page led to more information but less related then I believed.

‘Over the years student have found hidden passageways but it usually remains a secret. as documented here only 5 passages were recorded to have been found and used, as Headmasters over the years would seal these entrances when found. As such only two entrances are still available but they are only used as shortcuts throughout the school. One is in the Headmasters office, and the other is in the well-known astronomy tower and they both lead to the kitchens. As quoted by the most recent Headmaster regarding these mysterious entrances, “The school has always had a sort of mystery about it, but so has magic. We advise they tell us but anything that happens, but most of the passages were made by previous students themselves and if current students discover them, it should encourage them the wonders of magic even further.” But with these open statements most of the ministry is on the headmasters case about safety in the school.’