Chapter 4. Samantha
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The picturesque woman in front of me had a small face and judgemental blue eyes. Her pouty lips were a purple shade of red from lipstick, and her white front teeth that showed beneath were ever so slightly asymmetric, to the point where it only draws your attention and makes you appreciate how perfect they otherwise are.

She was slightly taller than me, and the air around her felt pressuring. She was like the polar opposite of Sophia in every way possible.


I unconsciously looked at her chest.




”Stop staring at my chest, you shithead.”


”Oh.. I’m sorry I..”


I only looked because they looked bigger in the picture. They were still abundant, but she had clearly tampered with the only thing I really knew about her! If not for her height, I wouldn’t have guessed it was her.


”Do you just stare at women’s chests when you see them, or am I the first woman you see? I can’t decide which is worse.”


What the fuck? How was she so polite online, but bold in real life? Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?


”I had to confirm it was the right person, but it looks like I was wrong,” I stated in a dry tone. I was ready to shut the door, since I had learned that good looks weren’t enough to cover for a terrible personality.


Her rigid face fell and she started laughing. ”What the hell.. sorry, sorry. I had to test how you react to anger stimulants before entering a stranger’s house.”


“That’s actually.. pretty smart.”


She let herself in, making me let go of the door handle. “I mean, I really did think of those things, but I wouldn’t say them out loud otherwise. I’m coming in.”


She was already in the living room, while I still stood by the door.


”Come on in.”


”Yes,” she said naturally. 


You’re in the kitchen now, Samantha. There is an order to these things.


”What’s this?” She picked a spoon and held it in her slender hand as she tasted the food.


”It needs a bit of salt.” As if it were a group project, she skilfully measured the salt on the table spoon she had eaten from, before pouring the contents into the pot.


Though I hadn’t expected anyone to actually come, I had made food for two. If she hadn’t appeared, I would have eaten the rest the next day. And at this point, I wished she hadn’t appeared.


In fact, I had been preparing Indian food for the whole day. It was a laborious dish that my mother had made for me dozens of times. It was my favourite, to the point where she had taught me the whole process. It used a lot of spices that were in my mother’s sacred spice cabinet.


I stared at her in bewilderment. The audacity of her to tamper not only with her dating app picture, but also with my mother’s recipe. I walked over with arrogant strides not buying it. I grabbed the spoon from her hand, tasted it, and as I thought it..-


” tastes better.”


Samantha noticed my arrogance turning into defeat and formed a triumphant smile on her face.


“..Are you hungry?” I asked her.

“Yes, I just came from work.”


I looked at her for a moment. She was two years older than me, what would a girl her age like?


”Do you want wine?”




I went to my father’s office and opened his wine stash. He had given me his permission to take one sometime, when I’d finally show interest in alcohol. I was a good kid, being the reserved nerd I was. So, my parents gave me a lot of freedom early on. It eventually got to the point where they’d try to encourage me to be more brave. What kind of a parent wants their kid to do stupid stuff?


I thought I might as well go all out, and picked one of the better wines.


When I got back to the living room with a bottle in my hand, she was looking at one of the pictures in the living room. The picture had both mine and Chantal’s families on a fishing trip from a few years ago. In the picture, Chantal was next to me holding a giant fish with a smirk on her face. She looked masculine.


”She’s hot.” 


”She is still underage in that picture.”


”How could I know? She looks fully developed.” She turned back to look at the picture. She then turned back to look at me.


”Have you had sex with her?”




”Woman’s intuition. No, it’s your reddened cheeks you fucking idiot. How did you pull a girl like her?”


She looked at me up and down and added, ”No offense.” 


You know, that just makes it worse. Especially after you size me up like that.


Suddenly, I gained a wind of confidence. ”Aren’t you closer to her league than me? How did I pull you?” I asked with my arms proudly in front of my chest.


”Your dick looked big,” she said nonchalantly while still staring at the picture she was holding.


Her answer was flawless. Looking at the fishing picture, I knew what my hook was.


”Please don’t be so honest with me.” 


“Or that’s why I matched you, anyway. I just wanted to joke around in the messages not thinking anything serious, but you were so adamant on wanting to meet me.”


She continued, ”I only came in the end because you said you were fine with not doing anything, and I’ve been bored these days. They say I’m unapproachable.” She arrogantly raised her head, like she had been wronged.

No shit she was unapproachable. With a detached attitude and the looks of a celebrity, she probably scares people away even after talking. She’s lucky I have a built tolerance.


”How did you go from this girl, to meeting with a girl who only had a shady shirt picture on her online dating profile? You’re lucky I’m not some crawler. You really shouldn’t do this in the future. You don’t look that strong, this could have ended really badly for you.” 


She had a macho personality, but it wasn’t toxic like Chantal’s. Her evil words seemed to have kind agendas, like a grandmother chiding their child for not wearing enough clothes outside. 


“I was lonely,” I answered honestly.


She looked at me for a moment, before she sighed knowingly and patted my back, her lips red from lipstick pouting.


“Girl troubles?”



As soon as she saw the wine in my hand, her empathy was interrupted as her mood immediately changed. “Woah, that’s some good stuff!”

We sat down and drank the wine while eating the food. She seemed to be enjoying the food, and drank the wine thrice as fast as me, leaving me to bite dust.


“What did you do for work to make you so hungry?” I politely asked why she was eating like a pig. She had no table manners.


”I’m a model. I came here from a shooting, I wouldn’t dress myself up otherwise.”


After swallowing the food in her mouth she continued, “That’s why I was so early, if you didn’t answer I would’ve ghosted you and gone home to shower.”


“Maybe you should have done that. You used way too much perfume.”


“How are you able to speak to me like that, when you look like a virgin?”


“I know two girls who speak like you, one of them being my own sister. You can’t just lay down and let them kick you without repercussions, you have to act eventually. It’s my duty as an elder brother to educate her.”


Originally Samantha was supposed to leave after dinner, but she was gulping the wine down like it was water.


“.. I guess I’ll stay for a bit,” she said with slurred speech.


Soon we were sitting on the sofa cross-legged against each other. We were completely drunk. 


There was only one thing a drunken man and a woman could do on a sofa.


She was crying as tears welled from her eyes. ”And then she.. did that! After all those years!”


”That bitch!” I yelled in injustice with a high-pitched voice as I wiped my own tears with a tissue. We were formed like a girls’ gossip club. Alcohol amplifies one’s personality, so as a sympathetic human I felt for her as she completely opened up to me. 


”I know, I know~, right!” She punched a pillow on the sofa.


The reason for my anger was simple: how could anyone cheat on a woman this gorgeous?


Apparently, her long-time girlfriend who she had known and been with since childhood had recently cheated on her with another woman. I now understood that she was probably on that dating app for the same reason as me, even if she wouldn’t admit it. 


We were both lonely, sad human beings.

We hit it off as friends, which was completely fine with me. I had already told her I was fine with chilling, and was just lonely. Maybe a platonic relationship was exactly what I needed.


Eventually it was getting late and we started watching a movie while eating microwaved popcorn, most of which she was hogging as she was the one holding the bowl.

Being in a slight buzz, her head was eventually lying on my lap as we watched the movie. It didn’t feel sexual, because we were engrossed in the horror movie. She started laughing at parts where I almost cried of horror with her head on my lap, the popcorn bowl on her stomach shaking profusely. Her hair smelled pleasant. Leo was sleeping on the other side of the sofa, gaining some pets from time to time.


As we kept drinking while watching the movie, there were eventually three opened wine bottles on the table. Being the non-experienced lightweight I was with drinking alcohol, I soon felt the urge to puke. I made it to the bathroom, but most of my vomit fell on the bathroom floor and my shirt.


Samantha soon came in, picked the shower head, and started guiding a waterflow from the ground where my puke was towards the sewer system. She then started shooting at me, causing almost no reaction in my state. She had already sobered a bit.


”Come on, shirt off you little fucker.” 


I, of course, wasn’t able to do that, so she did the only natural thing and tried to yank the shirt away by herself, disgusted by my puke.


Eventually, she carried me to my bed before her own state of drinking multiple times the same amount as me caught up to her and she blacked out next to me.



Sprawled across the bed, I woke up to a smell with a great headache and shook Samantha’s wrist off my face, not being able to take the residues of her rose fragrance. I was hungover and shirtless, while she had all her clothes on from yesterday. 


I got up and ordered pizza to help with the hangover. There wasn’t any food left since we ate all the Indian food.


As I was brushing my teeth, Samantha started stretching on my bed. ”Hmm~ What’s with you, were you drinking for the first time?”


My phone got an alert, and Samantha shamelessly turned on the bed and grabbed it from my table.


Chantal: Who is at your house?


”How does this bitch know I’m here, are there cameras?” Samantha checked all the corners of the room.


I pointed over to the window. ”It’s the girl from the picture. Her room is right there.”


“Is she jealous? No, wait.” 


A mischievous smirk appeared on her face. She went close to the window and made an air horn with her hands.


”It feels good, Jonathan!”




”Ahn, don’t you dare stop! Just keep doing that..”




”Jonathan.. wait.. NOT THAT HOLE!!”


She was rolling on the ground laughing, but I couldn’t laugh. I was staring at her ripe ass in those tight jean shorts she wore for modeling. It was definitely not as fat as Chantal’s, but it was something you’d expect from a model.


”Isn’t that fucking hilarious? Jonathan?”


She turned back to me and noticed my huge boner through my pants. It was morning, and blood was already flowing to the indecent place without her acting like a complete whore. 


I felt a bit bad, as I already considered her somewhat of an elder sister I never had, or just a good friend. But still, she was extremely attractive, and hearing her moan like that caused a natural reaction.


”Don’t tell me it got like that when I was talking about my other hole..” she still had room to joke around before I cut her off.


“Samantha, enough.”

When I commanded her, she got oddly quiet while looking at me.


There was some indescribable tension in the air, which was broken by the doorbell.




”Ah.. I ordered pizza.”


”I see.”


I grabbed a clean shirt from my closet before I turned to look at her. 


Her sharp blue eyes that were cold by default were looking at me with a questioning gaze. I had already learned so much about her in one night that I knew the hostility was only a facade. I threw her a white t-shirt from the closet.


”There’s a stain on your blouse, and those clothes can’t be comfortable. Help yourself. I left the closet with my clothes open as I rushed downstairs while putting my own shirt on.


I had the money in my hand for the pizza delivery guy, so I quickly opened the door to not make him wait any longer. However, behind the door was not the pizza delivery guy.




It was my childhood friend. She had a gray sweatshirt on and her hands were in her pockets. She didn’t look me in the eyes, instead, she scanned my neck and arms. After checking my bare skin for something, she silently looked me in the eye with her green eyes. 


Though her blonde hair looked a bit messy, she was still the princess of our school. If her curves weren’t hidden by the baggy clothes, my morning horniness would force my eyes to wander.


A man with two pizza boxes appeared from behind her, a bit puzzled.


”Ah! Pizza’s here!” The circus at my door reached its climax as Samantha ran from behind me, yanked the money from my hand and exchanged the pizza for the money. She was wearing my white shirt and baggy shorts. 


The pizza delivery guy blushed a bit as he took the money from her, but Samantha only had eyes for the pizza she was drooling on.


While Samantha had no attention for others, there was another set of eyes on her. Chantal was staring at her. More accurately, she was staring at her pants. 


I followed her eyes. Those were the same pants I wore yesterday. Didn't I tell her to pick fresh ones from the drobe?


The pizza guy had already left. Samantha walked three steps inside, before turning back. 


Samantha looked at Chantal with her judgemental eyes, which only appeared so and were probably just curious.


”What is it?” She asked, confused.


”Who are you?” Chantal asked, her eyes burning with hostility as she glared at her. She looked like a wife who had caught her husband’s mistress.


Samantha obviously didn’t like her attitude. 


”What does it matter to you?” She languidly grabbed my waist with one hand while holding the pizza with the other. Her expression was vacant as she looked at Chantal. Being six foot tall, she was slightly taller than me. I looked at her arm around my waist. 


Wasn’t I the man?


I placed my own arm around her a little tighter than what she did. Samantha yelped a bit in surprise as I did so.


”Sorry Chantal, you should probably come back later.”


”W.. What are you saying? Aren’t I.. allowed inside the house?” She looked at me while nervously laughing. 


Samantha lost interest in the conversation and walked towards the kitchen with the pizza.


”Can’t you see I have a guest? Please show some tact,” I whispered to her in a way that Samantha could not hear. I didn’t want her to embarrass herself further.


”What did you do with her?” Chantal asked as her eyebrows furrowed, ignoring my pleas. She grabbed my hand and smelled a fragrance on it. She was just about to say something when..


”Jonathan, I have to go soon.” Samantha yelled from the kitchen, gracefully inviting me to eat.


Chantal seemed to be relieved by her leaving soon and her tense green eyes softened slightly.


”Let’s talk later today,” she said.


I stared at her blankly.


”Can we talk later today?” I could see her hand fiddling inside the pocket of her sweatshirt. 


I sighed, ”Sure, we can talk later.”




After finally getting rid of Chantal, I went to the kitchen. Samantha had already hogged a whole pizza by herself!


As she was already opening my pizza box shamelessly, I couldn’t watch the farce go on any longer. I had to politely point out her flaws.


”You are a wine and food consuming pig, no wonder you are so tall.” 


Her mouth was full of pizza as she spoke, ”Shut up, you’re just jealous.” With a pizza in hand, she tiptoed next to me and placed a hand over me while chewing loudly to annoy me.


I nonchalantly whipped the hand away and grabbed a slice while I could still get one.


”I’m in a hurry, my schedule is tight. I’ll return these clothes later.”


”Yeah whatever,” she could have asked me to die and the answer would have been the same, for I was engrossed with the cheesy greasy pizza that danced around my tongue and healed my hangover.


She looked at me being entranced by the food amusedly as she already held the bag with her belongings.


She walked over, and I still didn’t spare her a glance.


“By the way, the food you made yesterday was fucking awesome.” She kissed my cheek and left.


Only then did I stop chewing on the pizza.