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After I ate, I felt my body calm down as it regained much of its energy. It still fascinated me to experience the healing capabilities of zerg biology and its quick metabolism. After I felt confident in my ability to walk, I walked over to the waiting zergling and asked it to show me the way to the Queen. 

I followed it through many different floors. My senses where painfully overwhelmed by the incredible number of zerg beings moving around me in every possible direction. I had to block my psionic senses, as much as I could, because of the constant headache I was suffering from sensual overload.

Interestingly, when I tried to connect to the zergs and control a few of them, they simply shook off my orders. They must be under the control of that Queen... How could her control be that powerful? I must not make her angry... no matter what... 

We walked through a few more corridors, each covered by familiar creep and meaty walls. It was just like the tunnels under my hive cluster... Except that this was completely unfamiliar and didn't give me a sense of safety, only dread. On the way towards my mysterious goal, as I followed this zergling. I had the time to get used to my slightly bigger body. I had grown about five centimeters. I was still pretty short, but I was happy, as I realized that the carapace armor that until now only covered the top of my hand and feet began to elongate. 

I did not realize this before in my fright, but it looked like I had a pair of boots and gloves covering the outer part of my arms and feet slightly above my ancle. The carapace was attached to my skin in a way that didn't block free movement. This meant that over the joints there were no carapaces. It is a weakness that I must keep in mind. Also, my palm remained bare, so I could still feel the items I touched and move my hand with the same dexterity.  The carapace on my hand was covering the outer part of my lower arm. This way I could block an incoming strike if I angle it right and not receive any injury. 

Overall, this was a small change, but a welcomed one.

Just as I finished that line of thoughts, the corridor we were currently walking on ended and we entered into a wide and tall hall. I was familiar with these type of chambers. I had one back in my main hive cluster. It was a covenant chamber. I never really used it back then, as there was nothing to discuss... Maybe... I should have used it to speak with the other queens... and I wouldn't have been punished so much... Come to think of it... I don't understand why I was spared in the end... I am clearly captured by the zerg, that means the protoss couldn't save me... Why am I still alive, then? 

I heard a familiar shout from the other side of the hall. My body reflexively shuddered from hearing her angry voice. Why is she already this angry... Am... am I really going to survive this day?

I looked towards the source of the sound, and saw her... my Queen was standing on a platform, shouting at two larvae like things that were attached to a huge protrusion hanging from the ceiling. Both of the giant white larvae visually squirmed around, in obvious agitation. 

I refocused on my new Queen, and listened to her words from the distance. I was not planning to go any further. I didn't have a death wish after all. 

-I have already asked you nicely, Zasz. It is time for you to answer my question. Preferably before, I do something drastic. So tell me, what is the meaning of this? Were you planning to replace me with that weakling? Hmm? You seemed to be quite annoyed with my new position in the covenant, but even I wouldn't think you'd go that far against the wishes of the Overmind. And you Daggoth? Did you also know about that? That kid that looks much like me? 

The two giant larvae continued to squirm as they hung on an elongated muscular flesh string. 

Then I heard a deep voice speak in my mind. 

-Kerrigan, you fool. It was the will of the Overmind that I am to keep you away from the Chrysalis. Because it knew that you would jump to this exact conclusion. 

Another but slightly different deep voice continued the discussion. 

-It is as Zasz states, Kerrigan. The Chrysalis was brought here as it has already provided an incredible amount of useful research data. The creature inside it was not meant to replace you in any way. As she was not created to your liking, but you were created to hers. 

-What!? You mean that this weakling is my originator? I cannot accept that! What sort of ridiculous situation is this Daggoth? 

As I listened to the conversation, I felt my fear begin to grow in me as if a heavy stone had sank to the bottom of my stomach... 

-Daggoth speaks true, Kerrigan. It is only logical, for the earlier states in a race's evolution to be less adept as the end product. You should be well aware of that fact.

Kerrigan, as I finally found out her name, seemed to sink into her thoughts for a while after she heard that statement. Then she continued in a less angry tone. 

-Fine, if that is the truth, then tell me, why didn't I hear about this until now? 

The somewhat fatter larvae or caterpillar with a weak blueish shade in its veins hanging from the right side of the ceiling began to squirm, clearly annoyed by her question.

I think this one was called Daggoth.

-You should not question the will of the Overmind! Enough of this. If you want answers go and point your questions to the Overmind itself... but don't you dare to... 

Suddenly I felt an ominous presence focus on me. My instincts were ringing an alarm in my mind to run, to escape as fast as I could. I wanted to follow them, truly, but my legs seemed rooted to the creep I was standing on. 

A long-stretched silence filled the room for about half a minute. Yet for me it seemed like a lifetime until I saw a violent squirm from both of the caterpillars, and a series of angry shouts resounded in my brain. 

-Kerrigan you fool! 

Shouted the fatter caterpillar with blueish veins. 

-How dare you disobey the Overmind! 

Added the slimmer worm with greenish veins covering its otherwise white body.

-How dare you release her from the Chrysalis! The Overmind will hear about this! 

Kerrigan's gaze at last turned towards me with a fiery rage burning inside her eyes. 

I realized that I messed up already... 

To my slight surprise, she managed to take control over her emotions and calmed down quickly. Her usual threatening smile appeared plastered to her face, as she looked towards me and said in a sweet voice.

-Did you not hear the saying, that curiosity killed the cat? Lily, was it? Yes... Come here.

I was looking at her while fear was gripping my heart. I don't want to get near her... 

I saw her eyes looking straight into my own. She was daring me to oppose her order... I swallowed my saliva and began to walk towards her with slow heavy steps... While I watched her reaction fearfully. She seemed to be disappointed as I chose not to resist in the end. 

I stopped in front of her a few steps away, slightly shaking. Her gaze ran over my body, then she turned away back towards the giant worms. 

-Would you two shut up already? 

I didn't even realize, as I was too focused on Kerrigan, but the other two were continuously, throwing threatening insults in her direction. They were crazy to threaten her... completely crazy... 

Hearing her voice, they finally stopped speaking. 

-You guys said, that she is a lesser evolutional version of myself, right? 

-Yes, that is true.

Started the slimmer one, called Zasz.

-It was considered a failed experiment, as it's terran part, against all ods remained dominant, overpowering the zerg evolutions. We did not understand how such things could happen. This is why the Overmind decided to not destroy her even after she had fulfilled her purpose. It is a unique specimen with unusual research value.

Kerrigan smiled happily and said.

-I see, and her purpose was to find Aiur, right? 


Answered, both of the squirming worms in unison. 

-Very well, she belongs to me from now on. 

-What do you mean? The Over-...

-Zasz... You can tell it to the Overmind, if you don't, I will, anyway. I took a liking to her and she will be my personal servant from now on. She is not a threat. She never was, but I ripped off her wings and she is terrified of me, as she should be. See? 

She turned towards me half way and looked at me. 

-Don't move.

She said while her hand reached out towards my face, slowly. She hadn't even touched me yet, but I already shut my eyes as my body began to shake even more. I felt my knees weaken as her fingers grazed the surface of my cheek. Her carapace-covered hand was so cold, terrifyingly cold... Yet it was nothing compared to the bloodlust that was making me shiver so violently. The powerful pheromons that were constantly lingering around her, were able to create physical reactions in the lesser zergs just as inside me. So that was what it felt like to be on the other side of zerg hierarchy. I didn't like it. She could control my emotions as she deemed fit. 

She retracted her arm from my face, with a satisfied chuckle. My face was not carved with her claws this time... I was relieved, and with that my knees gave out, and I fell on my knees, panting. 

She turned back to me with a genuinely confused expression. I felt my heart skip a beat as she said innocently. 

-I didn't tell you to kneel. 

My eyes were looking around the hall chaotically trying to find a way to escape, for naught, what... what have I done!? 

Then she smiled.

-Oh, well. I will allow it, but since you are so devoted, from now on, you will kneel every time we meet, if you miss it even once. I will rip off your legs below the knees as punishment.

My eyes widened in pure horror, she can't do that... she can't... 

-What? It will grow back with a few transfusions, so that shouldn't be a big deal.

She leaned closer to my face, showing a cruel smirk. 

-Are you perhaps dissatisfied? 

I was shaking on my knees as her gaze was burning into mine. I... I have to say something. I looked towards the ground, avoiding any eye contact as I said.

-N-n-no... my Qu-een... 

-I thought so. 

She smiled, turned around, and began to walk out of the room, while completely ignoring the unsatisfied shouts of the Zasz and Daggoth.

She didn't even stop as she looked over her shoulder and sent a death glare towards me. My body jerked on its own, as I scrambled to my feet and ran after her. Maybe it would be a better fate if she simply killed me... I looked up and caught her sadistic smile as she without a doubt managed to read my thoughts at that exact moment. 

She slowly turned her head forward as she walked into a random corridor while I tried to keep up with her without giving too much into my constant panic.