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From the perspective of Lily.

I fed on the creep to regain my energy, then sat down next to the wall to rest. I didn't know when the Queen  would appear, so it was best to rest as much as possible. My body was still tired and my limbs reacted slower then they used to. In this momentary peace I fell asleep at some point.

The peace didn't last long, unfortunately.

My eyes opened wide as a series of loud crashes and blast waves shook the entirety of this strange giant zerg creature where I resided. I looked around in fear as the ground and the walls wobbled violently. Sounds of screeches could be heard from everywhere. My heart rate quickened as the fear of encrouching doom began to form in my imagination. My mouth opened and I spoke to myself in a weak voice, probably only to reassure myself that I was still alive. 

-What is this?! Whats happening!? 

I asked in confusion as my claws cut deep into the creep to stabilize me. The body of this thing, this leviathan finally calmed down a bit, but I could still sense the continuous blasts as they tremored through the body of the zerg monstrosity. After I managed to calm down a bit, I quickly realized that we were under attack. The battle for Aiur must have already begun. Maybe the protoss were stronger then the Queen... I mean, that... I looked around hastily, to be sure that she was not reading my mind from one of the dark corners. I smiled when there was no one to be seen, and my thoughts continued. So that cru-cruel bastard...

A smile appeared on my face as the thought was finally realized and I was momentarily filled with glee. 

She is a bitch! A bitch, a damnable cruel bitch! 

At last I felt a sense of peace after I cursed her in my mind for a few more seconds. I giggled at myself in an awkward way. Finally, I can use those words that I learned from the pirates in a meaningful way. 

Suddenly I heard a series of quick footsteps coming closer. I instinctively knew who was coming and tried to brace myself for the next wave of her cruelty. I was already creeped out of the very thought, and reflexively hugged my legs to my chest. Also, I felt an unreasonable fear, as if I was caught red handed in the middle of a blasphemous act.  At last I closed my eyes and waited. 

She indeed marched into the room, but her usual confidence was somewhat shaken at the moment. She seemed annoyed and angry, and it seemed to be hard for her to hide it this time. 

She gave me a side glance, then grabbed me by my arm and pulled me along forcefully. She began to rage while we were marching towards some random direction. 

-All of these annoying pests began to act up suddenly. They think that they can ruin my plans with a stupid barrier. I will show them how wrong they are and you will help me to do so, because that is in your best interest. Understood? 

She looked at me with a frozen cold gaze, and I knew instinctively that I had no choice in the matter. I answered quickly in a fearful tone. 


-Good, I don't really have time to play nicely with you now. So it is good that I didn't have to cut off your limbs, only to forcefully grow them back later to make you understand.

She petted my head caringly with her cold and hard hands covered in chitin. I got goosebomps all over my body from just that gesture. 

-Now, listen to me. Since you are my personal servant, you will follow me everywhere I go. Except when I order otherwise.

She smiled creepily. 

-There are a few hatcheries currently forming on the surface of Aiur. They are expanding large amounts of creep. I will go there and personally overview the creation of the new, fresh broods. You will see how I deal with this pest, and you will eventually understand your position. 

She became silent for a while, then she looked at me ominously. 

- After you have learned how to do it, you will make as many new zerg as you can in my place, this way I can focus on coordinating the battle entirely, oh, and Lily one more advice. Don't try to betray me, or I will skin you alive. I never did something like that before, so it will be extra painful while I figure out the process. Oh, but there is no reason to be afraid, you won't die. I wouldn't waste you so easily, would I? That would be an inefficient waste of resources after all. A proper zerg shouldn't be like that. You probably agree with me. Right?

I nodded, already shaken from our short interaction. This crazy bitch was as sick as ever... 

I thought as her face darkened, and changed to a sadistic smile coupled with a small level of surprise and disbelief. Wait... she was... looking in my eyes while I... oh... 

-Ufufu... such a vulgar child... Now, stick out your tongue. I am going to rip it out of your dirty mouth. 

-But I didn't even said anything... 

I opposed as panic began to take over my actions and mind. She furrowed her brows and I shouted one more sentence while I tried to pull away from her grasp. 

-I-I won't let you do that... no! 

-Tsc... you annoying little shit. I have no time to discipline you properly now, but one more word, and I swear... 


In my complete terror, I unleashed a psionic push towards her with all my hatred and built up frustration reinforced by my natural will to live. 

She was surprised and took the majority of the attack head on. The next thing I saw, was that she flew away from the psionic explosion and splashed into the meaty wall of the corridor about ten meters away. There was a huge splash of blood as she ripped through the wall of flesh and veins. 

Suddenly I felt a pulsing pain from my left arm where she was grasping me until now. I looked down and saw a long bloody gash, caused by her claws. I used a transfusion on myself. I watched as the skin closed itself and my appendages began to grow out of my back. 

It was at that moment, when I heard a bloody wet noise coming from the direction where the queen... no, that damnable bitch was sent flying. I watched carefully as the form of Kerrigan, completely covered in blood, stepped out of the crater in the wall. Her eyes were blazing in a golden light as she watched me while pieces of flash and blood were falling off of her randomly. 

She took a deep, loud, quivering breath. I could sense that she was trying to cover her... excitement? I was taken aback by that realization. Why is she excited... is she enjoying this again? Why?! I can't understand... 

-Ku, hu-huhu... haa.. It took you long enough... I knew, that a fledgling overmind shouldn't be that weak and useless... you are much more than a simple whiny little piece of trash. I was even surprised by your power, in all honesty. It is clear that you are the psionic type, since your body has no mentionable fighting capabilities. Yes... I can use you, like this for so much more!

I shivered from the thought, she was even more grotesk than I imagined. She was torturing me only to find out that?. I... I can't take this anymore! I can't!

Therefore, I turned around and ran away as fast as I could. I couldn't think of anything else, except running away by all means at that point.

While I was escaping in panic, I heard her laughter and a few more of her words ringing through the corridors. 

-Hahaha.... foolish girl... where do you intend to run from me? There is nowhere to hide, remember... I am the swarm, armies will shatter, worlds will burn! You belong to me. You can hate it all you want, but there is no other place for you! 

-I would rather die alone a hundred times than be in the vicinity of you! You.. you sick fuck! 

I ran and ran and ran through many corridors, until I finally realized that Kerrigan wasn't following me... then I finally stopped, breathing heavily, still in the grasp of panic. 

Tears appeared on the edges of my eyes, as I understood, that what she said was true... I... I couldn't hide from her, not here... I used up almost all of my psionic powers with that transfusion and the blast earlier... I couldn't break through the walls. This place was a labyrinth, and I couldn't take information from the zergs around me... Kerrigan's influence was too strong and I simply couldn't connect to any of them... I was blind, I had no idea where I was, and millions of zergs were searching for me... probably... 

Wait... if they were searching for me, how is it that they didn't find me yet? 

-Because I ordered them not to. 

Came the unexpected answer to my thoughts.

I whirled around in terror, hearing that voice. The moment I turned around, I saw Kerrigan lean against the wall behind me. She was still covered in blood, but her face was at least cleaned, mostly... was that the reason why she didn't chase me immediately?

She smirked at me, reading my thoughts, most likely... but how... how could she read my mind while I was intentionally looking away from her gaze, and she did it earlier, too, when she was standing behind me? 

She chuckled heartily. 

-Oh, poor thing... it was amusing to read your mind for your true thoughts, especially when you believed that I can't. Sorry sweety, but it is time for you to realize, that I deceived you from the start. There is no need for eye contact at all. You were so gullible as to believe otherwise. I didn't have the heart to disagree with your bad guess...  

I took three steps back, as she lazily told me the horrifying truth. I understood that she would kill me for the things I thought of her, this time for sure, or maybe she will... skin me alive... as she promised. I wanted to run, but my knees suddenly became weak, and I didn't know where to go... In the end, I plopped to the ground as my knees gave out and I began to sob... 

She was looking at me, with interest, and I watched her through my tears. She walked in front of me, taking in my brokenness with a satisfied smile. 

She kneeled down, and hugged me caringly while petting my back with her cold hands. 

-Now, now, now... Calm down, there is no need to cry... I am here. I will take care of you.

-Please let me go... sob... 

-No. I can't do that. You belong to me, remember? 

-What are you... sob... doing  with me... sob...?

-You should know what evolution means. Its basic principle, something must be broken to pieces, before it can be molded into a new form.

-Please no... hic...

-Shhh... everything is alright... you see? I will let you keep your wings this time. How about that? 

-... sob... 

-Much better, already.

She picked me up from the ground with ease as she began to walk back on the way I just came through. 

-Now that I know the extent of your true potential, I will treat you well, my precious fledgling. It is no surprise that the Overmind tried to hide you from me. Thanks to you, after this battle, there will be a new absolute ruler over the entirety of the swarm.

She leaned her head close to my ear while she continued to walk with me in her arms. She whispered in my ears threateningly. 

-That is, until you act nicely, but if you attack me ever again... 

My whole body stiffened, as my poison-coated wings froze in mid action, hearing her words whisper directly into my ear. My mind simply went blank from fear. Another wave of sobbing broke out of my throat as I understood, that I couldn't win against her... I can't even think of attacking her because she constantly reads my mind and knows my plans the moment I make them. 

She immediately changed back to her soothing voice, as she placed a kiss on the top of my head and continued to walk with me, dangling in her arms, frozen from fear. 

-But, of course you will be a good girl. You will obey me, and nothing bad will ever happen. After all, you belong to me now. Isn't that right? 


-I asked, isn't that right? 

-... y-yes... 

-There you go... that is my little girl!