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The memory of a protoss called Tassadar came to my mind. 

Another sigh was released. I know that there are some individuals who are open-minded enough to make a wishful alliance with a zerg such as myself, but now I could understand, that such people were rare. Change was not something that could be ever received with open arms, not from the terrans, or the protoss. Not in normal circumstances. Change was frightening to them, terrifying even, but that change meant everything to the zerg. We lived in a constant wheel of change, turning into something new, something that was more ideal for the task at hand. The zerg was the true representation of change, and in the dark recesses of the mind of the protoss and terran, it was one of the major reasons why they feared us. 

Because change, was forcing creatures to adapt, and adaptation was a risk, which always came with uncertainty. Uncertainty was not welcome between the members of the protoss, or the terran race. While the zerg cherished it, it was the deciding factor that brought out the need to adapt, the instinct that propelled us further towards the unachievable form of perfection. Perfection, which was impossible to achieve, not because there was not a most ideal form for a certain task, but because the task and the environment will eventually change, and the form will not be suitable and it will also need to change or die if it is unable to. That was life, it was every creature's most basic purpose, it was simple, honest and harsh.

I understood that the goal shall not be perfection of the body, but the perfection of the body's ability to adapt. The most adaptable race is the one that will survive in the end. If it does not survive, it is not the most adaptable, or the danger was simply too much to surpass. 

As I finished that thought, I felt lightheaded in my mind, my body felt an internal change, an understanding came to me from the darkness, a choice was offered. 

I have come to this truth, which felt like a morsel of something that was greater than me, I understood, I saw into a plan, a plan of a greater creator. Could this plan belong to the Overmind? No, even the Overmind cannot create something like this.

I wandered aimlessly, lost in the labyrinth of my own thoughts, as a wave of fatigue overcame my body, and my eyes closed, I felt a dull yet powerful determination waking in my mind. Which made my whole being drum with a strange energy, a power that was always there, I could feel it, as it hovered staying out of my reach. Now, I sensed a strange familiarity with this power, as if I knew it well, while also don't. 

A single word has been burned into my brain as if it was the word I always wanted to hear. 

Remember, remember, remember, remember, remember. 

My eyes were closed already as my head pulsed with a dull pain, but I could still see the word, appearing clearly, stubbornly repeating itself with a monotonous pulse that was always followed by a spike of pain. I felt disturbed, and confused, what exactly am I supposed to remember here? 

I forcefully calmed myself, with a few deep breaths as I sat next to the zerglings, they were getting caught in my sudden wave of emotions, I had to calm my heart before proceeding any further. I sat on the creep, slowing my breath and listening to the heartbeats of the Lair. We were in the tunnels right under it, and this place reverberated with the sounds made by the main heart of the Lair. 

The minutes went by, and I felt myself eventually calm down. My brain seemed to focus on the lonely purpose of remembering something, formless, mysterious, I let myself relax, as forcefully focusing on the desire of remembering something seemed counterproductive. I let my wild emotions disperse as I felt my mind clear from the thick mist that seemed to always slow my thought processes. 

As the fog dispersed my mind became sharper and clearer than it ever was. It surprised me, it was pleasant. 

I stayed like this, for a while, waiting for something to happen and it eventually did. 

At first, there were only sounds, voices mingling with one another. Then a picture blinked in front of my mental eyes, then another followed the first one, and another one appeared after that. 

In the beginning the voices were dull, impossible to understand them properly, but with time they became clearer just as the images turned more fluid, and sharp. In the end, I realized that I was reliving memories from a long time ago. From a time, I was still human. 

Even so, the memories were hard to understand, they appeared chaotically. Once I saw myself on a spaceship, walking through a long corridor alone I was afraid, but I still walked forward. 

In another memory, I felt a painful bite on the side of my neck as I cried out the name of someone in a panic, no it was a title, I said Master than I lost consciousness.

The next memory was familiar in a way. I woke up while strapped onto a medical table as multiple clothed forms were surrounding me, and a strong light was blinding my eyes. 

They were speaking in a panic, as someone was shouting at them from the background. My body seemed incredibly hot, as a painful fever burned me from the inside. The ship shook violently as the white clothed people tried to not fall onto the floor, some did either way. 

The next memory was even stranger, I was on a smaller ship now, heading towards the surface of a planet. I was seated and strapped into a chair that was fixed to the floor, and I could see a battle enfold the waste space around our tiny vessel. I could see the twinkle of stars intermixed with the short lights of blowing up star ships, that were much like ours, and I could hear the suppressed anger in the voice of the man seated next to me, speaking in a forced calmness.

It was hard to understand his voice, but eventually I did figure out a few words. He was trying to reassure me, that everything would be fine. 

Then our ship began to shake as we started to enter into the unknown planet's atmosphere.

The last thing I heard, was a simple sentence said out loud by the man sitting next to me.

"-Trust in the force, Myka!"

Then, the memories changed, and I saw the same man standing in front of me, he was bleeding heavily from a multitude of injuries, mostly bite marks. His grey cloak was shredded, and the silvery armor punctured with red blood gushing out of the ripped holes with every step. There was a cylinder like object tightly grasped in his right hand as we supported each other over the damaged and burning ship, which had likely crashed into the surface of the planet I saw earlier. 

As we walked through the corridors, I saw a bunch of dead zerglings and even a few hydralisks and a roach. Each and every one of them were cleanly dismembered as if they fought with protoss zealots to end up in such a state. 

My gaze was drawn to the cylinder-shaped object held in the hands of the man next to me. A memory of an ignited ionized weapon appeared in my mind; it was a powerful blade that could cut through almost anything with ease. 

At last, the man I was trying to support, couldn't walk anymore and fell on his knees coughing blood, he leaned against the cold metal wall next to him. I looked into the man's eyes, and knew, that there was nothing I could do, his eyes were clouded by the impenetrable haze of death. My body was still burning with a fever, and I realized that I myself fell on my knees, next to the man, next to my master. 

The man's face turned towards me as he drew heavy painful breaths. His dry lips moved as a weak voice was heard... 

-Go to the star-gate... get back to... Un...ity... tell them... it's another... danger zone...

With that, the man released his last breath and his face covered with blood slowly fell forward as his body finally could relax from the pain buried forever between the cold arms of death. I felt as my eyes watered, and heavy teardrops fell on my knees.

There was another break in the memories, this time I was standing in the open, looking up at the sky, there were other ships flying over my head, I watched them with a sense of growing despair, they were chased by those monsters that attacked us in space. My eyes twitched as I saw one of our ships get hit as it blew up turning into a ball of flame. My grasp tightened around the same cylinder that was held by my master. I ignited it and a grey colored hazy blade came alive while I watched the other ships disappear on the horizon as swarms of those monsters were chasing them with a hungry ferocity. I felt the tears dry in my eyes at last. 

The memory changed again, and this time I found myself lying on my stomach on a forest floor breathing heavily, my body was shaking, and my mind was clouded with fear, and tiredness. Something wasn't right with my body, and I knew it, my skin color turned into an unnatural greyish color with a purple like hue. And there was an abnormal hunger inside me, growing. I didn't know what was happening, and I heard strange noises slowly coming closer to the place I hid for the night. I wanted to stand up, only to realize with a new wave of terror, that I had no more strength in me. Then, I felt something pierce the skin on my shoulder and I felt numb. My vision darkened, the last thing I felt was something picking up my body and I was brought to somewhere else. 

I waited for the memories to continue, but there was only darkness, and a sense of warmth with the sound of distant heart beats. After a long time, I felt a strange coldness engulf me and I was roughly dropped in a lukewarm pool of liquid and I realized, that this was the moment I was born. 

With that, I had awoken from the strange trance I had unknowingly placed myself in. When I opened my eyes, everything was the same, the zerglings were still resting beside me, the sound of the beating heart of the Lair was still coming from somewhere above me, and I was still in the tunnel systems of the Lair, while sitting in a comfortable and familiar cross-legged position, this sitting position always came to me naturally, and with a strange familiarity and comfort. 

Everything was the same, but I felt different in a sense. I have learned much of myself, but more importantly I have learned of my true purpose. 

I have to find this mysterious gate and get back to this place called Unity. Whatever that place is. It seems that the people living there might be able to help me remember my past. The only problem, is that I have no idea, where to find this star-gate... The protoss had a lot of those, maybe I could use one of them? Also, it is the perfect time for such an endeavor as Kerrigan is clearly occupied with other matters. 

With that thought, I stood up, and the zerglings around me sensed my new determination, and looked up at me with a new interest. 

A wide smirk came to me after seeing their reaction.

-Stand up guys, we will have to capture a functional protoss star-gate. It couldn't be that hard to achieve, not on this planet. 

The zerglings stood up with a new sense of purpose as they turned towards the alpha of their group. The slightly bigger zergling didn't seem to particularly care about this new outcome, it only growled somewhat, and then began to lead this pack of zerglings out of the tunnels. I felt a nudge on my left shin, as I turned around, I saw a familiar zergling. This was the guy from before, he was offering to carry me! Wow, this... I felt touched. Also, I quickly crawled up on its back as I whispered a genuine thank you to the zergling. 

It didn't react, but soon we caught up with the others on the way towards the surface. Soon our group of roughly thirty zerglings and me, were heading out of the immediate territory of the Lair, we were heading towards the border, through the ancient forest that was surrounding the Lair. 

We were heading to the front line if we were lucky, we could possibly find an empty already evacuated protoss outpost. Even if those are usually destroyed, if we are the first ones who get there, maybe it is still a usable state.