An unlikely outcome
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A few hours have passed since Lily was dropped into a corner and left alone while the other two women had their psionical channels practically ablaze. They were clearly in an intense argument from which she was purposefully left out. Lily didn't like to be left out, but if she forces her way into the discourse they will realize it immediately and it will probably only provoke them further. 

In the end, Lily decided to shut her mouth and wait until the situation calmed down. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to happen as quickly as she hoped for. 

One of the knocked out zealots woke up and the steadily slowing argument got into an even worse one immediately. The so called zealot was currently giving her an extremely uncomfortable glare she felt that it might decide to jump on her at any moment to finish her off. 

This extreme sense of hostility made Lily quite fidgety in her place even against her injuries. At the moment she was trying hard to make herself as small and insignificant as possible. She knew that it was probably too late to act harmless after she knocked out almost all of them, but she didn't really have nothing else to do... Her mind wasn't really tired, even after the intense fight, but her body needed rest, and she also depleted most of her psionic resources. 

Well, that is not completely true, she was beginning to grasp the nature of her psionic powers. Now she understands, that her psionic power is much larger than average queens, however it is constantly used up by creating or trying to create endless communication links with other zergs. Even if most of the zergs here are unwilling to respond to her, because they are controlled by someone else, with an even denser psionical pool. The energy is still spent on repeating attempts to create that mental connection.  

The real trouble is that all of this seems to happen on it's own... She tried to control it, but she failed. It completely disregarded her wishes and wants. Even when she attacked Kerrigan with everything she had, it didn't work. She could only utilize the meager amount that always remained in her body. 

For now, she has given up on trying to control the larger part of her own psionic pool, which seemed to ignore her... Because in the time she meditated and thought about many other things while hiding with the zerglings. She also practiced her abilities trying to find their limits. At the moment, her true strength is in the fact that her spent psionic energy reaccumulates about five times faster than most zerg's does. 

She sensed something ominous and looked up from her thoughts her eyes accidentally met with an almost blazing pair of protoss eyes. They belonged to the zealot of course. She quickly looked away and swallowed drily, the glare only grew in intensity after that. 

She would likely never get used to this raw hostility that was directed towards her, it always gets her on the edge, being this tense isn't helping with her wounds. She decided that it would be prudent to avoid further eye contact. She also noted while looking at the metal floor covered in acid corroded red rust dust, that she might need to use that transfusion on herself and try to run away before the other fool awakes. Except that she might not make it to the opening it was quite far, also... Her eyes met with the half burned zergling beady eyes, that were clearly looking at her with a betrayed expression... 

Her mouth opened partly as she remembered... 

Oh... yeah, we are currently sharing thoughts... it... it was just a joke... I won't leave you... but wait... since when did you begin to care for your life? 

There was a wave of memories, pictures sent into my mind. In the memories I saw myself, walking carelessly in the heart of my swarm... that got assimilated... wait! So you originally belonged to my swarm! That is why you decided to help me even when you were ordered otherwise... Are the others too? Is that so!? Well... I am really thankful for your help... forgive me for even thinking about that... 

She could ask for help, but the only zergs who are willing to listen, are the zerglings here, and a few overlord, but they are too far to be of any real help... Well... she can also ask Kerrigan... but that is not really an option... she will ask too much, no, she will likely beat the truth out of me just for fun and further humiliation, even if she could easily read it from my mind. 

She winced from the thoughts and realized and decided to distract herself from such dire possibilities... She looked up at the metal wall that supported the strangely alien structure of the gate. She has seen a few protoss buildings already but they never ceased to amaze her with their weird forms. They were so much different then any zerg structure she knew... that there was basically no point in even beginning to compare the two to each other. 

As she looked at the wall in greater detail she realized something new. There were obvious signs on this building that told her the nature and cause that led to it's current damaged state. It was most likely a medium sized swarm of mutalisks that attacked this place first likely sent to destroy the pylon which fueled it with energy and only after the initial crippling attack did a swarm of ground units follow. That was the most efficient and simple strategy. 

Another half an hour passed by when the other zealot also awakened, the communication growing in intensity once more and Lily still waited for them to finish their argument in a relatively patient manner. 

My injuries are healing at least, it doesn't hurt to move that much anymore she noted, but was disrupted in her attempt to check out the wounds in greater detail. She was suddenly let inside the communication between the protoss and she quickly began to look around in the room, trying to figure out what had happened. 

The adept from earlier walked up to her and kneeled down in front of her with a thoughtful expression. 

Lily looked at the woman with uncertainty and a bit of curiosity. 

The woman released a long sigh as she finally began to speak. 

-It seems that this is your lucky day, I still can't believe that my sister managed to persuade the others to follow this crazy plan... Maybe because we are in shock... or maybe because we already tried everything else... Sigh... we will get this gate up and running... or die trying. 

Lily blinked with surprise... she couldn't believe what just happened... After so many glares she received she was basically expecting to be told that she will be taken prisoner or killed right now... or something along those lines... 

She blinked once more, then nodded happily. The woman continued her speech. 

-There is one more thing I have to ask, if you do this for me I will trust you, however laughable that might sound for you.

Lily blinked once more, with a spark of interest ignited in her eyes. Her soundless question was quickly answered. 

- To activate the gate for a short time we need energy. We figured out a way to get that energy but we need your help on this one. 

Lily nodded with determination as she focused on the woman. 

-I will do my best.

She said with genuine honesty. 

The adept finally stated her mission. 

-You will have to heal my sister. 

Lily blinked, the adept continued hastily. 

-I saw, what you did with your wound there... it was a, deadly injury... you shouldn't have survived that... but you grow back your own flesh in mere seconds... with that sort of healing power... you should be able to do this!

-I think, that I am able to do it yes... but how will this help us to activate the gate? 

Asked Lily somewhat confused. 

-Oh... so you can do it? 


-Just like that... hah, haha...

Lily leaned her head sideways clearly confused by the strange laughter of the woman in front of her. 

-Okay... okay, look the plan is like this...  we will open the body of the dragoon, you will try to heal Ulli while she stays inside the liquid. If you succeed she can leave the dragoon on her own, and we can disassemble the crystalline core and use it to fuel the gate for about thirty seconds of time. Look, if you heal my sister, I will help you as much as I can, but I will not allow you to bring a horde of zergling through that gate, I will not risk the life's of my people. You will have to come alone. 


-No but's here! I promise you, that I will help you find another gate that will get you out of this system. If... you heal my sister that is. 

Lily thought about her situation for a short time, then she answered.

-I... Understand. It's not that I have any other choice... really...

Uzruh gave an eye smile to the zerg-terran hybrid and added. 

-If that helps you feel better, we didn't have another choice either. We spent a few days in this hellhole without any valid chance to leave. Ulli has long since suggested this method... but how could we kill her... only to save our skin, especially after...

She sighed heavily... then continued.

-It doesn't matter...

Her expression suddenly darkened.

-I want you to know... if you try to hurt my sister, I will not hesitate to cut off your pretty head with this wrist blade that I just borrowed from Gadun. So no funny business!

Lily gulped once more, beginning to think that this would turn into a nasty habit if things didn't change for the better soon, but nodded as fast as possible to reassure the woman that she didn't plan to do anything of the sort. 

Uzruh couldn't help, but smile as she saw the fearful reaction of the extremely weird creature that almost killed them a few hours ago... only for now to work together with them and possibly even heal her sister... She couldn't believe what was happening, it all felt like an out of body experience... which is especially strange to hear since she was an experienced adept... Out of body experience was practically her job, however this current situation simple didn't felt real... 

-I hope you didn't plan to seriously let her loose... she is dangerous I tell you... the moment that thing heals your sister, we should cut off her head... otherwise we might regret to miss the chance... She is like a roach... to survive almost being cut in two is not something you can describe even with the abnormal healing abilities of the zerg...

Said the zealot named Zyl in an angry voice. 

-Fuck off Zyl! I told you, if she heals me we will follow the plan as sis stated. 

Shouted Ulli at his old friend with clear aggravation in her voice.

 -We already promised her anyway... Our honor depends on it now... 

Zyl growled at them annoyed with the stupid stubbornness of these two women. 

-You might have promised to it, but I did not! Neither did Gadun, is that right? 

Gadun was sitting next to Zyl seemingly immersed in his own thoughts, while completely ignoring the other two.

-Gadun are you deaf? 

Shouted Zyl at him once more.

Gadun's body shook slightly as he looked towards the other three with wide eyes. 

-What was it? Sorry I was just thinking... isn't that creature strange? It is a zerg, and it is still willing to put aside our conflict to work together with us... Just like that... and I don't sense any obvious hostility from her... She seems afraid... if anything. I think Ulli is right... she must really be forced into this whole conflict. Look at the way she looks around the corridor suspiciously ever so often. She is running from something, hiding... and it is not us, she is truly afraid of. I wonder who, or what...

Uzruh, shook her head as she walked closer to them, closing off her telephatic channel towards the zerg girl once again. 

-Oh... did I miss that part... I guess I did, since it was bothersome to repeat the story every time one of you decided to wake up... She is hiding from the Queen of Blades... Some sort of general of the Overmind I guess, you spoke with her what was it sis? 

Ulli answered with uncertainty. 

-I don't really know, I didn't asked it, she seemed terrified of her... no, more like horrified. I sensed that she would practically do almost anything to get away from it... and this thought proved right in the end. At least I think so... We should let her leave, she is just a child... 

-A child, that almost killed all of us not long ago... 

-But she didn't, Zyl. She didn't.

-... Bah, do it your way... but, don't cry to me when it bits off your stupid head... 

-I won't... thank you. I... I am sorry for worrying you guys... it's great to have you around... thanks...

Uzruh, patted the metal wall of the dragoon emotionally while Zyl simply looked away as if he found something irresistibly interesting on the far wall of the corridor suddenly. 

 Gadun turned away from Lily, and this time began to observe the large zergling from afar with the same intense curiosity. 

On the dark side of the corridor, Lily finally was able to take a breather as the weirdly stiff gaze of that annoying zealot finally turned away from her. She was getting extremely annoyed by that challenging stare and she was about to have a break down there.

What the fuck was wrong with that guy... she was trying to start a fight with her after they just came to an agreement...