Chapter 1
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It was a sunny afternoon in the streets of Barren, a small town south of the capital city of the Azure Kingdom. Namuh women were starting to take their humble clothes out from the cables hovering the tight streets of this riverside town. Some people were still finishing up their affairs near the market, a few last trades before merchants called it a day. Out of nowhere someone yelled.

-Excuse me! Let me through! - said the boy rushing through the tiny spaces between stands and people. - Uh! Sorry! Watch out, please move away!

He continued to run as fast as he could, a small boy, around ten, scruffy clothes covered dark brown-ish hair, searching for a place to hide, and soon after him we could see why. Three way older kids, they looked like young adults actually with a size that would make you wonder what they were feeding on. One of them had pointy ears and very bright skin, the markings of a Shura, a similar race to the Namuh, they were not particularly common in Barren, but the Great War had scattered refugies everywhere, the others were your typical small town Namuh boys.

- Get back here, Riku! When I get my hands on you, you’ll be sorry for having hurt my sis’ feelings! - yelled the ginger one, not holding back on sharing his spit with everyone

Despite his age he wasn't able to catch up with the kid. Let’s just say his size wasn’t helping.

Riku was almost past the market. He knew that if he could get downtown, the streets would be on his side, spreading out like a maze. All he had to do was cross the small wooden bridge hovering a tiny stream of water. That’s when the tides change when a couple of Genki’s friends, the ginger boy,  appear on the other side of the bridge.

It was too late to go back as he was trapped in the middle of the bridge, Riku was then starting to really worry. A few cuss words passed through his thoughts, not really appropriate for a kid that age, but who can blame him. Genki and his friends figured they finally had him, their out of breath gasps took a second but eventually were replaced with smug smiles. They slowly cornered the kid, step by step, leaving him nowhere to run.

Riku kept switching his stare between the stream below and Genki’s not so pretty, but chubby face. He was really thinking about diving into the stream to escape, but the filthiness of the water somewhat had him take his chances with Genki. There’s a reason why locals called it the Crappy River, because it literally looked like crap, no scholar was needed to figure that one out.

-You have nowhere to go now Riku! - said Genki.

-Wai-wai-wait! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll-I’ll date your sister… It can’t be that bad, right? - he said, holding his hands in front of him for a second. - Right?...

-Riku? Is that you. - says a young man across the river stream.

The boy walked over to Riku, you could see that they knew each other, as Riku slowly became relieved by his presence.

-Drake!! - called out Riku as the boy reached him, passing Genki and his friends.

Drake, a Namuh sixteen year old, short and scrawny boy, dressed in his blue shirts and worned out pants, carrying a sword at his back. He takes a look around, looking widely at the five boys surrounding Riku and whispered:

-Dude… What have you done this time?

-Long story. - says Riku, a bit embarrassed.

-Well, make it short. - says Drake over the corner of his lip looking anxiously at everyone.

-This lil’ punk here, hurt my sister!! - Yelled Genki, getting ready to make a move.

-Say what now?... - Drake got overwhelmingly confused, he looked to Riku hoping he could clarify both stared at each other for a moment. - Bro…?

-She came out of nowhere back in school, trying to smooch me! - said Riku waving his arms out as if he had no choice. - So I kinda pushed her to the side.

-Oh, ok that seems reasonable enough.

-Yeah but then I said not even if someone paid me for it. Like… out loud.


-Everybody heard. - he says looking down.

-And now someone is going to get a beating! - says Genki approaching. Both of them flinched at the sight of Genki stepping forward.

-Wow, wow… Chill! In my client’s defense, he didn’t hurt your sister’s feelings… The school did. - Says Drake nervously trying to stop Genki from getting to Riku.

-Get out of my way Drake, I’m warning you! - Genki keeps going forward with every step more upset.

-Okay, okay! Listen! I know your family is very religious. Remember Father Daniels? Violence is never the answer. - Genki seems to reason with that kind of logic and stops for a second. - Is that what Goddess Lumina would want

-Didn’t Father Daniels pass away a few months ago? - asks Riku.

-Gambling Debt, the church wasn’t covering the costs. Unimportant Riku! - says Drake trying to shut him down.

Genki’s breathing slowed down, his friends unclenched their fists, he still looked at Riku with rage but he was pulling himself together.

-There you go big guy, breathe, breathe. - Soothes Drake.

-Get that oxygen to that small brain of yours, ahah! - says Riku, as Drake gives him a death stare.

-“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of the Goddess, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Goddess." Epstein 5:6 - quotes Genki, as he moves furiously again towards Riku.

-Say what now? - Drake says as Genki moves past him to get straight to Riku.

-The Goddess’ wrath is speaking through me! - the big boy raises his fist ready to slam it down at Riku when Drake intervenes… again.

-Look if you’re looking to pick a fight, at least pick someone of your own size. If that’s too hard for you, you can settle with me. - Drake managed to stop Genki but his rage is now focused on him. Drake slowly reaches for the handle of his sword, his friends flinch for a moment but not Genki. That’s when he pulls out a wooden sword from the sheath. Everybody stopped staring at the wooden stick, before they all broke out in laughter. 

-You’re fighting me with a stick?! AHAHAH! - Genki laughs.

-It’s a sharp stick, man… - says Drake disappointed. - kid, you should run now…

Genki slowly cracked his knuckles as he walked towards Drake, his uneasiness was unbearable, but he would not run away. Not again. Genki snatched his wooden practice sword from him and broke it into two useless pieces. He pulled back his fist, and suddenly all the lights were out.


The sun was nearly setting, the red skies warmed the soft breeze coming in through the window, drapes floated graciously in the air as sounds of pain and agony echoed in the little healing office.


- Ow! Ow!!  Watch it! - Drake said in pain.

- Stay still! - said a woman with long blond hair, pale skin smooth to the touch, but a fiery attitude. - Next time you might think twice before getting into fights! Geez, right the day before you’re leaving for the Squire Trials. Are you trying to get you out of the competition before it even starts? - she kept on going while tending to his scrapes. - You’re sixteen now, the Guild doesn’t have to be responsible for you anymore. You got to start carrying your own weight, kid. Like we all do.

- I know, I know! Stop nagging me about it. Don’t worry I’ll pass the Squire trials, get drafted and the rest is history.

- If it were only so easy, right? You do know that thousands try out for the trials and only a few dozen get drafted.

- I feel so motivated now, the support in this guild is outstanding. - he said sarcastically, as Maya pressed his wound harder making him yell out a bit in agony. - What was that for?

- Sometimes I just wish you had a plan B, not all of us can become High class Seekers, you know. It’s alright if you live a normal life. No shame in that.

- I get it, just get on with this, please. - Drake said, demotivated, turning away from her.


The woman was upset, but you could hear the loving undertone in her voice. Drake quieted down a bit, clenching his jaw to hold the pain from the Spiritus water, a strong antiseptic liquid, helpful for cleaning up wounds, but it burned like hell. The woman stopped with the Spiritus for a second, Drake excited for it to be over quickly looked back at her tall figure dressed up in tight delicate emerald fabric with a big smile on his face.


- Are we done? - he asked.

- Not even close. - she replied with a devilish smirk.

- No… Oh no! Maya please! - he begged as he tried to get away from her all around the room. - You’re not doing healing magic on me again!

- Get over here! You! - she said whilst going around the chairs and tables after him. - You have a dislocated shoulder you fool, let me fix that!

- See! It moves just fine, it doesn’t even hurt. - Said the boy rotating his shoulder in clear visible pain.

- Draaake!


The ruckus caught the attention of a young girl passing by the door. She was small, around sixteen year old, short dark as black hair with bangs covering her face that was uneasy just by the sounds heard. The black tights on her legs moved slowly to the gap left open at the door. She leaned over the wall, right near the door, pressing her dark hooded sweater against it. Without haste she moved her head slowly to see what was going on inside, her steps were silent, neither Maya or Drake noticed her presence. As she took a peek at Drake running around shirtless covered in bandages she quickly pulled back to the safe haven of the wall, her legs were trembling a bit, quick breaths were racing out of her lips, rose cheeks on each side burned passionately. No one heard her, nor saw her. She was safe. Slowly she managed to regain control of her breathing and the floor was starting to look much more grounded.


- Ava? - says a fellow teen going down the hall.


All of  a sudden the heat rose back up as she looked to her side to see a tall figure approaching. Short black dread-locks defying gravity, a sweet exotic dark skin, and a cool vibe around him. Once again in his smooth voice he asked:


- What are you doing?

- K-Kayden?! - she said blushing, looking quickly back at the room, hoping they haven’t heard her.

- Yeah that’s me. What are you doing, are you hurt? You don’t look so good. - He asked regarding the overflowing red face that took over Ava’s.

- N-no, I’m fine, I uh… I was uh… - answered Ava but the words kept disappearing in her mouth.

- Nevermind, look the rookies and the Juniors want to play us seniors before we head out tomorrow for the Squire Trials, you in?

- Uh… yeah, sure…

- That’s awesome we were in need of a Breaker in the Frontiers. - Ava’s acceptance got Kayden all excited, as he quickly high fived her with enthusiasm, something she wasn’t very comfortable with.


A second later the door is slammed open.


- Good thing about being a squire is that you won’t put your hands on me again, you old hag! - said Drake as he left the room still bickering about the treatment, finishing putting on his shirt. Ava quickly covered her eyes, just to open a little gap to see him.

- Old Hag?! I’m thirty!! You whiny little brat! - a book was sent off flying through the room right into Drake’s face, knocking him back a few feet, all the while Kayden quietly showed Ava the numbers three and five with his hands, pointing to Maya with his look.


Ava let out a shy giggle, and Kayden smiled in complicity. Immediately after, Maya got to the door furious, looked at both of them, the two awardly waved hello but she closed the door on them hard. Drake quickly bounced back up, rotating his shoulder like he was ready for something, once he knew she was gone he finally eased in. He turned his head to see Ava and Kayden, an instant threatening look took over between the two boys.


- Kayden. - he said, squinting his eyes.

- Umph. Drake. Still getting your ass handed to you? - Kayden mocked.

- What did you say, worm head? - fired back Drake ready to get physical.

- Watch out, you might need to go see Maya again today.

- You wanna go? - asked Drake, getting up to his face.

- I wanna go if you wanna go! - replied Kayden in the same energy.


Suddenly in a swift movement two knuckles bashed on top of both their heads.


- Can you kids behave!? - she asked, a beautiful slender girl around their age, with her long dark hair falling over the chocolate skin of her face into the low grade armor and wooden shield she wore at her back, together with a small sword at her waist. - I mean I would expect this childishness from Drake, but you Kayden, darling, I’m disappointed.

- Sanja! You bitch! - cursed Drake, afflicted by another bruise on his head, however as soon as she heard the words Sanja hit him again in the same spot, his only reaction was to duck down in pain.

- What did I say about you calling me that? - she asked Drake, then turned to Kayden and continued. - Have you found us two other players, or what?

- Well Ava’s playing, she can be our breaker. We could take Drake, he’s a senior too. - answered Kayden.

- Drake, really? Do you want to lose to the rookies. I can’t stand the humiliation Kayden. You guys might, but I won’t.

- He’ll be okay at the back, we won’t even need him.

- Fine… - she exhaled - He can play for our team. - she crouched near Drake with a menacing look she said - If we lose, I’ll kill you. - her threat quickly became a smile as she got up and walked away. - Come on, don’t leave me waiting.


Kayden followed her steps outside, but Ava spread out her hand to Drake and got him up.


- A-Are you okay? - she asked, dwelling in her shyness.

- I’m good, thanks. - he smiled widely right at Ava. - Looks worse than it is.

- I’m glad. - replied Ava hiding her face behind her hair and hands again.

- Well this sucks, for once I would like to play frontier, be the striker or something, but that bitch Sanja always goes “Nooo, Kay-Kay is the best Striker we have, you be at the back Drake and don’t get in the way.” Urgh, makes me sick!

- If you want I can be a Backer and you can take my place as a Breaker in the Frontiers.

- Nah, it’s okay Ava. You’re actually the best breaker we’ve got. - he said as he rested his hand on her shoulder with a warm smile. 


The heat started bursting from the inside, Ava instantly picked up the pace and awkwardly walked out through the hall.


- W-We should get going, we don’t want to leave Sanja waiting. - she said.

Right, I’m right behind you.



Outside the Guild’s house, a small porch of green grass shaded by the cool shadow of a few lined up trees waited for Ava and Drake as they exited the main entrance, right below of a giant logo of a blaze next to some letters that read “Full Blaze - Seekers Guild & School”. A few steps forward Ava could hear the Birds who sang and flew carelessly around the bushes and tree branches, the melody inviting the two to what resembled a small field. A big wide line drawn in white chalk crossed the grass field in half. The Seeker’s Apprentices were getting ready to play Seize the Flag. A game that tried to copy real party battle encounters, the goal was to either seize the other team’s flag or take out every player from the opposite team. As Ava and Drake were reaching their side of the field, Kayden, Sanja and Katia were already waiting.


- What took you so long? - Sanja asked impatiently.

- Calm your horses, will you? We left right after you guys. - Drake aggressively replied, trying to keep his cool.

- Come on Sanja, where’s the romantic in you? They probably wanted a few seconds alone for themselves, ain’t that right Ava? - teased Katia, waving her redish hair with a kinky smile on.

- Wha-No! We weren’t-- stutters Ava trying to deny it, when Drake intervenes.

- Why do you care, Kate? Are you jealous?

- Of a loser like you, ahaha, don’t flatter yourself. - Katia replied as Ava just looked at Drake with her eyes wide open, for a moment she forgot the embarrassment.

- Who said anything about me? For all I know you could be into little Ava here, hehe. - He smiled as he was teasing Katia back. - Don’t tell me you never thought about it. 


Both girls blush, quickly turning their look away from each other.


- Look at you both, so cute! - Sanja said.

- Can we please get on with the game? I'd like to have this over and done before nightfall, please. - Kayden said, expressing his boredom.

- I actually agree with you Big K? - agreed Drake.

- Don’t call me that.

- Lil’ K? Really? There’s nothing to be ashamed of, man. What matters is how you use it. - Said Drake with a giggle between his words.

- You’re a dick, Drake.

- Boys! Keep it in your pants for once. Now it’s pretty clear I’ll play Defender in the Frontier, Ava will be the Breaker, and Kayden will go as Striker. Katia you know what to do, You’ll be a Backer along with Drake, if any of us gets tagged with chalk, get the sponge ready for a heal. - ordered Sanja.

- Fastest hands in the kingdom. - said Katia, pretty sure of herself.

- That sounds wrong… - Drake said, with a disgusted face.

- Shut up, Drake. You’ll be at the back as well providing slingshot support, just try not to hit anyone from your team. - finished Sanja, as she looked back uneasily into the Juniors and Rookies team. - Alright, they’re always saying those kids are better than us and that our class is weak, let’s not give them reason to. - Meanwhile Drake raised his hand and stood there with a plain face waiting for his turn to speak. - What!? - she asked, annoyed.

- Can I speak now? Yeah? Good. - he lowered his hand and continued. - See I was hoping to be the striker today. - everybody just stood still looking at him after his request.

- You’re kidding, right? - Katia said.

- You? The striker? You Kayden is-- Sanja remarked but was interrupted.

- Yeah, yeah, I know. “Lil’ K here is the best Striker we have.” - said Drake imitating Sanja’s voice.

- Kayden, please. - enforced Kayden.

- Sorry, Kay-kay, force of habit. My point is, and hear me out, I’m sure he’s the best striker, he’s tall, strong, and look at that jaw, that’s a manly jaw. But! Am I the best Slinger to be backing you up? Asking the real questions here. I mean it, you definitely don't want me to rub you with a sponge, Sanja, do you?

- Ewww… Now I have to take shower just from that thought. - Sanja shivered.

- I understand. And miss Katelyn here, she couldn’t hit a melon with a slingshot even if it stood three feet from her. No offense.

- It’s Katia, but none taken.

- So we’ve been failing every time against a bunch of first years and second years for the whole season now, not because we have a weak Striker, but because we don’t have a strong enough Slinger to give support to us all. - Drake finished.

- T-that actually makes sense. - agreed Ava. - No matter how good Kayden is or I am, two of the Frontiers usually end up tagged out.

- Well, guess there’s no harm in trying. Less hassle for me even. - said Kayden.

- Are we serious? Are we seriously going to have Drake at the frontier with us? - Interjected Sanja.

- Come on chocolate bear, no one likes a buzz kill, let’s get into position.


They took their place in the field, on Sanja’s team, she took the frontal place ready to receive the charges of the rival team, to her left stood Drake with his wooden sword covered in red chalk dust, aided in the right by Ava, ready to break the rival team’s lines with her two training daggers and get as close to the flag as possible. At the back on the left Kayden already had his slingshot ready with chalk stones, making sure no one from the other team would attack recklessly without cover, and to his side the last line of defense and protection, Katia, ready to clean any non-eliminating chalk stains from the game.

The game was simple, tags with chalk to the torso and head would tag a player out, as for any other place they would need to retreat and get “healed”, or, in a more literal way, cleaned.

By the sideline a Junior name Taha’ni, was ready to officiate the match, she grabbed the whistle from her small bright chest, and pressed it to her lips, before giving the go whistle, she gathered her Blonde hair behind her pointy ears, the trademark of the Shura, a race similar to the Namuh, excelling in graciousness and delicacy, not so common in Barren. She turned to both sides and asked:


- Is everyone ready? - upon receiving the nod from both teams, the whistle was blown.


The temperature rose in the Field as Sanja carried her large shield forward while Drake and Ava were covered in formation behind her. From the other side Paul, their striker whose role is to tag out as many players as possible from the opposite team, was getting ready to leave the cover of Argus, the Junior’s defender. One small step outside the cover and a chalk stone flew inches away from his face.


- What the--?! - He said quickly, stepping back as his eyes followed the shot to its origin. - Ergh! Kayden... Argus! I can’t go out, Kayden’s got me locked down.

- I see it! Seline! Get Kayden busy! - commaded Argus.

- Like I can hit him from here! - said the Junior’s Slinger while trying to land a hit from that range.


Meanwhile behind Sanja’s cover, Ava’s gave a slight touch to Drake’s shoulder, catching his attention.


- This is our chance, Seline’s distracted.

- Got it, I’ll follow your lead. - Drake said.


Both left cover, as Ava tried to break out and around Argus’ formation, but Steve, the other breaker also broke out to stop her, not counting on Drake swooping in for a parry, leaving space for Ava to safely pass through. She kept her speed up going for the flag, however Seline noticed her.


- Not on my watch babe! - she said as she started firing at Ava.


Ava was forced to reroute her way to the flag but in doing so she managed to get to the team’s Cleaner, Allayah. She could run back to cover behind Sanja but she chose to sacrifice, the rook for the bishop, and swiftly tagged Allayah’s body from the bottom up with her dagger, accidentally ripping a bit of her shirt in the process, but before she knew it three chalk stones hit on her breasts. Both were out. Back in the mid field, an excited Sanja yelled:


- Let’s go! Their Cleaner is out, every tag is a tag out now! - she breaks her shield formation to get a clean heavy hit on Argus' shield knocking him off balance.

- I know, don’t you think I’m trying! - mumbled Drake desperately trying to parry Steve's swift attacks.


As Argus lost the shield cover for his team, Kayden was now open to shoot either Paul or Argus making it a four on three game, however he couldn’t help but notice Drake about to be tagged out by Steve.


- Dammit Drake! - he whispered as he pulled the sling back, Steve was about to land a critical hit on Drake, when a chalk stone speeding through hit his arm. - Walk it off Steve. - he said, Drake looked back upset, as he didn’t want any of Kayden’s help.

- Did you forget about me?! - yelled Paul as he had broken out from cover while Kayden was busy aiding Drake.


Paul rushed elliptically around Kayden, making him waste his chalk stones trying to hit him. Once Kayden dipped his hand in his pocket only three stones were left. The hesitation was long enough for Paul to get to Katia, and take her out.


- Too slow! - he mocked, as his blade stained her dress red from the chalk. As expected, quickly enough, Kayden loaded another shot and hit him straight in the forehead. - Ouw!! What was that for?! - yelled Paul.

- What? You were too slow. - replied Kayden with a smirk.

- Kayden!! - he heard Sanja’s shouting from the midfield, she had just called for backup, both her and Drake were knocked back by Argus’ shield.

- Let’s see… Drake or Sanja, that’s an easy one. - Said Seline while aiming at either of them whilst they were caught off guard, she let go of the sling and a swift blow hit Sanja in the arm.

- Sanja, Paul and Katia, you’re out! - signaled Taha’ni.

- Drake! - yelled Kayden urgently. - Get moving!!


Drake was caught off guard by Kayden but once he came to his right mind he understood. He jumped off and started running around the field, just as a chalk bullet hit where he was standing not a second back. Seline was then running out of Chalk stones, but Argus was no push over, he was guarding the flag with might, only one bad move from Drake to knock him off balance and Seline would take him out. Meanwhile Kayden was at the back, out of Seline’s range trying to come up with a strategy.


- Aren’t you going to do something? - said Katia as she walked across the field to the sideline.

- Shut up, Katia, let me think.


Drake kept running around trying to get a hit on Argus but he wasn’t letting him get closer to the flag nor Seline. A moment of sudden realization came to Kayden, without flinching he decided to sprint forward.


- Drake! The Flag! Go! 

- Are you blind?! Is Argus invisible to you?

- He’ll block you, just strike him from above, but don’t stop moving! - instructed Kayden as he sprinted past midfield.

- Alright! - said Drake, ready to charge at Argus.


Drake squared up with him and charged with his sword right at him making him block with his shield. Expecting that, Drake stepped on the shield to rise above Argus.


- You fool! You’ve just lost your footing! - Argus bashes him with his shield, throwing him off balance in the air. Seline was already with Drake at aim, with the full sling pulled back. Drake was just about to regret this.

- You left yourselves open, idiots! - whispered Kayden while sliding down, drifting through the floor aiming his slingshot at Argus with his shield facing the sky.


Both Seline and Kayden let their shots go, and in an instant Drake and Argus were eliminated. Kayden quickly reloaded his last chalk stone, and aimed it at Seline before she could even get another stone from her pocket.


- Go on, give me an excuse. - he said acting chilled for the win.

- You got me. Stop with the cheesy lines. - Seline said whilst trying to reload quickly but she was out before she knew it. A shot right in the middle of her breasts. She looked down, seeing her chalked stained chest, and stares right back at Kayden.

- What? I know your eyes are up there.

- Did we win? - asked Sanja not even truly aware of what happened.


Katia and Ava rushed to Kayden, Katia hugged him out of happiness as Ava gave her best with a high five.


- We did win! - she jumped off the fence to go get together with Kaydan, addressing Argus while passing through. - Hey Argus, why the long face?

- Get lost, Sanja! - he said as he walked the path of shame out off the field.

- You did good Argus, don’t beat yourself up. - said Taha’ni trying to cheer him up.

- I Can’t believe you did it! - chants Sanja as she hugs Kayden and Katia together.

- Hey take it easy, I can’t handle both of you at once! - said Kayden.

- I wouldn’t be so sure of that. - winked Katia leaving Kayden’s face all red. - I’m kidding you pervert. - she laughed.

- Boys will be boys. But we did win! Let’s have a party tonight! Because by tomorrow, we’re about to be squires! - yelled Sanja with Katia under her arm as both walked off the field with Kayden right behind them.


A few feet away, a boy was lost in his thoughts. Arms spread out wide, his breath had given up on fighting. Disappointment reigned over his face.


- Why? Why did it have to be him. - Drake thought. - Why do I have to be saved by him, or worse. He used me as bait and I let him. What kind of teammate does that?! I hate him. Everything he does it’s just so fucking perfect. Everyone’s wooed without him even trying. Me on the other hand, well… we know how it is.

- Talking to yourself, or have you already reached Lumina’s Garden? - said a cute voice hovering above his head snapping him out of his mind, her compassionate eyes looking straight into Drake’s, for a moment time stopped.

- Ava…

- Yeah, that’s me. So no major brain damage I can see, ahahah. - both shared a laugh. - Come on, stop feeling sorry for yourself, let’s get you up. - she handed out her hand and picked him up.

- I wasn’t feeling sorry for myself. - he said while he shrugged off the dirt and chalk from his clothes.


The night was setting in already, the lights inside the guild were already lit up, they could hear the enthusiasm surrounding dinner being served one last time on the guild.


- You know, it might be the last time we’re all together like this. - said Drake - in a few months most of you will be squires and I’ll probably end back here again. - Drake gasped in hopelessness and started to walk towards the door when Ava grabbed his arm.

- I-uh…, I... I disagree.

- Thank you for believing that I can get drafted but we both know it’s a long shot. 

- Uhm-Uhm. - she said while shaking her head sideways. - I disagree. I don’t believe Kayden is the strongest apprentice we got.

- You don’t…

- No… I-I believe you are… 

- Ava...

- Shss! You see! Everyone here has been training to be a Squire since they were young, but you, D-Drake, you only got here two years ago. So everyone is already six years ahead of you. B-But I... I see you Drake. Earlier you got beaten up trying to help Riku. And when I broke formation before, Steve would have had me if it weren’t for you. When you were facing Seline and Argus in the Frontier, you didn’t second guess Kayden’s plan, even though he planned to sacrifice you to win, y-you… you trusted your team, and you do everything to have that trust back. However since you kinda suck at swinging a sword no one even seems to care… - Drake stood with eyes wide open hanging on to every word coming from Ava’s lips. - But even after that, do you know what you don’t do? - Ava stared back at Drake fiercely. - You don’t give up. You always bounce back to the game, to life, like it’s nothing even though it weighs on you. Being too stubborn to stay down, too proud to run away. - Drake’s breath had left him, he had never heard such kind words before from anyone, but she continued. - You spend most of the time trying to be like us and fit in, when in reality we, uh… w-we… We should be trying to be like you!


Drake pulled her by the cloth of her sweater to a tight hug, Ava began to feel the heat rising within her, boiling and burning inside. He held her tightly for a second until she delicately backed off, completely blushed, He was thrown off guard.


- We should get to dinner! - she said, her voice was squeaky and she awkwardly walked inside the house.


Drake smiled, and without much time wasted he followed her in.




The Night had set in Barren, the sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. The moon softly illuminated the grass fields near the Guild. A pounding was being heard repeatedly in sequence. Behind the brick walls of the Full Blaze Guild, Drake was still awake, alone in the training grounds, laying out kicks and punches at the practice dummy. Right jab, left hook, right leg spin kick. Then he did it again. And again, and again. The repetitions were being accumulated in little sweat drops below his feet. A few feet above, Riku stood at the window, hypnotised by Drake’s movements he hops off his bed and heads outside.


- Can’t sleep? - asked Riku as he stepped in the backyard.

- Not really. - Drake answered, while he kept his fists going. - You saw the other guys, right. No way I’m going to be drafted if I get beaten by the likes of Genki, or the juniors here. - Drake stopped and took a seat on the nearest bench. - What about you, what are you doing up? Ain’t it past your bedtime already?

- Tss! I was bored, that’s all. - Riku went to take a seat near Drake. - You got beat up pretty bad earlier…

- It’s alright, Maya patched me up, so don’t worry about it. I’ll be fully healed when the trials start.

- Why do you have to be like that? - Rikus asked, all upset.

- Be like what? - Drake was confused.

- All like “It’s good, I got you. I’m so strong, ahaha, gonna get drafted. Nothing gets to me. I’m such a macho!”. Like that. - Riku said while trying to imitate Drake’s voice as a gorilla.


Drake turned his face away with a sad smile as Riku continued:


- You’re not. Everybody knows you’re weak. You can’t fight, can’t even be decent help. Why do you have to try so hard? Why don’t you, sometimes, just run away, like earlier with Genki? Why do you always have to stand there as if you could do anything about it?


He looked at Riku with the same eyes, passed his hand over his head and playfully rubbed it all over his hair.


- I can’t. But I get your point. - Drake stopped and started to look down with guilt. - I've done enough running for a lifetime already. - Riku just stood there staring at him.

- You did? How? - the kid asked.

- haha, don’t really wanna talk about it, it’s a bit heavy for a child.

- I’m not a Child! - he raised his voice.

- Okay, okay… Shh! You don’t want to wake everybody up.

- Come on, tell me what happened. - Riku insisted.

- Uh… Let’s see, the kid friendly version… Do you know how I got to be here, right?

- Yeah, you’re an orphan, the guild found you and took you in. Mister Aaron told us not to ask you about what happened before but… - Riku let out a rebellious giggle - he’s not here now, is he?

- You’re quite the little brat! It’s okay. I don’t mind, I guess. - Drake leaned back and tilted his head backwards, staring at the stars. - I had a family before all this. It was me, my mom, and my two brothers. We all lived happily going on about our lives back in Qurain. - Drake started to become more serious as the words came out. - Then, two years ago, something happened. My mom, she umm… she died. And just like that my family was torn apart. - he said, his face filled with sadness and pain.

- I’m sorry Drake… - Riku said feeling the guilt on his tongue for pulling such matters. - I didn’t know.

- It’s okay, the point is I could have done something, you know. To help her. But all I did was run away, I ran so far I only stopped here, in Barren. I wish I had the courage to stay and help her but It wouldn’t matter anyway, I was only fourteen. I couldn’t even if I tried. - He looked inward, ashamed of himself. - Since then, I promised her I wouldn’t run away again. That whatever I can do to help someone next time I’ll do it, no matter how small it may seem. That’s why I must become the best I can be.

- That makes no sense. The best at what? - the kid asked, confused.

- I don’t know either, I just know that whatever it is I can’t let myself be weak and keep running away. - a glimmer of hope struck Drake’s eyes as they fitted the moon trying to reach it.

- Why not become a healer then? You could prevent a lot more people from dying that way. - explained Riku.

- Aaand I’ve talked too much for your sake kid, come on let’s hit the pillows, otherwise we’ll both be sleepwalking through tomorrow. - said Drake as he got up and went for the porch door. He turned back to Riku and said, - Come on now, tomorrow’s a new day.


That night Drake laid awake in bed for hours before he even managed to rest his eyes, something about earlier that shook some demons from the past. Despite the lack of sleep he appeared reinvigorated, driven, focused. Ready to take the awaiting challenges head on.


The day breaked early, and near the Guild’s entrance kids of all ages and races were waving goodbyes, handing out hugs and votes of goodluck between each other. Sanja and Katia were saying their last farewell to the girls from their “hive”, Ava was not enjoying the attention she was getting, overwhelmed by the amount of people that actually knew her name. As usual Kayden was already inside the carriage chilling by the window, closely monitored by his loyal admirers from the first and second year yelling out his name, just so he would look at one of them. Through all this ruckus there was one senior who wasn't getting much attention. Drake simply tried to fit through the tiny spaces of the crowd until he reached the carriage. He gave his name to Maya who was making sure no one was missing, and was ready to place his foot on the first step when someone yelled at the back.


- Hey Drake! - said the overhyped voice of Riku as he made his way to the front. A bit out of breath, but he finally showed himself, wearing a blue shirt and black-ish shorts, a stick posing as a sword balanced at his back. A mini-Drake of sorts. - You better give them hell! If you can get drafted, I can too! And when that happens I want to be your squire! We’ll make sure no one else dies like your mom Drake! - said Riku all excited, smiling ear to ear.


Drake gently smiled back, and placed his hand over his head. And in a teasing tone he said:


- Why would I want a weak ass squire like you? - and began to laugh.

- Weak ass?! I’ll give you the Weak ass! - Riku started to get worked up, when Maya intervened.

- Okay everybody, farewell time is over, all seniors please board the Carriage now! - she yelled. - Mr. Alphonse, let’s get that engine roaring.


The primitive steam engine started moving its pistons, the steam jets were thunderous, and slowly the wheels started moving, by the window, the Full Blaze’s Seniors kept waving goodbyes, as of that moment their lives would never be the same, whether they would come back as squires for the kingdom or they would have to lead a regular working life. For some this was the day their life began.


The Carriage was already far away when the crowd started to clear out. Argus reaches near Riku and teases him:


- Ahah what was that? “I want to be your Squire Drake!”. Pathetic.

- What? The man is trying to redeem himself for running away when his mother fell ill and passed away. I don’t get why most of you don’t like him. - replied Riku.

- Fell ill? What are you talking about? - Argus asked, confused.

- I know Mr. Aaron told us not to talk to him about it, but he told me last night. - said Riku, sure of himself.

- What?! - Argus was even more confused. - That’s like the worst kept secret here, Kid. We don’t like him because he’s crazy. Damaged in the head. His mother wasn’t ill. She was murdered right in front of him. The dude’s crazy and out for revenge. - Argus leaves with contempt on his look of superiority, but turns back for one more line - You should be careful kid. That’s not a guy you want at your side.

- She was… murdered. - whispered Riku, staring at the horizon as the Carriage is lost in it.


At the Carriage Drake sat alone, a few seats ahead of Kayden. Ava watched him as he stared ahead as if he could already see the capital, his eyes driven with anger, knowing that the real struggle was just about to begin.

