Prologue 🟢
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Around the planet Earth, there are many different kinds of deist religions and myths that preached to their believers of the unseen worlds. Heaven is a world for the saints and pure hearts, whereas the sinners and the impure will go to another world called Hell for punishments. The underworld go by many names across the lands and sea. 

The Greeks called it Hades.

The Egyptians referred to it as Duat.

It was known as Diyu in China, Yomi according to Japan, and Mictlan in Aztec myths.

The Norse referred the underworld as Niflheim, one of the nine realms. 

For some mortals, it was called the Afterlife and others like the atheists called it a return to Nature or Nothing.

And this world, where you breathe air and read this story from your electronic device, is called the Mortal Realm or the world of Humans.

But what about this world, the one you all called a universe and where did it come from?

They said it was Nothing or Chaos until an Entity or two came into existences.
Some said it was the shit of a giant space turtle or a serpent.
And for some, it was just the corpses of the fallen gods.
Science theorized that it was the Big Bang Theory1Big Bang Theory - the idea that the universe is still growing and expanding continously.. 

But no one know.

Who were there before the Human Race and what about the ones before them?

Science said it were the animals, dinosaur, bugs, plants, bacteria, cells, matters, and atoms. Perhaps it was the Aliens?
The believers replied that it was the race of ancient Gods.
The old generations thought it was the race of Titans.
No, it was the Primordial race according the ancestors of the old generations.

Who's right? Who's wrong?

No one know the answer because everyone has their own ideas.  


But what if all those thinkers' ideas are not that far from the truth?
No one is wrong or right because nothing can never be defined.

Have you ever try dividing a zero with a zero on a calculator only to get 'Undefined' ?

If you don't know, then it's a dead end unless you see it all.


So, I will tell you what I know.

For I am Awiboren Preshild2Lang_Evitan, Igenou, "Child of Aeon", the Keeper of Syetoria Archive and the Witness of the Beginnings and the Ends.

Come and see their myth unfold.

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