13- New strength
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Chap 13 New Strength


"Wake up"

Waking up with a gentle and soothing voice is what Devon was missing in all those days rather than screaming or shrieking of some lost souls plaguing his dreams making his life a living nightmare to others add the tender touch passing and stroking his head repetitively but carefully giving him a sense of security and fulfilling his earning for some warmth to his ever going coldness residing in his heart 


Giving a muffled groan Devon snuggles back more into the soft pillow burying his head deeper into the warmness he was feeling through the soft fabric making him more comfortable not counting the smell of Roseberry he was inhaling setting his mind at peace making him feel the garden of flowers in his dream


After some time when he couldn't take the continuous radio playing right on top his ears calling his name Devon opens his eyes and found himself on the lap of the maid

Giving her usual elder sister smile, Rumia the white haired cat maid said 

"Good morning Mr. Devon" 

Sitting straight on the bed with crumbled white bedsheets 

Devon glances around the room to find someone but to his disappointment he couldn't 

'She really loves to leave me alone in the morning isn't she' Devon sighs feeling empty for some reason

"Or should I say Good afternoon Mr. Devon" 

Opening wide the large curtains abruptly Rumia let him greet the greatness of the sun shining right on top of his face burning his sleepy eyes "Argh!" Like how a vampire would Roast under the sunlight

He instinctively closed his eyes under the shade made by his hands covering his eyes

After adjusting to the high brightness that feels even higher than after unlocking his grandpas mobile Devon asked 

"Where's Selia?"

Raising her eyebrows Rumia asked him back "Mr.Devon you really didn't remember which room you slept last night do you?" 

Only after this reminder did his hazzy mind snapped like a bubble flooding the scene per scenes happened last night in this very room, On this very bed how he ravages her for full night

Using her mushy pussy to his heart content or getting used by her like nothing but a living dick to her heart content

Her lewd smile without an ounce of shame and innocence was nowhere to be seen in those scene all he could find was how she drowned herself in pleasure arching her back screaming his name, Shaking his head he came back to his sense 

'I corrupted my selia' he sighed but feel no remorse rather he feels proud

"Mr.Devon I'm asking you something aren't I? which room you slept last night" 

This time her tone was anything but friendly with a subtle anger in her voice, Crossing her arms standing firm on her spot sending piercing glares at his naked self

Devon said with a frown massaging his throbbing head 

"Yea, I think I might have slept in the wrong room" Before shaking his head in Deep regret 

"I was drunk last night. Might have misread the room number outside in the dim light, my bad" 

But before he could run away with white bed sheet as his substitute over sized pants getting dragged behind him like a Cinderella running from the castle at night only to get interrupted by her prince Charming knight 

Stepping on her long gown making her fall flat face on the broad ground laughing on her plight, The prince delighted on her failed flight

"Where are you going my little princess?" The prince Charming close the distance with his evil smile

"Pl.. Please let me... Go... my...my knight" The situation is desperate for Cinderella, What did prince wants from her at night? 

"I want to know what did you do to my sister at night" The prince smile send shivers of fright to our little Cinderella at night

'Wait why does this story sounds like a yuri at it might?' 

Shaking his head Devon pick himself back 

"Now can we stop the play Miss Rumia?"

"Ahem! Ahem! 

Coughing to herself. Embarrassed on herself Rumia backs away slowly 

'Looks like I'm reading too many romantic stories' she sighed

Her secret stash where Selia takes her material for reference isn't limited to smut 

She's a vivid fan of romance eroticas which is too rare to find in her tribe, She has to work hard in finding those collection

But she's blaming Devon was creating such a situation where she couldn't stop herself from playing the role of her favorite prince idol in the story she was reading recently

"So what do you want to know?" He asked trying to find his scattered clothes

"I already know everything by Selia. I'm just mad at Seli for Hasting her relationship with you" 

It wasn't even more than a week they have met

In her knowledge that mostly comes from the erotica literature 

'A hastened relationship is going to become a short lived relationship' The one who isn't based on feelings but attraction of two bodies

Devon understands her concern for Selia but he isn't going to back away just because others thought of his relationship with her to be too quick witted

"My feelings is crystal clear for me to see. I don't think I need others help for this" 

He Hates when others tried to make judgement about his behavior without knowing him enough

Rumia nodded in response 

Actually she likes his straight forwardness and his unrelenting will he shows against Lady Ruas although she doesn't know the complete picture on how he handles Lady Ruas she knew he won't be able to handle her if what they did last night known to Ruas

She dreaded how Selia would be sad if she lost her first love

So giving her advice like an elder sister would give to her little cousins future

She said gently "You should be careful on how you live in the tribe and be careful of Ruas, She's hmm... Sometimes gets a little overprotective of Selia"

He agreed with her by humming to himself before he heared her adding "Try not to die on her" 

She was saying this because she has noticed how weak he's before telling him to meet after his training to get register in the tribes central Hall 

Devon gives a meaningful smile at her for commenting on his weak strength "How about you think again after this"



Standing in the middle of the green grass, feeling the hot afternoon breeze passing through my body ruffling my clothes and hairs in particular for no reason, I feel the rising tension inside me

Standing opposite to my side is the same stoic black haired cat maid waiting for the signal from her elder sister Rumia overseeing us from a distance

"Kroni Don't go overboard" she warned her out of my concern 'How cute' a small smile inevitably formed on my lips

Although i did feel confident today

My confidence wouldn't help me if she truly goes over the board

This is also the reason why I invited her taking precautions after what happened tomorrow, I didn't survive for nothing by being an idiot at that time

It's true. I feel safe with her than her sister who I have assaulted at that night 

'Which was it? Strawberry or vanilla' 

I thought with a smile watching her beautiful face with my my blue eyes which is unusually too focused today locks his target at her red lips 

'Neither, It's the spicy salad' I licked my lips reeling at the thought of how she was tasted, Which did his wonders

Kornias frown deepened, she feels uncomfortable under my gaze I guess

Getting the signal from Rumia she shows how uncomfortable she felt in her action, She gets haste

Under the still bright sun, Sitting on top of us sending his blessings with his rays down on the ground

Where even a large tree can barely form it's shadow leaving behind nothing to hide in its shade

A five meters ring made of darkness blinked in existence with her as the center

I didn't notice tomorrow but now that my eyes feels more alive than ever

I could say her ring is made of a too complex set of Runes intertwining to each other in four different section before kronia in her, The seven meters heavy weighted Murcy cat beast form. Ran straight at my location stomping on the grasses


Locking me in her predatory eyes without wavering in her heavy body movements, Black fog leaving behind in speed as her trails dividing the ground in clean half


50 meters... 









Two heavy metal swords clanked on impact with Kronias stretched broad neck in a cross action

Locking her head in place between the two sharp blades that penetrates her skin with her every move

Devon pushes her above him creating more distance with her saber toothed maw, Knowing how deadly her grip is 

Kronia in her Murcy cat form swings her both claws to his ribs without a thought or consequences to him

Trying to grab his torso in her paws with claws engraved in his ribs


Before her claws could reach him she feels his both legs under Her torso as her world turned upside down within a blink

Rolling on the ground feeling the itch around her neck with black blood dripping on the ground that evaporated in a second leaving her body

She stabilized herself, Shaking her head in disbelief


Devon not only reacted on time, His strength also feels surreal, Throwing her heavy body isn't normal more so without using the First Runic Ring 


She growls in pain that although heals physically but not emotionally

Taking her stance of ready to pounce again she growls, Her head almost grazing the grasses, Her back stretched back showing her flexibility as she watches him warily


As he advances with a step, A low but fiery red light sparked at one point on the green ground before it swiftly glides in a perfect, clear cut arc at the front with him as the center

Manifesting a bright red and black incomplete semi Runic Ring, Giving an ominous feeling to any soul at one glance

It's the second time Devon was using it after he learned it by Selia at night,

There are two runes, his soul has manifested itself after awakening his life force in that session with selia

Selia got a headache after watching it more than a second longer while Kronia stare at the Semi Runic Ring with more than surprised face

If her expression was visible behind her coat of Spirit before her feline eye moves at Devons Grinning face, Placing his sword on his shoulder

"Now let's start our little game shall we?" 


Kronia guessed It's the mana Ring while Rumia muttered with a thoughtful look "Is that the life force?" 

It wasn't her intuition nor her feelings but the only thing that can induce fear in someone else disregarding the Runic Levels is the Ones life essence that one can't control even after reaching a certain level in all paths except "The Third"

She gets to know this after a "little" Discussion with kaeli the head of Red clan

She's a revenant herself and the head of the clan made of revenants openly living on this island add Selia unusual behavior regarding him when they met in the morning, Naked on the bed with this man sleeping on her

It's also the reason Liches or evil spirits can easily overpower anyone but the gods blessed ones or the priestess of the temple, That's what she knew 

Eyes set ablazed. Holding two swords in hands

Devon takes the first step then second before almost skipping the distance between him and kronia letting him pierce the left hand sword at her shoulder blade because of the last moment petrification caused by the unknown fear gripping her heart firmly only by glancing at his flickering blue eyes looking like two soul fires one would only see in a lich bare hollow skull devoid of any life or sympathy for life 


Devon could feel the sword severing the spirit generated muscles, ligaments and bones of her shoulder blades almost decapitating her right limb movements through the metal vibrations, flow of invisible liquid covering the sword and the resistance it encountered severing these with ease. It made him erupted in to his normal smile he so missed 

'Haa... This is the difference between cutting the wood logs and the blood, bones' 

One doesn't gives him motivation and is more stronger while the other well it's almost same as taking the dose of his addiction, fulfilling his desire and it cuts with more ease ones he reached


She feels the pain! 

With the black blood dripping and evaporating before she snapped to her senses

Pushing her claw to his shoulder grazing his clothes with red blood marking her attack

She goes at him more aggressively now than before, Half because of anger for letting herself get tricked while half because of her pride getting pricked

Disregarding the fact that it was but a match

Her fort is her agility, speed he can't match 


Growling she unleashed her spirit energy on him attacking him with more frevor Without even understanding her feline nature was overriding her sense of self

Rumia wanted to stop the match right when she senses he was about to almost cut her shoulder but she also wanted to see how the match will end

She has never seen a new Life force user at action with this much force they're all weak compare to the man in front of him

Most of all she has sensed Kronia isn't even injured in reality it was her spirit form that has received the damage which might takes one day or some hours at best to get back in shape

She doesn't even need a brain to guess why Ruas who's never interested in any unnecessary knowledge suddenly told her to gather all the knowledge on the Revenants without letting known by the temple

Devon didn't gets the functions of both the Runes completely in a night but he does gets the feeling of how to use it 

'First [Molding]' Saying so inwardly his remaining sword in hand covered in one fourth of his life force 

Pulsating thin tendrils like blood vessels covers the sword making it feels the sword is but a part of himself

He can feel the length, the sharpness and how much strength will it takes for it to break Not counting the control he achieves temporarily a swordmaster would have taken months to get by, Not any sword technique but a control where even a simple basic technique can become deadly

Kronia who has lost her calm long ago was swinging, leaping, biting him letting herself lose in her wild feline nature Disregarding all her experience add his scent messing with her mind she couldn't hold back herself, She wanted to eat him! 

Devon didn't notice her unusual behavior of mindlessness nor that he knows her enough to notice it though. He did what he loves

He defeats her with his not so normal but charming smile Ireking her more

An abrupt swing that she could have dodged it with ease if not her mind messing with her actions

She could have turn to right before chewing down the sword like a toy it is for her level or she could have let it bury in her skin before breaking it like a wooden twig stucked in the stone ground But her simple mind didn't even think before it gets too late 


The sword pierced her skull disconnecting her connection with her Murcy cat spirit in an instant when Devon disrupted the life essence inside her sirring it with a jolt with his Sword like a bolt

Her body gets limp in an instant

Dropping dead on the ground like a dead log before her spirit form disintegrated with bundles of shadows under the scorching sun leaving behind Kronia in her still clean and cute looking maid uniform on her knees at the ground

Her cat ears dropped down with her tail, Her wide eyes staring at Devon above her eye level and see him pointing his toy Sword at her in complete disbelief, His mocking smile was boiling her blood, His eyes that was looking down on her was fueling her ever increasing anger 

"Toldya you will regret it" 

Devon only points the sword at her neck to say this because he wanted to override the feeling he felt yesterday, Powerlessness

It reminded him of his past he wanted to forget let alone repeat it

'Yesterday I was on the ground, today is you, Tomorrow...who knows' 

Giving an after thought with a friendly smile

He slowly withdraws his sword and disconnected the life force on it making it crumbles to rusted scrap pieces, The disadvantage of using [Molding] on an inanimate objects that isn't designed to hold a living thing inside nor the energy

His condescending smile is what makes her Snap!



Devon only turned back with this noise and saw Rumia knocking her sister out with a jab to her neck so fast he only hear the impact before Rumia said with her usual smile

"Won't you thank me for saving your life?" 

Only then did he noticed his small shadow under the sun was slowly getting detached with another shadow under unconscious kronia, He didn't even noticed it! 

"You are still this troublesome little kroni" Rumia sighed holding the kronia in her arms


I have but one question, what did just happened here?