Chapter 5
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Chapter 5


 I walked for a very long time and already killed dozens of the same monsters as before, it was great to see those disgusting monsters running scared.

 I also feel like I'm getting a little stronger, I need a different opponent, a stronger opponent than before.

 “Where should I start now, it's very confusing to me. Maybe I should rest first? Since I've killed a lot of monsters and haven't slept in weeks.” (Toudou)

 I looked for a big tree to rest.  My body seems to be very tired.  I leaned against the tree and closed my eyes and fell asleep.






 [Toudou-kun, didn't you sleep long enough?  ]

 I was a little disturbed by the voice because it seemed like he was speaking directly in my head, but I was a little familiar with this voice.

 “Is that you, Greed?” (Toudou)

 [Yeah that's right, 1 million points for you, Toudou-kun]

 Yeah, looks like my guess was right, it was Greed.

 I sat down and relaxed my body for a while.

 "Where are you? I did hear your voice, but I don't see you here" (Toudou)

 [ I told you didn't I?  we will share awareness, life and strength with each other.  It's like 1 body with 2 different existences.  ]

 "So it's like that, it's a bit disgusting considering you and I are a man" (Toudou)

 [ Hahaha, that's a little bit true but also wrong.  I'm not like other creatures that have gender.  ]

 "So you mean that, you don't have a gender? Then what kind of creature are you now?" (Toudou)

 [Yeah you're right, I don't have anything like that.  I am a different being from you, I have no gender, even my own existence has transcended the concept of existence itself.  So, you can call me anything, but about me being God, that's the truth]

 I who just woke up from sleep after my badly damaged body, didn't have enough mind to digest his words.

 "Will I ever be able to see you? or talk to you?" (Toudou)

 [That's absolutely impossible, Toudou-kun.  ]

 “Why is it like that?” (Toudou)

 [ Even my avatar can't be seen by anyone unless I allow it, let alone my real self?  ]

 "Your avatar can't be seen? Why?" (Toudou)

 [That's because my own avatar has no concept of existence anymore.  This avatar is also a bit like my real body, completely out of cause and effect, law, destiny in this realm, 2nd realm to 4th realm.]

 "Isn't that a little too much? damn."

 I smirked, "So I was able to see you before because you let me?."

 [You're right, it's because I allowed you and Minori earlier.  So even if it's just my avatar, it's enough to destroy 4 realms in this world.  ]

 Greed was truly something different as a bastard, his avatar alone was already that strong.

 "Will I be able to kill your avatar in the future?" (Toudou)

 [ It may be ]

 'Maybe' huh?  it sounds the same as before, damn it.

 "Then I'll start with your avatar first, Greed"

 [You really mean it, Toudou-kun]

 “Enough small talk. What made you wake me up?” (Toudou)

 It's impossible if he just wants to annoy me right?.

 [You're right, sorry]

 [  i wake you up  not to disturb you, but I want to give you more information, about this world]

 'Not to bother me' huh, he really can read my mind.  but Greed has a point, I lack information here, well this is another world anyway.

 “Yeah you are so stupid, you wanted me to destroy this world but you only gave me a little information.” (Toudou)

 [You really are so emotional, Toudou-kun.  But you have to lower your emotions, it's very important.  Don't be a naive person, if you become like that, your dream of wanting to become a Ruler will be snatched and destroyed by others, if it's like that, your dream will only be your imagination, Toudou-kun]

 “What? Could something like that happen? Didn't I already fuse with you and get some of your power? You also said that you are different from other creatures, then why can I be destroyed by someone else? (Toudou)

 I panicked a little hearing that, his voice really scared me, I was repeatedly advised by others before, but none was as scary as Greed.

 [Yeah it really will happen if you continue like this.  ]

 “Then what should I do?” (Toudou)

 [Don't worry, your physique can be said to be strong if you are in this place, well of course it will be different if you are up there.  So prioritize your mental and emotional training first, then continue to train your physical ]

 "Training my mind and emotions? How? I've never practiced anything like that!! (Toudou)

 [There is your friend here, that is me, and you know I am a god, so that way I can do anything, I will train you here]

 “Are you sure? Did you really say that?” (Toudou)

 [Well, I also feel responsible about this]

 “Thank you, Greed. Then I will be under your tutelage now, please cooperate in the future” (Toudou)

 I'm a little calmer now, Greed is really something, he can scare me and calm down afterwards.

 [Sure, but this will take quite some time.  ]

 “That's fine, that's how it should be!!” (Toudou)

 With that I started training with Greed.


 *Pov Minori





 [Are you okay, Minori?  is something wrong?  ]

 I woke up after hearing a voice in my head.

 "Is that you, Charlotte-san?" (Minori)

 [Yes you are right, it's nice to know my voice]

 Of course, he seemed to be talking straight into my head, is this something called telepathy?

 "Well like that, then is this place the world you created, Charlotte-san?" (Minori)

 [You're right,  not to your taste, Minori?  ]

 "No really, it's really very beautiful, very different from the earth. The air here is also cool and comfortable to breathe" (Minori)

 Well, this is very beautiful indeed, the trees are tall and there is a fast flowing river, then the stars and planets are clearly visible from down here.

 [Thanks for that, then let's start practicing]

 "You're right, please cooperate, Charlotte-san" (Minori)

 [Yeah me too, Then start using some magic, imagine something in your mind and something will appear.  If you get used to it, you will use magic/skills very quickly.  ]

 “Alright, I understand” (Minori)

 I closed my eyes, and began to focus on thinking about the magic in my head.  I thought of fire, and fire appeared after that.

 "Wow this is so cool" (Minori)

 [You did it, try throwing it over there]

 "Okay!" (Minori)

 I immediately threw this fire forward there, it was quite far and------


 It makes a pretty big crater, even though the fire was very small. Then what if I make a very big fire?

 "That's a strong destructive power" (Minori)

 [True, but this is still lacking if you want to be with Toudou]

 “Still lacking? then what should I do next? Charlotte-san.” (Minori)

 [ Yes it's still very lacking, then make magic that can strengthen your physique, so that you can use more mana, you will faint if your body is not strong enough to use a lot of mana.  Like Body Amplifier, it's a magic that Toudou uses.  ]

 Then I used a magic called ---Body amplifier----.  This is useful for strengthening my body.

 [Good, but it's still lacking, alright I'll summon some monsters here, you'll be stronger if you defeat those monsters, like Toudou did]

 “I see, please do it like that” (Minori)

 Then Charlotte-san summoned several monsters in various directions.  That's a monster called an orc isn't it?  and that's quite a lot, but I have to get through this anyway, this is also so that I can be with Toudou-kun.

 "Alright I'll start with this, Fire ball!!!"

 There appeared a fire that was quite large compared to before.  I immediately threw this magic at the monster in front of me first.


  and then


 The monster was immediately scorched and unable to move and fell.

 "Looks like he's dead, doesn't it?"

 [Remember that the monster is not just 1, Minori]

 "Of course" (Minori)

 Then I made another new magic, ----Hellfire----.

 I made these 10 magics and directly cast them at all the monsters.




 Different from Fireball, this magic is so fast that it has no sound, does its speed exceed the speed of sound?  and its explosive power, it was far from fireball, this magic even destroyed the 5 meter tall monster and its surroundings leaving nothing behind.

 Minori smirked..... "That's amazing" (Minori)

 [Isn't that right?  and many more magic that is stronger than that, later I will teach you ]

 “Alright, thanks, Charlotte-san” (Minori)