Chapter 3
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To make things clear. Ayaka considers Maya(Current head of the Yotsuba) as her Mother. Whenever she says "Mother", that is who she's referring to. In Ayaka's view, Miya Shiba (her birth mother) doesn't exist. I will touch upon background and previous years in sidestories probably, but yes, Ayaka is Miyuki's biological twin sister, but doesn't consider their birth mother as their mother. Miyuki and Tatsuya still calls Maya their Aunt.

“So, do you have any ideas where to start?”

Tatsuya leans back in his chair as Ayaka sits on the analyzing equipment used to calibrate CAD’s and different instruments. “Somewhat. The main issue is that the fertilization technique used between same-sex couples somehow inhibts the child from inheriting magical capabilities. What I’m theorizing is that using your Elemental Sight and Regrowth, it should be possible to analyze the Eidos of the fertilized egg, comparing the data from a fertilized egg through natural insemination, it might be possible to overwrite whatever it is that inhibits the child from inheriting magical capabilities.”

Tatsuya ponders over the statement for a few moments, and indeed it can work. He has to ask a question that he knows the answer to, but he needs to know Ayaka’s thoughts. “Why not just artificial insemination? From what I understand you’re not against giving birth, just doing so by having intercourse with a man?”

Ayaka’s gaze is on her legs that are hanging from the table, pushing them back and forth as she’s thinking about the dilemma. “Of course, that wouldn’t be an issue, as long as my wife would agree. The issue is the implications that follow, and that the family of the man would no doubt lay claim to the child and use him or her for their purposes. I want a stable family with no outside interference, and I’m sure both you and Miyuki would want that too, we both know she has no interest in being the family head, as you would have to follow her and it would require you to give up your goal.”

As Tatsuya is about to respond, the door to the lab opens and Miyuki enters with three cups of coffee. “Did I interrupt?”

Tatsuya looks at Ayaka, and she lets out a sigh. They have kept the current conversation a secret from Miyuki, but Tatsuya does not like keeping secrets from her. The reason she hasn’t been told is that Ayaka isn’t sure how Miyuki would react. Despite their family issues, Ayaka does like her sister and wouldn’t want their relationship to break down.

Ayaka wouldn’t be the first magician to be homosexual, but no couple has ended up happily, or even remaining together as the different clans and families put obligations on their members, one of them being producing strong offspring.

Miyuki sits down besides Ayaka and sips on her coffee as her gaze wanders between Tatsuya and her sister. “Ayaka is something wrong?”

Lost in her thoughts Ayaka mumbles loud enough for Miyuki to hear. “You could say that.”

Realizing she’s already hinted at an issue, she might as well tell her the rest, as Ayaka would feel guilty about leaving Miyuki in the dark at this point.

“Miyuki?” She lays her head on her sister’s shoulder. “Hmm?” Miyuki let’s out a hum, telling Ayaka to go on. “Did you ever wonder why Mother told you I’m not a candidate for the head position?”

Miyuki did always wonder about it, but it looked like her brother and sister knew, so she never pried further. “I did, but I could never figure it out, so I gave up on the subject. You know I don’t like those people.”

“I suppose. The main reason is I cannot have children.”

Miyuki turns her head and Ayaka’s falls off her shoulder. “Like Aunt?”

Ayaka shakes her head. “No, it’s not a biological thing, I am capable, it’s just, my child would not have any magical aptitude.”

Letting out another sigh she raises her head and looks into her sister’s eyes. “It’s because I don’t like men, I like women.”

“Oh.” Ayaka waits for Miyuki to continue, but as the moments go by that is all she says. Growing slightly nervous her hands starts fidgeting. “You don’t hate me because of it, do you?”

“I could never hate my sister. It just dawned on me that despite everything, you’re trying to make both me and onii-sama happy, aren’t you?”

Ayaka displays a sad smile. “I know you don’t want the position, and I don’t particularly have anything against it, as long as I don’t have to marry a man.”

“Is that why you’re having onii-sama help you?”

Ayaka nods her head. “I was thinking that if anyone can help me find a solution, Nii-san should be able to with his abilities.”

Miyuki smiles at the way her sister addresses Tatsuya. It’s not often she hears her call him brother.

Reining in her emotions, her aura changes back to the mischievous princesses of the Yotsuba clan. “Oh well, I have 10 years to figure it out, that’s the deal I had with Mother. I’ll try to enjoy these next few years as a student as much as I can.”