30. Little Prince
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Toby had literally never felt better in his life. His dreams had been fraught and nightmarish until he’d been enveloped by a warmth that had slightly roused him from his sleep before something soft entered his mouth and he went to sleep again. He slowly opened his eyes after many hours to realized his mouth had been stuffed by Hoglah’s enormous breast and to his surprise it seemed to dispense simple, clean breast milk. An enormous three fingered hand tousled his hair and spoke even more lovingly than previously. “Oh, Toby, you are awake! How do you feel?”


Toby clenched his hands without taking his mouth off the nourishing nipple of the women he now realized he’d already thought of as his real mother. Delicious milk, nice hugs and skating lessons were far nicer treatments than being ignored and burned with curling irons in the few interactions he'd had with his biological mother. As she ran a tender if gigantic hand through his hair he felt two familiar hands on his shoulders.


He was more than familiar with these hands, every time they’d touched him he was hurt by them, from painful pinches to being pricked with needles. He flinched as the hands of her sisters instead gently patted how shoulders “Awww Toby, don’t be scared, we could never hurt you with Daddy around.” Said Karen. “Err, the Empress we mean.” Connie corrected.


These two people had the same bodies he’d seen them wear their whole lives, but their eyes and attitudes were wholly different. A look of extreme complexity manifested on Toby’s face. His sister seemed to perceive this and looked somberly towards each other. For Hoglah’s part of this interaction, despite being the bed on which it was taking place, she tried to look away and give them privacy. 


Swaddled in warm blankets by the very sister who were once the source of his consternation and deep abuse Toby came to some realizations, he’d had many questions he had initially wanted to ask his sisters yet now despite all of the milk he’d drunk his mouth felt dry. He managed to at least choke out one. “W-what do you want to do now, Sisters?” They ruffled his hair and spoke. “Love Toby, we want to love. We were broken before, did you know we’d never even visited most of the village before Da-err, Hoglah took us?” Connie said. Then Karen piped up. “This world is beautiful Toby but it wears chains. We found our place in it, we want to shoulder the reins of the very Moblin empire itself, Hoglah has told us using our incredible power we will be the very engine of Castle Tongue, we will stride to places in this world no one has ever seen. We find these forms painful Toby, we hope you won’t ask us to take them anymore. It’s like wearing handcuffs, we don’t really even like to speak anymore. The sound of our feet colliding with the Earth itself, every step into a new world, the slapping of our cocks into a tender hole of some unknown beauty, that’s the language we want to speak now Toby!”


A blushing Toby listens to his sisters carefully and speaks after a few moments of silence. “I hope you’ll listen on lonely nights that I want to speak with you Sisters. I’d appreciate it if you at least listen to my whining. I think I understand now, I won’t ask you to be something painful for you again. Goodbye sisters.” Toby curled his knees to his chest and felt a pain in his heart for saying goodbye to these two despite the pain their own broken hearts had caused him. They both kissed his cheeks and told him in unison “We love you Toby, we’ll always be family.”


After a short, painful and most likely awkward silence for Hoglah, she spoke. “Now you two, I don’t choose this for you this time.” She lifted her armpits and her impressive steamy musk blew out with such force it was momentarily cool before it was oppressively muggy. “You could walk away right now you two, or I’d be happy to take you on as ‘Daddy.’ Just take a drink from my pi-” before Hoglah could even finish the two girl stormed over her multiple breasts and ravenously began to such and lick at Hoglah’s hairy underarms. Their screams of “OH DADDY YES!” the last things they were ever to say with human tongues. Their forms rapidly bloating with fat, muscle and cock. Returned to their former equine grace they give Toby one last nuzzle before tottering off.


Toby was now face to snout with the Moblin Empress who asked him a simple question.


“Toby, how would you like to be my son and The Prince of all Moblins?”

Sister Angel Olsen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mIA1r2ZELU&list=RDGMEM6ijAnFTG9nX1G-kbWBUCJAVMgk7pxBGLqaM&index=26&ab_channel=AngelOlsenVEVO