Chapter 2: Repetition 
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I sat with my back against one of the identical brown wooden rods, which held up the identical tawny coloured rope that surrounded an entirely unique door. 

- So, this is getting boring. Very boring. 

The second door I had walked to had been a very plain wood door of roughhewn planks with a rope handle. Nothing else, just the rope circle and a door.  

The third, was a made of plants all entwined together forming an arch in a wall of greenery. The door was formed of densely entwined wicker with a long bar like handle.   

The fourth had been something like an ant mound of loose gravel, with a large rough boulder as a door. 

I had walked to a total of six of the structures. Each had been surrounded by a rope, each with a unique, door themed vignette.  Each had the odd gravity like pulling effect, and none of the grey dust that seems to be everywhere else. 

I sighed. 

- My time sense is getting messed up. I haven't gotten tired, hungry, or needed to sleep. The only thing moving here is me and the breeze. Is this going to be my after life? Are the doors some clue to my life choices? 

The breeze pushed my hair across my face as I was contemplating what in my life would warrant my banishment to such an odd hell. I reached up and pushed my loose hair back. 

-The breeze. Does it always go in the same direction? Only one way the figure that out, wait. More boredom. 


- So, I am the wind. One with the breeze. A leaf on the zephyr's whim. 

My air related monolog ended as I approached the tenth door. This appeared to be the entrance to a Victorian manor. Gravel walkway, smart looking bushes, and a properly imposing door.  

Following the omnipresent rope around, I stopped abruptly in surprise. 

Something, no someone, was there.  Whomever, was leaning on one the posts, back towards me.  His chest and back was covered with a dull brown leather coat, a skirt of leather strips covered legs to his knees, and a Spear leaned on his leather clad shoulder. His bald head moved slightly as he was looking at something held in front of his chest. 

I was frozen in shock, like a glass wall had descended, separated me from everything. 

Minutes passed, and again. Finally, he moved, and I caught the sight of something glittery in his hands before being dropped into a brown leather bag tied to his coat.  

Grabbing his spear, he turned and caught sight of me. 

We stared at each other for a few moments. 

- Wow, he is one ugly guy. 

Not enough nose, jaw too wide, eyes too low, ears just a colour shade off, all added together looked not quite human. 

The guy opened his mouth to talk, showing his oddly spaced teeth. 

 “Why do I always get posted so far out?”- Ugly guy 

He pointed his spear off towards the horizon. 

“Hey you! Go that way!”- Ugly guy 

He emphasized the direction his spear was pointed by thrusting it a couple of times.  

I looked at him, the spear, the direction he was pointing, then back it him. 

- Same direction as the breeze.  

I guess I was staring at him too long as he started to shake his head and mutter something. 

“Always the weird ones out this far. If it wasn't for the quotas these wouldn't be worth it.”- Ugly guy 

He walked closer and moved the spear tip towards me, his face twisted into an odd shaped smile. 

“Well, if it can't understand me, no one can blame me if I have to prod it in the right direction- Ugly guy 

Matching his words, he advanced towards poking out with the spear. 

“Move you, get going! Dumb broken beast, get going!”- Ugly guy 

I looked at him, then down at the approaching spear 

- He wouldn't actually stick me with that, will he? 

I was about to open my mouth and say something when he flicked his wrist and whacked my shoulder with the flat side of the spear head. 

The pain shattered the glass wall and I stumbled to the side rubbing my shoulder. 

“That's right, you stupid cow. Stay her and I get to hurt you.”- Ugly guy 

I kept my eyes on the spear as I took a few steps away, he didn't follow. 

He made a few more poking motions with his spear towards me, and grinned when I jumped. 

“Good, now get going you stupid cow. Soon as you're gone, I can go back to absorbing my winnings.”- Ugly guy 

- I have no Idea what the hell he is talking about, but I'm not sticking around to ask any questions while he is waving that spear around. 

I kept in the direction I had been going, keeping an eye on the ugly spearman. After it was apparent that I wasn't stopping he opened his pouch, pulled something out and brought his cupped hands to his face.  

- He looks just like a drunk taking his fist swig of the day.