Chapter 37: Memories…
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Stumbling through the forest, somehow, I did not find myself falling to the floor. Out of breath, though, I was. I had never run with a child in my arms before. Nor had ever done a marathon like this. No one had.

Screeches and screams of beasts were everywhere I turned. Though my path was unmovable either. Everywhere I turned to were those golden beasts. The thought occurred to me that perhaps they were herding me there.

But it did not matter. I had to go there where they wanted me to. My mind had to remain empty. A hard thing to do with the lies Midnight filled my mind with. Especially the last news she threw at my face.

Yes… it’s all lies! They have to be!

I pushed past every emotion that wanted to erupt out of me. This was not the time to stumble. Especially when that man was probably waiting for me at the end of my path. It was not like I could go all out with this child on me.

So, instead, I allowed myself to be led by these beasts. Before I knew it, I finally reached the clearing. A sharp gasp left me when the scene that face me was one of horror. Fire sprouted from everywhere.

Though some were orange, others were purple. The first thing that caught my eye was Oswald. He was on the floor with Zephyrus, who was bound by a beast. Oz had a gash on his abdomen, preventing him from moving. Though his eyes were heavy.

Next to them were Leo and Zoe. The young Lycan was still alive, but Zoe was barely hanging on. The anger in his eyes was extraordinary, but the injury to his leg would not allow him to move. It was almost hanging there. He held Zoe in his arm, trying to keep her safe.

A little towards the wreckage was Alijah, who was holding onto Rem. She was missing an arm while he held her. He barely seemed conscious, too. Both of them struggled to move. There was a god in front of them, too. It was not Chronos, but she held her blade in her hands.

No, this one had grey hair, though I could not see her face. Alijah glared at her, unable to move. Rem held on to him tightly, probably in agony from her missing arm. Her beloved was gravely wounded, too. Purple flames surrounded them; it was probably why the god had not finished them.

Lilith was near to the shipwreck, holding off the beasts from going into the ship. Her skin was flaking. It was obvious she would not last much longer. With the soul cairn gone, it was the one thing she could do.

Shade, who was also known as Shadow in her previous life, was on the floor, pinned by another god. Her summoner, Lilith, was on the floor helplessly watching her husband in the hands of another divine. It held him by the neck.

Fenris, on the other hand, gazed towards his wife, unable to speak. Ruzgard, also known as Gordius in his past life, was pinned by another beast on the side. Thea was nowhere to be seen, though I did not suspect her to be dead.

She was probably inside the ship, trying to find any survivors. Chronos was on the floor, out cold by the main event. Though that was something that would freeze me where I stood. Throbs rushed through me when I saw my nightmare coming to life.

Yama had Loki in his hands. Eli was nowhere to be seen, though something about my beloved had changed. His essence was giving off the same as Rem. There was no doubt in my mind, they had merged into one being.

A thing I could not understand. Not when his wings were about to be ripped off by the man I feared the most. Their voices were fully muffled. They had not noticed me yet either.

The dreadful god also held Loki by his throat too. His other tugged on my beloved’s wings. He was probably antagonizing my vampire. And it pissed me the fuck off. In an instant, all my fear left me.

I would not allow him to do as he pleased.

“Sleep,” I muttered to Luna, casting a spell.

Thankfully, she never gazed at this scene, or it would have scarred her for life. These mortals put up a fight, but it would have always ended like this. Even those who were shadows of their past self-had no chance of winning.

Not while the gods held onto all the power. Falling into the deep slumber, I placed the little girl on the tree, hoping she would be safe. What snapped me away from her was Loki’s loud groans. Yama was ripping on of Loki’s wings when I yanked myself away.

Stepping into the spotlight, I screamed. “Stop!”

In an instant, everything stopped. All eyes fell on me. Though horror was all that reflected on our heroes' faces. They all wished I was not here.

“Vivian, what are you doing here?!” Loki questioned, worried more about me than himself.

His voice was so shaky that I wanted to run to him. Feel safe in his arms, yet we were not safe. A sharp smirk rose on Yama’s lips. A second later, he ripped my vampire’s left-wing.

Releasing a screech of pain, my vampire gasped for air. Blood dripped onto the floor, leaving me shocked at what I saw. In an instance, I felt lightheaded. My beloved was in pain, and I could do nothing to help him.

Not while the gods were here. Rem screamed for Loki, as Oz turned his eyes towards his twin. We were all helpless to do anything.

“How good of you to join us, little book.” Yama snickered, lashing his amber eyes onto me.

His deep black hair waved in the air when he turned to me, allowing Loki to slam against the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes upon seeing the state my vampire was in.

So much pain for what? None of this is necessary!

Clenching my hands, I glared at the man, who triggered all my nightmares. The one being I never wanted to face. Yet I had to. That or lose everything I cared about. He gazed towards where Rem was with her lover.

Rem’s eyes flared with pure anger when she tried to get up, but Alijah did not let her. Any more and she would drop dead.

“It was a pleasure to meet you again, Fenrir. But it seems this time, I won’t be as merciful. Kill all the extras.” Yama commanded his allies, taking a step towards me.

No… he won’t take one more thing!

“Don’t you fucking dare hurt them any more than you have already!” I snapped, triggering my body to glow.

Small orbs of lights left me, fighting off the tears that wanted to invade my eyes.

Stronger… I have to be tougher!

Yama snickered, unimpressed. “What will you do? Little book, you can’t do anything without me telling you to.”

At that moment, I felt something snap. If he took anyone away, I would…

“Try me,” I growled, watching the god who was next to Rem and Alijah.

Though, the one holding Fenris seemed to want to pop his head. One more thing… and everything would end. The energy that collected around me caused distortions to appear around us. As well as minor fractures were forming around us.

“Oh, so scary. It’s not like it matters. A quick death is more merciful.” Yama countered, taking another step.

There was no fear in his eyes. Every step he took made me shiver where I stood. Though I would not cower. Yet, I knew bravery was a fool's weapon.

“It matters! Come face me like the coward you are!” I declared, raising my hand to my chest.

I still did not know what to do to beat him. Yet it had to be in my power. It just had to be.

“No… Vivian. Run,” Loki mumbled, struggling to get up.

Stay down… Please… Don’t suffer anymore because of me.

Seeing him like that broke me in ways I did not even know how to comprehend.

“Coward?!” Yama scuffed, snickering soon after.

To him, this had gotten interesting. He only expected me to tremble under him. Stopping for a moment, he raised his arms to the sides.

“Very well, I’ll let them live.” The dreadful god suddenly declared.

My heart suddenly felt lighter, only for it to fall with his next words.

“Just so you can watch them die by your hand.” He smirked.

I’ll kill them?!

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of me.


Even now, I was still bound by my mortal body. His speed was out of this world.

“Vivian!” Loki screamed, standing up, launching himself at us.

The adrenaline that rushed through my vampire was enough for him to forget his agony. Though it was too late. The moment Yama’s skin touched mine, a bond was forged. I did not even notice when he cut his hand, but his blood dripped down my neck.

It was deep blue. He had me once again, by the throat. It seemed my dreams were all coming true.

Loki’s heart ripped out. My voice lost. And the fear of everything going wrong.

From here on out though…

“With this, you’re bound to me once again,” Yama announced, grabbing Loki by his neck as he approached as well.

Though, this time, my vampire was rabid, wanting me freed. Bloodstained most of his clothes. Though his magic had drained. Fighting Chronos took everything out of him. And his touch would not influence a good who got rid of his emotions.

“You’re becoming a nuisance, Elias. Should I kill you, bring you back to life, and kill you again until you’re broken?” The mad god huffed, squeezing Loki’s neck.

I wanted to scream when he said that, but my voice once again seemed to go missing. Not because of injury, but because of the bind he forged. Though I knew he would not dare kill him permanently. But hurting him was another matter.

It would be torture. Something I did not want to see. My vampire had his heart ripped out a few days ago, and that still haunted his dreams sometimes. Though he played it off like it was nothing.

Oswald struggled to get up, too. The god watched him use Zephyrus’s body as a support. It was not like he was any threat to Yama. These two boys… No matter what they faced, or how badly they were beaten. They would not give up.

Unwittingly, they were my strength. Yet the moment I thought of making a move. Once again, my body felt like it was searing. Weird markings appeared in my skin, leaving me little doubt that this was nothing like with Jin.

At least then I could speak. Then again, I was against a mortal, not a god.

Midnight… You better be right.

My hands trembled, fighting through everything that wanted me to submit. It would have been easier to let go, yet I could not allow it.

“Yama…” I mumbled, trying to grab onto his wrist.

Sadly, I did not have a recollection of everything that happened when I was a book. Mostly because I could not see my body. So, I did not know what was normal. Yet this feeling of despair was familiar.

“What is it, little book?” he turned his gaze back onto me.

Grabbing onto his arm, I felt a sharp throb rush through me. Scorching… my soul was on fire.

“I refuse to be your tool!” I announced, gasping for air.

Yama tilted his head, letting go of Loki, who fell onto the ground.

“Such things have no choice. Shall I take your voice once again?” he declared, squeezing my throat.

Back when I was a book, I never defied him. I always thought it was beyond me. But at this moment, it had to be within my reach. All the futures I told him. The lives he ruined in his search to remake the world.

I had to prevent it. Somehow, someway, my will had to be stronger than his. Yet everything seemed hopeless. In that instance, golden flames erupted out of me. The same bird from the soul scape formed behind me as if it came out of me.

So… that’s what she…

“Father… It’s a pleasure to see you.” She announced, covering me in her golden embrace.

Yama’s eyes widened, reaching for her.

His hand went right through her.

“Illa… No… Midnight.” He mumbled under his breath.

For the first time, in the longest time, his voice reflected pain.

“Glad to see me again? Well, it isn’t like it matters. You threw me into the soul cairn yourself! And I’m here to return the favor, Father.” She snickered, lashing one of her claws into his forehead.

A bright light came from us, as knowledge, I never knew, flowed into me. Though instead of taking it, Yama tightened his hold on my neck. It robbed me of my breathing. However, I would not let go of him.

Midnight was allowing his memories to flow through me. Everything he knew, I would. Including… At that moment, Loki got up from the floor, launching himself in Yama’s arms. In his eyes, I was being choked.

“Let her go!” my beaten vampire hissed, trying to yank him away from me.

But it was no use. He was already weak, unable to regenerate anything. A taste of my blood could change that, but at the same time, it would cripple me. A second later, Oswald launched himself at Yama too. 

Grabbing the god by his leg, Oz caused the light to shift towards a darker tone. Soon after, Rem’s sword went through the gods’ body. It almost impaled me, too. Both Alijah and Rem were holding it. Purple flames erupted from the wound, though it loosened Yama’s hold on me.

Air-filled my lungs when I noticed all the other gods had fallen asleep. In the distance, I saw the same fox creature from before. A surprise attack… Midnight was saving us for the last time. Fenris was with Lilith, too.

Though it did not change their injuries. No… that was something only…

This is all I can do to help you. The rest is all on you! So, wake up Vivian! Fight! And don’t let him win! I saw him win! Midnight’s voice echoed within me.

Her flames dimmed when Yama’s will grew tougher. He took his power from pain.

“I’ll kill you all!” he snarled, glaring at me.

I could feel myself wanting to bend to his will. My existence was nothing more than a curse. Whatever Midnight had done froze his body in place. But her essence was dissipating. There was no other moment but this one.

However, Yama and I were linked in more ways than one. His will wanted to smother me.

“Kill them!” he ordered, triggering my body to become something else.

My body burned hotter than ever before. Agony radiated from my core every time I tugged away from the desire inflicted on me.

I can’t fight this!

Midnight was wrong. This was nothing like when Jin ordered me. This was much worse. My hands trembled in fear. A force within wanted to compel me to do as he pleased. And worse yet, I could feel myself slipping.

“Vivian! You can fight this!” Rem yelled, twisting the sword within the god.

Around us, more golden beasts were overwhelming the former residents from the soul cairn, who were fighting to keep them away.

“You’re a survivor!” her mother yelled from the side, holding onto her beloved wolf.

The dread in her voice was otherworldly.

“You know better than letting a man tell you what to do!” my Lilith howled from where she was.

She stood up triggering a bigger barrier to go up. In her heart, she was determined to keep me safe for as long as her body held.

Edna… she’s willing to give her all for me. You were wrong about her!

Another person followed through too. Coming out of the wreck, they launched themselves towards the dreadful good.

“Let her go you, ugly bastard!” Thea yelled in midair.

These mortals were idiots. Hope should have been gone the moment he had me in his grip. Yet, they filled me with it. But would it be enough to pass through this?

No, it has to be.

The way had to be in his memories. And it was… in the pendant he always held so dear.

“I-I will not do as you please!” I snapped, knowing what I had to do.

Reaching into his chest, I yanked the silver necklace that he always wore. Within it….

“No!!” he screeched, trying to pull me close.

I had to give him exactly what he wanted. It was the only way to stop the agony that coursed through me. But in doing so, I could feel my soul crack, turning my body into something else. My body gave off chaotic energy to match his, repelling everyone.

Rolling down my side, I struggled to get up. My skin was melting off when I reached my hand towards all those I loved. More markings appeared in my body, when Loki suddenly grabbed onto my face.

His speed really was unfair. However, when his blood touched my skin, it lit me anew again. Out of me, waves of energy left me, freezing everything in its path. Well, everything that wanted to hurt us.

“Vivi, you don’t have to do anything.” He whispered; eyes barely open.

With his touch, I finally felt free. But it was too late.

“They’re gone,” I answered, voice trembling.

In that instant, he gazed around to see everyone else missing. It was like they vanished to thin air.

“Vivi… oh god… no…” Loki mumbled, locking eyes with Oz, who struggled to get up.

It was only us and the godly beings here. Yama’s order had excluded them.

“Lilith!” Shadow called out, freeing herself.

But there was no one to answer her.

“Rem, where are you?!” Gordius looked for her too.

Again, there was no one to be found here. Zephyrus tried to help Oswald, but he dropped to his knees again. The wound on his abdomen was too much to bear. The realization that everyone he knew was gone mortified Loki.

The world fractured even more. It was almost as if all the fights in my poor vampire left him. The only mortals left in this plane were him and his brother. Well… and…

“It’s time for you to go too, Elias,” I announced, getting up.

In my hands, I held two things. The pendant, and a sphere.

“What?” Loki breathed, gazing at me.

He seemed so tired. Yet I…

Yes… this is the only way.

“This fight isn’t for you anymore.” I smiled, trailing my fingertips on his cheeks.

His eyes widened so much that I feared they would pop out of his sockets. Midnight was wrong. This fight was more than will. It was about wits and brawns too. And I would allow no one else to get caught in between.

“You can’t—" he started, stopping only because my lips met with his.

My beloved prince… If only things had turned out differently. Perhaps then we would have had a normal life.

Tugging away from his lips, I traced my hands down his cheeks. His warmth was so calming that it eased me.

“Trust me, my love. I’ll fix everything.” I murmured.

In the reflection of his eyes, I could see I was changing. My skin was mostly gone.

“I trust you. I love you.” He voiced, pushing himself into me, kissing me like there was no tomorrow.

If only I could stop time for much longer. And give us this moment forever.

Our tongues entwined as the fractures cracked into full breaks. The tension in the world was no more. Knowing this realm would not last much longer, I smiled within our kiss. A blinding light soon erupted from me, taking the world with it.

Midnight was right. This was my requiem. If the souls of this world were not in this world, then technically, they were dead. And out of my reach, in a split second, I created a prison for every soul in this world.

Living or dead, they were all stuck within the sphere in my hand. It was an idea I got from Yama’s memories when he tried to destroy the cycle of death. He tried to isolate those who died but did not have the power to do so.

After all, two gods did the cycle. Thanatos and his wife Cersei, the goddess of life. Slowly, I realized who I was meant to be. All I had to do was think of it, and it would come to be. At least, if I had a fundamental understanding.

And thanks to all the study of witchcraft, I knew how souls worked. Though, going against the order was something else. My soul would not last against another one. In this new space, all that was left was the god-like beings and me.

I sent my beloved vampire and his brother with everyone else. If they stayed behind, then they would have turned into burdens. Most importantly, they would have tried to stop me. By now, the entirety of my body had become like my hands, too.

No longer was I human, yet inside I felt the same as I did when I had mortal flesh. Perhaps this was the true me all along. I floated in this space with the man who had everything to gain from this fight. His allies surrounded him, too.

“What did you do?!” Yama questioned, gazing around him.

“I broke everything, just like you wanted,” I answered, gazing at the pendant in my other hand.

He always held it so preciously. And what I felt from it, there was no doubt in my mind that a soul resided within. Even those who were not his ally were here too. The ones who wanted to remain ignorant were dragged here when the celestial plane disappeared, too.

I finally recognized the god who had Fenrir and Valdios on their knees. It was no one else other than their mother. Well, Fenrir’s mother. Family in our godly system was worth nothing, it seemed.

“Girl, give that back!” Yama snapped, taking a step forward, only to notice he was not getting any closer to me.

His order rippled through me again. Yet, I did not move to please him. No, I destroyed that part of me the moment the world was no more. It did not make me immune to his orders, but at least I would not feel the agony that made me bend to it.

In those gods who remained ignorant, I could see confusion fill their orbs. In a blink of an eye, I had destroyed everything they once knew. The warmth of Loki’s lips on mine remained strong.

The moment his blood touched me during our kiss, my previous bind was muffled. And all my vampire gave me was a choice. Not an order. Not even knowing a thing about my binding, he did it out of love.

With it, breaking me free for one last time.

Vivian, you don’t have to do this. His words rung in my ears like liberation.

With it, it brought the peace I needed. I had outsmarted the god with one simple act before. He did not scare me anymore. No, in this realm, I made myself.

“No. I’m breaking it free.” I announced, closing my eyes.

Behind me all the white beasts I freed stood unwavering. This included those who were summoned here. In my hands, a soft white shine radiated.

“You can’t! I won’t allow you to separate us!” he panicked, falling to his knees.

Fear welled up in his eyes, leaving behind the truth. He was nothing more than a broken man. It was the first time he ever showed emotions since he broke his soul. Though it seemed to be only expressed for the poor being that was trapped in this pendant.

Ah… you’re like me in more ways than I would like to admit. But even so… I don’t think I would have ended up like you.

Watching Elias be happy with someone else was probably going to kill me inside. But I would gladly watch him smile at someone else. As long as he was happy, that was all that mattered. He let go of the one thing we envied from mortals.

Their ability to feel so deeply about something then drop it the next day was amazing. Fickle little things… Though not all were the same. Some would not give up, no matter what.

“Why shouldn’t I? You tortured those I care about! All because of your selfishness!” I snapped.

Everything just flowed out of me.

“Because of you! I’ll never be with who I love either. So, why don’t we live miserable together? No, that be too merciful for you!” I huffed, clenching my fist.

That’s right… after this… Loki…

“Why should a world like this exist?! One where things like this happen all the time! It shouldn’t exist!” Yama howled.

Everyone else watched on in silence, knowing it was out of their hands.

“I didn’t take you for a fool, Yama. A world without pain can’t exist! We won’t know how to live! How will we even know how happiness is without sorrow!? Things aren’t meant to exist as we do! Immortality is a curse! One I will cure everyone from.” I declared, clenching the pendant in my hands.

“What?” he mumbled.

Without fear, there was no point in living. There was no chaos without harmony. I could only imagine all the fools who would die if robbed of dread. Even then, some were consumed with bravery and still flew into the mouth of danger.

It seemed I was infected with this disease too. I had turned into a fool because of those who I cared for.

“Perhaps I’m merciful after all. But first… your power.” I announced, forcing him onto his knees.

Slowly, I made my way to him.

“What are you doing?!” he snarled, gazing around towards his comrades.

“What the fuck are you all doing?! Don’t you understand?! She’ll—” Yama tried to gather his allies, but before he could finish, I placed a finger on his forehead.

My Amor Aeternum link was shining brightly. Clearly, it could be seen through my clothes. Though it was not like it mattered. This god found his power in pain. I instead found it in love. The love I had for Edna and Loki got me through what I thought was impossible.

First, a body to call my own. Then the connections I never thought I would have. Because of them, I knew those who loved me and would stand with me. Even as they slept in a death-like state inside the orb that held them captive, I knew they were with me.

I was not alone. Not for a moment.

“Destroy everything.” I finished his sentence, closing my eyes.

Yes… everything had to go. This new world that was about to be born had to be cut away from us gods. We were a poison.

“And with that, I’ll free you and everyone else. You’ll know peace. Even though you don’t deserve it. Be grateful.” I smirked, preparing myself for the fight of my life.

With all the gods Yama had consumed, he surely was close to what Orenz or Aster once was. Worse yet, he was a being of duality like me.

“You won’t succeed! Even Aster and Orenz needed help!” Yama huffed.

He was lucky to be one of the first gods to exist. That alone made him present when the world was molded by us. Even so, that did not scare me. He was not the only one who was there to see it.

After all, I had the elemental gods behind me.

“Who says I’ll be alone. I promised everyone in the soul cairn to carve the world they want. I’m no tyrant like you.” I declared, gazing towards the other gods who witnessed what was happening.

“And my offer goes to all of you useless gods who joined this broken man.” I snapped, glaring at Chronos, who had finally joined us back in the land of the living.

Adjustments for some… But all of that can wait.

“You don’t have long to choose. Join me or be my prisoner.” I smirked, triggering Yama’s pale body to glow white.

The actual fight was about to begin. As soon as the shine went through his body, it was replaced by darkness. His pale skin had turned into one of a shadow demon. He was their creator, after all. It was staining the finger that lay on his skin.

Would I corrupt him, or would I succumb to him?

“Well, let’s see if your will’s bigger than mine.” I huffed, feeling the energy swell around us.

Darkness soon crept up my arm, even though he had not moved. His pain was the first thing I felt. It almost felt like it was about to overtake me.

“I’ll make you bend to me, little book,” Yama growled, glaring at me.

It seemed I had surpassed his expectations.

“Try… to bend me, Yama.” I challenged, feeling the icy touch of his soul.

“Gladly. You’re nothing compared to me.” He smirked.

He had the years of being a god killer on him. An experience I would never have, yet I… did not want to kill him. No, I wanted…

“I wonder who’ll win. You who have everything to gain. Or me, who has everything to lose!” I scoffed.

A sharp gasp left my body as darkness consumed me. All of his rage and pain were the source of all his power. And even dread, too. If only a few steps would have been different. I probably would have been no different from him.

Thankfully, I had something stronger. Love… I was loved, no matter how flawed I was. It filled me with hope. And I had proof of it. Placing my hand on my abdomen, I felt the pulse of life.

This disease… was about to give me the edge I needed. After all, there was nothing worse than a mama bear trying to protect her young. And I was about to bear my fangs at everyone who faced.   

Who knew the disease known as pregnancy could give me the strength to fight alone? Not that it mattered. After all, I was not isolated. It was not long before the residents of the soul cairn joined me.

When I released all the beings in that realm, I connected them to me. And because of that connection, Yama was about to be ripped off everything he stole. And it was not only him but all the gods who stole a power that was not meant for them.

After all, they stood in my realm. They were unaware of their situation, though. But that would change in a matter of seconds. There was nothing like beating someone who thought he was about to win. It was also the best way to get their guard down.

Just as the rest of my body turned into a shadow mess, I closed my eyes.

“Your mine little book,” Yama smirked, thinking he had bent me to his will.

“I hope your next life treats you better,” I announced, triggering his eyes to widen.

Before another word left him, his body suddenly shone white. At that moment, all the other gods did so, too.

“It seems we have reached the part of it’s too late to change sides. Though I never wanted you in the first place. Traitors!” I declared.

With a rippling pulse, Yama’s body soon shone with different hues. Through me, the other gods pulled back their original strength, making it theirs again. An enormous boom soon erupted, triggering every other god to turn into an animal.

They would not differ from all the other soul cairn residents, who could never go back to their old selves. The other beast shifted colors to match those of those who were under my link. A soft sigh left my lips, seeing what I left of Yama.

In my hands was a fluffy bunny. One who could not remember who they were anymore. Our curse… His pain was the memories of a life he once had. We were not meant to remember everything.

Through the process of converting them into these new beings, I forced all their memories to reset too. All of them forgot who they were and what they were doing. A rebirth of sorts. Yet at the same time, I was a mass murderer.

Sadly, I did not have the luxury of time myself. When I fought Yama’s order, it broke me. Some of my memories were disappearing, too. I had always my plan to have those who were in the soul cairn remember.

Well, until their life ended naturally. Slowly, I turned to them. Though I dashed to a complication. My eyes were hard to keep open.

“You all will be known as Celestials from now on. Even those who can’t remember anything before today. And you’ll help me build the new world where all of you will live and die. There will be no more immortality.” I announced, feeling weak in the knees.

Everything was turning to double. Reaching to my abdomen, I stopped time for my womb again. This being could not be born into this world as it was. Yet, I could not end it.

My heart would not allow it to happen. It seemed more complications were on the horizon. But this one could wait until we created a new realm.

“But won’t the world need guidance? How will the mortals have their magic and individuality?” one beast asked.

“We will embed our power to the new core of this world. That should be enough to be the source of power for everything. And your descendants' job will be to protect this world from anyone seeking to hurt it.” I informed.

“Thanatos…” I mumbled, fighting off the sleepiness that suddenly wanted to overwhelm me.

Ah… that’s right… after using too much power in my consciousness…

“Yes, milady?” he stepped up from the crowd.

I handed him the orb that contained every mortal soul.

“Make sure everyone in there is safe. I did it so fast, I fear I might have hurt them.” I worried, trying to hold on to my consciousness, but it was useless.

I soon would…

“Hm… everything seems fine. I’ll monitor the mortals. With your link to us, I don’t need my wife.” He assured, separating the orb into two.

One for the dead and one for the living.

“That’s good. What happened to her?” I asked.

A soft frown rose on his lips, “I think she killed herself when I was taken from her.”

Ah… I shouldn’t have asked that.

Yet his eyes seemed gentle. He was completely opposite of Yama, who was still in my arms. Silent and unaware of what was going on.

“Oh…” I mumbled, gazing at the pendant in my hand.

I went to hand it to Thanatos, only to collapse.

Zephyrus caught my fall, only for her fluffy fur to feel like it was otherworldly. It was softer than a bed.

“Vivian! Are you okay?” she worried.

Struggling to get up from her fur, I faced the death god once again.

“Please… free her. I’m too sleepy to continue. Start creating this new world without me.” I slurred the last words.

“Heh, leave it to us. By the time you wake up. You’ll have at least a prototype to try out.” Zatar assured from the back.

“That’s…” I trailed off, unable to keep my eyes open.

In a moment, I fell into the darkness. There, a soft green light shone. Within the darkness, the same fox from earlier appeared.

“Hey there, after what you did and will do. I think you deserve a rest with your beloved. Don’t you think so?” It announced, tilting its head.

“What? Where am I?” I asked, turning around suddenly to see the scenery change.

In here, my body was still one of a mortal, too. My skin was back and everything else.

“I’ll connect your dreams to Elias. I did this for Midnight’s beloved too. Though she took all the credit. It’s what I get for losing the bet.” It sighed.

I narrowed my eyes, shaking my head. “What’s your name, fox?”

It chuckled, “Kayne, god of dreams at your service.”

“I see… I think I would like that, Kayne.” I smiled, reaching for my chest.

“While you sleep, I can stop down your deterioration too.” He informed.

It seemed I was not the only one who knew the condition of my soul. It was not fatal, but all of my memories would soon disappear. I would not remember a single thing.

“So, you know. Do you think I’ll last until we’re done?” I asked, gazing away.

I was already having trouble remembering my original parents’ names. Not my mortal ones, but the divine ones.

“Well, I don’t know. It depends how much these idiots fight. But while you sleep, you won’t forget anything. I’ll make sure of it.” He vowed, leaving me feeling relieved.

As long as I could see this through. That was all that mattered.

“Thank you, Kayne.” I simpered.

“My pleasure, mistress.” He nodded, disappearing into the distance.

With his departure, I saw Loki in the distance. He seemed utterly confused by what was happening. Instinctively, I ran into his arms, hoping these moments would not end. But I knew they would. Even so, I would enjoy them while they lasted.

It took more than a few thousand years for the new formation of the realm we envisioned. I did not remember how many times I fell asleep, but once it was finished. I could barely remember why I started this.

“Okay, so we’re finally fucking done?” Cybele sighed, tapping her little feet on Zatar’s fluffy head.

“Uh… uh… I think so!” Aenta blew a few winds into the world that was on her claws.

In this new world, there would be three major elements: water, fire, and earth. The primary things needed for life. Warmth, nature, and water. This new world was not like the one we used to live in, either.

No, it was more complicated than simple.

“Fuck, I’m so glad. Never do I want to work on this shit again!” Zatar huffed.

We were all exhausted from all our other failures.

“Well, it wasn’t so bad.” Shadow snickered, playing with one of the failed orbs on her paws.

Her tail swung to each side. Until it slipped from her hands and into Kayne’s paws.

“Shadow, all you did was play with all the failed realms! Much like now!” He growled, rolling the orb to the side.

“But it was fun! And I never destroyed any of them!” She continued to crackle.

“Uh… No… it was not! It was harder than we all thought!” Zephyrus sighed, sitting next to me.

In my hands, I held the new realm. The one that was going to give life to everyone I cared for. Even if I could not remember their names.

“But, but we are finally here!” Shadow ran towards me, pawing my hands.

“Uh… yes…” Zephyrus mumbled, noticing my expression.

Kayne walked over to me.

“Hey, Vivian, are you ready?” he asked, shooing Shadow away with his tail.

There was a hole in my chest.

“No,” I confessed, gazing away towards Zephyrus, who nudged me.

“What do you mean, no?” Gordius huffed, walking towards me.

He was always the faithful hound. I knew he was waiting for her, yet I…

“I want to go back to sleep and be with him.” I sighed, hands trembling.

“Oi, you can’t do that. We need to let them all go already.” He growled, unhappy by my backtracking.

My hands trembled where I stood.

That was when Thanatos stepped in. “Gordius, be quiet! You aren’t disappearing!”

A soft sigh left my lips.

“I want more time…” I trailed off, holding the orb in my hands.

Sadly, there was not any more time to take.

“You’ve had centuries.” The hound continued.

It caused me to snap, “I don’t care! I want more!”

Letting go of the orb, I placed my hands on my face. This was selfish of me. Soon… I would not even remember his name. I had to let go.

“Vivi…” Zephyrus called to me.

Compartmentalize… everything for one last time.

“Fuck, let’s do this.” I sighed, standing up.

“It’ll be okay.” Thanatos tried to comfort me.

I shook my head. “No, it won’t be. But we’ll survive, like always.”

A soft hum left his lips, turning to face all the Celestials in this realm. All of them had worked hard for this day, and of course, we had our hurdles. We even fought among ourselves, but that’s what democracy was.

And with it, this new realm was about to be born. One where the possibilities were infinite.

“Well, it’s do or die. Are you sure you want to do this?” Kayne asked, stepping closer to me.

“I guess it’s time for my goodbye. Send me in there.” I announced, facing Thanatos, ignoring the fox’s question.

It would have been too cruel to leave the new mortals in their new world without explaining what happened to them. Once inside the orb, I trapped everyone in. I faced all the waking souls.

“Hey there, I bet you have a lot of questions.” I clasped my hands together.

It was like a one-on-one meeting with each soul. Yet I saw them all at the same time. Some were easy, yet others… The ones I knew were the only ones in view. And those were difficult to deal with in my heart. Though I knew all of them could hear me.

“You’re all about to be transported into a new world. Created by none other than myself.” I continued, trying to not focus on the elephant in the room.

He was the one I saw clearest. And was obviously bewildered by everything. To him, we had just been together in his dreams. Well… our reality. I had Kayne connect with all of us when I fell asleep.

In those dreams, we had been victorious against Yama, and the world was safe. Half of the truth.

“Vivian… what are you talking about?” Loki asked, triggering him to be the only one I saw.

Though Rem, Alijah, Thea, Leo, Alistair, Gerta, Asher, Lilith, Fenris, and Oswald soon appeared too. The whole family in one. Some of their faces were blurry, even when I had just seen them in the dreams.

I had excluded the little girl; she did not need to hear this. No children did. My memory loss seemed to be worsened by being here. Perhaps it was because of the stress I felt. Well, it would not be like the rest of them would feel peachy after what I said.

“Everything you’ve been living until now was a lie. A wonderful dream that will end today. Your real-world is long gone. I had to make another one. One that isn’t connected to the living gods.” I ignored my vampire.

Rem tilted her head, stepping closer to me.

“Why don’t I like the sound of that?” she mumbled, next to Alijah.

All of them, if not most of the mortals, felt similar sentiments. Natural considering the circumstances.

“Well, this world won’t be the same as the one you were in. It’s a clean start. All the technology you built is gone. But those who created it are still alive. I doubt it’ll take you long to accomplish the same feats you had before.”

I stopped for a moment to gaze down at a piece of paper I had.

Ah… right…

“You’ll be happy to know Caden and Aiden are fine. Though it should be obvious, they should be standing next to you. Well, everyone you care about should be by your side. Thanatos made sure of it. Right? I’m sorry my memory isn’t as good as it used to be.” I sighed, turning away from Loki.

“Vivian, you aren’t making any sense. Slow down,” Oswald tried to come to me only to see he was not moving anywhere.

Any amount of touch would cause me to crumble.

“I can’t slow down. I’m currently speaking to trillions of souls. Yet I can only see those who I once knew.” I declared, refusing to look towards them.

“Once knew?!” Loki huffed.

“Yes… It’s been thousands of years since I placed you to sleep and froze my body. What you see now isn’t even the real me anymore. Probably…” I answered, taking a deep breath.

“Vivi…” my beloved called to me.

“Alistair, Loki, Oswald, Rem, Alijah, and Thea. I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through. In this world, you won’t have the same injuries you last remember. I can even bring back your missing limbs from before you got here.” I announced, clasping onto my heart.

“I thought of giving everything back, but then I realized that makes them who they are. They’re perfect the way they are. Even if they’re different from everyone else. But the injures the gods gave you will be healed.” I smiled, trying to keep myself in place.

It was so hard to not run into his arms.

“We have no place in mortal dealing anymore. At this point, you can consider us all dead.” I huffed, knowing there would be some willing to devote themselves to us.

But it would be like praying to deaf ears.

“Vivian, listen to me.” Loki tried to get me to slow down, but I could not afford to.

“No, you listen. This is your last chance at life. If you all break this world, that’s it. There aren’t any do-overs. So, you better treat it like it’s your baby or my Celestials will hunt you. Literally.” I warned, pulling the new realm’s orb towards me.

“Celestials?” Rem mumbled, confused by who they were.

“They’re the new defenders of this world. We who created it will live in it too. But they’re going to be mortal like everyone else. And will receive their power from the same source.” I informed, closing my eyes.

“From the world?” Oz asked.

I nodded, “Yes, Oswald. From the world.”

“Vivian…” Loki called for me again, but I could not stop for him.

“In this world, everything will be different. All magic will all be one. Vampires, Lycans, humans, elves, and even hybrids will have their uniqueness. And they will be able to breed with one another. Creating even better versions of themselves.” I smiled.

With this, everything will be better.

Or so I could hope. In reality, it could bring chaos more than order. Especially how the hybrids felt about everyone else. But it was not like they would overpower everything now. As I said, they would be the best of both worlds.

A jack of all trades but master of none.

“Love will no longer be bound by this ridiculous purity. No, that’ll only fuck up the natural order. So, don’t fuck it up. Hybrids and purebreds will be the same in the power scale. Heck, hybrids may be even better than the purebreds. A combination from both worlds.” I declared, gazing at Rem.

With this, the power scale would be balanced towards both sides. Even Lycan’s had lost their magic resistance, but they had gained their moon magic. It was more like what Fenris had than what Alijah could do.

And Rem’s spirit magic would be passed down to her children and so on. The endless possibilities in this new world were out of this world.

“This means, if you are an elf, your magic won’t disappear if you decide to marry a lowly human. Or if you decide to fall in love with a vampire. You’ll be able to procreate and create new things never seen.” I simpered, feeling pleased with at least this part.

It would free everyone.

“Vivian, why are you…” Loki trailed off, grabbing onto his chest.

It seemed like his link ached. I could not help but smile at him.

“You’ll be free in this new world, my love. You’ll be able to love whoever you want and be with whoever you want.” I simpered, glancing over to Alistair, who stood here with us.

“That also applies to you… Ali. Be the king I know you to be. Don’t let your little brother boss you around. Not when you have your wings to fly on, too.” I announced, waving my hand.

In an instance, Alistair’s deep black wings spread wide. My blessing was for all to enjoy. Before he could speak, though, I continued.

“Everything that was taken was given back. Now… all that’s left is for you to go to the new realm. And make it yours. Don’t repeat the same mistakes, though I know some of you idiots will.” I sighed, knowing history always repeated itself.

Yet I could hope I gave them enough freedom for the majority to choose not to.

“Also… I’m no hero. The world you will go to is not the one you once knew. It’s different, and I am sure many of you will perish in the transitional phase. But at least I was kind enough to give you a shot to live.” I smirked.

A second later, I wiped my hand, sending most of the souls into their new realm. All these mortals would only remember me as the god who destroyed everything. And that was fine with me.

Well, most of them. Loki’s strong desire to stay with me kept him here with me. Though he was not alone. Rem and Alijah were also here. But that was because I wanted them here.

“Oi! Vivian! Why are you speaking like this is the last time we will ever meet?” my vampire snapped, feeling the same fear I was trying to hide.

I never removed his powers because they added to his uniqueness. In fact, I added magic to the humans, too. After all, I never understood why elves could use elemental magic while humans were left forgotten. The only thing I removed was the restrictions.

A soft sigh left my lips. “Because it is.”

I turned around to face the image of a sunset. Of course, it was fake, but it was still beautiful.

Thanatos, it’s time. Start erasing me from their memories. Well… all but those two.

Understood, milady. His voice echoed within me.

A soft shine left my vampire’s body when I slightly turned to him.

“Vivi… those days were dreams, weren’t they?” Loki started, seemly confused about what was happening.

“Yes, they were fun.” I simpered, feeling tears sting my eyes.

“Why can’t I remember them? They were so clear a few seconds ago.” He mumbled, gazing at me.

For a moment, it seemed like he was in pain, wincing because of it.

“What are you doing?” he questioned, grabbing onto his head.

Warping towards him, I grabbed onto his cheeks before tugging his forehead against my lips.

This scent… this warmth….

“It’s time for you to live your life, Elias.” I simpered.

In response, he grabbed onto my arms.

“Stop! Wait! Why can’t I remember how we met? You're important to me… Why?!” he winced again, letting me go.

All Rem and Alijah could do was watch in horror as their son forgot everything that had to do with me. Taking a few steps away from me, Loki stumbled, shaking his head. The moment he gazed at me; I was but a stranger.

“Who are you?” he asked, tilting his head.

Tears stung my eyes, trying to fight them off, to no avail.

“Loki…” Rem and Alijah mumbled, helplessly gazing at what was happening.

“I’m nobody you know. Go now.” I simpered, tears rolling down my eyes.

A second later, he was gone.

“Vivian, what did you do?” Rem asked, taking a few steps towards me.

“I fucked up. I wanted this to be a clean break, but it won’t be.” Sobs left me.

I thought I would be stronger than this, but my heart was shattering.

“What do you mean, break? He loves you. Don’t do this. Reverse this.” She tried to convince me.

I shook my head, turning to her. “Tell me… why should he remember me when I won’t remember him? All I am doing is saving him the pain from losing me. This was the only thing I could think of!”

Rem gazed at me as her eyes glossed. “Vivian… you…”

I nodded, trying to shake off the tears. “After the realm is set, all my power will become the source of life for everything in there. I’ll finally be a mortal, too. But… my soul broke. It’ll heal, but this me will cease to exist. Or I risk becoming like that other god.”

Rem stood there quietly, listening to me. Slowly, I turned to her again.

“Look, I’m pregnant. I froze it while I built the new realm, but…” I trailed off, grabbing onto my abdomen.

I knew I should have ended it, but I did not find the power to do so. This disease was precious to me. The only proof I once existed.

“When the world resets… the pregnancy will run its course.” Alijah assessed.

I nodded, grabbing into my arms. “Yes, I salvaged my body for this fragmented soul of mine. I won’t be who I am today in this new world. Even if my body is the same as it was. Well, for the most parts.”

“So, you erased everyone’s memories?” Rem questioned.

It hit me like a truck. I sat on a rock that was in the scenery.

“All but yours and the celestials. Shadow, Gordius, and Zephyrus are dying to meet with their summoners again. They’ll remember me along with you two.” I informed.

“Why not him too? He should know!” she argued, kneeling in front of me.

I tugged away from her, glaring at her. There was no way she would understand.

“No! He’ll cling to me! Do you want him to waste his life chasing a ghost!” I snapped.

“Vivian…” Rem sighed.

It seemed she knew where I was coming from.

“Look, I want him to love! I want him to smile in this new world. But you're right… this child will want to know his or her father one day. So, that’s when you two will take them to him. Tell them their mother is a one-night stand or something. You’ll figure it out. I know you will.” I huffed, standing up from where I was.

This was no time to stop. I could barely remember them anymore. Even the crystals that were around my waist seemed foreign.

“Your cruel, Vivian.” She growled.

A sharp smirk rose on my lips, turning back to her. “So what? Let me be.”

It was not like I would be here for much longer.

“Will you, my greatest enemy, help me or not?” I asked plainly, placing my hands on my hips.

A soft chuckle left her lips. “Yes… I won’t turn my back on the child or you. I promise.”

“Good… because I’m having a hard time recalling why we fought. Probably something stupid, right?” I crackled too.

Though, I was fully serious. It was hard to recall her name, too. But I knew she was important.

“Yes… very stupid. I’m sorry for being a stubborn one.” She smiled.

The wolf next to her took a few steps too. “Vivian, I’ll also protect your child. I swear it.”

“Oh, then I can rest easy. With grandparents like you. I think everything will be fine.” I deflected the fact that their names were slipping from me.

I have no time to waste.

“I’m sorry for dropping this on you. But Gordius will guide you to me when I finally awake. Have a good life. And oh, and don’t tell him about me. It’ll only fuck things up.” I added, closing my eyes.

“Heh, I won’t. But—" she started, only to be whisked away into her new realm.

Silence fell as the last soul stood in front of me. The one I could not allow to go into this world without creating utter chaos.

“Now… what am I going to do with you, Lilith?” I hummed, trying to not feel the emotions of despair that rushed within.

This entire time, she had been sleeping here peacefully. If she were awake, she probably fight me about what I was about to do. But I could not let her go into the world the way she was. Not in a world where everyone would leave her alone.

No, I had other plans for this broken soul.

“You’ll be my faithful familiar. A celestial who watches over me and my descendants. That way, you’ll never be alone. You're stuck with me, wicked one. I hope this new life treats us both well.” I smiled, converting the elf into a new being.

One that would be dedicated to me and my child. By the time I was done, all that was left was a colorful egg in my hands.

“Ah… your name will be…” I trailed off, slipping into the darkness of no return.

Hey… is this what you wanted? Is it enough?

The picture of a blurry black-haired woman came into mind. Yet her name would not come.

Did you know? I was loved. Your wish came through in the end. Even though I can’t remember your name or face anymore. I knew… you were important in this. Thank you for giving me life.

Hey… Will these mortals live? Well, if they end. It's because they choose it. Hopefully, it’ll be in centuries from now.

I never wanted to be a hero in their eyes. No, in fact… I was the worst villain ever to live. After Tall, I created a world of my liking. Even if the other gods helped me, my vision was there. They did as I wished.

I would be known as the mad goddess who broke the world and renewed it. A fitting title for someone like me. I had faith in these mortals' survival too. After all, we survived through so much.

Even when the gate of shadows opened, they never lost hope. Heck even the eternal souls long thought lost, got to meet one another. And we even survived the fractures of eternity.

They’ll be fine… I am sure of it.

Though, deep in my heart, I could not help but ache. I wanted to live, but for those, I loved to survive. I needed to disappear, forever.