Day One: Training Day
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Day One: Training Day



Cali woke up to blaring sirens and red lights. Cali accepted the 17A as her home but one thing didn't sit right with her, where are they. 

Boss on the speakers: "Wake up maggot, training day is today! Get your sorry ass up and head to the training facilities asap!"

A black attire sat on her dresser as she raced around the room getting dressed. A black turtle neck was added by black boots and black tactical pants, the headgear everyone was using was beside the clothes. A sticky note was on it, Cali picked it up, "the visor is for protection from bullets and to hide your identity." The helmet was like the helmets on the tv commercials but in black and a visor that goes over the helmet. It was a black ballistic military-issued helmet. After struggling to get in her clothes and burst out of her room, she sprinted to the training facility. Everyone was doing their own thing, there were four groups, one at the firing range, the other doing push-ups and sit-ups, the third running around the track, and the final group going against each other in hand-to-hand combat. The facility is expansive, holding other activities for later, one area that intrigued Cali is the big house with barricades on the windows. The Boss stands in the middle barking orders at everyone, Cali makes it to her, bending over trying to catch her breath.

Boss: "James, twenty more push-ups let's go! Hannah, you better not stop doing sit-ups, I didn't tell you to stop!"

Boss turns her head down towards Cali: "So you finally join us, how was your nap."

Cali breathing hard: "I-I wouldn't-know how long I slept- because this god-forsaken place has no windows!"

Boss: "And you are lucky there is none, or else the things you see outside would leave your stomach turning for weeks. Just be happy our base is high tech or else you will be feeling the effects of the outside."

Her cryptic message only gave more questions than answers for Cali. 

Boss: "Alright, where should you start, how about a few laps around the track to get the blood going."

Cali walked over to the track, catching a few glances as she readies herself on the track. She stretches her legs, Boss holds a gun in the air firing it before she is even ready. Cali runs at the start until finding a pace she is comfortable with, she makes it under three minutes. Going for her second lap, passing up two others whose jogging speed looked like a walk compared to Cali's jog. She has four laps under her belt when Boss calls her over.

Boss: "Ok ya, you can run, but can you lift."

Boss walks over to the bench press where one man matches the physique of the man who was at the theater. He just stopped benching three hundred pounds with ease just to talk to the Boss.

Ripped man: "Hey Boss, I see you brought in the newbie."

Cali jumps the gun: "You are one of the people who kidnapped me!"

Boss: "Watch it imp, you can talk out of turn when you make it through the trials."

Boss turns back to the man: "Yeah, I wanted to see if she can handle it but the real reason is I haven't got my training in. Can you be a pal and spot her while I do my own thing."

Ripped man: "Sure thing Boss."

He directs Cali to a free spot while Boss benches one hundred and fifty pounds with almost little struggle.

Ripped man: "My name is Salem by the way."

Salem puts twenty pounds on both sides, his crew cut went well with his beard, she could tell he was in the military at some point in his life. The haircut and muscles made it as obvious as the marine tattoo on his neck. Before she went under, Cali asked the questions.

Cali: "SO, did you, umm."

Salem: "Yes, I was in the military, and it was the marines. Can you focus now or do you have any other questions?"

She zipped her lips and laid down on her back, preparing herself for the incoming weight. 

Salem: "Good, now get ready."

Cali lifted the bar carrying the weights on each side, slowly letting it go to her chest. She pushed it up, struggling with every push.

Salem: "That is four, can you get to five."

Cali, squeezing out her words: "Shu-t, shut up!"

With one last push, she lists it high enough to count it, Salem grabs it with one arm and places it on the rack.

Salem: "Nice try, keep working, you will get it."

Cali was drenched in sweat: "Shut up, you- muscle head."

Salem grinning: "Ha, ready for more."

Cali: "Yeah-bring it on."

Boss: "That is enough, I know where you stand. Let's move on."

Cail: "Before I go, what is that you do." 

Salem: "I am a weapons specialist and heavy weapons guy."

Cali: "Of course you are, catch you later."

Salem: "See ya."

Boss: "You seem to be fitting in well."

Cali: "It is only my first day and I don't even know anyone here."

Boss: "Yeah but you have a charm that even makes the most hardasses like you."

Cali: "Does that mean you like me."

Boss: "Shut up."

Cali: "Okay."

Boss smirks but hid it by jogging past her, they eventually make it to the group doing sit-ups and push-ups. Everyone working hard, so hard that one is not getting up, Ashly nudges Ash who is laying on the floor. A woman who is clearly active, her chestnut hair is tied back with a heart monitor attached to her arm. She wasn't dressed in the usual attire, wearing yoga pants and a tank top.

Active lady jogs up to Boss: "Heya Boss lady, ready for a workout."

Boss: "Drop down and give me fifty for calling me, lady."

Fit lady: "Gladly."

She drops down doing push-ups: "Hi newbie, my name is-J-a-n-e."

The struggling came from Boss applying pressure on Jane's back with her boot. She sees that it is not enough to make her struggle so The Boss sat on her while she did push-ups, Jane collapsed soon after.

Boss: "Go do forty push-ups then rotate to forty sit-ups. I DIDN'T TELL YOU TO STOP!"

Jane: "Sorry BOss."

Cali dropped down readily herself for push-ups. In her past life, she didn't really work on her arms as much as her legs, after struggling on the twentieth one she gave up. 

Boss: "Is that it maggot! come on ten more at least. Oh, and Jane, you can stop."

Jane lets herself go, getting squished by Boss in the process as she tumbles to the cold hard floor. Her arms twitched uncontrollably, exhausted Jane only mumble out a few words before shutting down.

Jane: "Thank yo-you."

Boss stands up not satisfied with Cali's results: "Fine, followed me, Cali, we are moving to the final trial."

Boss walks without Cali, Cali uses all her might to pick herself off the ground and goes at a slow pace catching her breath in the process, holding her hands behind her head. Everyone gathers around forming a circle with Boss standing in the middle.

Boss: "Welcome to the close combat trial!"

It was loud and noisy, everyone pumped each other up. 

Boss: "Mother is our CQC instructor and in second place on the leaderboards."

Boss points up, a virtual board with all the numbers are on top, number three is on the number one spot. Number seven is on the second spot followed by four and a tie between eight and nine. 

Cali: "Who is number three."

Boss gets a big head: "Me of course, no one can beat me, not even Mother."

Cali: "Even Salem can't beat you?"

Boss: "Nope, not even muscle head. Seven and twelve!"

Mother stands on the opposing side of a slim greyed middle fade haired guy. His eyes are thin almond-shaped eyes, the color was hazel mixed with a brown.

Boss: "Watch this."

Mother pops her neck while number twelve stays on high alert.

Mother in a carefree attitude: "Ready honey."

He nods putting up his hands to catch any blows, Mother walks towards him with her hands behind her back. He rushes her throwing a punch that blows past her, she dodges to the left still holding her hands behind her. He took another swing missing the tall lady as she backpedals, he keeps swinging and keeps missing until Mother knees him in the gut. He instinctively curls up, holding his stomach as he falls to the ground. Mother lends a hand to help him up, Anthony gives him a hand too, walking back to the circle.

Boss: "Man! Mother is on a roll today! Next is up is 17 and, '3'."

She said number three in a sinister voice as she hops around warming herself up, the circle goes quiet as Boss calls her own number out.

Cali immediately interjected: "What! I can't fight you, you will crush me."

Boss: "Have you ever heard of newbie crushing, well this is it. Come on rookie let's dance."

Boss steps into the circle and a cheer started up once again, Cali had the shakes as her legs wobbled from one step. She finally got to the middle, Boss stared her down with her serious eyes as she took a step, inching closer. Cali put her hands up not that it mattered because her arms felt like noodles, Cali took a step as well. Boss did a front kick (spartan kick) knicking Cali in the arm as she tried her best to weave out of the way. Cali tried jabbing at Boss which was deflected, again and again, Boss caught Cali's overhand and pulled her into a sleeper chokehold.

Boss: "What are you going to do, come on get out of it."

Cali couldn't even turn her head against Boss's muscly forearm squeezing the life out of her. With one last attempt, she elbows Boss repeatedly, Boss doesn't flinch. Cali bites her arm, which was a horrible idea as she just squeezes harder. Her last bright idea took all her might as she put her head forward then forcefully back busting the Boss in the face. The boss lets go, Cali drops to the floor, unable to pick herself up again. Cali was aching all over along with a pounding headache. Cali felt a sense of reservation as she lay on the floor, the cheering was muddled out as it felt silent and dark. Cali woke up in a cold sweat, she was in her room too sore to even sit up straight. Unaware of the time or what day it is, she pushed through the aching until she reached the door. Slowly twisting it open and peeking her head out into the hall, it was quiet as a mouse, not a single peep. The lights in the hallway were dimed like a theater room during a movie. She used the wall to keep herself up, slowly making it past the sleeping quarters, she took a left out into the grand hall. Three figures stood by a wall, it opened up letting the three walk into the hidden doorway. Cali followed but it was too late, the door closed behind them. She ran her hand along the wall hoping she would come across a button. Above her, the wall uncloaked, revealing glass, Cali stayed pinned to the wall. Cali could hear a muffled voice, only making out a few words.

Muffled voice: "New...... could blow up....... on the same scale to a nuke."

The floor began to flip, a black helicopter with a sleek design was on the other side. Other panels began switching revealing more vehicles. Suddenly the ceiling was glass, it was the night sky with no clouds, seeing the sky again calmed Cali a little bit. Cali stayed connected to the wall trying to get to her room, she was able to make it but the door opened again, the three figures walked out. Cali squinted trying to make out the characters, it was Salem, Mother, and The Boss. Cali raced back before she could get caught, the soreness wasn't even a problem anymore. She made it to the room with little to no noise, she got into her bed pulling her blanket over her shoulder as she lay on her side with her back facing the door thinking. 

Cali: "So I can see the sky but that is about it of the outside world, maybe I can ask Mother. I wonder what those three have planned for us. I know they kill people and do it with skill but, but am I truly ready to take someone's life."




The next day



Cali is soundly asleep, a small bell rang followed by a female automated voice.

Voice: "Lunch is ready."

Cali, sleepy-eyed rolls out of her bed with a thump onto the carpet. Crawling to the dresser, she opens a drawer and yacks anything out. Cali got lucky pulling out everything she needed, a bad thing, they don't match one bit. A grey tank top with a bright polka-dotted bra followed by ripped blue jeans and mix and match socks. Her underwear was a dark green, Cali did not care one bit as her mind was focused on the pain muddling every other sense she had. She eventually got out of her room to be met by Hannah. 

Hannah: "Hey."

As she walked by. Cali on the other hand couldn't even make out a 'hi' before she turned the corner. She looked like a hollow shell of her former self. Cali continued her journey to the cafeteria making it to the left side with the support of the wall, a guy caught her eye; it was the same guy who got kneed by Mother. He saw her struggling and made his way down to her. As her legs started to give out, he made it to her just in time to catch her.

Guy: "Hey do you need help."

Cali desperate: "Please!"

He puts her arm over his shoulders and picks up her legs, giving her a piggyback ride.

Cali caught off guard: "Oh umm, I meant like an arm around the shoulder while walking."

Guy: "I can put you down if you want."

Cali: "Actually, no this is fine."

Guy: "heh, my name is Jack by the way."

Cali: "Cali."

Jack: "I think everyone knew your name by then."

Cali: "Why is that."

Jack: "Oh right, you were passed out, the Boss was the one that put you in your bed. She did that with no one, only you, maybe because you were the first to land a really hard hit that wobbled her. But I don't know, The Boss is a mysterious person."

Cali slowly gathers all that info in her head for processing, Jack lets her down on a seat.

Jack: "Do you want anything?"

Cali: "A sandwich please." 

Jack: "Sure thing, just don't get up."

She gave a genuine smile as he walked off, it was pretty chilly in the cafeteria giving Cali shivers. She looked around holding herself only spotting three people in the cafeteria, a man sat slowly eating his meal. His posture was huddled over his food but he looked cold to the rest of the others. He caught Cali staring as she quickly turned away to look at something else. The light brown high fade haircut stood up and came slowly strolling to Cali, freaking her out.

Cali quiet: "Oh crap, oh crap oh crap oh crap."

His cold expressions gave Cali a small panic attack.

Cali: He is totally going to kill me, oh god are there even rules on killing your allies."

His prominent cheekbones gave off that badass you see riding a motorcycle living a free life of fun and adventure, it made it even more true with his Hollywoodian beard. She hides her face hoping he ignores her to no avail, he plops down across from her staring at her with his icy blue eyes.

Motorcycle man: "Hey."

In Cali's mind: "Oh god even his voice matches the look!"

Cali: "Hi."

Biker man: "So you were the one to land a brutal hit on the Boss."

Cali: "What me! Nooo, that was a lucky shot."

Badass man: "Cali right?"

Cali: "Yup, that's me."

Ladykiller: "Rex."

Cali: "?"

Rex: "That's my name."

Cali: "Ohhhhhhh, That is a cool name."

Before she dug herself any deeper, Jack came to her recuse, he was holding two trays, one had two sandwiches and a soda. The other was a lovely steak cooked to perfection by Mother herself.

Jack: "She made it special for me, Thank you Mother!"

She waved from the cafeteria counter while serving Veronica, Jack turns back to the two.

Jack: "Rex."

Rex: "Jack."

Cali: "So what do you guys specialize in."

Jack: "Scouting and infiltrating."

Rex: "Driving, piloting, and planning. I am the driver of all the vehicles and make the groups based on their strengths."

Cali: "Where would you put me on a frontal assault."

Rex without a thought: "Backup or with Anthony as an assistant."

Cali: "Well what about infiltrating."

Rex: "The distraction or the person that makes themself look dumb to get the attention of the guards."

Cali: "Wow really. That is all. So basically the Buffon."

Rex: "More or less."

They ate quietly til Cali had another question pop in her bright head of hers.

Cali: "So where did Mother learn CQC from, was it from The Boss."

Jack: "No one has a clue where she learned it from but she doesn't like to talk about it."

Rex: "She usually redirects the question with another question about you."

Cali: "How do you judge the leader boards."

Rex: "You have to beat the person that is one rank above you to go up a rank."

Cali: "What rank are you guys."

Jack: "My rank is twelve and my number is also twelve."

Rex: "Rank is five, number is five."

Cali: "Why so low?"

Rex: "Okay number seventeen, it is because everyone has their own little quirk when fighting but I still managed to beat others too."

Cali: "What about the twins."

Rex gets up with his tray still filled with food: "It was nice talking to you."

He walks to the trash cans while Jack and Cali sit in silence. She takes a small bite from her sandwich as they stay silent, Jack is the first to break.

Jack: "How are you fitting in."

Cali: "I love it here and most people are nice, I just need adjusting to. But the weird thing is, it is hard to imagine people who kill can be family."

Jack: "I don't know how to explain it but it feels real, The Boss is a mentor to all and recruited every single one of us. She hand-picked us out of the whole world. I was sixteen at the time she picked me, and she scared the living shit out of me when I first saw her but that hard love makes us all love her more."

Cali: "I guess family is family, it doesn't matter blood or not. But something has been bothering me."

Jack: "I had a lot of questions too when I first started, what is it."

Cali: "If Boss is number three, who is number one and two. Doesn't this place go by the number you got here?"

Jack: "Yeah it does, that question still remains unanswered. No one knows who trained The Boss and are too afraid to ask or just don't care enough."

Cali: "Do you think anyone knows who are the two who made the organization."

Jack: " It is either Salem or Rex, and maybe Mother, Salem is number four which is basically The Boss's right-hand man. Rex is an oddball, he plans the way we go into missions but doesn't pick them. The Boss does, but Mother is a special case."

Cali: "Why."

Mother: "Mother is number seven, meaning three others came here before her but they don't compare to the bond The Boss and Mother have."

Cali: "I may have to look into this."

Jack: "Be careful not to get caught, I don't want to know what would happen to you."

The two eventually finish, Jack leaves to the armory while Cali just goes back to bed.