Chapter-13 1/2 Troubling times
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Space... outside the Asura Alliance Space Station A.A.S.S.-3

outside the A.A.S.S.-3 two astronauts from the Asura Alliance were calibrating the space station's satellite dish.

Asura Astronaut-1 ugh!, why do I have to fix this!.

Asura Astronaut-2 you know why. just do what your told! and plus! we get paid for this anyway!.

Asura Astronaut-1 yeah right... you get to supervise me, while I do the dirty work.

Asura Astronaut-2 yeah, somebody has to watch your back, who knows? maybe you might screw up again?.

Asura Astronaut-1 ugh!!!. just shut up will you!?.

Asura Astronaut-2 yeah right!, you cry baby...

for a while of literally just silence, the shadow of a large object caught their attention, they slowly turned around to see another space station, but it was far larger than theirs... they took a closer look just to see that it was a military satellite, armed to the teeth with cannons and missiles.

a large camera on top of the station turned around to look at the nearby space station, its lenses glowed bright red as soon as it saw military officers with guns onboard the station on one of the windows.

Anikdote - Turn It Up 【1 HOUR】

M.O.B. A.I. threat detected!!!, multiple armed hostiles spotted... commencing termination!.

the large 2 story tall cannons and missile turrets turned towards the A.A.S.S.-3, then fired upon locking on target... hundreds of missiles and bullets were soon moving in an intercept course with the A.A.S.S.-3.

Asura Astronaut-1 hey!? what the hell is that!!!.

Asura Astronaut-2 I don't know!?, lets get the hell outa here!!!.

in a very slow pace they floated for their lives barely avoiding the missiles and large bullets passing them.

large shockwaves were soon felt and the astronauts were no more... the M.O.B. soon scanned the wreckage for any survivors but none were found, soon many metal drones came out of the orbital battle station and took every metal they could find and brought it back.

M.O.B. A.I. no life forms detected, threat eliminated... commencing recon patrol.

the orbital battle station soon floated back to its original course around Histeria, orbiting the planet until further orders.

the shockwave sent many debris of the station back to the ground... large chunks of metal were falling from space at a fast pace, they were soon engulfed in flames as soon as they entered the mesosphere, they burned so bright that they were seen by everyone who were still awake, once they entered the stratosphere they casted a bright light upon the ground and then upon impact created a large shockwave that reached the City of Prosperity in the Valtheran Nation and reached other nations as well.

the impact of the debris were so strong that it created a large crater and burned any trees surrounding it... every able fire department soon took care of the problem but the damage was already done, the farms next to the mountains were but burned, villages that were next to the wild fire were also burned down, only humans survived... the animals, all of them that were near the wall of fire died.

the debris landed next to the Leora Nation the so called Nation of blue, but it landed inside U.F. Territory.

back at the city hall at the party where the Supreme Leader and the rest of the characters were gathered.

Commander-Kesher (Mobile Orbital Battle Station, what a strange name... it does not make sense?) wait?... if it is an orbital battle station, could it be?... Supreme Leader, is the M.O.B. from space right?.

confused by the commander's sudden question he decided to give it some thought.

Supreme Leader-Noel hmm yes, it is from space I do not get your point commander.

Commander-Kesher then is it possible that, is it really capable of flight?, how is supposed to be a battle station?.

Supreme Leader-Noel it has two forms...

Commander-Kesher two forms?.

Supreme Leader-Noel first... was the orbital station form, it is capable of providing strategic supply drops and bombardments as well as tactical information about the enemies on the ground, air, and sea... 

Supreme Leader-Noel second... is that it can turn into a mobile base it is capable of doing everything a base can provide and more... both forms can provide bombardment and resupply as well as construction of vehicles, ships, copters, and drones, the second form uses its surroundings as a means to create weapons and munitions for the army, as well was build the necessary vehicles for every operation.

Commander Kesher surprised by how the M.O.B. is capable of such feats his eyes widen in disbelief that a machine of such power was created by that hand of a person, if this was true... the Valtheran Nation would not need to use supply lines in a time of war, they could push deep in enemy lines without the need to wait for supplies, the war would have ended as easily as it began, it would only take 1 month for and entire nation such as the UF and Leora to be fully conquered.

all of the people present had the same thoughts as Commander Kesher, no one would survive a war against the Valthera Nation with a weapon of such power at its disposal, millions will die, with no way to know where you are or what is going on you are lost.

leaderless, no communications, no commanding officer, no intel, lost, confused, hopeless, without knowing where you are, where your enemies are, no where is safe...

strategic strikes will cripple the chain of command and chaos would rise... the remaining forces of any nation will be wiped out by ground forces, without the satellites that provide information, no one is safe, any radio would mean death to the entire army, it would be a black out of information.

with no one to lead the army... the remaining soldiers will surrender, the chance of victory was just 1 percent.

it would take a miracle to make the odds even, no army no matter how large could survive a well organized army, it was only a matter of time for those who posses such a weapon, time that the Supreme Leader has...

Commander-Kesher a weapon capable of such a feat!... incredible!!!, nothing can stop the Valtheran Nation now!!!.

everyone at the party heard what the commander said, other nations diplomats and representatives sweat at the thought of the "weapon capable of such a feat" is, others left in a hurry to bring the news back to their nations.

Supreme Leader-Noel not quite...

the commander was snapped out of his dreamland and back into reality.

Supreme Leader-Noel all the new weapons and designs that I am revealing to you are only the first models, and like I said it is cheap in comparison to the other models, and no matter how powerful they are... they are not, invincible.

like a child that was told what the world is really like, the commander started to get lost in thought, given the chance that the mood has calmed down, the queen of leora finally took the initiative to finally speak with the Supreme Leader.

Queen-Enera if I may speak, Supreme Leader.

Supreme Leader-Noel I have time, speak.

Queen-Enera I would like you to sign a peace treaty with us, and as well as to give us the blueprints for your M.O.B.

the rest were shocked that the queen of leora made such a bold request in front of the Supreme Leader, Commander Kesher gritted his teeth in anger against the queen but stayed silent like the rest.

Supreme Leader-Noel I will sign the peace treaty however, I will not give you the blueprints for the M.O.B. it is of value to me... if you ever think that I will bend to you think again, you and your nation will soon meet the same fate as the Terret Nation should you try this again.

Commander Kesher smiled instantly the moment the Supreme Leader said those very words, Queen Enera and Commander Dante however was about to faint at the thought at what he meant by "meet the same fate as the Terret Nation". 

Queen-Enera its a shame... but this will do, Baron Desmond, Duke Leonard... let us depart, my business is done here... I hope to meet you again Supreme Leader, in a less hostile tone.

as soon as the group from leora left, Commander Dante and his sister soon left the party as well, leaving the UF, Germa, groups still sitting.

Supreme Leader-Noel hmm... your all still here, well enjoy the party.

as soon as the Supreme Leader tried to leave, President Zander also took his chance to speak with the Supreme Leader.

President-Zander please wait sir.

Supreme Leader-Noel Hmm?, what is it?.

the Supreme Leader sat back on his seat.

President-Zander I would like our nations to trade.

Supreme Leader-Noel what could you possibly offer me that would be of use to me?.

hearing those words Commander Kesher wheezed at the foolish president, noticing Commander Kesher's wheeze he simply sat there, pondering at the words that the Supreme Leader said... until he thought of something that he could possibly interest him, on the northern part of the U.F. Territory the green forests and hills of Preala, the location where the debris hit, not knowing that a new race would emerge.

President-Zander perhaps you would be interested in new territory?.

Supreme Leader-Noel hmm. I am in need of a new place to make my projects... very well, you have deal...

President Zander became delighted to hear the Supreme Leaders words and soon told his assistant to make a contract... the Supreme soon signed it and gave it back to the president.

Supreme Leader-Noel I have other plans at the moment mister president... enjoy the party.

President-Zander I intend to do so sir...

Supreme Leader-Noel Commander Kesher... would you walk with me?.

the commander's face soon brightened in joy and immediately stood up from his chair and walked with the Supreme Leader, after reaching a certain balcony the Supreme Leader looked at the commander with his glowing red eyes.

Supreme Leader-Noel Commander... do you wish to become a leader of a group of my personal choosing?.

Commander-Kesher I would be an honor, sir.

Supreme Leader-Noel very well, I have a task for you... there is a problem that I need you to investigate at the Red Sea, find out what is causing it, if it is a monster capture it alive... make sure that no one notices this, failure will be a problem for me.

Commander-Kesher I will not fail you sir.

Supreme Leader-Noel hmm, here.

the he soon gave the commander a badge a skeletal dragon made of silver, with a silver skull below the dragon.

Commander-Kesher this is...

Supreme Leader-Noel a badge for you to wear, it is a sign that you a part of the group of elite commanders, serve me well.

Commander-Kesher what about your other subordinates?.

Supreme Leader-Noel they will also join you... as well as the ones you brought with you I will give them the same badge, however no one will be the leader, all of you must decide for yourselves.

Commander-Kesher right.

Supreme Leader-Noel go on I have a lot of work to do.

Commander Kesher took a bow and then left leaving the Supreme Leader looking at the stars.

Supreme Leader-Noel I hmm this is starting to get annoying, there nothing new happening. perhaps I need to be patient... 

he took a look at the bat and a dove that was approaching him, the two creatures landed on the floor behind him then transformed.

Vasseli is something bothering you oh great one?.

Supreme Leader-Noel hmm, its nothing.

Allura your aura seems to be darker than usual my lord.

Supreme Leader-Noel I'm just bored.

Vasseli do you crave destruction and death my lord?.

Allura "><" 

Supreme Leader-Noel not exactly...

Allura I think he just wants something interesting to happen.

Vasseli like?.

Allura I... do not know.

Supreme Leader-Noel perhaps I need to sleep is all.

Vasseli sleep?, I never knew that my master needed sleep.

Supreme Leader-Noel I don't, but this host does.

Vasseli host!?, you mean!? that is not your real body!?.


Vasseli as you say my lord!.

Supreme Leader-Noel get me a bed, before I turn you into one!.

in a panic Vasseli ran to find any bed he could he could find, while Allura only chuckled at the misfortune of her fellow servant.