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The bright light scattered in all directions. There was no way to tell where it’s starting point was, but it swooped down in the form of a vortex.

Not being able to avoid the pouring light, my body that was now wrapped in light, became weightless.

My body floated up lightly, but it felt like I was being lifted up by some heavy hand. I did not feel dizzy. Rather, it felt like I was floating on top of a cloud. But after a while, the light began to rage as my body became hot. It tightened around my body like a net. I couldn’t breathe. I was squirming around in the air, but because I was already bound by the light, the more I squirmed, the more I shrunk.

Suddenly, something rushed forth as if trying to cover my body.

It poured through from my head and spread throughout. A prickly shiver ran through as if every little corner of my body was being stabbed by a needle. And, as if I was struck by lightning, a numbing sensation ran through to the tips of my toes. It was difficult to understand what this was. What is it? Suddenly, as if being wrapped within a warm embrace, I fell unconscious. I fell unconscious for a very long time. But, even still, there was no ground below me, and I continued to fall within the darkness.