Chapter 4: The Girl of Ice
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Hello all! Before we get started, I should cover something really quickly. This chapter covers some topics about race and stereotypes. I hope I did the topics justice, but I'm certain I can improve. If you'd like to give any feedback, I would appreciate it. Also if you have recommendations for improving tags or content warnings, please let me know.

As always be sure to follow me and/or join my discord for updates.


EDIT 10/25/21: Corrected the formatting.

CW: This chapter contains topics of race, stereotypes, and a suggestion of possession of the main character. Reader discretion is advised.

The next morning came much like the last, Jackie giving a good stretch as he realized he had returned to his normal body. “Back to being a bland boy,” he shrugged.

“Good morning, Jackie,” Annie waved as she came out of her room, and entered the kitchen between it and the Living Room he was waking it. She wore a simple coralish pink dress. Nothing fancy, and she seemed comfortable in it. “I was about to make breakfast, do you like French toast?”

“Oh, heck yeah!” he rose excitedly rushing to the table.

“Now, now, calm down,” Annie chuckled. “Well, it looks like going to bed is at least a consistent way to change back,” she commented, glancing at him.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he shrugged. “Kinda weird. All the anime and stuff just had them just change back to normal after a fight or whatever.”

“Interesting, guess things aren’t that simple for us,” Annie quietly chuckled as she set the fluffy golden squares of syrupy bread in front of Jackie, forming a grin upon his lips. “Once we’re done, we should probably call Carmen about last night.”

“Yeah,” Jackie nodded before biting into his breakfast.

Jackie always enjoyed the sweet tastes of freshly cooked French toast. Whether it be the fried eggy goodness of the soft bread, the sweet toppings, or the syrup itself, he adored them all. The strips of bacon on the side was a nice bonus. The only problem was that in his greedy joys he tended to clean his plate all too quickly.

“You sure enjoyed that,” Annie chuckled again, Jackie nodding. “Alright, let’s go ahead and call Carmen then.”

“Hey Carmen,” Jackie greeted her, quietly wiping away some syrup.

“Hi,” she gave a brief yawn. “Why are you calling from Annie’s phone?”

“Mine died over the night,” he sighed.

“I see,” she said before yawning again.

“Oh, did we wake you up?”

“Nah, just a little tired because Dad lectured me last night,” she sighed.

“About staying with me?” Jackie said with a sad timber.

“No, no,” she yawned again. “Just lecturing to me about how dangerous it’s going to be now and reinforcing the rules.”

“Your parents really seem to care a lot,” Annie laughed.

“Sometimes too much,” she groaned. “So, what’s up?”

The two began to explain to her what had happened the previous night. How the four men tried attack Bianca, their subsequent fight, and meeting Bianca. Carmen was particularly interested in Jackie’s control over plants. “I wish I was there,” she huffed. “It would’ve been so cool to kick their furry butts!”

“You’re way to enthusiastic about this,” Annie sighed.

“So, you’re meeting this Ichika girl today, right?” Jackie could hear a grin appearing on her face.


“Take me with you please!” she said with the energy of a student jumping up in their seat to answer a question before pridefully answering it.

“Alright, we’ll take you,” Annie accepted.



“Oh, come on!”

“You have to be considerate. According to Bianca, Ichika is very sensitive. Do you understand?” Annie said with a stern voice.

“Of course, I’m not that harsh like Leah is!” Carmen huffed.


“My sister,” Jackie shrugged. “She can be a little abrasive,” he gave a complicated look. “Anyway, since we’re doing this, I think that Annie should take the lead, being the adult and all.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Carmen chirped.

“I’m fine with that,” Annie answered. “So, we’ll meet up at the school in the afternoon and figure out our plan there. Sound good?”

“Sure,” Jackie nodded.

“Sounds great!” Carmen cheered.

“See you there Carm.”

“You know it!” Carmen cheered. “Alright team let’s do our best! I’ll meet you there!” she declared before hanging up.

“Is she always like this?” Annie asked.

“Only when she’s super into it,” Jackie said with a mope. “Which is frequently.”

* * *

Annie pulled up to Salt Mountain High School, giving a sigh as she quietly cursed the reckless driving on the highway. It was better on the surface streets, but not by a whole lot.

“Freaking asshole!” she yelled. “Who the hell tries to merge through the freaking gore of all things!” she slammed the door

“What’s gotten into her?” Carmen asked, crossing her arms over her yellow tank top in befuddlement as they approached her.

“Oh, you know how bad drivers around here can be. We’re lucky it isn’t raining,” Jackie shrugged while pulling on his hoodie.

“Don’t even joke,” Annie held her head.

“By the way, you’re still wearing that? It’s not even cold out,” Carmen looked at Jackie’s hoodie precariously.

“What, you know I find them comfy.”

“Oh, Annie!” Bianca called, drawing their attention to the large archway leading into the courtyard, Bianca standing beside it. “I’m glad you could make it. Where’s your sister?” she asked, Jackie beginning to blush as Carmen snickered.

“Oh, uh, she couldn’t make it today. It’s complicated,” Annie fanned the air in front of herself to distract from her awkwardness.

“Yeah, I guess it was a little much to expect you both to be available, huh. And what about these two?” Bianca turned to Carmen and Jackie, oblivious to Jackie having already met her.

“We came to support Annie,” Carmen gave a warm nod. “Plus, we’re your underclassmen,” she said tugging at Jackie. “We’re both Freshman. Pretty cool, right?” Carmen winked

“Oh? You go here too?” she looked them over curiously. “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Bianca. Ichika and I are both seniors. Thanks for coming to help, I appreciate it.”

“So, Bianca, would you mind telling us the situation?” Annie requested.

“Oh, sure,” Bianca nodded. “There’s not too much more to say from yesterday. She’s still really down with everything that’s happened. She was kind of resistant to coming too. She’s currently waiting inside for us.”

“I see,” Annie nodded. “I’ve been meaning to ask, but where are her parents?”

“They got caught overseas when everything happened,” Bianca frowned. “We still haven’t gotten in touch with them.”

“I see,” Annie frowned. “That means…” she mumbled. “Bianca, I know this will sound weird, but would you mind staying out here for now?”

“Hm? Why?” she and the other two looked at her oddly.

“I’m concerned it may put her on edge. You said she seemed resistant, right? I’m worried she may feel blame you if things go poorly. If we mess things up, I don’t want that to hurt your friendship,” she explained.

“I suppose that makes some sense,” Bianca said uncertainly. “Alright then, if you think that’s for the best, then I’ll go with that for now.”

The three nodded to each other as they entered the courtyard. It was a rather pleasant campus, far better than the one Jackie almost went to which looked so bland that it could be mistaken for a prison. He briefly caught himself wondering who would construct such a banal campus. Just six grey blocks for buildings and an equally dull courtyard mostly covered in concrete. The only other notable building there was the comparatively much larger gym building, said a lot about the priorities of the school’s focus. At least Salt Mountain was much more colorful and open feeling.

Salt Mountain, despite its name was a rather comfortable campus, a big rectangular building with a smaller rectangle removed from the center for a comfortable courtyard. According to Bianca, that was where Ichika was waiting. They followed her instructions and entered through the small pathway that dumped into it from the Northern end of the building.

As they approached, they noticed a young woman quietly standing in the middle of the courtyard. They could only see her from behind, but she was her was already quite striking thanks to long white formal looking garb, a kimono perhaps. It certainly matched the kimonos he had seen in media. As if the kimono wasn’t bright enough, she also had long white hair, her hands breaking the flurry of white with a tint of blue.

Carmen stopped them. “Hey Annie, what if we transform here? That way she can see we’re like her right away,” she grinned.

“Hmm, that’s probably a good idea,” Annie nodded.

“Umm,” Jackie hummed.

“You can stay here if you’d like Jackie,” Annie nodded.

“Yeah, I think I’ll stick behind,” he nodded.

“Well, then,” Annie nodded as she opened her locket, once again being enveloped in red light, giving way to her radiant red and white dress.

“Right!” Carmen pumped her arms, and grabbed her locket, making an energetic pose.

“Here we go,” Jackie sighed.

“Transform!” she declared as she opened it. Her locket opened releasing bolts of yellow energy which arced around her. In the blinding light, her clothes seemed to vanish with a flash, immediately being covered by golden yellow fabric, forming a stylish looking tracksuit. White blocks of color traced her silhouette, erasing the color before the surging energy wrapped around her wrists, forming pair of golden armored gauntlets around her hands. Next the energy encircled her feet, changing her sneakers into metallic armored shoes that looked like they belonged on a mech, save the short but sharp heels on them.

The arcs of energy zapped around her chest, generating a hard shiny yellow metal chassis over her chest, with straps clinging to her shoulders to keep it up. Finally, the bolts surged to her ears, a round set of over the ear headphone like devices cupped her ears, with long yellow spikes bursting out the top and shorter white spikes erupting from the bottom, both pointing behind her head. Then the headphones seemed to extend to meet each other over the top of her head, a glittering shiny jewel forming with in a crown that protruded from her head. Giving a final touch, a visor of light appeared before her eyes as she opened her eyes, before making a bombastic pose.

“Heck yeah, that’s so cool!” she laughed giddily.

“The visor is new,” Jackie noted.

“Yeah, I guess so,” she giggled just in time for it to vanish. “Huh, wonder if it only pops up when I need it. Cool!”

Annie gave a humorous chuckle. “If you’re about done, we should go meet her now.”

“Right!” Carmen pumped her arms. “Catch you in a bit Jackie,” she waved.

“Got it,” Jackie nodded as they entered the courtyard.

“Heeeey!” Carmen called out to the girl with a bold wave.

The girl turned around, revealing her gentle light blue face and icy blue eyes. “Y-yes?”

“Ichika, right?” Annie waved. “I’m Annie, and this is...”

“Carmen!” she introduced herself with a laid back wave, her left hand cooly behind her head.

“Uh, hi,” she said softly, her eyes chilly blue eyes bouncing between them and the ground with a slight icy glimmer.

“Bianca wanted us to meet you. We’re uh, magical girls, like you,” Annie said, hesitating over the terminology.

“Magical girls?” Ichika tilted her head.

“Yeah,” Carmen nodded. “We use these cool magic lockets to magically transform into this form,” she grinned. “You have one too, right?”

“I, uh, yes. I opened it earlier,” she explained tugging at her fanciful dress. It was the color of fresh snow, crisp and white. As they suspected, it bore a similarity to a wintery kimono jacket, but upon a closer look it also had the loose flow of a sundress. It was elegant and beautiful, thick around her body, yet thin and translucent as it hung off of her, giving the impression of icicles dangling off her arms and around her legs, yet soft and fluid like lacy slush. A soft cyan sash wrapped around her waist, forming an elegant bow at her back. Finally, snowflake shaped hair pins, with small icy crystals dangling off them as they lay elegantly in her soft white hair, as her smooth cyan skin glistened like ice.

“It’s a really pretty outfit, I’m kinda jealous,” Carmen chuckled as she scratched her head. “It really makes you look really elegant, Ichika.”

“E-elegant?” she recoiled a bit.

“Huh?” Carmen blinked, panic filling her eyes as she noticed Ichika’s eyes shift. She knew those eyes all too well, they were the same kind her sister came home with after several break ups. Deep and vulnerable, afraid, and distrusting, even a bit of betrayal. “Did I say something wrong?” she whispered.

“Ichika,” Annie reached out. “Are you…”

“Stay back!” she backed away as she held herself. Suddenly a gust whipped behind her, an immediate and unfamiliar chill beginning to sink into the air and ground alike. “N-no, not this, not now!” she shook as the air increased in speed.

“S-so cold,” Carmen cringed.

“What is...” Jackie started as he braced himself against the wind only to find a brisk breeze graze his cheek. The wind was much gentler near him, petering out just past Annie and Carmen, only encompassing the center of the courtyard. And there was more. A white substance began to fill the air, the slightest bit blowing towards him. As he held it in his hand it began to fade and disappear. “Is this snow?” He had heard of it, but never seen it himself, not in this desert state. Honest to goodness snow, nothing like the hail his classmates would mistake for this fine poder. His mind clicked, remembering a show he once watched with Carmen. A yuki-onna, a snow maiden, and she was able to summon powerful chills, even summoning a blizzard.

“This is bad!” Annie shouted fruitlessly against the wind. “Carmen get behind me!”

“R-right,” Carmen answered as she fought back a shiver, her voice being enveloped by the whooshing winds around them. As Carmen braced herself behind Annie, Annie began to use her magic, summoning her heat to her hands, trying to form a barrier of heat with it. “I’ll support you!”

“What do you mean!?” Annie yelled

Without wasting a moment, Carmen grabbed Annie by the waist and leaned into her, her metal shoes seeming to bond with the ground, her short white heels protruding out to form a solid anchor. “I’ll hold you in place!”

“Got it! I’ll try to keep us steady.”

“No, this is all my fault,” Ichika collapsed to the ground. “I can’t even control it,” she sobbed. The wind whipped in response. The air seemed to freeze around her as she cried, her tears clattering on the ground like crystals. Annie struggled to maintain the heat struggled against the plummeting temperature, the blizzard sapping the heat in moments. Annie clenched her teeth as her ball of fire shrank until it vanished entirely. She couldn’t help but collapse, Carmen falling behind her. “No! Stop it,” she protested.

“Carmen, Annie!” Jackie screamed. “I have to help them! But how, even if I transform, what could I do?” he questioned.

‘You can do this,’ he heard a voice. No, that wasn’t quite right. It was more like a feeling in him. ‘I can help you. Just please believe,’ it was soft and kind, familiar even. The voice of a girl, begging to help. ‘Just transform, and I’ll do everything I can.’

“Please, help them,” he cried as he opened the locket. “Please...”

Pink energy flooded from the locket once again, his body becoming smaller and daintier once more as it was clad in the soft white dress and its pink frills once more. The magical girl stood again, opening bold blue eyes with a calm breath. “Don’t worry, I’ll save them,” the girlish voice said assuredly.

The pink magical girl calmly stepped into the storm, pushing on through the swift frigid winds, a quiet pink glow protecting them, until Ichika’s fragile sobbing form came into view. “Ichika!” the ice girl flinched. “I’m here to help you.”

“Wh-who are you!?” Ichika shouted.

“Please, give me your hand!” the voice called out. Ichika hesitated for a second as she saw a white gloved hand approach her, and with a quiet nod, she took it. The world around her seemed to bubble and blur, the storm around them fading into a distant background as the cute pink magical girl stood before her. “Thank goodness. Are you okay?”

“Y-yes. I’m fine,” Ichika nodded, “but what of you? Who are you?”

“Oh, right, you don’t know that. My name is Vivi,” she introduced herself as she reached out her hand.

“Vivi? What’s happening? What is all of this?” Ichika asked as she looked around, noticing a particular pink mist rise from the ground. “And how did you get through that… my blizzard?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but I think it’s my magic. I think it let me connect with your heart, and that led me to you through your strom.”

“My heart?”

“That’s right,” Vivi nodded.

“Okay,” Ichika returned Vivi’s nod with one of her own, but with far less confidence. “Why are you here?” she frowned.

“We came to help you silly,” Vivi giggled. “Bianca asked us to help you, since it seemed like you were really lonely with everything that’s been happening. Annie, Carmen, and I, all of us want to help you. We’re all magical girls after all. And if it’s okay, I’d like to be your friend too,” she smiled.

“M-my friend?” she repeated. “But my powers, they’re dangerous,” she hesitated. “I’m dangerous.”

“That’s all the more reason to help though, isn’t it?” Vivi countered with a smile. “I don’t think anyone should have to face this power alone. I mean, we’re all trying to understand what’s been happening right?”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I really like making friends, and I’d especially love to be friends with someone kind like you,” Vivi giggled.

“Hehe,” Ichika chuckled. “Teehee. Hahaha” she began to laugh. “You’re really silly Vivi. Acting so certain like this like it’s nothing,” she laughed as Vivi pouted. “Thank you,” she said as she took her in for a hug. As they hugged, the space seemed to return to the blizzard from before, but it was different now. The winds slowed, and the cold seeming to dissipate.

“Brrrr,” Carmen shook as the blizzard began to vanish. “W-what happened? I-is it over?”

“Y-yeah,” Annie nodded. “Seems like it,” she said as she generated a new fireball to help them thaw.

“Good idea,” Carmen nodded as she began to arc electricity between her hands to generate more heat.

“Are you two okay?” Ichika asked as she and Vivi approached.

“Yeah, just a little cold,” Annie chuckled. “What about you, are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks to her,” she looked at Vivi who gave an enthusiastic nod.

“I only did what I could,” Vivi giggled.

“I-I see,” Annie shivered. “That’s good. But…-“

“H-hey,” Carmen’s teeth clattered. “I’m glad everything worked out well, but c-can we all go ahead and sit down at the benches over there for now and talk while Annie and I warm up,” she said, pointing at a small collection of benches surrounding a nearby tree.

“So, what happened exactly?” Annie asked as they resumed, Carmen still shivering slightly. “We all seem mostly in control of our powers, but yours seemed to go berserk. Any idea why?”

“I have a few thoughts,” she frowned with a small sighed. “I’m not sure what Bianca told you, but basically I’ve been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately. It was already bad, but the past few days only seemed to make it worse.”

“Anxiety?” Annie repeated. “We’re here to listen if you want.”

“N-no, I couldn’t...”

“Please Ichika,” Vivi poked her a little. “It might make you feel better. Plus, like I said, we want to help you.”

“Yeah,” Carmen pumped her arm. “Venting is good and healthy with good friends.”

“Most of the time anyway,” Annie added with a chuckle.

“O-okay,” Ichika nodded. “I think a lot of it is just who I am though,” Ichika frowned. “When I was little, I was okay for the most part. Life was good, and I was happy enough. I had friends and played with others a lot. But as I got older that started to change, people started treating me differently. People started putting all of these weird expectations on me. They acted me like I had to be good at math, have good grades, be really talented with instruments.”

“It got especially bad in junior high when this group kept asking me about anime and stuff,” she continued. “I mean, I enjoy some of it, but they would act like I was some expert on it and asking me about Japan even though I’ve never even been there. It just kept happening like that over and over. It all just got to be so much,” she sighed. “No one cared about me, they just wanted me to be their friend for all these weird ideas they had about me. Bianca was the only one who treated me like a person. Everyone else though, I don’t even know who among them even considered me a real friend,” she frowned.

“That’s why, isn’t it?” Carmen said with a regretful tone. “When I said you were ‘elegant’ you just heard those ideas again, didn’t you? Like you were being put on a pedestal again, huh.”

“Yeah. I’ve been told I’m elegant a lot. It kinda creeps me out. It feels like everyone sees me as their doll or something. I hate it. Even when I know someone means well, and is trying to compliment me, my mind just feels like it constricts on that feeling,” she gripped her dress.

“Yeah. It’s really uncomfortable when people do that. It’s like they’re seeing some...thing, and not you. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I know how upsetting it can be,” Carmen frowned.

“Thank you, Carmen,” Ichika gave a quiet smile. “But if only that was all it was,” she began looking at her hands. “When all of this started, when I became like this, I was terrified. It was like all my feelings about how people saw me, and how empty it made me feel just started leaking out. I it was like the world was telling me I have to be the quiet submissive girl everyone saw me as. Or even worse, that that really was all I ever was. I felt myself slipping even further away, I just wanted to be alone and disappear.”

“That’s crap!” Carmen argued. “This isn’t all you are. None of that should define you and...but...”

“Carmen...” Vivi frowned, taking her hand. “It’s okay,” she smiled.

“Carmen’s right. Those don’t have to define you,” Annie nodded. “It will probably follow you for the rest of your life. I can’t just tell you that resisting those ideas will make everything better, and you’ll probably face worse. But, if you want, I think all of us would like to help support you. We’d like to be your friends.”

“You’re all,” Ichika teared up again. “Thank you.”

“There’s no reason to thank us, silly,” Vivi grinned. “It’s what friends are for.”

“Thank you Vivi,” Ichika smiled as Annie and Carmen traded a confused glance. “It... I’m really thankful for all you all listening to me like this. And, um, if you want, you could call me Chi,” she blushed, slightly embarassed.

“Chi, huh,” Vivi giggled. “Sure, thing Chi!”

“Bzzzt” Chi’s phone buzzed.

“Oh?” she pulled her phone from her sash. She poked at it for a second before giving a quiet chuckle. “Sorry everyone, it looks like I have to go. Bianca’s mom wants to pick us up and get some food before heading home. Would you mind if we met up again tomorrow? I’d really like to talk with you all some more.”

“Of course, we’d be happy to,” Annie chucked. “Besides, we should be getting going ourselves,” she chuckled as they all got up and headed out.

“Chi!” Bianca waved as the approached the passage. Chi giggled as she approached her. “You seem to be in better spirits,” she smiled.

“Yeah,” Chi smiled before pulling Bianca in for a hug. “Thanks for worrying about me Bianca.”

“Aww, of course,” Bianca giggled. “I’ll take care of her from here, thanks everyone!” she waved. She stopped and blinked for a moment as she noticed Vivi.


“Oh, no, it’s nothing,” she shook her head. “Later girls!” the two of them waved once more before heading for their car. There was a somewhat comfortable silence, at least for Vivi, for a moment before Carmen spoke up.

“Um, uh,” Carmen tried to speak, unable to find the words. “I have a lot of questions right now, but I think I’m too spent to talk about it right now. But uh, she was calling you Vivi earlier, right?” Vivi nodded. “Can we talk later?”

“Of course, Carmen,” she smiled.

“Uh, well, goodnight then,” Carmen nodded before backing away back. “I’ll, uh, see you two tomorrow.”

“What was that all about?” Vivi tilted her head as Annie gave a complicated look at Vivi before finally smiling.

“Hey, let’s get back to my place, okay?”


* * *

The drive home was rather similar to the way over. Obnoxious drivers, a few flashes of anger, but mostly calm and peaceful. The two were rather tired as the entered the apartment, Vivi still managing to retain a smile despite the weariness. Annie sighed and looked at her.

“So, uh, Vivi,” Annie looked at her concernedly.

“Yes’m?” she spun around to face her.

“So, uh,” she scratched her cheek. “This might come across poorly, but are you still Jackie then...or...?” Annie asked.

“Oh, uh, right,” Vivi frowned as if coming to an unfortunate realization. “That’s... I... um... I’m... I guess… i-it’s complicated,” she stammered. “I’m friendly though, I promise. I just want what’s best for everyone,” she smiled. “I just want to help.”

Annie chuckled. “Yeah, I think that’s true.”

“You believe me?”

“Mhm, you seem rather kind and genuine, and you managed to get Chi to open up to you too. I don’t really see any reason to doubt you at the moment,” she smiled. “I’m just really confused is all.”

“I see,” she frowned. “I… I don’t really know what to say to be honest. Jackie and I…”

“It’s okay. You can take your time. Both you and Jackie. If you’re not ready to talk about it now, that’s okay. I’ll be here for you when you’re ready,” Annie said while patting her head.

“Thank you, Annie. That means a lot coming from you,” Vivi nodded recovering her smile a little. “Um, could you do me a favor though?”

“What is it?”

“I’m really worried about what will happen when I go away again. Could you, uh, watch over, er, Jackie, for me,” she stammered with a cute blush on her cheeks, as if struggling what words to pick.

“Of course. You have my word,” Annie gave a warm smile.

“Thank you, Annie, for everything.”

“Bzzt! Bzzt!” the flip phone on the table buzzed.

“Oh, your phone,” Annie looked at it as Vivi picked it up and checked it. Vivi’s eyes opened wide, as if shaken by something then turned to Annie, looking as if ready to cry. “Are you okay?”

“What am I supposed to do!? It’s mom! She’s calling me!”

“Your mom, huh? Wait, does that mean you’re Jackie again?” she asked as she noticed her friend’s body tense up.

“O-of course,” he gave an awkward pause before shaking his head. “What am I going to do? I can’t answer like this! Mom won’t believe it’s me and freak out or something!”

“Hmm,” Annie mumbled. She blinked before clearing her throat. “Uh, I have an idea,” he looked at her expectantly. “Text message her and say that you’re unable to talk until morning, and be sure to tell her you’re safe before anything else. He nodded as he did so.

The phone buzzed a few more times, Jackie responding in kind with each answer. He finally sighed as he moved to sit on the couch again. “Thank goodness,” he sighed.

“So, what’s the news?”

“Everyone’s safe,” he smiled. His phone buzzed again, stripping it again from his face replacing it once more with panic. “Oh no! Mom wants me to come home! What do I do!?”

“That’s actually easy,” Annie grinned. “Tell your mom that you’re safe with a friend, and that they’re, that I’m worried it’s too dangerous to go out at night with the current circumstances,” she said with a sagely tone. Jackie nodded again and texted her as instructed. “Next tell her you’ll get home as early as you can in the morning,” he nodded once more as he sent that message.

“Thank goodness,” Jackie sighed. “Mom agreed. I was afraid she’d ask me to come home anyway. She said she wants me home as soon as possible though.”

“That’s fine. We’ll try to meet up with Carmen and Chi first, then we’ll drop you off. Your transformation should be worn off by then, so that should work,” she smiled.

“Yeah,” he gave a bit of an endearing smile. “Thanks for everything Annie.”

“So, uh, are you not Vivi anymore?” Annie tilted her head.

“Uh, no?” Jackie gave a confused look. “I’m not really sure what all that was. Everything after I transformed to go help Chi felt like last night with those guys we fought. Like I wasn’t in control.”

“I see,” Annie frowned. “Do you think she’s dangerous or anything?”

“No, of course not,” he shook his head. “I just...she seems familiar somehow, but I can’t figure out why.”

“You think she’s related to how we got our powers?”

“I don’t think so. She seems different from that. Anyway, I think she came out this time because I wanted to help, and she wanted to help too, and she knew how to help while I didn’t. “

“She does seem to understand your powers a lot more than you do,” she chuckled.

“I guess so, yeah.”

“Just to make sure, you’re totally you now though, right?”

“Yep, but after all of this, I’m just tired. Do you mind if we...?”

“Of course. I’m tired too. Let’s go ahead and get to bed, then tomorrow I’ll get you back home, sound good?” Annie gave an encouraging smile.

“Yeah,” he smiled back.