Chapter 19 – Heracles’ 10th Labor
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They landed in Egypt, and Matt was happy that Horus was there!

The Egyptian god greeted Matt like an old friend, surprised that he was alive. 

"I thought.. you were dead! But then again, you'll probably outlive us all" Horus laughed, giving Matt a big bear hug. 

"Is your mother here?" Matt asked as he was squashed by the much larger Horus.

"No, she has permanently decided to live in Olympus" Horus said

"Your... mother is in Olympus?" Heracles asked, surprised that this foreign god had a mother in Olympus

"Oh! This is my good friend Heracles!" Matt introduced

"Well met! I am Horus" Horus smiled, offering his hand to Heracles

Heracles shook it firmly, and recognized that Horus was indeed a formidable god merely by his grip

"Yes... my mother has taken another identity in Olympus. I believe she is called Demeter there" Horus said

"D...Demeter! She's my aunt of sorts, but I've never met her" Heracles said

"Oh? I would guess you are the son of one of the Olympians?" Horus asked

"Zeus is my father. If your mother is Demeter, who married my father...." Heracles answered

"That makes us half brothers!" Horus said

"Yes... yes it does" Heracles said as they both laughed together at the absurdity of being related but not knowing it. 

That night, Horus hosted a feast for Heracles, Matt and their crewmates. Amon-Ra also joined as he and Horus were joint kings of Egypt. 

Technically, Ra was Horus' grandfather and God of the Sun, who had merged with Amun, the God of the Sky.

They only stayed a night, before Heracles and Matt left the crew in Egypt to go by land to cross the Libyan desert on foot, which Matt knew would be known as the Sahara desert in the future. 

This desert was once part of the sea, but the land was raised in the cataclysm turning the sea into a desert!

After half a day, the weather was hot and the air was extremely dry. 

Matt was comfortable, as he controlled his hypothalamus which allowed him to control the temperature of his body, allowing him to stay cool, even with clothes on. 

Heracles on the other hand, was hot, even though he was completely naked and dragging along his club, and the Namean lionskin that he usually wore. 

Matt offered to carry his bow and arrows for him, an attempt to keep him happy.

"Aaaah fuck! It's too hot!" Heracles yelled and grabbed the bow from Matt and aimed an arrow at the sun!

"What are you trying to do?" Matt asked

"I'll shoot down the blasted sun!" he said and shot an arrow far into the sky, disappearing out of eyesight

Moments later, a voice suddenly sounded

"Who shot an arrow at me?" the voice said as a tall and handsome God came to the ground on his chariot of fire. He was over 8 meters tall and looked like a giant!

It would seem that he WAS the sun, as when he approached the pair, the sun had disappeared from the sky and he glowed a bright light that looked like the sun.

"The sun is too bloody hot. I just wanted to shoot it down" Heracles complained

"Well, shot me down you did. You managed to damage my chariot!" the sun god said

"You're Helios?" Heracles asked

"Yes. Who are you?" Helios asked

"I am Heracles, son of Zeus" he replied

"A son of Zeus. That explains your arrogance. But I am impressed that your arrow managed to reach me. Nevertheless, I have a duty to do, and it would effect the world if you shoot me down" Helios said with a smile.

Helios is the son of the Titan Hyperion, and is the cousin of Zeus, Heracles' father. This explained his size. Many of the Greek Gods were tall, around 7 or more feet tall. But this Helios was much taller. 

"Lets compromise. I'll bring you both directly to wherever you are going. Where are you going?" Helios asked

"Erytheia" Heracles answered

"Ok. Get on" Helios said to Heracles and Matt

However, both Heracles and Matt found that the chariot was too hot and they could not board it. 

"Here. Maybe you guys should sit in my cup" Helios said, extending his cup for them to ride in. He regularly drank cold wine as he flew across the sky, so the cup was cool and insulated from the hot sun. 

Heracles and Matt got in and off they flew

On Helios' chariot, they only took a moment as they flew in the sky probably as fast as Hermes could on his winged sandals and before long, Helios landed and placed the both of them on the Island of Eurytheia.

Both Heracles and Matt gave their thanks as the Sun God Helios bade farewell, flying back into the sky. 

"Now that we're here. What next?" Matt asked

"Now we look for those blasted cattle belonging to the giant Geryon" Heracles said

"Is there anything special about the cattle?" Matt asked as they walked

"No. I think that bastard Eurystheus wants me to get into a conflict with the giant that owns them" Heracles said

"Hmm, that sounds likely" Matt said as they crossed a grassy hill. 

Suddenly a two headed giant dog appeared out of nowhere, charging at them!

This dog looked more like a monster, and Matt imagined it being perhaps a monster similar to Cerberus. 

Heracles was not bothered and swung his club, smashing one of the heads of the double headed dog. 

The other head cried in pain and Heracles immediately put it out of it's misery. 

"That bastard killed Orthrus!" a herdsman from nearby yelled. 

Several herdsmen came over the hill, seeing Heracles kill the dog and attacked. 

Matt got ready as both Heracles and him were engaged in over 80 herdsmen, which was needed to herd the large number of cattle!

Matt was already pumped full of adrenaline and steroids, sprang into action, becoming a whirlwind of punches and kicks.

After training with Heracles by wrestling, Matt had adjusted the strength he could use as a baseline without damaging his body. At a maximum before he starts injuring himself, he could allow himself to be as strong as several men, with unstopping stamina and beyond human speed. 

Heracles on the other hand simply smashed their heads and bodies with his supreme strength.

The fight didn't even take two minutes as Heracles plowed through them, leaving the herdsmen in a heap of minced meat everywhere, happily stomping on the heads of the foes that Matt knocked out. 

Suddenly, a road came over the hill, and a huge giant came running over the hill, having three bodies but sharing was conjoined at the head. He was armed with three spears and three shields and even wore one helmet that covered all three heads!

"Heh, what an ugly thing" Heracles said, taking his bow from Matt and shooting an arrow. 

The arrow pierced the conjoined giant in the forehead, killing it instantly as his flesh seemed to rot off his skull!

"Hydra poisoned arrow" Heracles laughed

Matt looked at the quiver in his hand. He was carrying arrows with Hydra poison? 

With that, the quest was half finished and they both started herding the cows and had to walk them back all the way to Tiryns. This would take months!

However, Matt was not going to abandon Heracles, so together they herded the cattle heading towards Tiryns. 

They travelled together, herding the large amount of cattle from the island of Erytheia far in the west, to the mainland of Europe. Heracles and Matt had to take several trips on a makeshift raft, bringing the cattle across the sea!

Then they took the journey over several months, herding the cattle past Europe back to Greece. Along the way, by coincidence, they met up with Thor near the Germanic boundary, who was on a solo journey to hunt giants who he claimed had come to earth from Jotunheim!

Matt introduced Thor to Heracles, and as they finally met, they had a great amount of fun finally being able to test themselves against each other. 

Heracles had heard about Thor from Matt several times, as a God able to match his strength. 

Thor on the other hand was intrigued to hear from Matt that Heracles could perhaps be stronger than him, and was eager to test himself too. 

The whole continent of Europe suffered earthquakes and loud rumbling sounds as both Heracles and Thor pitted themselves against each other in contests of strength!

They moved around hills and wrestled, they competed in eating contests and competed even literally pissing contests, seeing who could pee the furthest. 

However, they were both evenly matched in nearly every contest. Thor had an edge because of Mjolnir if they fought, and he could summon the thunder and lightning, but in terms of just physical strength and endurance, they were each other's equal!

As they thought up of contests to test each other, they continued travelling simultaneously, and the rumblings and earthquakes moved with them, nearer and nearer towards Greece!

While they passed the Aventine Hill, as they slept for the night, the trio of Thor, Heracles and Matt did not realized that someone had dared to steal a good portion of the cattle!

"Raaaaargh! Who dares!" Heracles was enraged when he woke up, seeing half the cattle gone!

"Mayhaps brother, we should compete and see who can kill the culprit first? The winner is the strongest" Thor suggested

"Agreed! First one is superior!" Heracles eagerly agreed and they both gave off a simultaneous roar as they stormed off in separate directions, leaving Matt to look after the remaining cattle, looking stunned at how fast things developed!

Matt looked on as a cloud of dust appeared from the running of the two overly strong madmen and wondered what a disaster this would cause for the rest of Europe. He hoped the culprit would be caught soon, otherwise only their fathers in Asgard and Olympus could stop this. 

Matt continued herding the remaining cattle by himself, still heading slowly towards Tiryns when he saw two familiar faces looking at the direction of dust and clouds caused by Heracles and Thor. 

"You! You are not involved in this I hope!" Matt suddenly exclaimed, seeing Dionysus and Pan, looking carefree as always

"Huh? Do I know you?" Dionysus asked, looking at Matt. The last time they met, Matt was still in his female form. 

"Oh! I forgot. I looked like this when we met" Matt said, creating the illusion in Dionysus' and Pan's mind off his female self

"M! How long has it been my friend! You transformed back to your male self!" Pan said

"It's great to see you. But... what is happening? Is it a two monsters?" Dionysus asked, looking at the dust kicked up in the distance. 

"Worse... gods" Matt said, rolling his eyes.