Chapter 34 – The Rampage of Heracles
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Heracles' fleet of 6 ships stormed towards the shore. 

Like in the movie Troy, the city of Troy and the walls were several hundred meters from the beach. 

This was probably due to the tsunami Poseidon sent to destroy the surrounding as Matt assumed the beach was probably filled with houses from before the tsunami and the Trojans would not build there after that again. 

As they unloaded, King Laomedon tried to attack them by surprise. But the army led by Heracles was full of heroes and were all capable warriors and managed to send them packing. 

King Laomedon retreated with his forces back to the city, but they were confident the walls built by Poseidon was impenetrable!

However, this was accounted for by Heracles, Matt and Chiron as they planned their strategy.

As the many warriors sieged the walls, distracting the enemy, Matt flew into the air carrying Heracles, using his Cloud Walking Boots as they easily flew over the walls!

"This... did Hermes grant you these?" Heracles asked before

"No, these was granted by my friend, a Monkey God, who won it from a Dragon King" Matt replied

Heracles laughed it off, not knowing if Matt was pulling his leg or not. 

The distraction by the trainees was indeed troubling as not all the walls were built by Poseidon. Some were built by a half mortal named King Aeacus, who was the father of Telamon, one of the trainees!

King Aeacus was a son of Zeus, and was one of those accompanying Poseidon and Apollo when they did their tasks for King Laomedon.

As such, his walls were not as indestructible as Poseidon's portion and Telamon was breaching the walls that his father built!

Heracles got Matt to throw him with all his might, and Heracles flew at the palace with the speed of a cannonball. 

By the time Matt landed, Heracles had already killed King Laomedon and several of his sons. 

He killed all the sons except the youngest, Prince Podarces who Hesione ransomed with the golden veil for his freedom.

With his vengeance fulfilled, the six ships returned home.

In fact, Telamon had taken Hesione to be his wife as his war prize! She would bear him a son Traceur, who was a half brother of Ajax, Telamon's son from his first wife, and both brothers would fight in the future Trojan War!

Matt looked at the triumphant heroes, many of them the fathers of the future warriors who fought in the Trojan war a generation later.

He knew the next one won't be as easy. In fact, it would be a decade long siege war that will echo throughout history.

The very same Prince Podarces would rename herself King Priam, and would father the Troy heroes Hector and Paris. Paris would have stolen Helen and start the famous Trojan War!

There won't be Heracles to join them, as he would lose his life in the next few years, only to ascend to Godhood.

But would he join the way? He couldn't possibly predict his future although he knew the future as a whole.

They returned to Mount Pelion and Chiron was surprised that they won with absolutely no casualties.

He had hoped for a victory, but the walls of Troy were known to be indestructible and he worried about a total defeat.

Heracles, Matt and Chiron celebrated for a week, feasting with everyone what joined them to Troy. 

"So, where are you heading next?" Chiron asked Heracles, his former student. 

"After Troy, I have a few other scores to settle in Peloponnese!" Heracles said

"If you need an army, I'm in" one of the members said

"Me too!" another joined. 

Unfortunately, this time only a shipload joined as many of the others had to head home, including Jason, Theseus and Telamon, who had his new wife Hesione to bring home.

Matt noted that Jason and Theseus going back home was probably the start of their own adventures of legend, with Jason needing to gather a crew for his Argonauts to get the Golden Fleece, and Theseus ending up on his own mission that ended up with him killing the minotaur.  

Heracles wasn't disappointed. In fact, he was glad to even have a small crew to help him with his revenge. 

"How about you?" Heracles asked Matt

"I do have some things to take care of. But I will join you for this mission!" Matt replied

Heracles smiled a big grin, happy that someone of Matt's caliber would join as well. 

They didn't do much preparation as most of the rations and preparations were still on board the ship from their conquest of Troy!

The crew that agreed to join, all sobered up the next day and set sail after saying their farewells to Chiron and the others who could not join them. 

They sailed together to the Island of Peloponnese where Heracles decided to pay King Augeas of Elis. Heracles had cleaned his stables as part of his fifth Labor, for a tenth of his 3000 cattle if he could do it in a day.

The stable was not cleaned for over 30 years and the task was to humiliate Heracles as he cleaned dung. 

But Heracles instead directed the rivers Alpheios and Peneios through the stables, washing out the feaces in a day. 

Not only did King Augeas not honor his agreement to give Heracles the cattle, King Eurystheus refused to accept the labor as completed, because it was the rushing waters that cleaned the stables, not Heracles, and because he had asked King Augeas for a payment for the task!

This made King Eurytheus give him one extra task because this labor was deemed incomplete!

As soon as they landed on the Island of Peloponnese, they got off in formation and got ready for war. 


Matt smashed four men with his Gada, and Heracles smashed through another 7 men with his club. However, they were making no progress as many of Heracles' men were injured. 

King Augeas and his army were surprisingly much more resilient than Heracles expected, with ever changing formations to tire Heracles out, even while sacrificing their soldiers. 

"Its his two generals, the Molionedes! They are using their superior knowledge of the environment with flexible tactics that are used to confuse and spread out forces. Besides that, they have much more superior numbers!" Matt said, analyzing the situation. 

Heracles himself was ill and could only fight at half strength! 

As a big eater, probably matched only by Thor, as parts of the enemy army retreated, they found that the enemy had left behind a lamb roasting on a spit. 

Matt advised Heracles not to eat it, but he said it would be a waste not to eat. 

He had a bad stomach ache after that, having to leave the battle several times to find a toilet or nearby bush. 

He was even ambushed in the bushes, but managed to fight his assassins even while squatting in a bush. 

Matt had no way to test it, but he suspected the lamb was poisoned with enough poison to kill a horse!

They faced defeat after defeat while Heracles was not as big an influence on the battle as he usually was, forcing Matt to take command to prevent a total collapse. 

He decided that he should ambush the two generals. He didn't tell Heracles about it, because in his plan, Heracles was the bait. 

And he was at his most vulnerable when he was squatting in the bushes. 

Unlike everyone else in their team, Matt knew the future and was confident that Heracles would not be killed or maimed. 

As such, the next time Heracles ran away to take a dump, Matt was ready. 

The generals had sent an even larger assassination group, as Matt went the other way, aiming for their generals as he transformed into a raven and flew behind enemy lines. 

While there, he saw two military men standing over maps of the area, while they used their telescopes to watch the area Heracles was shitting in. 

"Found them" Matt said to himself as he aimed two of his hands, one for each general and shot an invisible bullet. 

But of them dropped to the ground simultaneously as if they were puppets having their strings cut. 

With the mission to kill the generals completed, Matt rushed back towards Heracles, who was fighting off 8 men dressed in black, with his butt covered in yellow liquid shit. 

"Uh, no... I don't want to help" Matt said, turning back. 

With the two capable generals dead, the following day, Heracles and his team managed to conquer Elis in a day, killing King Augeas and his two sons. 

With so many injured and several of his men dead, Heracles had to stop himself from charging towards King Eurystheus and his city. 

With their victory, the group disbanded. The group of young man had to go back and recover their health while Heracles and Matt also parted ways. 

"What about you?" Heracles asked

"Since your campaign is stopping here, perhaps I should tie up some loose ends" Matt said

"What does that mean.. tie up loose ends?" Heracles asked

"It means that I have left several other friends hanging and I should let them know I am alright" Matt said

"Oh.. I think I understand. Me taking revenge would probably be called tying up a lose end. Yes.. I suppose you should do so when you can, otherwise you may never get a chance to in this life" Heracles said

"Then let us part ways here, and if the fates are right, he will meet again for another adventure" Matt said

"Yes, another grand adventure" Heracles said cheerfully as they clasped arms.

Matt decided to make Heracles himself a marker to teleport to, rather than a place. This was because Heracles was always moving around like he was. 

It it works, he would do the same with all his lovers. 

With that, Matt walked around the corner and disappeared completely as he teleported away.