Chapter 29.2: Back to the 1st Floor
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Hi Everybody!

Sorry for being MIA, I had a lot going on, including having all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted Tuesday.

Anyway, I'll see if I can start posting regular again. To all of you who waited patiently, I thank you, because knowing I have people who like my work fills me with joy!

Six months have passed since the first time I came to the Hero Trek Dungeon.

Due to Mandy's schedule, regular visits wasn't doable, but after saving from past dives, we finally afforded a desk computer so Mandy could monitor me on the dungeon camera from home. She'll be able to keep watch of me from her room, and I can camp in the dungeon a few days a week.

After hunting around this wilderness for months, I got familiar with all the way things work. The Hero Trek dungeon generates most of it's revenue from providing energy to the Paganish Realm like a colossal power station, and the way adventures make money is from selling rewards they hunt, or taking jobs like logging, foraging, and mining for resources; additionally, you don't increase guild rank by reaching new levels of the dungeon. It's increased by live-streaming.

Seriously, In the Paganish Realm, adventurers or parties can use the footage they collect from dungeon crawling and upload it on a YouTube like platform in the Paganish Realm called Trekfeed; depending on how many subscribers you have, you advance in rank at the guild, giving you opportunities for sponsorships and access to big ticket items to buy. Since nobody, at least recorded/returned, has got past the Level 1 of the Hero Trek Dungeon, most videos are made at other dungeons.

[Aiden, you remember the plan?] Mandy called.

[I challenge the boss, then I find out why nobody ever clears this floor.] The plan was simple, but crucial. Today, after months or one day dives, I will have the time to make serious work on finding out how to progress.

The dungeon room was, admittedly, beautiful. At the base of a sparkling waterfall, in a grove of prunus trees, on a small island that was able to be reached by bridge, was the boss room. Crossing the bridge felt magical, almost captivating enough to forget what is waiting for you on the other side, a graveyard.

Overgrown with moss, with graves sunken into the earth, was the platform where the fight is held. I waited in the middle of the small island, then the floor boss spawned. It was shaped like a man, but was a walking statue of a warrior with a giant sword. He raised his sword, I got battle ready.

[1st floor boss, Stone Sentinel. Can't use magic, but is a strong melee fighter, and doesn't get fatigue and is resilient against attacks.] Mandy reminded me over the communicator. 

He charged, about to strike, but I was quicker. In one powerful slash, I cut the boss in half across the torso.

[Huh.] Mandy was disappointed. [He was either very weak, or you are just too strong for that to be a challenge.]

A few seconds past, and the statue disappeared and left its reward. I bent down and picked up a gold earring with a hovering ruby gemstone.

[That's a rare find, according to guild records, it gives the wearer immunity to any non-magic infused attack.]

"I guess it wasn't a waste." I don't really like fighting, but the outcome was a disappointment to me too. "I'm going to look around, why don't you get some rest. I'll call if I find anything."

[No problem, good luck.]

Since there was no proof of going to the 2nd level, almost nobody came here to challenge the boss, so nobody should bother me for a while. The graveyard wasn't typical, none of the tombstones had words just blankness. An hour or more most have passed since I beat the boss, and I found nothing yet; tired, I rested at the shore facing the waterfall. Bored, I threw a few pebbles into the water until I heard a strange sound. Instead of a splash, the last pebble I threw sounded like it hit stone.

I looked at the water where I threw the pebble, and just an inch below the surface was a obelisk tombstone. Taking off my weapons and jacket, I dove in and got a better look at it. To my surprise, there was writing; and to my bewilderment, the writing was Cheraneura.

"How... the Cheraneura only inhabit the one dungeon... right?" I muttered to myself. It was easy to decipher the writing, the water barely eroded the material the obelisk was made off, but the message was bizarre.

"Trust, not attack?"

Is the message not to attack the floor boss? If I don't it could kill me with... 

A lightbulb went off in my brain, I reached in my pocket and pulled out the earring. "Maybe?"

"Mandy? Mandy, come in." I called for her.

[I'm here.] She responded. [Any progress?]

I held the earring in my hand. "Maybe. I'm going to challenge the boss again."

[Really? Okay, keep your wits about.]

I entered from the bridge again, and same as last time the boss appeared. He drew his sword, ready to attack.

This better work.

Instead of responding, I slowly placed my weapon on the ground and sat on the floor cross-legged.

[Aiden, what are you doing!]

"Trust me... I got a tip." The warrior swiftly approached, but I remained calm. He raised his blade, and just be fore he made contact with my head it stopped. Both of us motionless, I stared at it, waiting for a response.

Gracefully, the statue stock the sword in the ground, and sat in front of me in a similar manner. Awkward, I raised my hand and smiled. "Hi... I trust you to not attack me."

Responding with a bow of the head, the statue stood up and threw its sword into the waterfall. In a spectacular fashion, the ground glowed and the waterfall slip apart and revealed a gate similar to the one I cross to enter the dungeon.

Before I could respond, a video game like message window appeared in front of me


You have done what others have never, instead of showing force, you respond with trust.

Cross the gate, and if you wish, advance to the next floor. If you wish to leave the dungeon, cross and you will be sent to "Mandy Fullerton (Owner)" and may comeback by uttering the word "Casus" to return to the "1F Boss Room" or the entrance of the highest level visited.

It was amazing, I reached the 2 Floor!

[Aiden, I'm seeing everything! You did it!] Mandy congratulated me. [Are you going to advance or turn back?]

Before answering, I look the statue, giving me a smile and handing me something. I pick it up, and it's a small marble that broke in my hand.

Acquired skill "Timeless Investigator": The user can replay events in a given space (~10m) for up to 1 day in the past. Usage: 1/day *Length and distance increase with development.*

The message went off in my head. I looked to the gate, smiling. "I'm advancing. I got a feeling things are going to get much more interesting."

I'm getting closure. No matter how long it takes, I will get back to the people I love!